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How to Design Your Online Store

Stephan Peralta

How to Design Your Online Store

Stephan Peralta

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Class Description

Start designing your online store the right way. Stephan guides you through the first principles of e-commerce design. Afterward, you’ll craft your own brand identity, launch a Coming Soon page and design your Shopify store.

By the end of the course, you’ll have your own beautifully designed online experience optimized to turn visitors into customers.


For over 6 years, Stephan has led Sovi Creative as founder and creative director. In that time, his e-commerce agency has supported brands, large and small, from Budweiser to Unilever.  As an engaged member of Toronto’s e-commerce community, Stephan leads various meetups including Shopify Meetup TO, eCom Growth Hacking, and many more, and has been a Shopify Expert for over 5 years.