Lesson Info
Removing Objects in 360
So what I did, is I took a shot like I did with the the thing. And then I moved to a different location. It's not, you know. So this is a way to get rid of the Where's Waldo? So if I go in here and I chose to filter... The Spherical Panorama... New Panorama from Selected Layer. So there's that pano, right? And we know we double click on our Spherical Map and that pops open. It's always gonna be Layer because it's just creating a temporary document right now. So what I can do is I can grab the other one here, where I'm on the other side, and I'm gonna drop it in exactly the same place. So the way to do that is click and drag up into the tab, and my finger's still on, I haven't released, the window I want to drop it into is there, move it down, you see that little icon, that little arrow, black arrow. Hold down the shift key, and that will make sure the alignment will stay the same, and then release it. The shift key's very important, so we look at this, see one layer, two layers, see t...
hat? So now the only thing that's changed is me. So why don't we just get rid of me? I'm just gonna create a layer mask and grab a brush. Now, I'm sure you all know how a layer mask works. When it's white, it doesn't do anything. If you want to paint away that area, we paint with black. So we're just gonna choose black there. And I want to make a soft edge brush. So up here in our brush settings, I'm just gonna take the hardness and move it all the way down. Now, you can also do that, you don't have to, left and right bracket keys makes brushes bigger and smaller. If you hold the shift key, it will actually change the softness. So if I'm hitting shift + left bracket, it gets softer. Look up here. See there? Shift + right bracket, see it's harder. Softer. So you can adjust the softness and the size using the keyboard shortcut. So all I want to do now is just paint myself away on that mask. Just like that. And I'm just gonna hit control + S to save it. And now if we go into the 360 photo... Oh what happened there? Ah, there it is! So there's the 360 photo, and look at that, I'm gone. I'm not there and I'm not there. So I've managed to remove myself from this photograph. Now, that tripod is still there. And I can still do the same thing as before. Just paint in here, get rid of it. It's gone. And, you know, that's working. So here's the weird thing is if I go in here, the tripod is now removed from here, too because these photos are the same photos. Okay, so now if I wanna do an adjustment, I can do all kinds of adjustments. So the trick that you wanna do is you wanna make sure that you go into the image, you know, once you've opened it as the map for these kinds of things, you want to do cloning and things like that, do that in there. You know, compositing. As you can see, we're able to composite different layers together inside of there, we can do a lot of different things. It's kind of, it's fun. So, adjustments, once again, if we're gonna do an adjustment, see there. See, there's the tripod legs. See that in the bottom? And now that's been cleaned out, see that? That little cloning. So rather than him go all the way across, I just used the healing brush inside the 360 space. Now the downside of doing it directly on the 360 here is that it's destructive. So if I do that healing, it's gonna be gone. It's gonna be completely gone there. If I go in here, and I did it in here, I could create a new layer and I could do it on top of a new layer and it would be non-destructive. But in a case like those feet, it didn't really make any sense for me to... You know, it doesn't need to be non-destructive. I don't want those feet back. So I was gonna do that. And let me show you what happens because, you know, some people are probably asking, well why can't I do it inside the 360 photo? Why can't I create a layer? And this is what happens if I create a layer, I'll show you. So inside the main, you can tell when there's 360 documents, see that? 'Cause you see that little cube? This our main document. These are just our maps. Let me close that one down so you don't get confused. That one there is our texture map. And this is our image. So if I did decide to create a layer... Let me find something I can clone out. There. So if I did create a layer here and I was like, you know what, I can do this in a layer. And I grab the healing brush. And... I hit the alt or the option key and I paint it out. That's cool, right? It's non-destructive. Yeah, but the problem is when I move around, see how that stays still? (laughter) So that's why you want to do all that kind of layered work inside the map, then it will all stay together. Otherwise, it's gonna be separated. Does that kinda make sense? Yeah, and that's all for adjustments, all that kinda fun stuff. Okay, so I got another little trick. This is kinda more of a magician trick. So, I showed you how to get rid of me, right? And I did promise this before, and why don't we just do it now? What if... For example, I was at the space needle yesterday and I took a picture. There's people. Look at all these people. There's me. And, you know, there's people. There's people here, there's people over there, there's people hangin' out everywhere. So, you know what, I know. I'll take another picture... when the people, oh I moved! By the way, if you're doing this, here's a little trick. Make sure you move in between the shots 'cause you'll see why in a minute. So now the people are over here. See, they're all lined up over there. And I was like, okay what if those people finally go away? Different people. Now there's people over here. Essentially, I took... 35 photos! 35 photos and I could not get a single one without people in there. Do you know how hard it is at a tourist spot to take a picture with a regular camera without people being in there? Let alone, like, a 360? Okay, so what I'm gonna do is I'm gonna get rid of all of these at once. So the trick is to go into photoshop, and before I get rid of them, what I want to do is, I'm not even gonna turn it into a 360 right now. What I'm gonna do is I'm just gonna get all of those images and I'm gonna remove all of those people. I might not get all of them, but I'll definitely get most of them. So what we're gonna do here is we're gonna go down to the scripts. And we're gonna go down to exactly the tool that you know would be the removal tool... Statistics! (laughter) You know, of course. You know, I could learn photoshop on my own, I don't need anyone to tell me what to do. (laughter) Okay, so did you figure out Scripts, Statistics on your own? I didn't. Okay, so we're gonna go here. Actually, Adobe showed us this years ago. This has been in photoshop since CS6 extended. Then when extended came out, that's when this was added. Was it CS5 extended? Did they do a CS5 extended, do you remember? Mm-hmm. They did? Uh, I don't, I'm not sure. What was it, CS6? So whenever extended came out was when this feature was in. Okay, so what it does is, we're gonna click on it, seems like it makes no sense right now. But what we want to do is we want to find a whole bunch of pictures. So, I'm gonna go into my little thing here and I'm gonna go under Photoshop Week and I'm gonna go to the 360 editing, go figure. And Seattle. And here's all these pictures, look at that. All those pictures, I'm gonna click OK. So what I've done is I've just Control + A, Command + A, to select them all. So I'm gonna click Open. It's not gonna open them yet. So what this is gonna do now is this is like a stacking. So it's gonna load all of these photographs into a stack. So I'm gonna take all 36 of them, but you know what I don't want to do is I don't wanna have to go inside all those photos and create a mask for every layer, and mask those people. I could. In fact, I could just load them all in and just use Load Images as Stack. And then just go in there and then just mask them out and you know, you could do it. You could get it perfect, and it would be awesome and it would be wonderful and it would be Christmas. (laughter) Usually, I would automatically attempt to automatically align them, but in this case I don't need to because I know the camera hasn't moved. I used it on a tripod, there's no movement, so I'm not gonna do that option. So then this is where it gets, this is where the statistics go. It's a really mean tool. This is not a nice tool at all. It's very mean. (laughter) So it has all these things that mean nothing. These are all scientific things that mean things to scientists. So for the rest of us, actually, I know what some of these are. If you do 3D, you know what some of these are. But anyway, but most normal people don't know what these are. And if you do, let's hang out and have coffee and explain some of them to me. Like, this one, Kur-tios, Kurtious? I don't know. Okay, so we're gonna grab median. So median. Median is the one, we're gonna be talking to the dead. And we're gonna do it this way. So just remember that. Talking to the dead, you know, I don't know. (laughter) You'll never forget! You won't forget it now, right? All right, so... Now we're just gonna click OK and hope, hope for the best. So now it's gonna load all these images. What median does is it looks at side of the images and it looks for non-constant things. So it looks for things that are inside of every frame and then it also looks for things that are only in certain frames and not all of them. And it sees that as an anomaly. What it does is it removes the anomalies or the ones that are not inside every shot, and leaves us with only the constant pixels that do not change between photos. So let's have a look and see how it does. Now, it's gonna get pretty close. Spoiler alert, it's not gonna us completely there, but it's gonna get us a lot further than where we were. It's definitely gonna get rid of me. (laughter) So we're coming, we're coming, we're coming. 'Cause every single shot, and I did it for fun, I stood at a different location for each photo. And boom, look at that. Almost everybody is gone. I'm gone. Some ghosting here. You know why that ghosting is? Over here. Because throughout that whole period, these guys did not move. (laughter) And this one dude. But everybody else that came and went are gone. So if you wanted to get this perfect, and I'll stitch it into 3D. Let's do a whole 3D thing. Notice in stacks, see that? Shows us there's a lot of stack modes. You know, why don't I just eh? Why don't I merge it down? And flatten. You know how often I go into here to flatten? It's down at the bottom. Never, never. Control + E, normally. Okay, so I just flattened it. A lot of the time, I wouldn't. I would just leave it in the stack mode, but I wanted this to happen quickly so we don't have to wait. So now it's just a flattened image. And let's do a 360 thing. Now, we could've done this without flattening it, like I said, we could just go here and it would've worked with the stacks, but it would just take little longer. Look at this. So now we're in here. A hot sunny day in Seattle... By the, used to be the amp, what was it called, they just changed the name of it. Modern art, pop culture museum? And look at this, no people. Really? By the space needle? There's the space needle. And everyone's gone, except for that dude that refused to move. (laughter) He looks comfortable. He is quite comfortable. He's probably still there. (laughter) Okay, so the solution to that would be, in a situation like that, you would be more patient than me and you would wait for every single person to move so you know, you'd be aware, okay there's a spot there, there's a spot there, and then you would hang out for another half hour or shout fire! Or something like that. (laughter) Get 'em to move, and you would completely get rid of it. But it doesn't matter because we still have all of these amazing tools inside of Photoshop that we can just do the fine a little bit. If we're like, okay these guys didn't wanna move, we don't care. We can go in here, we can use content aware fill. You know, we've got all these cool tools. We can use our brushes and whatnot. Okay so I'm just gonna do a quick, I don't wanna spend the whole time doing this, so I'm just gonna do a quick content aware fill here just to tell you. Okay, so we got rid of that part. And you would just go around cloning whatever and get rid of those. But you know what, that's a lot easier to do on those two or three people than it was on that whole crowd. Of course the more photographs you take, the better results you're gonna get on that.
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