Lesson Info
Shooting 360 Start to Finish
What I want to now show you is how to get rid of things, how to clone inside of 360. Because one of the things that is a little bit of a challenge is the Where's Waldo? So whenever you take a photograph, you don't wanna be inside of every single photograph that you take. So, hitting this button manually here is not necessarily an option all the time. So what you want to do is fold up these have apps, and in fact, you know what? Just for fun I'm gonna take a picture of us, right now, you guys wanna do that? Oh by the way, the first photo I ever took here is fun, I'll tell you the story while I'm attaching this. First, Russel Brown actually gave me this. No, he's not my sugar daddy. (audience laughs) But I do help him sometimes and he takes care of me with gear sometimes. So anyway, so he gave me this at Adobe MAX and it was really funny 'cause teaching a class and I thought, you know, it would be really cool to take a picture of the class. And this is a bigger environment with hundreds ...
of people in the hall, and, I don't know, it's crazy, I'd never used it before, I didn't even know how it worked, and I was like, hey guys, you wanna do a picture? And so live in front of hundreds of people we all gathered around the chairs and we took a picture and it worked. So, I mean, there's thousands of people watching here, so if I mess up it's gonna be even worse, but. (laughs) So anyway, so here's the camera here, and now it's on, and if you click this button it's gonna make this weird noise. (camera chirps) Sounds like a gerbil, and that's taking a picture. But the problem with that is you're gonna see my thumb on there, it's gonna do that whole gerbil thing. So what I'm gonna do is make it a little bit higher, put it right here, now here's something that's important is, there is a front and back. Even though it sees 360 degrees, you want to put the important objects, like you guys, on a flat plane, so the side is kind of looking at the less important things like Jim. (laughs) Sorry, couldn't resist. (laughs) Alright, so, now we just go here, I'm gonna turn this on, and get it out of airplane mode. I always go in airplane mode when I'm teaching, it's a good thing. And then what it's going to do is it's gonna connect to the WiFi. And I'll bring this up on the screen for you guys in a second, let me just connect first. So we go there, and on here you'll see the Theta, and I'll put my finger over so you can't see my full serial number. And that will connect, and there it is up there. So now we've connected on WiFi. So what we're going to do now is we're gonna launch the app. So Theta is the app right? There Theta is, and give it a second, and look, wave, start waving guys, oh see? It's you! (audience laughs) See you all there, this is a product placement for Wacom, look. (laughs) just kidding, all right, so now we're all gonna look at the camera, everyone look at the camera, and now I'm going to hit the little button here and so we're all like join in. (app chirps) gerbils, that means we got it. (audience laughs) Alright, okay, and we now have captured the 360 photo. All I'm gonna do now, they do have an app on here for bringing the photos into the computer. So what I'm going gonna do here is there is an app so you can wirelessly transfer them to your phone and you can transfer into computer, and there's another app inside the computer, and all we need to do on this one here is I'm just gonna connect it to the USB cable. And there's an app, like it's probably startin' to load now, but I realize I don't need to worry about that, I can use Lightroom. So if I chose Lightroom, and I chose import, and come on, be nice to me Lightroom, it's alright, just gonna quit and go back into Lightroom again. Lightroom Classic by the way, Lightroom Classic CC. And so it just sees this as a drive. So if I click on the import dialogue box, it's gonna pop up, there we go, and there's the Theta, look at that. And our pictures are now gonna appear, and I'm gonna wait for all these pictures to load up. While that's happening, I'm gonna talk about how this one's a little bit different. So this one works the same, it takes the pictures and stuff like that, but the difference between that one is this one has a microSD card, so I can record onto the card and then I would just put the card in there. So some of them connect, some of them go through the card, and the other thing I'll show you is kind of neat about this one, is if I snap it open like that, I can connect it to the bottom of the phone, and then I can actually go around here and I can use it with my phone and use the phone as a screen and I can get a live view on the screen of what's happening and then I can take the photos that way. So it's kind of neat. So they're kind of innovative. And let me put that back in. So I dunno you guys probably all wanna start playing with 3D, our 360 cameras now right? So let me select all of these, and I'm just going to, hit the space bar, so I'm not gonna import everything, and I'm just gonna go to the last picture we took, which is gonna be this one here, I'm gonna click on that one and that one, and we're gonna import them. So there we go, look at that. Tada! And that's you guys, let me open that inside of Photoshop. Well let me tell you what I'm doing, I'm rushing a little bit there, sorry. So I imported that photo into Lightroom, and I'm just right clicking and I'm gonna edit in Photoshop CC. Now it's gonna open it into Photoshop, there we go, then we're gonna choose the 3D spherical panorama, view panorama from selected layers. And there we go, look at this, there you guys are. Photoshop Week 2018. And there's everybody, let's go over this way and see Jim. (audience member mumbles) There's Jim. You know what, he's covering the artwork there, let's go over here. See that artwork there? You know the one of the head in the tree? That was mine, I just thought I'd mention that, the one that Jim's hiding. (audience laughs) The theme, the cover art they use for Creative, what is it? Photoshop Week. I just figured I'd just have a little brag there. Anyway, but Jim's hiding it, he doesn't want anyone to see it. And then if we go around here, the view kinda deteriorates from here. (audience laughs) Yeah that's really bad. What kind of lighting have they got in here? Let's have a look. Oh yeah look at that. (all laugh) How cool is that huh? So look at this, you can see everything, and then down here, the only thing that happens is this tripod always appears. So you know, we can fix that, let me just grab our little tool here, just grab our healing brush, our spot healing brush, spot healing brush where are you? See I've gone into double column and now I'm completely disoriented. Oh there it is, thank you. I'm used to my panel like this now. When you go dual column, it's like okay. So all you do is just paint it away like that. And it's so easy to do it in 3D space, look at that, so it's literally just doing that with 3D space. Done. What are you talking about? What tripod? So you can get rid of things there, and if we want to go in here and we want to adjust it, 'cause maybe it needs some, double click on spherical map, brings the whole thing in here. We can go to camera raw, and you know, we can play around with it. I gotta share this so you guys can have it. I'll just cover the highlights, shadows, we can figure out a way where they can get it, right Jim? Umm-hmm Can we get this as a class bonus or something? Absolutely. There we go. So everybody who buys this course, or is present, gets this picture. (audience laughs) Alright. There we go, and I'm gonna click OK, hit save, and go in there, and it's already updated. See I updated before I even got there, that was fast, okay. And see how its got more contrast, looks nicer now? So, anyway, that's that.
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