Lesson Info
2. New Gear and Software
Lesson Info
New Gear and Software
so I'm going to jump right in and we're gonna talk about some new gear and software. I'm going to start with the things that I can show you visually before I start messing around with my phone and I want to talk to you about the lenses that I'm gonna be showing you and how they attach them to the phone. So I've chosen these particular lenses because they are a really nice analog to the to the lensing and the camera system that I shoot. So primarily I shoot with my DSLR, I shoot, Ah, 50 millimeter macro lens and I shoot 100 millimeter Mac or Linds. And I want to show you some comparative shots in a little bit about those particular lenses and what they look like between what I shot in my studio on a DSLR and what I shot with the phone with this lens package. So these two lenses mimic both the 50 and the 100 millimeter lens package I have. The thinner one is would be the and the longer telephoto looking one would also be the 100 they attached to this particular device which goes over th...
e top of the camera and is a housing here, which I'm gonna attach for you onto the camera in one second. So this will attach, and this big, boxy thing on the back is the housing. So you can see that this gives you that full view off those three lenses and allows you to attach lenses to it. So with this particular model, the Olo clip lenses will Onley interface with the top lens, which, if you orient the phone this way, is this one. The top lens is the one that you're gonna have to attach those lenses to to get the most functionality out of them. There is another way to attach them as well to the bottom lens, which is your portrait mode. But you would have to switch the camera into portrait mode to use these lenses on it. So these come with a little lens cap, which is really cute, right? And then they have a little push button thing, so it's sort of really easy to slide them on. You clip in the front part first, and then you have this little button here where you push it and it snaps right in. So that in and of itself is a very simple method to get some different functionality out of your mobile phone with aftermarket lenses. And they come off just is easily when you pop him off and the same thing is true for the other lens. You just kind of, you see, the has these little indentations and it just slides right in and you're ready to go. And they come with these little silk bags, which are multi function, because not only do they keep your lenses safe, but you also using the clean both the lens themselves and the screen and anything around it. So it's like having, ah, cleaning cloths that you would carry around in your camera bag. The other thing that attaches to these lenses is a little lens shade, which anybody who's shooting regular DSLR lenses knows that this really helps when you're trying to keep lens flare and some other sort of ancillary light out of your lens. So they've thought of everything, and they really made it functional for you, and then this will not work with your case, this particular clip, But Olo Clip also makes um, they also make cases that are specific to of the different phones that they have lensing for. So if you wanted Teoh, leave Olo clip lens case on your phone so that you were going to change lenses all the time. If you're gonna use it every day, that is definitely an option. So I would encourage you to check their stuff out. There are other, um, aftermarket lens companies out there, but this one seems to be one that a lot of photographers prefer. And I have been doing little projects with them for a little while now, So I'm really happy with the results I've gotten with these lenses. Um, So what I want to do now is I want to go into the the phone itself so we can talk a little bit about what features are in the camera. So this new camera has one very specific thing that is very different, and that's in relation to those three lenses. That is the fact that it shoots a super wide, which kind of gives you a wider view of what we're doing. And you could see my view for the day there. But then, of course, you touch it and it gives you a standard view and then ah, telephoto view. The other feature that I think is really fascinating about this is if you can tell there's a gray line, so right about where my cameraman Miles is standing, you could see right above his head is a gray line. We could still see everything that's on the screen above his head, but he is out of frame if I do that. So now I've just cut his head and the cameras off so that you're gonna understand that framing with this camera's gonna be very different because you have to remember where your crop lines are. And then, of course, if you zoom in looking, how different that might look so so above and below, you can still see it on your screen, but it's great out. So that's a no important change when you're framing with this phone that it gives you that option, which is a nice option tohave because it gives you a better environmental look. But it also makes you very conscious that you have to frame. It's not just what you're seeing on the screen, it's you have to get within the crop lines so that's really important difference. Um, one of the other things I think is interesting is when you hit this button, it's not just those three. It's actually a range, and it gives you this. Were really fun looking dial to kind of change your perspective based on a very simple dial, which I think is really interesting from this perspective. So tap it again and it goes back to normal. So if I tap the area where I want the focus to be, I can lock that focus. That's a That's an older feature that's still there. And then also the idea that you can change your exposure very easily by bringing it up or down in this particular mode, which is nice now. Also, they are, um, with this phone. They've talked about the slow fee, which basically is the same slo mo that they've always had. Except now you get to see me. So the idea of the slow Mohs selfie is on Lee that the camera will flip anyway, so we'll go to portrait mode as well. So this is also what I talked about earlier that in portrait mode you could still use the Olo clip lenses. Um, but you would need to put them on the bottom lens only and flip it into portrait mode. So I want to give you a little look of what these lenses might look like as well. Shoot with them later. But let me let me attach one. So you get a sense of what I'm doing here, So I'm gonna go back to standard photo mode. There I am. Attached my olo clip housing. You can hear that snap. Okay, there we go. And I'm gonna attach the shorter of the two. The 50. It's not called the 50. It's they call it a seven X, but I'm going to call it a 50 for my purposes. And then you have to kind of get it to refocus, because it kind of has to adjust itself. I'm gonna use our light as my demo. So this is a macro lens. So this is this is super macro. But if you're thinking about doing this with food, I will show you in a bit that what the kinds of things that you could do with this I'm gonna change this out, put the other one on again, even closer Super duper macro. Really interesting in that you can get super close for super tight detail, and it's really nice. Now you might be wondering, What is that thing he's focusing on? Well, we've already talked about it a little bit. It's my road, a light. So I'm gonna talk about what I do with this. So I have this on a tripod. I'll show you why later. But this is a portable led light, which, in any kind of a mobile setting, gives us ah, a lot of flexibility with the kinds of light you can use on it. So not only does it have an led panel in here, it also gives you the opportunity to filter the light. And I take the opportunity because I use it for food, mostly to filter it twice. So it's really soft light, and what it also does is it gives you the opportunity to change color temperature, so I not only can change the intensity of the light by doing this style, you could see it. It'll turn it all the way up to 100% but it also changed the color temperature of delight. So if I'm here and I typically shoot at about 48 in my studio. I could die a lot in perfectly. And now that light is very, very close to the light that I use normally in my studio, both with artificial and natural light sources. So that in and of itself is amazing feature. So I also use this hand held where I can operate my phone with one hand, operate this with the other, and I take the opportunity to put it on a tripod or some other. You can put this on all kinds of different things. I've put it on a long stick to where I can handhold it. I've put it on a studio stand. If I was in a studio setting, but in a mobile setting that gives me a perfect opportunity to shoot something small right here in in front of me that's going to give me like That's very similar to what happened. My studio, from a standpoint of new gear, think we have a really nice overview of the kinds of things that I'm gonna be working with today, and I think you're gonna enjoy when you get a chance to play around with some of this gear
Ratings and Reviews
Andrew is a very talented food photographer. The title of his recent book says it all... The way he shows the impacts of different lighting, different "camera" (iPhone 11) directions or orientations relative to a light source, different types of lenses and ways to process captured images in this quickie roughly 45 min. class is very practical to get someone started with mobile food photography. He's also got a likable, pleasant personality - which plays a big factor for me when viewing online (or, any) classes. He's not over-hyped or condescending and his voice is a pleasant tone & well-paced (which is important to me because I've watched some CL classes with people who are the antithesis of that and had to stop watching the content). I've bought a few of Andrew's CL classes for ongoing reference. And, after getting introduced to his work, via CL, I now follow him on Instagram.
a Creativelive Student
Nice short little course with simple and straightforward instructions.
Michael Buse
Well presented, in formative, but I'm old school and I want my camera. I am always up for well-crafted food porn.