Inbox vs. Archive - Achieving Inbox Freedom
Lesson 16 from: Digital Declutter: Organizing Your Digital LifeJonathan Levi & Maya Yizhaky

Inbox vs. Archive - Achieving Inbox Freedom
Lesson 16 from: Digital Declutter: Organizing Your Digital LifeJonathan Levi & Maya Yizhaky
Lesson Info
16. Inbox vs. Archive - Achieving Inbox Freedom
Chapter 1:Introductions, Foundations, & Setting Up For Success
1Download The PDF Syllabus
00:28 2Course Structure How To Succeed
05:43 3What is Digital Overwhelm
04:17 4Why Does It Actually Matter
07:06 5The Alternative - Digital Peace of Mind
02:31 6Quiz - Chapter 1
Chapter 2: The Fundamentals To Digital Peace of Mind
The Importance of Robust Systems
05:41 8The Power of “The Cloud”
03:30 9Leveraging Automation To Reduce Friction
04:55 10Reestablishing A Healthy Relationship With Your Technology
05:47 11Digital Minimalism - The #1 Strategy To Achieve Order
04:57 12What Intuitive Organizational Type Are You
04:28 13What To Do When “Life Happens”
03:27 14Quiz - Chapter 2
Chapter 3: Regaining Control: Taming Your Inbox
15Wrangling All Of Your Email Accounts
04:56 16Inbox vs. Archive - Achieving Inbox Freedom
04:07 17The Machete - Cutting Down Your Overloaded Inbox
03:41 18The Scalpel - Strategically Cutting Down The Rest Of Your Inbox
06:58 19Get A Grip On Your Subscriptions
04:35 20Starting Fresh - Creating Your Own Structure
07:25 21What Happens Next - Beginner’s Inbox Organization
08:40 22Let’s Get Ninja - Advanced Inbox Organization
08:02 23Quiz - Chapter 3
Chapter 4: Everything Else: The Basics of Digital Order
24Enabling Back-Ups
10:02 25Calendar
12:24 26Choosing & Using A “To-Do” List
09:23 27Neat Notes Snippets
11:59 28Syncing and Organizing Documents
10:00 29Downloads Folder
03:49 30Conquering Your Contacts List
11:08 31Securely & Safely Storing Passwords
09:00 32Scan It, Send It
04:55 33Managing Legacy File Storage
04:46 34Quiz - Chapter 4
Chapter 5: Managing Your Media
35Saving Sites
05:16 36Cross-Device Syncing of Photos & Videos
06:45 37Keeping Your Music Organized
07:57 38Books and Reading Materials
05:18 39Quiz - Chapter 5
Chapter 6: Conclusion
40Self-Assessment & Success Moving Forward
05:47 41Congratulations & What We’ve Learned
01:42 42Bonus - How To Take Your Digital Decluttering To The Next Level
00:27Final Quiz
43Final Quiz
Lesson Info
Inbox vs. Archive - Achieving Inbox Freedom
you should now have a list of all of your email accounts and their passwords. The next thing we're going to do is start decluttering your old email accounts. We're going to begin to clean up each of your accounts by removing auto filters and then using the archive function. These two functions will help us quickly and efficiently begin to handle your inbox situation in recent years. Male platforms like gmail have been deploying automated filters. Don't worry. We are going to add in new filters and automation later but first we want to remove the one size fits all filters that pre filter your email. This makes it possible for us to see and handle all of your outstanding emails. This will give you back control of your inbox instead of having your email provider auto read and sort emails for you for some of you who previously had this priority inbox selection. This is where things can look like they get a little bit tricky because you will no longer have three panels in your inbox and ins...
tead all of your emails will be lumped together into one pain. So let's begin by opening up your most frequently used email account. If you're using Gmail, remove any existing auto folder setup by opening up settings. Inbox inbox type, change your inbox type to default and save the new settings. Also check that all category labels under settings labels categories have been selected to hide so that they are not visible on the left menu. Now when you refresh your inbox, you should have all of your emails visible in one panel. Next up, let's leverage the archive feature after all. In my experience one of the biggest areas of confusion and therefore clutter is caused by the fact that people don't understand how archive works or how it's different from delete. So how does archive work when you send an email to archive, it is not deleted. In fact, your archive is essentially a searchable email depository search has become so advanced that we can now virtually find anything we need just by searching for it. Archive lets you search your entire email database without having any of those old emails clogging up your inbox. This makes archive an excellent way to clean up your inbox without deleting the emails. This means that when you send an email to archive, it still exists on your email server but will no longer appear in your inbox. Also archived emails will still be active when it comes to responses when you archive a message, but someone responds to it, the reply message comes back to your inbox, you might still be wondering why don't we just delete all of our old emails. Wouldn't that just be easiest? Well you can, especially when it comes to all of those pages and pages of spam emails, but we've learned that most people tend to get caught up in the deletion process and never finish. Instead spending hours and hours reading and unnecessarily sorting through old emails, the fear that an email will be forever lost ends up getting in the way of actually cleaning it out. We have found that for most people, archive is the most effective way to clean out your old email inboxes while still ensuring that you have access to emails you may one day need. In fact, in 2011, IBM conducted a study which found that finding old emails via email search was more efficient than digging around in a folder system. So in the rare chance that six years from now, you will need that one insurance policy form. You'll be able to find it in your email archive just by searching for your insurance providers name or email address. Voila email magic. Now that you understand the power of the archive feature, we hope that you'll feel little to no anxiety or attachment to the millions of emails in your inbox. And that's a good thing because in the next lecture, we are going to take a machete to them and cut down the clutter in broad strokes
Class Materials
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Ratings and Reviews
joe culver
This class is well organized and flows well. There is one thing I do NOT like is the reference to another class in the Syllabus: "Kill The Chaos of Information Overload with Evernote Webinar" The webinar has only one good tip, use Tabs in Evernote. The webinar hypes more tips if you buy the course by Charles Bird. I bought the course for $197 which was listed as a discount from a much higher price. The course is poorly assembled, out of date, and hardly worth more than a few dollars. It assembled with a bunch of short videos, each video starts after he is talking and ends before he is finished. Evernote Scanner is no longer made and Evernote no longer supports the software.