Why Does It Actually Matter
Lesson 4 from: Digital Declutter: Organizing Your Digital LifeJonathan Levi & Maya Yizhaky

Why Does It Actually Matter
Lesson 4 from: Digital Declutter: Organizing Your Digital LifeJonathan Levi & Maya Yizhaky
Chapter 1:Introductions, Foundations, & Setting Up For Success
1Download The PDF Syllabus
00:28 2Course Structure How To Succeed
05:43 3What is Digital Overwhelm
04:17 4Why Does It Actually Matter
07:06 5The Alternative - Digital Peace of Mind
02:31 6Quiz - Chapter 1
Chapter 2: The Fundamentals To Digital Peace of Mind
The Importance of Robust Systems
05:41 8The Power of “The Cloud”
03:30 9Leveraging Automation To Reduce Friction
04:55 10Reestablishing A Healthy Relationship With Your Technology
05:47 11Digital Minimalism - The #1 Strategy To Achieve Order
04:57 12What Intuitive Organizational Type Are You
04:28 13What To Do When “Life Happens”
03:27 14Quiz - Chapter 2
Chapter 3: Regaining Control: Taming Your Inbox
15Wrangling All Of Your Email Accounts
04:56 16Inbox vs. Archive - Achieving Inbox Freedom
04:07 17The Machete - Cutting Down Your Overloaded Inbox
03:41 18The Scalpel - Strategically Cutting Down The Rest Of Your Inbox
06:58 19Get A Grip On Your Subscriptions
04:35 20Starting Fresh - Creating Your Own Structure
07:25 21What Happens Next - Beginner’s Inbox Organization
08:40 22Let’s Get Ninja - Advanced Inbox Organization
08:02 23Quiz - Chapter 3
Chapter 4: Everything Else: The Basics of Digital Order
24Enabling Back-Ups
10:02 25Calendar
12:24 26Choosing & Using A “To-Do” List
09:23 27Neat Notes Snippets
11:59 28Syncing and Organizing Documents
10:00 29Downloads Folder
03:49 30Conquering Your Contacts List
11:08 31Securely & Safely Storing Passwords
09:00 32Scan It, Send It
04:55 33Managing Legacy File Storage
04:46 34Quiz - Chapter 4
Chapter 5: Managing Your Media
35Saving Sites
05:16 36Cross-Device Syncing of Photos & Videos
06:45 37Keeping Your Music Organized
07:57 38Books and Reading Materials
05:18 39Quiz - Chapter 5
Chapter 6: Conclusion
40Self-Assessment & Success Moving Forward
05:47 41Congratulations & What We’ve Learned
01:42 42Bonus - How To Take Your Digital Decluttering To The Next Level
00:27Final Quiz
43Final Quiz
Lesson Info
Why Does It Actually Matter
now that we know what digital overwhelmed is. Let's look at why it matters after all. For many of you this may like we said, be normal, you may not know any other way and therefore you may not realize the impact that it's having on your life. Oh my gosh, you are so right, Maya, you know, one of the things I realized when I looked at some of the digitally de organized people in my life is that for them, digital declutter is very different from regular clutter, whereas for me, having a messy inbox or desktop on my computer is the same as having a disaster in my bedroom for them, it's something totally different. They don't see the fact that this type of clutter is no different or that it has the same negative effects as any other type of clutter. In fact, in today's digital world where most of us actually spend more time on our computers than we do sitting around the house. This is more true than ever before. Digital clutter can impact us just as negatively as physical or material clutte...
r in this lecture we're going to bring some of those negative effects to light. You might be thinking that clutter is nothing more than a mild inconvenience, it makes it a little trickier to get to your stuff. It slows you down a little and it's visually unappealing but it's actually so much more in her international bestseller. The life changing magic of tidying up tidying wizard Marie kondo explains that clutter can facilitate and enable stress anxiety, depression and more by creating order and calm outside, she explains, we can encourage and even catalyze order and calm inside for condo. The question of what you want to own is actually the question of how you want to live your life. Many people don't believe this at first, but when they experience the difference, it truly is life changing. In fact netflix recently released a whole television series with Marie condo, where she completely transforms the lives of everyday people through organization and decluttering spoiler alert things get pretty emotional and lives get seriously transformed. On that note, let's take a moment to shift back to our digital lives like material Clutter hoarding digital clutter can be just as if not more so damaging and hindering for me and Jonathan, The question of what you digitally interact with is also a question of how you live your life, Ask yourself, do my digital interactions fundamentally make me feel better or worse. The best way to really take note of this is to try this challenge For the next 24 hours each time you handle a digital device, take note of how you feel before you reach to touch your phone or computer and then how you feel after you've used a device or app, you've probably realized that while some of your digital interactions improve your sense of well being or your sense of productivity. Many don't now don't get us wrong, we are not against technology, technology is amazing technological advancements, save lives, save time and save energy with mobile technology in the palm of our hands. It has never been easier to connect with loved ones, watch life changing films, travel the world or collect data for an exciting new work initiative. We are however, advocates for taking back control of your technology. It's up to you to decide when and how you use your devices in order to enjoy the benefits of technology. We need to be using our technology well being attentive to our goals and our habits when we're not in control when our technology is running us, then we're at risk of digital overwhelmed and just like the types of real world clutter that Marie kondo writes about digital overwhelmed causes us to feel stressed, distracted incompetent and even isolated our minds, bodies and attention suffer Stanford Professor Clifford Nass spent 25 years studying the impact of human interaction with technology, finding in study after study that technology is not nurturing the ability to concentrate, analyze or feel empathy. So for the most part, technology isn't making us into better people, but it's also not even making us into better workers. The latest studies are unclear on whether this generation's upswing and technology use is actually altering our brain, but studies have confirmed that a digitally distracted brain is a poorly performing brain. In a 2009 study nastiness team confirmed that digital multitasking does little more than produce a dangerous illusion of competence. We think we are good at multitasking but really we end up perpetually distracted jumping from screen to screen task to task email to notification to instagram our biological programming was just not intended to be able to handle this unprecedented level of digital input. Numerous technology execs have come forward and confirmed that many of the platforms and apps we use every day were actually designed to encourage distraction, consuming our time and attention each time we get a notification or receive a social media like the dopamine pathways in our brains get activated, keeping us coming back for more and more, we end up in a perpetual state of decision fatigue and context switching as our brains process an avalanche of inputs and identify what is relevant. This kind of digital distraction makes sticking to priorities impossible but we'll get into more depth about that later on in the course digital overwhelmed matters not just because it's making us less efficient or effective at achieving our goals but also because it's getting in the way of what actually makes us feel content and connected with our attention hijacked our workspace disorderly and our brains craving our next digital dopamine hit. We are unable to double down and accomplish deep work the term that productivity thought leader cal Newport's uses to describe the activity of focusing without distraction on a cognitively demanding task. We feel like we never have enough time to see our friends or our family but then we waste hours and hours answering and sorting emails and browsing through social media, digitally distracted. We have personal and professional goals we just never reach. But don't worry, there is another way in the next lecture, we're going to look at our alternative to digital, overwhelming digital peace of mind.
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Ratings and Reviews
joe culver
This class is well organized and flows well. There is one thing I do NOT like is the reference to another class in the Syllabus: "Kill The Chaos of Information Overload with Evernote Webinar" The webinar has only one good tip, use Tabs in Evernote. The webinar hypes more tips if you buy the course by Charles Bird. I bought the course for $197 which was listed as a discount from a much higher price. The course is poorly assembled, out of date, and hardly worth more than a few dollars. It assembled with a bunch of short videos, each video starts after he is talking and ends before he is finished. Evernote Scanner is no longer made and Evernote no longer supports the software.