Lesson Info
9. Publish your Interactive PDF online
Class Introduction
04:28 2Learn Reflowable Layouts in ePubs
18:08 3Understand Fixed Layouts in ePubs
05:23 4Create Bookmarks & a Table of Contents
11:33 5Build Simple Interactive Presentations
17:19 6Add Hyperlinks & Buttons
28:37 7Add Rollovers & Pop-ups
33:17 8Embed Video & Audio links
17:55Lesson Info
Publish your Interactive PDF online
so one other feature that we have here. A while ago, Adobe had what was called the digital publishing suite, which allowed you to do a lot of these interactive elements and very unique things. If you have the digital publishing suite and they kind of revamped it and made it so that was prohibitively expensive for any single user to use, actually took the single user feature away. So the DPS feature had some really cool stuff. You could do scroll bars inside your document. There you could do panoramic cubes where you could take a photograph, and inside your document you could sit there in a room and look up and down. And I mean, it's amazing stuff. They kind of took that away. And what they put in its place is this published online feature that allows you to go in and take your documents and publish them on lines you can share them. What's interesting is that it's kind of a hybrid technology. It will do some of the things we showed you with E pubs. It'll do some of the things that showe...
d you with interactive PdF, but what it's done is it's also taken in the animation element that has been added to end design and allowed you to put an animation element in. Now this does not take the place of an interactive PdF. It does not take the place of an E pub simply because there's certain functions and features that just aren't supported with his published online feature. So with being able to go through and do what we've done so far up until this point with being able to create interactive, pdf, pop ups, rollovers, audio video, things like that that all works in a pub in most cases and then interactive. PdF But I'd like to take. And I would like to publish this particular file online now to see what it does, because I would like to share this with other people OK on a post it. So I'm done with my file. I'm gonna click publish online, and it's like, Wow, I can learn how this is going to dio and you can walk through this little thing. Animus. Okay, let's just try it now and do it. And here comes my publish window here it ISS so I would like to publish my new document here I put it in description. There it is. And how do I want to do this? Okay. I want to see this. Spreads allow viewers to download the document or just a Web browser. You want it, however I want. Okay, click on the advanced right here. That's what it's gonna look like. I want really good resolution. There it is. It's gonna warn me it's gonna take longer and do that. Yeah, not a problem. That's what it looks like. And I click publish. It's like, Wow, what just happened? Well, we'll say won't wait. So it's gonna go ahead and publish it. And people are like, Well, where is it publishing it, too? And it's like, Yes, so it's being published on the cloud someplace, and it's like, Can I get to it? And the answer is yes. Where is it? Not really sure. What's gonna happen is this will publish the whole thing using his publish online feature. And then it's gonna give us a link to that file, which we can then email or put on our website and share with other people. So they click on that. It calls up this file wherever this file is being stored. Who knows where could be next door Could be in Thailand. Could be done in Texas, Argentina, Antarctica, wherever the server is people like. Well, I don't like that. You know, you can always have access to this file. It's not like it just goes there and gets lost. So there it was. I'm gonna view the document when I'm done and take this. And there's my document on its Like, I've got interactivity there. Okay? My table of contents don't work, though. Mm. So the bookmarks and his hyperlinks I'm not seeing and I don't get my rollovers, but I definitely get my triggers on my buttons to go ahead and do that. Well, my roll over his work. Okay, That's working as well on de. So I've got that as well. Hmm. Okay. Doesn't give me flash. Certain things that it won't dio like. Okay, so I was able to publish this online, but few features that are not functioning like I thought they would. Okay. And now I'm done, and I'm like, Oh, where's my file? Where? You know, how do we get it back? It's like, ouch. Thankfully, this was here on I could go ahead and copy this, but I accidentally closed the window on its like, Where is it going? Don't Don't worry about it. Going to the file menu. And there's your web dashboard. Okay, this is gonna keep track of all the stuff that you published online and with his Web dashboard, it goes in, calls it up. It's Web based. Hence the Web dashboard. And there it is. There's my document right there. I have my link that I can share. I can go ahead and embed the link. I can go ahead and get rid of this as well here. I can't go in and open this up because I have the file on Mari hired Dr. Okay, If I want it edit or make changes to this, this is not where I'm going to do it. This is just managing the final results right here so I can click on this and share the link for it. But I can also say you know what? I don't want this. I want to get rid of it because it's out of date or I can go back in and I can update this by making changes and then I can publish this online again. And one of the last me is Do I want to publish a new one? Or do I just simply want to update the existing What? Because maybe I've made some changes. I found things that functionality don't work, so I could just re upload this file and it'll right over the file. But that link will still be relevant to anybody that has. So I could go along, update this on a regular basis, you know? So you subscribe to a magazine. This is a great way to do it. You send out the link and just tell everybody. Hey, every month, just go in, click on it and you get the new magazine. Okay, Cool. But where this really shines is not really in the pdf realm or the pub realm. And there's a few little things that do carry over with this. What is really cool is the ability to go in and make the wow factor. Really? Wow. So under the interactive elements we have animation. This is where the publish online feature really is Cool. Now, this could either be really great or it could be ridiculously cheesy. So I'm gonna go in and I'm going to do something great. I'm gonna take my title right here. And I would like to have this when I publish this online, you know? Yeah, I can click on and everything. It was so like 20 minutes ago. I want this to come in and I'm gonna set my animation here. Someone take my object or my group here, and I'm gonna set it to do something. And it's like, You know what? I'm gonna have it so that it actually dances when it gets in. So seriously is gonna do that, and it's like, Oh, my gosh, let's see what this does. I'm gonna press play and it actually dances when it comes in. It's like, Oh, my gosh. So means I can set all these types of animations and it's like, Oh, I sure can. So I'm gonna do this, and I take this, the group this I'm actually gonna have this fade in from the left, so it's gonna come in and it's gonna fade in from the left There. It's like the fun that I can have. Let's see what we can do with this one. Let's have it go in. Let's have it bounce. There we go. So it comes in and it bounces and it lands right there. Okay. Is this professional now? But it sure looks cool. Okay, let me go in them to take this picture here, and I'm gonna take this and let's have it. Go ahead and fade in so I could just fade in right there on the page. When it comes to it, grab my text here, and I could go in. Let's have it go in. I like the rotate. Um, let's see. Rotate underneath a degrees now, Don't want that because I wanted to be upside down. So move and scale. Spring left. There it is. So it comes in a little bounces right there. All right? Now, if applied a whole bunch of animation here and now, this is what I can dio gonna publish this online. Update this. Let's see, update the existing document here and click publish. You sure you want to do it? Oh, yeah. Link stays the same. So you don't have to worry about that link that you sent out. You don't have to send out a new link. But now when you do animation. All of a sudden, a whole different world of crazy happens, huh? You're ready for it. I'm ready for it. If you have any questions while this is loading for the preview here. Well, that actually Jason was Amanda Brooks. Question was, when you make changes to your online published document, are they live, or do you have to republish the document to make it live again? And do you have to share a link? So there you go. What, you share it. That link is active. You do need an internet connection for this in order to be able to do that. Um, and then from Maradi to all animations, use flash? Not necessarily. But in this case, it certainly does. So it's like, Wow, look at that. It's like, OK, it opens and it does a little tilt e thing Fade in Awful. Isn't it? Terrible? Thankfully, this just as pop ups on this page here. Look at that fate. And when that bounce Oh, my gosh, That's great! Let's do that. Faded inbounds! Hold. Look at that. How cool is that? Fade in bounds. Split the link. Everything. Man, this is like two good Rollovers, Pop ups, Navigation. Get out now. I love it. Yeah, pretty sweet. One of the things I had done here with this file as well. When we had started this out, I think I had gone in and I had animated these. I can't remember. No, I don't think I did go in and animate thes, but I may have. I had tried the animation, but I think I took this animation off of this while here before he went in and did this. I'm just going to see if I had kept the animations here. Do the publish online for the that Here. So there is my A pub published that they're now. What's interesting with this is that we can do the animations, but you're going to see what goes missing from this file. When we actually use this particular method out here, we have the pop ups in here. So it's gonna upload this document because that would be really cool to not only have the pop ups, but have the fade in the rotate, the bouncy stuff, you know, that disappear. Everything Okay, Let's check it out. Let's view this document and see how this looks okay. There it ISS So, unfortunately, my little rollovers aren't working here. I don't think I included my little animations in there as well. So in this case, a little pop ups didn't work the way I imagine them in this publish online. But, boy, if I had animations in there Oh, yeah, this would have been pretty sweet, but you know, it's never too late to animate. Do the fade in, do this aid in fade in And then all of a sudden, it looks like you really know what you're doing because as you well know, any presentation you want to go in, I'm gonna update this with my animations. I shut off the layer with a pop ups. When update the existing document, publish it. Now we should be cooking. So we've been able to walk through a fixed lay out a pub. Ah, flow ability pub. How to dio a basic pdf with hyperlinks and bookmarks, how to do a fully interactive PdF and then how to do pop ups and rollovers and finish it out with how you can use the publish online feature. Look at all that fade in. It's happening wild you need to see that again. I think so. Fade in, fade in, fade in. Wow. There you have it, folks. Awesome Overview off all the things that you can get yourself into when you're working on an interactive PDF interactive layout, digital publishing, you name it in design. Has a lot of things that you can work with and do. Animation, buttons, pop ups, rollovers, hyperlinks. You got it.
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Jason Hoppe is great instructor. I learned so much about how "The Trinity" of Adobe products work together to produce amazing results. I can't look at InDesign the same away ever again. Thank you Jason for a great class!
a Creativelive Student
Jason Hoppe is a fantastic teacher. Clear explanations and instructions. Great content. Thank you!
Cindy Graham
Jason Hoppe is a great instructor. He thoroughly knows how to use InDesign. He has a great way of making little things "the best thing ever"! I watched this several times and picked up something new every time. And he reminds me of Nathan Fillion (FireFly, Castle) so I could listen to him all day long.