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SEO for Photographers

Lesson 1 from: SEO for Photographers

Matt Hill

SEO for Photographers

Lesson 1 from: SEO for Photographers

Matt Hill

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1. SEO for Photographers


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SEO for Photographers

It's my pleasure to welcome Mat Hill to the creative live studio coming out. Matt. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Super excited to have you here today. Thank you. It's an honor and a pleasure. All right, well, I know we have a ton of content, so let's jump to it. Good morning, everybody. Hello, Internet. How you doing today? I can hear from you guys, huh? I have a lot to go over today. Eso We're gonna be kind of brisk about it. So let's just move on to the next slide. Today we're going to talk about photographers and how you can use S e O. We're not going to go for a really, really high level. We're going to go for things that you can use now. We're not gonna get into really, really highly technical stuff. We're gonna be very practical about it. First, I want tell you just a little bit about me. For last 15 plus years have been the marketing communications manager at Matt Group. You might notice firebrands look us up, but my crop us dot com I've been a photographer for 20 plus years.

I'm also an artist and an educator. My definition of S e O and there are plenty of them is that it's just a collection of best practices. These are things that you can do consistently, and you know that they're always gonna have a positive benefit. The technical side of S E o shifts and changes. And if you always work on that, then you're always gonna be playing catch up. The things I'm gonna teach you will generally just always work there Solid fundamentals When Google sees an image and I'm speaking to photographers here, this is what Google sees Pixels, pixels, pixels, pixel pixels in your file name. How do we relate? But we see as artists and commercial artists to Google. How do we say this is what I want you to understand? This is what I'm representing. This is something I'll be covering to tell them. What are your photographs about? I also see types of S E O broken down two ways. Human SDO versus technical issue and then offsite versus on site. We're going to start off really looking at the human and on site. For the most part, those are things you can affect a lot off and a little bit the end. We're going to get to small sites stuff. So I'm gonna talk about Google in the beginning s so that you can understand where things fit in. And I want you to really understand this search is getting very personal. In the beginning, Google delivered pretty much the same results to everybody. And then as you you started getting Google accounts like Gmail, YouTube, Google Plus, they allowed you to opt in to them, collecting your personal data and providing you with personalized search results. So you will get very different results when you logged in versus log out and one of the coolest ways to find out what everybody could see. And this is the hypothetical. Everybody is to use the incognito on chrome very fast way. If you open an incognito window, then you the nothing is tracked and you can see sort of naked results that way. Ford. So taking a look at a CERP, you might have heard the acronym CERP stands for search engines Results page. I might use the acronym. I don't like acronyms a lot, but when I say it is just for brevity and speed, he will have to say Search engine results page a lot during this presentation. So in this CERP, I am not logged in. And I said, Google search results personalized these air, all the natural results and there's no organic. I'm sorry. There's no ads over on the right right now, which is pretty cool. And then when I log in, there's really no change between them. But that's not always gonna happen when I Google hipster wedding photographer N. Y C. And I'm not logged in. You see the difference, says Matt, Up here announces you. Somehow my my boxes are a little off. You have to forget that, Uh, so I have advertisements over here. These are all paid for When you see those, understand that somebody crafted that add their wrote those words they're paying for every click. That's what's called PPC or pay per click advertising. It's necessary for Golden. For Google to have a great search engine, they have to pay for it somehow. So you also see that they could be yellow and up here. Everything below the yellow is what's called organic results, and those air all ads over there with a different search not logged in portrait photography. Grand Rapids I'm getting a little a different kind of photography, a different location. The United States. There's still some advertising. I'm not logged in and you'll see this is for Wyoming, Michigan. And over here we have woodland. We're starting to see some phone numbers and other stuff of photographers that advertising how to reach them. It's a good thing, but when I log in, I see different things. Uh, some of these ads are different, not logged in, logged in. And if you refresh, you'll see different ads to because they don't want to pay for every impression. Book Event Photographer San Diego This has a bourbon I want to book. I want to do something and this is not logged in. So this is San Diego, California Down here we have hire photographers in San Diego Gig Salad. This is a listing agency where you can get yourself listed Third space hosts volunteer opportunities. These are not necessarily a single person that has one, so there's an opportunity here for somebody. If you wanted to be an event photographer in San Diego, there's a top slot waiting to be had for a single person instead of an agency. When I'm logged in, it gets more specific. Switching between these three ads Change. Now. When I did another search, this one, we're going to take a deeper dive into product Photographer Manhattan. I'm not logged in. Here I am. Log in here. Nothing changed except for the ads, not even the map stuff. But I want to show you some very important things starting to understand the S e o. Part of this. The title that you see here is the page title of that Web page. So this was written by somebody. New York City product photography Uptown Manhattan in the person's name product photographer Manhattan. There, in bold product photography, Manhattan Google is going to make those bold so that you can see them quicker. The second thing you see here is what's called the meta description easily, easily missed by many people. Build a website. This is important that you rate this yourself. Otherwise it's going to be one of two things is gonna be the first text that Google finds on page. If you have text on your page at all because your photographer you might not or it's gonna pick something that Google may pick something that they think is appropriate for this result And that page title. You want to be in control of these things from many reasons, but understanding where they come from is part of it. So this you have control over and this you may have control over they. Even if you read a great page description, there's no guarantee that they're going to take it. So when you switch over to maps, this is the old Google maps, and people search for stuff by region, right? Like I want to find something near me because I need to have I need to satisfy a commercial need. I need to find us somebody to give me something. Product photographer Manhattan. These are ads, and I'm gonna show you how to get to those later. And then These are listings. There are also shown up here. If you clicked on that map right there, it would have taken you to this. But this is the old Google Maps. They're recently rolled out the bait of the new one, and it looks like this drastically different full screen and you don't see the list of top results here. See? So the list of top results here before you have to click on this to get to it. So they've changed how the things are displayed, but not what's displayed. All these red marks match that search query. And if you click on any of them, you can click on top reviewers or your circles. This is fantastic. You can now narrow down. And here is the power of Google. Plus coming in everybody will. Trying to wonder about how Google Plus is gonna play into this about your circles. If you click on your circles, you're going to see results show up of people that you've circled on Google. Plus it's fascinating. So I clicked on your circles and the low most store would have shop before is in my circle. So that was the first thing that showed up. I didn't even choose it. I just clicked on your circles and this happened. Now this is personalized search showing up here like Oh, this is within my sphere of influence. I've chosen these people as influencers in my life is showing up on maps now to think about pervasive it is, and I just clicked around and I saw that there's other people around and then uptown. This is an ad. This is from Google AdWords Express. At the end of we're gonna talk about Google Local. You can send up to deliver ads on Google Maps, so we'll talk about that later. And this slide I just wanted to show you is really There's a lot of competition for photography in New York City. If you ever wondering why it's hard to get a job as a photographer in New York City. Look at all the red dots. So I'm glad that I have a niche of a niche of a niche, because if I was just a photographer, I'd have a hard time finding work because there's lots of them out there. But what about Mobile? Does These were all screenshots from a computer matter, but he uses a computer like what? If you're on the go. This is an IPad mini using WiFi, not three G. And this is safari lists pretty much the same stuff we saw, except the ads are at the top. There's no room for a sidebar, so you don't see ads next organic. You see advertising first then you see organics. Your scroll down here is that map again. And if you click on any one of these maps, it's gonna Well, this was before the IOS update came out two days ago. It's gonna ask you for location. It might look different now whether essentially will be the same permission. Then you go to this page, which is still in safari, and you choose one of these photographers, it's gonna say directions. You're using a touch device now they're assuming they can give you directions. They did this on the screen to, but it's even more important because you could be walking around with this in your hands. You might drive, might ride a bike. You might walk. And if you scroll down even further, you're gonna see something very, very, very important. I recommend that if you have customers that love you, send them to your Google local page and say, I would really, really appreciate if you leave a review for me. Is it like gold? If you could see how Maney reviews somebody has when you click in, that's influential their stars. People love stars, they really dio So these show up in the listings to how many reviews you have and what the the average number of stars were. So if I click into the map, it takes me into the maps here. Google maps within the Safari browser. This is on the app now. It took me over to Google Maps app in the search term, it zooms out and give me one result. It doesn't show a lot of red dots. This was the first organic result using the Google Maps APP. This is a result of S CEO. This is a result of having your website up to date and your Google local setting is done. We're gonna take a look at that a little bit later. When you zoom in a pinch in, you're going to see that there's more and more red dots. And then this is the listing Add that we saw before, just optimized for a touch screen. So this is where it says one review. Imagine if you had 10 reviews you versus somebody with no reviews. Which one did you click on? First Reviews? Obviously. So maybe in your thank you emails when you send somebody like that was great. I appreciate doing work with you. By the way, if you use Google, I'd really like you to click on this link and leave me an honest review or however you want a bargain with them. So this is again the review seem information displayed a different way on a different device, but the information is still there. It's still relevant now, really mobile. What if somebody's using a phone? Action changes now you can touch and call, so if you have your your telephone number there, somebody can just touch it, and suddenly you have direct contact with them. It's completely different than using computer. The context changes because you might need somebody right now. And if that telephone numbers there, you have decreased the friction to the point where if they really want, if you made a compelling argument right here, they're going to call you just ship samples to our studio. Request a quote by phone or online. There's the action request a coat quote. There's the verb call. It's a nice combination, scrolling down really, really. Interestingly, where the map is here, you know, have a range feature going to see within 1/2 mile mile, five miles or 20 miles. Very, very, very hyper local options, and they are catered to the phone that you're using. I wish my red boxes didn't move over. So these again call directions. The actions changed. You could go to a website. But if you're on mobile, these air first for a reason, because you're more likely to call somebody because you might want something. Now, you're not a casual browser. You're not really researching something while you're walking around with your phone. You generally are going from one place to another in that other place could be this. So verbs are different again. Same information where it is, how to find that person where it is on the map. These are the photos that are associated with your account. This is why you must upload photos and I'll show you that there's the review again. Map photos. And then these are the rest of the organic results. So we we saw some ads. We saw the first organic results. We saw the map location, which is personalized. Search like this person is geographically close to you. Now we're seeing the first organic results after all of that. So getting in the other stuff together in addition to your website is important, and I'm gonna show you again a little bit later. So completing your Google plus profile should be very high on your list and the Google local profile. I did as a uh, for those of you that purchased the creativelive, uh, said that we have here. I did a small video about to have a complete your profile for Google local and also to how to start an AdWords express thing. So that's a bonus for people that purchase into this, um And then again leaving feedback. Put it higher on your list because every piece of valid feedback that you get from your customers adds into that on your website and everywhere you dio. If this is how you want people to find you, which is the least frictionless way to do it, always list your phone number, get them to call you because that is the fastest way for them to find out who you are and for you to make a great impression on them by voice and then be aware that people are going to consume this information in many ways, and whatever the tool is today. It's gonna be different in three years. But the information had a contact. You should always be in the right places. So at this point, you might ask why? Why s CEO? Because a CEO is really hot. It's sort of mystical. Sometimes it feels like voodoo. Um, I boiled it down to this. To be found with someone seeks your talents is talents and services. That's really the purpose of S e O. You want to be found when somebody wants you At the core is language because we speak two languages as photographers. One language is what we used to get our jobs, which is English or whatever we speak. You know, we use words to talk to people. We write up quotes. The other is the photography that we use. Machines don't understand photography because it's a bunch of pixels. So using language appropriately and studying how you use the language is at the core of understanding Aecio writing for your website. This is one thing that a lot of people don't really get In the beginning, every page as only one purpose you might have multiple things that they can do on the page But you should decide what is the most important purpose of this page that goes in the page title in the medicine Corruption. What is the action you want them do on that page? And I work from general to specific toe location as a business that has, you know, you're not global. You're not national as a business. You want people to know where you are. You want them to know what niche you have and your general categories photography. So for all of you on the Internet, if you visit this bit Lee Link on should be posting the chat room to we're going to take a look at my website map. Now. I made a big grid on Google docks of every single page on my website, and here is a small sampling of it. I just want to walk you through it when you approach improving your website. This is a simple way to do it in. The first thing is the name of that page in the Websites menu. This is what the human side of it where people see because it might be short for a reason because it fits into the menu. You're not gonna put a five word, you know, in the title of something like Come Here to Buy something, It's gonna be purchased Primary purpose The u R L The Actual Earl the page title that I wrote the meta description that I wrote. And if there's a secondary action that I want them to dio so started the top on my home page. My purpose was the feature. My most important project. That's what I chose was most important and allow the visitor to see all things I pursue in a simple way of one page. This is what guided me about making all my decisions about for my homepage, the page titles, night photography and cut paper art in New York City. Matt Hill in my telephone number. So I said, These are the two things that I'm best at that I want you to know about. This is where I live and this is my telephone number. I put the Mat Hill in there because it's also in my domain, a little bit of a reinforcement there. There are a lot of math hills in the world, so ranking up high as a Matt Hill in this world of Matt Hills. I need to make sure that it's with the repetition. The proper amount of repetition is there. And then this meta description, This is something I wanna go over in particular. Peculiar Night Photography and Cut Paper Art by Matt Hill Featuring the groundbreaking and surreal night paper projects. If you saw this description and that title, among others, on a Google Sir Page search engine results page, would you be likely to click on it? It has some words that other people don't use. Peculiar, Surreal. I chose those words on purpose to stand out, among others. Think about this when you write for your pages, go do searches on Google and say, These are my competitors. What words did they use? Copy them into something right? Words that are different make you stand out. Night photography is another page display and a beautiful manner. My night photography images. It's a gallery page, the your L Very Important Night dash photography. It's not one word. It's not an underscore. Its a hyphen. You want to use real English interview RL's. You don't make sure that those are the most important keywords that reflect the primary purpose of that page page title Night photography by Mattel and then my meta description that goes with this night photography from all around the U. S. A. And Canada. Long exposure photography with digital film cameras. I wanted to get long exposure in there also, because it matches night photography. It's a complimentary key phrase, so those two go together looking at it again. They have night photography and photography. Its a little redundant. I might rewrite that. So people again, it's a gallery page slash people. It could be better if I did. Portrait's and the photographic portrait of people quirky and revealing. That's the page title. If you saw that against somebody else's says Person's name, Portrait's and the name they live in versus photographic Porters of people quirk in revealing, I'd attract a different kind of customer versus an average page title and then going down and down and down. You can see all these other things here, but it's very deliberate about saying purpose name, hyphenated, excellent page title that's paired to a meta description. And what do I want them to do when they get to the end of this? This is by something buy something, buy something, and then and these other ones here, it's just I would like them to go visit a gallery or something like that. So every page should have a purchase. Ah, purpose. And think about that. If it doesn't rewrite the page so that people know when they get to the bottom, what are they gonna do? Is scroll back up to the top or follow a linker button to someplace else on your website and not leave now thinking about my home page, I'm gonna show you an alternate because writing in the revision process is important. I could do night photography and couple of McGill, Queens, New York Queens is actually like the borough that I live in. But I think most people search for New York City. Nobody really looks for a queen's photographer, but there are some people, but not really in my niche. I don't think most people in Queens will be looking for a night photographer, so I can really considered that. Which is why I didn't use my borough. I used the whole city, and then this is, I think, what I used to have the online home of visual artist Matt Hill. Factual, well written, explore long exposure digital and film photography and log paper art. It's It's factual, It's good, it's average. It doesn't stand out. It doesn't make you stop and think Excellent marketing, which is really what we're doing here s CEO is marketing. You want somebody to stop bi curious and click. So use that the guide when you're right looking at my home page just to reinforce what we went over the most important might part of my business right now is the tell people about my project called night paper. That's what I want to dio. And here we have it again. A surreal combination of handmade paper fashions, long exposure photography Leave your inhibitions behind. I'm being really bold about telling people I'm different. That's the point. Scroll down. I also do night photography. Do cut paper art takes them to other sections on my site. When you scroll, my header collapses and it says my phone number My name. This is the page title right here and then I have upcoming events and workshops at the bottom of the home page. And for those people that feel sufficiently impressed by what I've shown perhaps they will do me the honor of giving me their email address. It would be wonderful. So I gave them away to stay in touch, even if they don't want to know something. Now, if they're like, Hey, this is kind of cool. They might give me their email address. So if they dio treated very nicely, could do a whole different course on email marketing. When writing, these are my rules. Be different in a good way. You won't be different in a bad way. Yeah, I'm different in a threatening way is not good. Eso being better, more creative means in context. You have to do searches. You need to see who else shows up. You need to put that on a page. You need to write your stuff and put it next to it and say, Which one is better? Which one would I click on? Show it to. Your friends showed to your other customers. Say, am I Is this me versus them? Do you agree? Ask around and then put it on Google and see what happens now in my back end. This is where the page title goes, and this is where the meta description goes and this is where I can override the URL. I said It's really important for you to write your own girls also. So night dash photography. If you're letting somebody else right, you're you RL's. You're missing an important opportunity to affect your s you. Now, when you put up images, this is another important area the image title you should add. If your service allows it always put in an image title. Google needs to know What is this photograph about? Now, this could be better if I put value fire, Nevada or, you know, Valley Fire State Park, Nevada. There's ways to improve it and you can take a pass every three months or six months on your website to make sure you improve things. I don't use the description here. My service happens also have tags and categories which I think are very helpful. Um, especially on the organization side. I don't understand the sdo effect of that right now, so I wouldn't comment on it looking at a different page when he added the image. Here's the override. When you put up an image. Please, please, please don't use the default file name. Uh, whatever it is that comes out of your camera with the number for your website, make a keyword rich. Stop it around. Five Keywords Don't don't spam with keywords, but make sure that there's words with hyphens in between. When you put it up, my service happens to allow me when I upload toe override that. So if I forget, I have a reminder right here to go in and override that. And no matter what the image name is, they'll display it to Google as this. In some places, you can say this is something I want added onto the end of every page. Um, how do I explain this part? I call it a suffix because they learned a lot of English when I grew up. You can have something added on to the end of every page title. Uh, this is good. Sometimes. Sometimes it makes your page title way too long. There's a character limit of around 150 characters. It just Google stops counting it. After that, it'll ignore everything. After that number of characters in the page total. Same with a meta description. It's not. That, though, will penalize you for having a long one. They'll just be like, That's too long. I stopped paying attention here, so this gets added on. You don't want toe. If every page has one purpose, you don't want to have the same keywords in every page, title and description. So think about that. I did the gratuitous self search for Matt Hill just to show you what happens. Everybody does this and it means nothing. But it's important. Understand where you show up if you look for yourself. Uh, not logged in. I got the third organic result for Matt Hill. That's really kind of hard with all the males in the world. And I have the box has got moved around, but that images of me. And then there's my Twitter. This is all part of domination strategy to If you open up all of the accounts that you can and use them, don't just let them sit. Then you will own Mawr off the Serb home page. Page one is really important thing. Everything past page one, the numbers drop off so badly that is better just to be on page one or not at all. So, and the higher to the top, the much better like number one Perfect. Of course, two and three. It actually drops down by many factors. How many people will click on that? So but this is a long game. S CEO is not a short game. Uh, moving on. If I look for night photography Bannerman Island, which is someplace I teach workshops. First thing that comes up and again, I'm not logged in. So this is not personalized search. This is General search is my page for the workshop and some of the images that I have of Bannerman Island. So optimizing for Google images also is a part of it. And when you put up your images and you have good file names, you have good all tags, then you're going to see them show up here. So Bannerman Island at night again. Here's the images these show up by Google and sometimes there might be a setting in your sight. Allow Google images to index my site or don't you should look for that to make sure it's there. Some services have that and some don't Ah, valley of fire at night, in the first scroll and again I apologize for the red boxes being all over. I had four images 123 and four that show up in the first goal. If you search for value fire at night. And that's all because I've worked on optimizing my images to make sure that if somebody were looking for that, if they wanted to buy that kind of photography, I can offer it. So when you click in, it's really cool. They give you options where this is a block post on my site, they give you the option to visit page to view the original image or the search by that image. So this is a blood post on my website for moving. Look at the other ones. This is the file name Valley of Fire 32. I messed up, but I left it in there to show you guys right? Messed up. It would be better as valley of Fire night photography, fireworks. So if I were to improve this and I could I could go back and re name this file, and I probably get even better results in the long term. So I searched for cut paper artist New York City, which is another thing that I'm interested in ranking for, uh, two of my images showed up one in two. Now, this is in down link building. So this is offsite essay that we're talking about. Now move forward. This was something I submitted. I saw that this this website was actually interested in, you know, artists that they didn't know about. So I submitted to them and they put up an article about it, and what they put up ended up ranking in the image search. So this adds to the total things. This is not on my website. This is me using sweat equity to go out and find other places. They could find attention for what I like attention for and again down here. There's more of my images that are related to this one because I allowed them in search. So these three happened, Teoh. You might Also I had a live event earlier this year and one of the sites that sells tickets put up something about it. So that's another positive result. Linking to something with my key words saying so if you have events, if you have something that you're doing, make sure that you get listed elsewhere. If it happens to be with a great venue and they are already connected with people that do listings encourage that, you know? Say, hey, did you guys push this out to the local magazines and websites? Because these things add up every single link that points towards you and uses your keywords is good for you. I also highly encourage doing guest posting. If you know things in your industry that if you know that they post things about your niche, reach out to them. Say hello. Introduce yourself and say, I think I have something to say. I'd like to say more about it on your website. If you're interested. Here's some images. Here's maybe a sample of my writing or go read my blawg. I think that we can do that. That could turn into awesome things. You know this one? I just I ask these guys if I could do something, is that sure? Write it up and send to us and that's what happened. Photo brigade And then the other opportunity is do you use gear that you love? If you dio reach out to the company? Well, I guess what I really like using your product. And if do you have a blawg? Do you have social like, Would you mind sharing it, or can I write something for you, or do you want to have some of the right something about me? Like, I would love to talk about loving your product. So, uh, this with all disclosure pocket, was there's one of my brands. I didn't ask them if I could do this. They they said, Hey, um, there in Vermont, we're in New York. They said we heard about your project. Would you like to write something about it? So I said, Absolutely, I'd like to. So this was on the pocket Wizard blawg. And that helps greatly to so again cut paper artist New York City. Facebook shows upto So one of the one year domination strategies is make sure that you make sure that you have all of your your things optimize, try and get your name of possible. I was one of those deaky geeks with the midnight when Facebook flipped over and allowed vanity or else I was actually there trying to get Matt Hill and I got it. So just because they you know, I got it on Twitter, but I didn't get an INSTAGRAM and all this other stuff. Other Matt Hills there really quick. So, uh, while this blank space on the right, they're supposed to be ads here, right? But there's no adhere. There's no ads here that's called an opportunity. That's not a problem. So if you want have to impressions on a page, let's say you have something on page one, but you like to double up, go to Google AdWords and write and add. For that phrase, it might be low search volume like it might be a search, like eight times in a month. But when those eight times happen, you're gonna have to impressions on the page instead of one. You're doubling your chances that somebody's going to click on You might cost you pennies, but still you own to. Everybody else gets one until they figure it out and start running ads to. So this is the nature of search, though, So on your hit list is to make a website map like I showed you before, Um, that Web site map. I think we're gonna go back and visit a little bit is very, very very important. Ah, adding unique page titles and meta descriptions to every single page. Very important. Make sure that again, that they have a single purpose, right? Those so that they mean something for one page and then the Urals. I did here for fun with hyphens. They should be well written to. I again add copied each page that supports and reinforces the title of descriptions. And you should rename images with the hyphens and descriptive words plus years old tags didn't really talk about those, Um, when you add an image used to be in the old days when the Internet was created, they created for people that have trouble seeing ahead. Disabilities to the old tag was originally intended for when an image was displayed. It would say this is the alternative description for, and it would be read aloud, saying this is what it is, and nowadays it is used for that purpose. But it's also used to tell Google what the images about So Fillion that all tag with some of your keywords is important. Study your state structure revived for simplicity. I, um, I've done this probably four times over the last two years, When you first start a website, you might start with three pages like, Here's my home page. Here's my about page and here is my gallery page. Or you might have multiple galleries and then you add a block, and then you add some more pages, then here as more blocked pages, and at some point you're gonna find that you have more pages than you anticipated. So, um, going back to make sure that these pages are in the rate structure is really important, and I like simplicity. So I'm going to go back a little bit here to my Web site map and talk about that. In my structure, I have home photography, cut paper, art projects and purchase. If you don't have that last one, then people are going to need to look for it elsewhere. So for you, your business purchase might be, you know how to book, you know or contact me. Contact me is not less about commerce. It's more of a soft sell. So purchase for me as a fine artist is more than you know. Most people don't book me, they just by my art. So that's why I chose that word specifically, but you can test it out for a month, put a purchase for another month. Put up how toe by for another month, put a book with me or something like that under photography. I have all of the different kinds of photography that I do. We go back here and show you so I have night photography. People have places, so I kept it pretty simple in cut paper art. I actually have two pages. I have one since it's sort of an esoteric and Nicci thing. I started doing it about five years ago. Uh, back then there were fewer of us doing cut paper art. So I wrote a page saying, This is what kept paper are is two years later, there were more of us, so it was a more prevalent. Then I I said, All right, let me talk about my process. And I started making videos, so I made some videos of me doing some time lapses thing. All right, this is good. The video optimization is another thing that we should talk about and then my cut paper about me. Page, I said, All right, I want to talk. Really talk about my process because it's unique because I don't sketch. I don't even think about what I do. I just down with a piece of paper and I start cutting. So wouldn't it be interesting if you are somebody who wanted a purchase art? Like most people, they might sketch it out. So I wrote about that process. I took some pictures. I put up videos and then process process I have on both of these, uh, cut paper art and under projects with one night photography. I put down a process page there because it's part of the story. When you're selling something, you need to tell a whole complete story. So, simplicity in a site navigation is very important. Keep it simple. Don't have 18 things in your menu. Try and keep it to five or less if you can, and make one of those the most important thing. How to give you money to go back over here. Go back to where we were while I'm flipping forward. Is there any questions you guys want to ask right now? Can I throw out one man? Yeah, You said something earlier. That was sort of a big picture thing that I kind of wanted to ask about. You said that you know, Google is a slow process like it's not a fast one And s CEOs, most little process. It's a long Can you define what you meant by that? Yes, absolutely. I've heard it described this way, and I like to say it uh, pay per click advertising is like going on a fat diet. SCL was like going to the gym and you can get quick results with pay per click advertising as soon as you put the ad up in, like, three or four minutes you're at is showing you have instant attention. S e o is saying I plan and I acknowledge in 3 to months this is going to have an effect. I have seen it happen before that. I've made changes on a website and I've told Google to re index my website, that within an hour or a day, I see changes on Google, but things shift so quickly that that could flip back in another day. But over time, over, you can expect in about 3 to 6 months, that s CEO is really going to start taking effect. So you can't expect immediate results. It's it's just it's a very, very long process. Uh, and you're going to spend a lot of time thinking about it. You have spent a lot of time not paying attention to it is gonna do something, and then you go go, go back to your business and sell to people, make art, make photography, make commerce, come back and study results and perhaps make some adjustments. We'll do. You have, like, a specific servers or hosting site that you recommend for building, like a website like WordPress er photo biz dot commers. Wow, that's that is a hard question to answer my personal one that I use the squarespace. Um, I spent about two months researching the options in January of this year, and at that time it was the best thing for me in my business. Since then, I've seen a whole bunch of these other providers come out with new versions of what they're doing, and it really rivals what I chose at the time. So there's a ton of people that make, uh, websites. There s your friendly and photographer friendly, uh, the things that you should look for as a follow up answer to what you're asking. Html five. You know they need to be h No. Five compliant. The converse of that is flash. If somebody has a flash gallery, it's just not gonna work, You know, it might look great. It might take a while load and have some fancy graphics and stuff. But beautiful things could be done with HTML five, and it's mawr accessible to Google. So that's your number. One thing is to make sure that the galleries in the structure html five number two we go back and show you some of the the back end stuff on my site, having a quick way to move your navigation around. It's something that I look for flexibility when I have a new idea. I don't want to think about the technical aspects of how to execute it. I want the tool to work with me and not against me. So this is these air personal criteria I have. So if I'm able to say, make a new page and give it a title an S e o title ASIO description, control the URL and then start adding content, I'm satisfied because I know I've taken care of the technical parts without having to overthink it. So in the service, I look for that. I also look for, um there, Riel. Stox accessibility. See what other people say about it? Um, if they have, ah, section on their side about teaching, if they teach s CEO, they probably know a lot about it, and they're tool is good for it. That's another good sign. Um, ends as a photographer. I want those galleries toe work perfectly. You've got to make sure that they show the images the way you want. You want to slide? He wanted to go full screen. And there's other things that my service can't do that other people love, which is Kenya or prints. Actually, my service could do that. Now, um, can you order prints? Do you want to sell prints directly from your website? Some service providers have the ability where they can connect with the lab, and the labs says All right, we will print on demand for you. It will ship directly to your customer. That's fantastic. If you want to sell photography directly, if you want to sell stock, then it may have a future where it says it can put it all in a carton. Download those digital files so being indexed little things like I don't I didn't want to go way, way, way technical. But every website should have this now, but it automatically generates with called site map dot xml. It's basically Ah, whole map of your Web site in this language called XML that Google goes to this same mural on every website. Your domain dot com slash site map dot xml, and it knows it can look there and see the path of every single page on your website and the crawlers. When they come into your website and they scurry around and follow all of your links, they use that as a map of where to go. If your if your website service doesn't generate that automatically every time you make a change, there's a problem because it just should be automatic. Where press has plug ins to do that. Many of the hosted solutions like Squarespace, have that now where it's just automatic. You don't to think about plug ins because it's built into the tool. Oh, and the other question. We have a good break right now, for questions. So there any other questions coming in from the Interwebs? You know, we always have a ton of questions. So let me check my questions Document for just a sec. Um, how often do you re indexed your site? There's two ways to answer that question. Okay, the the site map file that I was just talking about should be generated automatically. Every time you save changes, you add a page, you change something on a page. It's time to tell Google to come re indexing. Uh, so that usually went in another site meant files built. Google and Yahoo and Microsoft get pained and then their crawlers getting alert that they should come back and crawl through your site and look for the changes and put it into their database. You can't count on that. However, there is another service that when you get into a certain level of G Koury that you could sign up for called Google Web master tools where if you have a Google Webmaster tools account, you can go into a certain section and say, Go re index my website right now and Google be like, OK, you've got with master tools you must know what you're doing, so it will say. All right, I'm going. I'm gonna do it. It also tell you the last time it was checked and how many pages were for scanned. I'll tell you a lot more information about the basic health of your SCL when you say the last time it was checked. You mean the last time that Google actually had the crow came, crawled through it? Yeah. Great. Awesome. Fantastic. And do you have a magic number as faras the number of characters in the title of the page? Um, you know, do you go away to that 1 50? Do you, Max? Always try to maximize it as much as you can. I'm going to I would Google at this point, OK? I I've been doing it for so long. It's sort of just baked into my head, but I think I think the page titles are actually someplace around 72 or 80 characters. Right? And meta descriptions are probably around 100 40 150 characters. Okay, so and do you try to use, as you know, go up to the end of that number as much as possible as close as you can just to get it mawr, if it's really the the the answer is always if it's relevant. If if you've said enough to say exactly what you need to say about that page, you don't need toe push. In other words, like you've said, these are the most important words that describe this page. Ah, and then rest. Putting in too much extra is saying to Google dilute what I'm trying to tell you with these other words. If you keep it the only your core words, then you're gonna you're gonna get better results. In my opinion, okay? There seems to be, um uh, people are starting to do one page single page websites. I love them. Okay, Awesome. Tell me why and tell me how s E o how you optimize that for? So let's let's talk about that. Because I did to this is this is a topic this near and dear to my heart. Meet you. I I am also marketer. In addition to many other things, my my day job is marketing and marketing is the process primarily of storytelling with commerce. So these one page websites are a great place to tell a story without interruption. Somebody starts at the top and you say this is what you can expect That's your title at the top like I want you to understand this and then you have your first argument and you have your second argument, your third argument and these air all steps along the way. It's almost like expository composition, like I have a general statement, and I'm going to tell you all of these things about why you should be excited. And it's illustrated with an image and some copy and when necessary, a little bit of technology. You know, like you might have something animate, you might say, Have a color wheel to change the wheels. You know, the color of something that's on the page. Whatever helps you tell the story is the appropriate thing. So for a one page website like this, if you have a great domain, if you have great people within your niche linking to you, if you have a great meta description and page title and you use the the HTML properly, then it's a win on all sides because at the bottom or any number of places along the way. 1st 1st scroll in end. You put your call to action, you're gonna have an excellent page. I've built a bunch of one pagers, so I really like them. Uh, if for a photography website I would love to see it happen, I'd like to see some photographers do that. If they had happened. I haven't seen it yet. Yeah, it's more people that make stuff to sell that are doing that right now. It also effects the other reasons. Pardon me for walking out of frame, but there's these reasons, you know, one page. Websites have a lot to do with the tools that we use. If you don't have to tap to get someplace else, you can just keep scrolling. It's part of a regular experience. It honors the tools of the customers. That's that's another reason that I like it awesome. Thank you. And I just want to touch on. One thing that you mentioned that I've always heard is quite good is one of the great things to get your site noticed is having others link to your site. I've always heard that that's the gold standard. Can you confirm? Absolutely. I think I have something a little bit further long hair. I will move to that. The one of the most important things when getting somebody a link to your site is Please, please pretty please, I beg you to beg them to not just link your name, have them link your name and what your business is about. Like I would have people when people link to May I just say, Please make the whole text hyperlink Night photographer Matt Hill or cut paper artist Matt Hill or marketing communications manager Matt Hill. And not just Matt Hill, because the words that air inside of the link matter the website they take into account the rankings, they say, How many people trust this website and like what category does this website serve? If this website is about tennis and they're linking to you is a photographer. It has nothing to do about tennis photography. It's irrelevant. But it was something like the Photo Brigade, where they're all about the craft of photography, and they linked to night photographer Matt Hill much higher relevance. If it was just photographer Matt Hill, it's OK. It's great. You got a link, their website, but it's better if it includes your important keywords. Thank you. Welcome. I'm gonna have moved forward a little bit, and then we'll probably have even more time at the end to take more questions. Cool. So how many of you have blog's as 99%? Fantastic. The blogging is an important thing. Blog's are well indexed. WordPress is really if you want something, that's s e o highly optimized rescue WordPress with, like, five or six plug ins. Perfect. Like it's great. The only objection that I have right now. Ah, toward President. It's just from a time standpoint, Is the maintenance. Um, you have to make sure that you keep WordPress up to date and you keep all of your plug ins up to date, Um, or there might be vulnerabilities. You know, that's that's one thing toe to be aware of. You know, I have had a website hacked because I didn't upgrade WordPress or upgrade stuff before, So just it's like having a dog. You know, you gotta feed and water it. So, um, but the act of blogging page title description, you've got categories and tags. Uh, you can write every block that you write should be about 500 words, maybe more, but 500 is a nice magic number to get indexed. Every picture that you put in there should have a great file name should have all tags. Ah, and that's easy to do with WordPress. And the other very important thing about blogging is just to do it consistently. Don't do look a post in a week and then nothing for two months. If you're gonna do something like that, publish one of those eight posts and schedule out the rest. Just because you think it's important right now to post it. It's better for Google to see that you're committed to publishing on a regular basis, and they will reward you for that, so keep it consistent, even if it's two times a month. You know, it's better than twice in a day and nothing for two months. So beacon system and then optimizing your images. This is something I need to make a pass on my website, for I actually exported all of my images of 2000 pixels because I know that the biggest screen somebody can look at is 1920. Right now. It is not a lot of four K displays out there, so I want somebody who has that screen to see the best thing I can show them. But I could really probably crank down the quality a little bit and play with it until I just start to see artifacts and bump it back up again. But page load speed factors into your S e o. The fast year page loads, the better your score. So if you could make sure don't like don't spit out the biggest J pegs you can just cause I look pretty, your pages need the load fast. And I believe in with master tools. They have paid a lot of stuff. There's a lot of people out there if you just google it, you know, Page, load, tool. You can find places that will measure that for you. Measuring success. Now we've learned a whole bunch of things that we can do to affect our S e. O. I want to tell you some things that don't work. I think that the ranking reports for your keyword like you are seventh on page two. You're now six on page two. Really? They're going to change. It's going to go up and down. It's a roller coaster. It's something that you don't need to pay attention to, which you should pay attention to is how many people are calling you today versus yesterday, you know, with one of the things that really lead the business. Uh, and then if you don't know about some of these things, maybe there's something that is causing friction and your process. Ask your customers, you know, like when you're having a 1 to 1 conversation after they've given me the check and I would be like, You know what? You have time for a question. You don't say. What do you think about my website? You know, I just made some improvements. I'm really excited about it. Is there anything that you ever saw that just like was friction for you? You know, maybe they don't visit your website anymore because I have a personal relationship with you, but it never hurts to ask, as long as you sort of approach it from a friendly point of view. Don't just send them a survey, please. Is that's impersonal. If you don't have a Google Analytics account, please open. One Google analytics is it starts recording from the day you open it, it can never count backwards. Every change you make on Google analytics is from that day forward. Just keep that in mind. Setting goals is another thing, and I'm gonna show you that if you set a goal, it starts counting those goals from the first day that you set the goals and only review the day. That gives you actionable insights. There's so much information there, it can be overwhelming. There's so many numbers. How do you understand what's important? We'll take a look at that. We talked about SDO being a long game already. Some of Skip that. Here's my analytics. These are the goals. See all of these things along the side. Lots of data sets under conversions is goals. And the goalie where else? I have goals set for by night paper, which is Ah, page where I had framed artwork for sale. Uh, and then these are two different pieces of art that were for sale so I can see how many people visited those page pages. So I know that I've had people come in and they've looked at these goals, and I know they did it on these dates. That's interesting information. If I did promotion around these dates that I know why it happened, if somebody else posted, I know why it happened. But with you saying this is the most important thing in my business, like my about me page or my contact page, make that a goal. Referrals under traffic sources is another thing. You should pay attention to how many people are linking into your website and then not only how many, because quantities cool, but what's the quality? What are they doing? These people are spending three point almost 3.5 pages per visit. That's good. They're spending over three minutes on my website. I know my pit website loads quickly, so that's good. If my pages load slowly, I would not take the heads of goods there. At least they're waiting for the page of the lower. But there's I've kept most people for three minutes on my website. That's fantastic. They're interested in me and then percentage of new visits. 82% of those people have never been on my website before from this referral link. Creative life. That's fantastic. So now I have 82% of these 87 people have never been to my website before. That's plus visitor ship. So those are numbers. You could look at that important referrals air from other websites. And what's the quality of the referral? Now? We talked about this a little bit. We jumped ahead again. Make sure you know what your keywords are, what describes your business, what kind of photographer you are or if you want to include geography, put that in there like I am this kind of photographer in this town in your name and have them link that instead. That way, it'll push you up for those organic results again. Writing for other sites is great, and this is one of the This is not a trick. This is This is White Hat Seo when you leave comments on other sites on blog's Put your Websites your L, in their comments, are very powerful. You are participating in a community you're providing your voice. You're being a part of photographic community When you tell somebody I like that photograph, or I'd like to change this Orla Bobrova say you should represent yourself by putting your URL there like people can go evaluate you. It separates you from the trolls to They never put their Urals there. So put your girl in there and that also you now have a couple of places where you've commented on other websites with links back to your website. This all adds into your inbound links and this one I've learned the hard way. If you're really, really not a geek and you want the technical side of s yo, I have This is if SDO is an iceberg, we've covered a little bit. That's above the water. Now there's a whole bunch of things that you can do down here that are not chicanery. They're actually technical things you can do to improve your website. There are some legitimately awesome people out there that can do that and they're worth money. So not having to take it on yourself and continuing to be a photographic artist is an important thing. You should acknowledge that you're an artist and maybe not a technician that they just want to throw that out. Not thank you for that. That's a great comment, you know, here, a creative life way. Do promote, you know, You know, higher Stylist hire an accountant. Higher insurance person Hire these people cause they're expert at CEOs is you know, no different. Especially as you start wanting to build your business. Eso Thank you for that. Can you? Quickly to find what you mentioned White hat. Oh, just like dropping. You know, an acronym without explaining There's white hat Seo in black hat s yo ah, white hat. SDO is good guys sdo you know you're doing something that Google will not penalize you for. Black had S e o r bad practices there things that will get you in trouble. If Google catches you doing these things that will not only take you off the first page, they'll put you a page 30 and you'll probably stay there for a long, long time. So you want to avoid bad practices which are called Black Hat s yo. So to clarify their effective but they're not ethical might be a good way of saying that's a great way to say they may be effective in the short term, but Google always catches up and there's there is a penalty. You know, you might have it today, but you might never show up for years. So it's it's best to take the high road on S CEO at all times. You know, there's some weird stuff like uh, S CEO on YouTube. There's one of something. It's fascinating to me. Optimizing YouTube is not only the second most searched website on earth, it is a search injured by the way. It's the second most searched website on Earth. But it's also turning into a social network with Google, plus being highly integrated and everything that's happening today. You go on to any single video page on YouTube and you'll see how it's becoming a social network. There were always comments there were likes, but now you can see how Google plus is playing into that your title of your video very much like the title of a page, the description that goes with the video very much like the meta description. We've published hundreds of videos that macaroon and the links from the description that lead to the website people who watched that video and want to know more if they're gonna click on that link, and I'm gonna spend time on your website more than other people, so always include a link in your description in your videos. And now I think it was about eight months ago they switched over the annotations that you can put over top of the video used to be only link from video. The video within YouTube. Now you can link out of that video so you can link to your website inside the video. Why's that exciting? Because people in bed your video elsewhere. The description doesn't come with it when it gets linked elsewhere. But the annotations do. So if your video is playing inside somebody else's blawg and at the end of that there's a link to your website. What might they do? Click on the link? So that way we could do another course, all on YouTube marketing. That would be a lot of fun. So, um, going back to this most important advice? The word remarkable, I think, is overused, and I just wanted a talk about this. I see it is something that is really worth being talked about. That's what remarkable truly means. So if you're going to do things and you want to post them on the Internet, make sure that they're really worth talking about. If you're going to promote. You gonna promote something that's average, you're gonna have not satisfactory results with people talking about it. So find something remarkable. Find that that little gem on what you're doing with a huge gem. Like I did something incredible. You guys should be talking about it. And then when you post money website you some of these good practices that we talked about today and then go find other people that might want to talk about it. A telephone call is better than email and email. Better than a tweet. Personal relationships. Social media doesn't replace personal relationships. It's just another vehicle. So if you know somebody and you want them to talk about something, you're probably going to get that link faster if you call them and then follow up with an email. So if you're working on that sort of s your marketing, try the personal approach. It works much faster. I have more time for questions now, So I'm gonna go to the on in studio audience. Any. You guys have anything, but I am pretty much ready to go up here. Do you have any suggestions for making the same kinds of tweaks to pages for people who aren't using a CRM or creditable website. What? They're doing that manually? Yeah. Yeah. Just they make sure that you always fill in, You know, the most important things Page title, my description, all tags. Um, make sure you're using clean HTML. You can go find on validator someplace like the W three c validator. Go out there and have that scan your page and see if your each Tomales clean or not Clean up those if it's not. Uh, one thing that Google really doesn't like is when you know the all the bits and pieces aren't in the right way and their crawlers get confused. If you confuse the bots, they're not going to reward you with good links. They're going to get a Zeman chas. A piece of code can get annoyed. It'll get annoyed and leave. So, um, hand coding is a beautiful thing. You know, it's if you can make the experience with your own hands, Matt. Respect. You know you don't have to use a Seamus CMS exist for artists who aren't coders. You know, that's or business owners who aren't coders, you know? So it's basic things that I covered in this or I think for me, the foundations of Good s CEO I've covered here. Is that help? Okay, another question to studio. All right, we got we have plenty up here, but you guys feel free to jump in as as need be so Hey, Matt, do you have ah, resource for white hat, black hat, good practices, bad practices. I would start with Google. OK, Google publishes under their web master tools. Ah, whole bunch of great places to start learning about what's important to do, and they even give you some advice about what to avoid. Okay, so the next place somebody I admire greatly is Avinash, who works for Google. And that cuts those two guys both have blog's and are very, very active. They will always keep you update about what the newest developments are in S e o and best long term practices. Often ashes written two books. His 1st 1 s CEO an hour a day. It's fantastic. This 2nd 1 is many levels above that, uh, for analytics on G Koury. So I would start with the eso an hour a day if your basic in his blawg called welcomes razor is fantastic. So if you read that for a couple of months, you'll be close to expert status. Awesome. Thank you very much. And I'm going to kind of go through all the content. We had questions along the way. E Tappy wants to know. Could you explain why hyphens are important to use? And people were asking also, if underscores or hyphens could you go? Could you use either? From what I know, best practices hyphens are better underscores are used by programmers for other reasons. Uh, in ghoul would prefer that you use hyphens. That's what I've been taught and has been reinforced by many other people I respect in the community. Eso Google will see hyphens as a delimit er between words that a human on read it that way and honor it that way. Not necessarily all the time with underscores great thank you. And pro photographer would like to know how do you recommend adjusting to the consistently changing egg? Um, I'm not algorithm. Thank you. Algorithm of the search engines. Uh, by continuing to just apply best practices, use good words used. Great structure. Make sure that your photographs always have great file names for your ALS or hyphen separated. If these basic things are always done, you're in a good place to make changes for the other stuff. One of the big things that change for businesses that sell part products like we have Mac Group is there's the product listing ads, the pl ays. Now, if you search for something like I want to buy a tennis racket or you know a light meter, then what will be listed above all other organics is this product listing ads where you can see pictures of all of the items instead of the AdWords? But that's done through AdWords. You just have to make a whole listing of all the Prada hard products that you have to sell and then publish that through Google AdWords to get up there but above the organics. But depending on how you slice it or whatever search phrase you look for, the organics could be as little as you know, like to on the page before the scroll in. The rest of it is advertising sometimes, so being number one is vital for your niche because there's so much advertising happening now. But that could change like right now, the new Google Maps. You only see one at a time or you see a couple of things that are ads. Eso. The best thing that you can do to catch up with all the things they're happening is just to be solid on your core practices. That's my suggestion. And if there's really major things, somebody is going to tell you about it or if you just, you know, read Matt Cutts or Aven Osh once in a while. You know, Seo, there was a major update, and there's one or two things I have to make adjustments on. If you using somebody like I used like squarespace, they should keep up on it for you. If you're coding your own website, you're gonna need to keep on up on it yourself. That's one of the reasons that I switched over to using ah hosted solution because I realized that my core business is being creative and not necessarily being a geek. So and just so we kind of reiterate and this was actually a question earlier. When you say square space and you say, Ah hosted site, Are you also are these is it like did you start with a template or did. Did you code it, or can you tell us a little bit about that process? Because people were squarespace is what's called a hosted solution or software As a service, uh, you give them a certain amount of money per year, and they say here you could build a website. So you you sign in with an account and they have a number of templates you can choose. You choose a template, and then you start building your side structure so everything is upstream. Everything is done through a Web browser. You don't have to use FTP. Um, it's it's It's pretty simple, you know, with WordPress, you can go both ways. WordPress has the software as a service on, and they also have the download it yourself and upload it to your Web server. So there's lots of opportunities out there for different kinds of people or different budgets, and some people don't want to spend a couple 100 bucks a year for, you know, a website. I think it's a great investment because the money you're putting into that you don't have to spend your personal time learning all these other things that they're going to keep up to date for you. And then he can just focus on the basics like I'm suggesting Great. Yeah, I'm a big fan of Google and I use Google Android have the ecosystem that makes things really easy. Google plus Web tools. But I'm pretty negligence when I do a CEO for Yahoo being and other services. Do you have any advice? Do you think it's worth really pursuing them when Google is so high up there? And any advice you and half with those other platforms in general, Best practices for Google will also be best practices for the other ones. Um, they're playing a catch up game with each other when somebody has, you know, like the best something the other guys figure out and sort of just their algorithms. Uh, I generally don't have time to understand the other ones. I'm not saying it's a good idea to ignore the other ones because it's low hanging fruit. If you optimize for being the people that do use being, you're gonna be number 14 So it's I'm not saying it's a good idea to ignore it. It might actually be a great idea to optimize just for something else. Like bang and those people that love being you're gonna get older business. So what does that mean? I'm not exactly sure right now, because I pretty much just a Google optimizer myself on. I know that they lead the industry, so it's a pretty safe bet. But once in a while, you could check in on the other ones and see how you doing. Um, yeah, that's how I feel. What about what? Their marks and your photos? The photos to go to Google. Oh, the water mark question. What about watermarks? I believe in them because I like my logo. I think the artist and may think, also says ID rather than people just as my style, without having to apply a logo on it or to destroy it with a watermark. Uh, at heart. The people are going to steal or going to steal. That's really what happened. So if they want it, they're going to take it is going to try and appropriate things and make them sell them that are not theirs, because that's what they do. So it really is a personal decision about whether you want to put something over your photograph. I don't I don't really believe in doing it to prevent thievery, because it's gonna happen. Anyway, I think you just take it as a compliment and, you know, have your lawyer destroy them. So okay, Next. Yes. So that you talked about a domination plan of having have, ah, lot of different accounts so that you come up on that first page search. Um, So have you found a way to make sure that you're not spending a lot of time having accounts all over the place? I mean, is there a sweet spot for him? Many to have no and wait a good way to figure that out. I have not found a way to manage all of this. It's ah, I think it's an impossible task to run social, uh, end of business, uh, and create original content and maintain relationships with people in your industry and maintain client relationships. That's already five job. So I I don't have a great answer to that. It's It's almost like a squatting thing. I I don't highly recommend it, but if you can have if you use a service like tweet deck you know where you can say I'm gonna push out? I'm gonna compose my message in one space and push it out to other ones. I think it's it's a pseudo okay approach, but it kills part of me inside because I'd rather craft my message for the audience I'm speaking to like if I read a tweet for Twitter, I write a post for Facebook and I make sure that you like I use full English when I'm writing in Facebook, put full you RL's. Or if I use Bentley, I use the same Betley Lincoln off. Um, I'd rather not insult somebody's intelligence by posting a tweet on Facebook. So that's that's just my guess. Like I'd handled Twitter separately so that those people that speak and 100 something characters or just like they understand that, and they want to be full of that. But it's a challenge. It truly is a challenge. But but dominating that home page is a strategy. So, um, I would go back to relevance. If you have something good to say, say it if you don't go with the golden rule, only if you have something. If you don't have something good to say. Don't say it at all because there's a lot of chatter out there. It's kind of frustrating, You know, there's a lot of people vying for attention. I prefer quality over quantity. When you engage with the world, do the best you can, rather than lots and lots and lots over time. So we've been hearing a lot of that same comment all week from a lot of different people. Hey, Matt White, Rick asks. Can you talk to your best advice for leveraging blog's to drive trap traffic to the sites through content? Sure, sure. The your your low hanging fruit. There is Teoh, right? Really scintillating blocked post titles like biggest mistake and photography ever or 10 Best things you can do to do this and that. And those sorts of things tend to rank Well, if you have those sizzling titles, I should find the link and send it out to you guys. But on um, there was this great seven or nine parts Siris on word Trackers Academy about writing great titles. I go back to it like once a year, and I go read through those seven or nine articles. Um I'll find it and pass it on to the community. Or if anybody else in the community finds it where? Tracker Academy writing titles. Fantastic. I think that if you write great titles, you're going to have the key to everything because that is the most highly index part of anything. All the other stuff supports upwards. So ready a great titles like having great tagline for an advertisement. You know, it says, I'm setting your expectations about what you're going to experience when you click on me. Putting as much time in to thinking about that title as you did into the content is how you can help win. So if you do that and that's part of your strategy and you know that you're working on how you're going to attract them with that short bit of copy, I think that your strategy will help. If you're not willing to put that investment into it, you should probably put your time into something else. All right, thank you. I'm gonna have you reiterate, because people were asking earlier about the gentleman who's blawg we were talking about. You said if you follow these two blog's, you'll get a ton of information that websites you the one gentleman's name. I think people missed Aava Nosh? Probably Maybe I m a s h. All right. Fantastic. And as we head out, um, let me have mats, like, all right, if you only do this and I'm gonna tell you never to do this, what would they be if visit my twitter? No, I'm just way we're gonna get to that next. If you're your top thing would be to take a look at your website on. Make sure that your page titles of meta descriptions are talking about what you want those pages to be. If they're not, go fix him. Because that's that's the one thing that you could do that could have long term effects on your S e O. And one thing not to do is to not do that. Okay? I love it that tell us about your social media. Please. I participate in social media, basically. Like I said before, I I'm not out there every day when I publish something new, I talked about it. I have some conversations there, but I'm more about quality rather than quantity. So if you'd like to connect with me. I'm there and I listen My twitter, my Facebook. Like I said, I was there at midnight. I got Mad Hill. How instagram. I have a Google plus page, but, uh, the euro is very long. So it's linked to from my website, which is Matt Hill art dot com on. If you'd like to talk to me, I would like to talk to you. All right, you guys, let's give it up for Matt. Thank you so much.

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Ratings and Reviews


This is a great class for someone who is just staring to learn about SEO. There were practical tips but I'm pretty sure at least one of his tips was inaccurate - he suggested putting your URL in comments of other people's blogs. I believe Google changed their crawlers to exclude those a couple years ago. I think he comes from a very user-level perspective, the information is not super technical, stuff you would have to know how to do if you have a website. What I had hoped to get out of the class was more in-depth understanding of keywording, because it all comes down to keywords. He didn't even discuss them except that you need a keyword. For me, this class only reinforced things I already knew. I wish I could have had this class 18 months ago!

Charley Harden

Student Work