Class Introduction
16:23 2Learning To Listen
06:28 3Why Are You Here? Student interviews
18:28 4Demo: Three Kinds Of Creativity
36:35 5Design Thinking In Action
13:22 6Applying Design Thinking To An Everyday Problem: User Interview
41:04 7Applying Design Thinking To An Everyday Problem: Synthesis and Insight
17:31 8From User Profile To "How Might We"
31:34Lesson Info
Concept Review With Client
So, let's actually bring Matt up to look at some of these ideas to help us narrow down and see how we wanna move forward into the prototyping. All right, so Matt, normally your client hasn't been observing this whole process, but in this case, Matt has been watching us come up with these different ideas. So let's do a little bit of a concept review to see if there's things that are compelling, that you'd like to see more of from us in terms of taking these ideas on Post-Its into something to prototype more deeply and in more detail. Okay, so you're wanting me to just maybe point to ones that sounded particularly compelling? Yeah, and you guys just take some physical or mental notes so we can use this to help us decide what we're gonna prototype. Some of this stuff sounded really interesting, like for example, the geocaching. That's just, like, having... As soon as you wrote that, I thought geocaching, all right, create art and then leave it somewhere, and then have a website or s...
omething where you would tell people the coordinates of how to go and get it. That just sounds super compelling. Also, the Tinder for artists, basically having this really kinetic platform to, you know, go and find stuff that's of interest to you and circulate your art in that way. The rap battle thing, just because it seems also very kinetic and real-time, sounds interesting. The teleconferencing critique. The international aspect of that sounds really cool. Teleconference critique, I was also imagining teleconference just drawing people's portraits as they're some external location, via teleconference. The chain letter idea sounds cool, just from a collaboration angle, and all of the challenge-based stuff, so the dare, the charity or gift versions, the sprint, and the rap battle kinda fits into that as well. So, all of the challenge-based ones kind of sound interesting. Very cool. So, it sounds like there's this general cluster of challenge-based dynamics that we could be prototyping, and then maybe there's also these specific tactics or mediums that we could be playing with, like geocaching, or things that play with physical and virtual spaces. Yeah, very cool. And you're thinking about this... I mean, it seems like, with the geocaching, it allows for almost kind of local and non-local participation. Yeah, yeah, and part of the interest of that particular idea, it sounds like I could imagine that if you're the person leaving the art places, then the visual artist could... You could leave them at far-flung places that kind of... I've left this thing in Japan, and then I left this other thing in Dayton, Ohio, and it feels far-reaching and international, just in that way, just by virtue of how it's disseminated out that way. It kind of reminds me of when Banksy does his residencies in different cities. I remember when he came to New York, and, like, they didn't announce where he was gonna do stuff, and so there was one that appeared right across the street from the building where I lived at the time, but then he also did things that were experimental, or like experiential, where they drove this truck that had these animatronic animals in it around New York City. So, thinking about maybe that element of surprise, or sort of geocaching, or playing with, pop-ups in some way. Is that compelling? What about you guys, any thoughts about kind of making sense of the feedback we got from Matt, or that maybe builds on these ideas? I think the theme that you picked up from geocaching was like a pop-up sort of thing, and I was thinking in terms of gamification, so, like getting potential art consumers engaged in some kind of gamification. Cool, so why don't we do that. So you see here, now we have, like, specific tools and techniques that we can use as an anchor to help us narrow down what we're doing, and then also, this I guess is more of a strategy of having something that's charity related or something that's dare related, but I think that's related to games too, right? 'Cause essentially, something like an ice bucket challenge or a sprint relies on game dynamics of collaboration and competition. Does that make sense? I also thought that some of the ideas that were a little far out there, like the walkabout, I think that's kind of an interesting sort of notion or concept. The concepts that I thought were interesting, just high level concepts, were the dare, the walkabout, the geocaching, and the gift idea. I think those are kind of interesting. Awesome, all right, so from that feedback then, let's build on this "How might we..." statement. So, this was meant to be open ended enough so that we could go wide and come up with a lot of ideas, but now that we got some of our client feedback, and thanks Matt, you can go back to your seat. So, let's just make sure that we can add a little bit to this, and then we'll use these notes for our actual prototyping a little bit later on. So, just to make sure we've got everything down here as just kind of additional bullet points. So, this is still our goal, this is what we're designing for, but to just help us narrow down what we're gonna prototype. So, there's some sort of game. Like, it doesn't have to literally be a game, but it's gamification or game-like dynamics. And I think he seemed also compelled by the walkabout or the geocache, so things that involve, like, movement or discovery in physical space. Are there any other things that we should make sure to capture before we move on? He seemed compelled by the challenge, the dare, ice bucket challenge model. Yeah, so we're gonna do game/challenge. And I think also naturally it's potentially spontaneity. I believe it, too, with the rap battle to come up with something creative on the spot or the geocache to be surprised. So it's that spontaneous... Yeah. Quality to things. Okay. I would say the thing that's coming out for me are framework and deadlines. Hmm, yeah. So there's like a... There's something that is the spark but then there's a finite end goal. Yeah, physical and in time. Okay, all right... So maybe that's part of this game where they're challenged then. There's a start and it's not like Pokemon Go where you keep collecting them all but then they introduce new Pokemon. Once you've got them all or this challenge is ended, it's ended. Is that kind of what you're thinking about? For this... Yeah. Particular, I mean, it's like the dare or the... Yeah, so just to preview a little bit about what we're doing is we're taking this feedback that we received, we're adding this to our "How might we..." statement and then we're going to come up with some sort of user journey where... We're gonna prototype it, so we're gonna get our craft materials back and then we're gonna prototype something like this. So we're gonna have to make more and more choices and narrow things down and we're not necessarily gonna do that by just discussing it. I think a lot of that will happen when we prototype because we'll have a very strict time limit and we'll just have to come up with something and tell a story around it and then we'll get feedback from Matt. So, in a real world context, obviously we would maybe select more than one concept and then prototype those multiple concepts and then get feedback on them and then decide what we want, but for the sake of time and for just illustrating what happens in this process, we're doing something around this "How might we..." question that's a game, a challenge that uses physical space and some sort of spontaneous interaction or feedback, and then we'll prototype the details of that in our prototyping phase. But is that something we're comfortable with where this is going? You guys are good? Yeah. Mm-hmm. Cool. Do we have any ques-- Yeah, Carlos. I just think the virtual as international or international as virtual, I think that's an interesting thing to come alive when that connection was sort of made, I think. Yeah. So that seems right on, it seems like we're right on. Maybe we could even be like, space or place specific, especially since we know Matt lives here. Canada's not that far away, so maybe it's something that crosses the border there and that's the location of this challenge, so we can even get more specific. Are there any other sort of builds or things, whether from the design team or from anybody else in the room? Yeah, Rakesh. There's actually a fairly common concept of an artist in residence. There are a lot of national parks, especially national parks, will host and actually pay a stipend for an artist to come out to the North Cascades Institute's site in either Steheken or Diablo Lake and you'd actually basically live there for a month just to create art in your medium. So they host photographers, filmmakers, painters... That's cool. That was the first thing I thought of. Yeah, the residency thing. I thought what could be interesting for this game/challenge dynamic thing, too, is thinking about live action role play as another thing to play with, because we already talked about the rap battle or these sort of parallel worlds of the Tinder for artists or things like that, so could there be artists who play characters almost, either of themselves or something that's the role or the player that they're playing as part of the challenge, and maybe that's also a way to kind of make it more fun but also less... Make the stakes a little bit less personal in terms of your art is good or bad, it's just the character that you're playing as part of this challenge. Matt's nodding, so that could be an interesting place for us to go down.
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I loved it! It's amazing how ideas can be built up : )
Carlos Encalada
This course was exactly what I was looking for! As a psychotherapist looking to enter the world of design and facilitation, this primer for design thinking set up the facilitation workshop perfectly. Dynamic workshop. Grateful to Lee-Sean for sharing his process.
I loved it : )
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