Lesson Info
How To Get 3 Replies To Your 3 Questions
Now, when it comes writing emails, One of the most common mistakes people make or one of the things that people complain about the most is when you send an email to your boss, you need an answer to three questions and the only reply with one that's happened, all of us, right? And what's your reaction when that happens? It's like, uh, I hate my boss. There's such an idiot. They only replied with one thing. Now I've got to go to the end of the line. Now I'm gonna wait for them to answer my email again. This is going to take all day. I hate my boss. This is so stupid. And everyone sits there and they blame their boss. Well, the truth is, it's not your boss's fault. It's your fault. You wrote a bad email, so I'm gonna tell you right now. Pay attention for the next 60 seconds, cause I'm gonna tell you how to write a perfect email and get three answers to your three questions every single time so you can get on with your life. Okay, now, here's what I want you to do. Go to the subject line a...
nd I want you to write three things, not T h R E but the number three and then the word thing. And then I want you to go down into the actual email and I want you to say, Hi, boss Comma. Then I want you to hit return. I want you to hit return again because I want there to be white space. Breathing room is your friend And then I want you to write three things, not T h R E but the number three and the word thing. Then I want you to hit Colon. Don't do a dash. Don't do other stuff. Hit a colon hit return hit Return again Again. White space is important, and then I want you to write the number one, not owe any the number one. Don't put a semi colon after it. Don't put a dash. Don't put 1/2 parentheses. Don't do a smiley face. Don't do it. Underscored none of that stuff. Just the number one by itself on the line hit return and then I want you to write a two or three sentence subject line. Not more than two or three words. Vacation approval hit, return and Then I want you to go into the formatting bar. Click the bullet point formatting. Get your bullet point in your email right in your one sentence. What it is you're trying to get across. Then I want you to hit return Hit Return again again. I'm repeating myself. So you get the point. But we want white space around this email, and then I want you to write the number two the number two, not tw o, but the number to hit your subject line. Do your bullet point hit return right? The number three do the same thing. Now look at the boss's experience of receiving that email they see in the subject line. It says three things, and then they go into the email and it says three things, and then they look down the email, they see the number one, and then they see the number two, and then they see the number three. So think about the experience of that email. Your boss has been told five times that they need to answer three things in your email, and you've made it really easy to find. It's like a treasure hunt for them, So this subject line said three things. The first sentence said three things, and then they look at the email legal. Oh, there's number 10 my gosh, this is so fun. I can do this. And then they looked further down the road. There's number two. This is so great. Oh, my gosh. Justin's made it easy for me to reply to this email. And there's number 30 my gosh, I'm winning. This is like a game. And what do you think the chances are that your boss replies that email with only one answer. There's no way they know they have to give you three answers to your three questions. Boom. Time to get on with your life. You can probably leave at five oclock today.
Ratings and Reviews
Romain Menu
I loved it. Clear and simple. No time lost and a guy passionnate about emails. That is enjoyable to watch and very instructive, thanks.
Lisa Houghton
I adopted these recommendations with great results. Even noticed that my boss started doing many of the same things in his email communications. Bring back MR CORPO podcasts! Bonus section, bonus section...
Janaka Rodrigue
Student Work
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