Lesson Info
3. Understand Fixed Layouts in ePubs
Class Introduction
04:28 2Learn Reflowable Layouts in ePubs
18:08 3Understand Fixed Layouts in ePubs
05:23 4Create Bookmarks & a Table of Contents
11:33 5Build Simple Interactive Presentations
17:19 6Add Hyperlinks & Buttons
28:37 7Add Rollovers & Pop-ups
33:17 8Embed Video & Audio links
17:55Lesson Info
Understand Fixed Layouts in ePubs
is a fixed layout. Better if you have lots of images and the answer is yes, Absolutely. So this is a picture book with a whole bunch of great images in here. And I would like to send this out as Anne Pub like, could I send this out as a PdF? Sure. Pdf's air Great. What happens if you're trying to read it on different, you know, devices. So I want to show you what a fixed layout E pub looks like now Fixed lay out a pub is something that is much newer. It's a version 3.0 E pub, and I can remember when this came out several years ago. It was just getting started because people wanted pictures everywhere, but they wanted to look just like they had laid it out. I know we're such visual people on It's like I want to look make it look like this, using technology that didn't support it. So a fixed lay out a pub allows us to take what we have here and export this in any pub format, which means I could still go in. They could still highlight the copy, reduce or enlarge the size of the copy. Copy...
it. It's still active text, but it also pays attention to what's going on in each page, placement wise and picture wise. So I've set up my content and I'm gonna go under file export. And in this case, I'm going to set my format to be a fixed layout e pub because the placement of everything is very important. If I didn't have this the way it was set up, it would look really different. And it really would lose a lot of context and really wouldn't work if it's text heavy, not a big deal. Reef. Lobel is gonna work, but a fixed layout is going to be something that I want to see it very much, if not identical to what I have. So I choose a fixed lay out a pub that I'm going to save this. And when we come up with this basic settings here again, is gonna rast arise. The first page and I had set this up as facing pages here. So if I set my spread control based on the documents set up here, it's actually going to give me page by page but enable synthetic spreads means that I'm going to have physical spread showing up just the way I'd like it. As if you've opened the book because some of my images air running across two pages or the spread. So a synthetic spread kind of an odd terminology is what you see here. It's a real spread anyway, so I'm gonna click, OK, and it'll process this. Open it up in my IBook application. Takes a few seconds because it has to write all the pictures to it because these are all images, it's writing. It is J pegs. And then any graphics is PNG's. And there is my e pub right there. So I have my friend cover and I just use my arrows to go through. And that's my IPod right there. It's like, Ok, yeah, this looks pretty good. It actually kept the content. Wow, I like it and I can scroll through it. These air synthetic spread. So I've gotten left and right spread. It's like Okay, that's great. Comes looks really good. Okay, Awesome. Love it. Beautiful. You want to see what this looks like is a re flow believe pub just to get a quick idea of how this actually works. So with this, I'm gonna go back on im and export this as a re floatable e pub. And so I'm gonna do this. And two, it is re floatable. One click. OK, slightly different results. Not what you're going to expect here, folks. Now you're probably wondering how good or how bad is it going to be? Well, let's just check it out, Okay? Rendered the first page, and then it rendered the first image on the first page. Right? This is my graphic on the first page. The transparency, all that stuff went away. No. Okay. And where is this coming from? From the second page. That's nice. I've got this. All right? Not quite the same. All the subtleties of the items being screened back and the tax and all that stuff. No. Not gonna happen. That's nice. It's a little bit off. Yeah, but you realize if that we made this bigger or smaller, the things would move around the page anyway, cause it's re floatable. So like, OK, that's good. But where is the content here? It's like when it chopped off this page and you know all that, and it's like this was in a Yeah, So when you have a fixed e pub, you wanted to look a certain way. This is re floatable. You get the content, but because the content is no way in any way, shape or form the way I laid it out here, the context is pretty much lost when I have something like this. So that's why you would do a fixed lay out a pub and fixed layout E pubs. Like I said, our newer so previously ah, lot of devices didn't support a fixed layout. Now, a lot more do support a fixed layout. So as we go through, we can set it up. However we want in a fixed lay out. A pub definitely works great for text heavy or if your layout is, has to be rendered in a very specific way in order for the context to work. Either way, we can go ahead and use that
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Jason Hoppe is great instructor. I learned so much about how "The Trinity" of Adobe products work together to produce amazing results. I can't look at InDesign the same away ever again. Thank you Jason for a great class!
a Creativelive Student
Jason Hoppe is a fantastic teacher. Clear explanations and instructions. Great content. Thank you!
Cindy Graham
Jason Hoppe is a great instructor. He thoroughly knows how to use InDesign. He has a great way of making little things "the best thing ever"! I watched this several times and picked up something new every time. And he reminds me of Nathan Fillion (FireFly, Castle) so I could listen to him all day long.