Software Workflow
Khara Plicanic
Workflow Philosophy
13:18 2Four Main Goals for Workflow Management
1:14:40 3Pricing and Packages
1:02:19 4Set for Success - Gear
27:19 5Software Workflow
41:43 6Slideshow Prep
28:09 7Fast Book Production
58:10What is InDesign?
09:40 9Setting InDesign Preferences
21:26 10InDesign Basics
48:04 11InDesign Basics Q&A
11:56 12More InDesign Basics
11:14 13Image Management, Retouching, and Exporting
24:00 14InDesign for Flip Books and Blogging
24:16 15Creating a Marketing Piece
32:50 16Design Principles
27:17 17Typography
29:13 18Thanks + Credits
07:12 19Start to Finish Album Design
35:59 20Workshop Recap
10:30Lesson Info
Software Workflow
Let's talk about the actual workflow stuff right, cause this is important. So the tools of the trade, because I think it's important, like we mentioned earlier, to use the right tools for whatever it is that you're doing. And for me, that is a combination of light room, photo shop and bridge. I used, flaunt and pick pick for my slideshow album online, not album, slideshow and online gallery situation and ill will go through this. I also then used in design for the album itself. And then I proof my albums with Banti album proofing, which we're giving away. So that's great. So we'll just talk first, obviously, about light room. I'm sure people are pretty familiar with that. That's where I run through and edit everything, and I'll show you that here shortly, so that probably looks familiar. Photo shop and bridge. I used to do my retouching and those kinds of fun things, and then I used flaunt a combination of flaunt, and my pick pick is my current online gallery provider, and the reason t...
hat I use this particular combination is flaunted the slide show application it's made from into the dark room and what I like about it is I can link it to my online gallery. So I know that some people make like a separate slide show that you might post on a blogged or, you know, maybe you email or whatever, and Florent can do all of that. You can embed the slide shows, and you can do all of those things. But trying to be effective and efficient, I decided that when I was presenting stuff to my clients, I didn't want to be like, OK, here's the link for your online gallery. Here is a link for your album Here is your slideshow here? Like I didn't want it all Peace mailed out like that. And the other thing I wanted is that when that client shares the link with their friends and family, I want them to land on a nice presentation of some of my favorite images before they get sort of dumped into a proof gallery. Because, as I mentioned, I don't do the back end selling. I don't have a projection room. I don't have clients computer and doing all of that, but I'm all about a nice presentation, right? So I want to present the wedding in a nice way. And for me that means I make a nice slide show of some of my favorite images. And this is for Portrait's as well. Same deal. I make a slide show of my favorite images and I upload them to Flint, and then I connect that with the online gallery. So there's a shopping cart link there in the corner of Flint. So the only thing I send my clients as far as their actual wedding images is the link to the flight show and then from the slide show they can you know, they can watch it. They can skip it. That's up to them. But I want them to have a nice presentation of my favorite stuff before they get dumped into, you know, hair and makeup or whatever is going on at the beginning. Yes, So I have a question. So pick pick is where you have all the pictures like you have if you have 600 pictures from a reading big because the place that you were the proofs are right. So when will use him that link? That link is actually they get to pick pick from their slide show. So they I send them the link to the slide ship and I tell them, Hey, here's a link to your slide show. You can access your full gallery at any time by clicking the shopping cart icon in the corner so they watch the slide show, click the shopping cart and it takes them. They're so rather than me, sending them to links and then being like, Oh, here's a slide show. Here's the gallery. It's all connected, even though they're two separate applications, it's a totally different thing. It's connected and I haven't yet found. And maybe it's just cause I I've been oblivious, but I haven't yet found Gallery Place that includes a slide show with select images that you can like have people land on. Or maybe you have. I use shootproof, and it does that perfect. Good to know, Um, so this is That's a great thing. This is my solution for it, but that's good to know. So that's that stuff and I think goes and fully also doesn't super good, often double off the double check and look into it. I like. Yeah, I like how this works, but, you know, I think a good workflow is also one that's always evolving. So I'm always checking out new tools and checking out things. But I've used that I like I like my set of here to stay, but, um, I'm open. So anyway, that's how I do it right now. And, uh, you the combination of in Design and Brit, then to do the actual album designed. So this is a screen grab from in design. So this is what we'll be doing tomorrow, and I'll show you how you can do all this. So quick, So fast, So easy on. And that's a bridge over there I have on the side that vertical filmstrip on the right that's bridge and compact mode, and I don't know how much photographers really used bridge or I use it constantly, and I usually have it in compact mode, squished down to a skinny little filmstrip that I keep on the right side of my screen. And then I can drag and drop. So that's how that works. So you'll be will be seeing that I also use in design for all of my marketing materials, all my stuff, and I'll be showing you that as well tomorrow. So this is an example of, like my wedding contract. This whole thing is an example of what I, my pricing guide for my seniors when I was shooting them. So when people would ask me for information on pricing for seniors, I would send them that big old thing. And yeah, so that was that. Once I get the album designed and I'm ready to show it to the clients, I upload it to Banteay album proving dot com, which is the Web app that my husband developed. And so then I have all these different albums in here, and this is like my management area. The client would see a spread, something like this, and then they can comment on the spreads. And it's actually a flip book so they can click through and they'll see the pages turn, which is really helpful, because then they understand that there is a scene down the middle. And if they try to say like, Oh, I really want you to swap this photo here, you're like your face will be on the full that we can't have that so it helps helps, um, just envision their book and understand what they're really getting on. That's been really handy. So that's the overview, the actual wedding day workflow itself like here's here's the thing. Those were the tools. Here's the overview, and then we'll actually do it in light room. The exciting stuff, right? So wedding Day, Here's the new thing since I got the five d Mark three. And there's other cameras that do this, too. But I'm not familiar with them, but the Mark three now enables you to rate your photos. Have you done this? There's a little button on the back, Um, on the left. Well, you can find it, but on the left, there's a little button. I don't know about digging all this stuff out. That's terrible. Um, so it's here. It says rate, and it's written in blue right here. And when you press it, it cycles through a star rating system. So if you present ones, that image will get one star if you press it again to accept. So anyway, um, I now pick my favorites in camera during the wedding while I'm shooting just when I have downtime. Yeah, so it's super great because that means when I get home and download, I'm ready to block, so it's kind of mind blowing. Um bam. I told you, life changing. Right? So But if you don't have a mark three, that's okay. Well, ruin your life. Um, I have operated this way for years, and I only just got the marks three, like, a couple months ago. So that's a new thing that I discovered that I was, like new, and that's awesome. So I share that with you now, but it's a new thing. So I picked the faves in my camera. When I get home from the wedding, I download and back up in light room immediately, like immediately. I don't know if everyone does that, but I feel like that's a huge roadblock remover. Because if the first step for you when you do your edit, if the first step is okay now I have to sit. Let's sit down and download. If that's your first step, that's crummy because it's your starting and then not right. So you get, like, all amped up to do your edit. But now you have to wait for the download and the rendering and all of those things and that should be a passive process. You don't want to be awake dealing with that baby sitting it when that happens. So I come home and literally before I use the restroom before I make a sandwich before I kiss my husband. Hello. He's usually upstairs. Got the movie ready for me. I walk in the back door, go straight to the computer plug in, start download, start back up. Then I'll go say hello, pet the cat, make a sandwich, take a shower, put on the P days and we'll watch a movie or whatever. Whatever Andi that's happening. So it's working even when I'm not. That's what we like, right? That sufficient, Andi, Then sometimes I've done this where sometimes I'm just so excited about whatever or I get home really early or whatever. We're all actually, maybe we'll watch a movie that night and maybe I just have so much energy. I'm just gonna actually, like, do the retouching and post right away. So maybe the bridal wake up and it's already on my block. But I used to do it that way all the time, and then I was kind of like I could do that later. But sometimes I do that the night of the wedding. Otherwise I do it the next day. So my pictures are already start and Favorited or I will do that quickly the next day. But I'll pick my favorites. I will export them. I will then retouch them and Photoshopped quickly and I will post them. Okay, So the thing about that is, of course, getting them up on the block, as you know, obviously, is a great marketing tool. Sometimes we think of blogging as like the after fact. Like a lot of times, I think people sort of do this in reverse, like they deliver everything to their client. And then they're like, Oh, I'm three months behind on blogging and then they're blogging things that they shot, like three months ago or whatever. And if that works for you, don't change it. But, um but I think that blogging is important to do right away for buzz and marketing, of course. And then their images are on Facebook and everyone sees it immediately and only God. And it's their profile picture. And they haven't even boarded their honeymoon flight yet. And wow, that's great. But It's also good because it it starts their attachment to those images happening right away. So they're seeing these images. Those images that I chose to blogged become like the star role of their wedding photos. Right? That's the star. So I just created a whole cast of stars of their wedding photos, and those stars are going to carry through as well. See, that's gonna carry through to their slideshow That's gonna carry through into their album. And that helps reduce changes later because I've sort of ingrained those images in them, and then they're not gonna take them out of their album usually. So then I just add to it and I'm done. So it's a little strategic. And, of course, that has the nice marketing buzz Part two. Okay, so that's usually a Sunday thing, right? My blogging and stuff. Then, sometime during the week on the day of my choice, which before I canceled my cable was on Tuesday. I would always edit wedding on Tuesday. Why Lawn order s V. U marathons on USA Network. I love Elliot and Olivia like That's the best show in the world on. Then I went in quick cable so I'm in a little bit of withdraw from that. But I would always do this thing two days now. I do it whenever Sunday during that next week. Sometimes I might just do bits of it. If I'm really busy with some other projects, I might do bits, you know, every night, and it will be finished by Friday. And I feel like I've barely had to work on it at all because I just did bits at a time. But usually I like to do it all in one day, and that's just my day. So I will go through light room. I'll choose my selects, and I'll edit them. Right? So go through light room, choose all my pics, go through, developed them in light room. I'll export them. I will then decide what I'm gonna put in the slide show. So pick the ones gonna put in the slideshow, make the slide show. Then I'll make the album using the same images from the slideshow, which are much of the same images from the Blawg. So a lot of it's already been retouched. See where I'm going. Okay, then I'll design the album. We'll export the album sent out to the proof gallery and then email my client and I'm done. So that's that. Then I will cook dinner. Wait, who am I kidding? I'm not gonna cook dinner. I'm gonna go out for dinner. And while I'm going out for dinner, I'm probably gonna have some wine. And I'm going to celebrate the fact that we were gonna totally awesome industry. And it can be so great when you take charge of it and make it work for you and your clients, right? The more that you can make it, you know, work for you. The more you can make it work for your clients, and then everybody wins. So that's the workflow. Do you have any questions on that overview before we will pause and get set up here for the computer bit. But any questions? Ways always. Always. Questions start in the audience in there. What do you guys want to know? So, after the after you send out the email, once you get the confirmation everything you then design which printer go? I have all that done right. So I used But like my album vendor when I picked my album mentor for my weddings. It's not like a per wedding thing. I don't change my mind between weddings. Like when I decided to use a certain vendor for my weddings, I was like, That's my album. Better for my weddings. So they're all I make the same books, basically like the Obviously the layouts are different and whatever, but similar on bond, different images on the cover and stuff. But I I'm not reinventing that wheel every for every client. I went through that decision making process once to find the vendor that I really like. And then that's who I use so and I and I may change it. I've changed it over, you know, over the years, and even as I've developed this workflow, I've been like, I want to try something different with albums. I mean, I'm always inventing like a new way of doing this or a different kind of album I want to make, but that's my reinvention for myself and my brand. I don't I don't do that, you know, from scratch for every claim, and you'll be all toward telling us about what is the process from your site to the the printer site like, Oh, yeah, we can talk about it. I don't know that. I'll show it cause it's so It's a little different for every printing company, but it is usually involves uploading of J pegs or of the design of somehow yeah, or a pdf for something. So yeah, So my question is about how many pictures do you put in the slide show? All of the great question it buries maybe 35 to 45. You know, if I'm doing Portrait's for my portrait sessions, here's the thing for porch. It's, you know, I told you I make like a little 20 page book with just single images. So 20 pictures is what I retouched for my portrait people. So those are the same 20 pictures going in there. Slideshow. Those were the same. I may not block all 20 of them, but those from within the 20 are the same ones that I'm going to put on the block. So I mean, as you can hopefully see, I'm doing this stuff like once, and then it just kind of snowballed. Maybe I add a little bit to it, but then it's done. I'm not scattered all over I'm not doing all different things and different places. I'm trying to reuse as much of what the work I've already done is possible. So good questions. Anything from the web? Oh, yes. Oh, yes, I was Okay. Okay. Stop Start. Um, question from SoHo. Is that the question way? Both like this question question from soho. Do you find that if you post the highlights that the your customers clients don't get as excited when they see the full set? Does that happen to you? Ever? Oh, that's a good question. I don't think so. I mean, I think the highlights are are the really That's the part I'm excited about. That's the part that the moments I know that they're going to be excited about. Um I think they're excited about the whole thing. So you know whether that excitement comes later or up front, that's upto us. That's why I like to have it up front because they're in the moment. You know, I think if you've been doing this a while, you also probably have the experience that a year later, people still of course, they're excited about their wedding, and you know they love you and whatever, but they're not like I can't wait to see my photos. It's been a year or whatever, So we think it's I think people are more excited. The sooner that you can show it to them, their excitement still here. I think you know, there's like a curve of diminishing returns and over time their level potential level of excitement a little bit drops off. So I like to strike while the iron is hot right there. Up here. I want to get in there and be like Bam! Here's all this awesomeness. Let me blow your mind with it and then if we're gonna blow it, let's just really blow it. And then, you know, they still get their minds kind of blown again when I actually deliver the physical album because they never remember that it was that heavy. And it was so, you know, when I deliver that their jaw literally drops every time on bats. Other thing I was reminded of just the other day when I was delivering another set to another bride. We get to do that when we deliver hell bums, you know, whether you ship it or, you know, if you can personally deliver it, But I literally delivered her, like, £ of books. I mean, just this Massive, you know, they ordered parent copies and all this stuff. And I was like, Hey, here's your pile of awesomeness from your wedding, you know? And they can look at that. And they're like, Wow, that's a whole lot of value and service. And, you know, that's so much better than like, Yeah, you're proof their online. Good luck. Have fun, right? Like I like being able to be like, Bam, that's your wedding, you know, and I just feel really good about that. So and it hasn't We have the question earlier about whether it impacted print sales, and I forgot if I I don't think I actually touched on it, but I haven't had it. I don't think it's done any of that, cause clients also know having the disk is not the same as a professionally printed, retouched photo. So same thing. Yeah. So does that mean that all the photos on the display not retouch? Really? I'm going to retouch like 300. We'll talk about that, but yeah, they're not. They're proof. Their light room proofs, so we'll get into that. You won't get in. Took it? Yeah. Cool. All good questions. You have another one. Well, we do have a ton of questions coming in, which might be things that because that was just the overview, right? And now you're gonna go. That was just an overview here into late room. Right? So now we're gonna so we'll just yet we can keep going, and then we'll go back to some of those questions if you don't address them. Yeah, so we'll just get in here to light room, uh, lickety split, so All right, so we'll go. We'll go through here, um, and see how live compete I feel like, Oh, they're doing something that yes, they would be doing what they're doing Magic back there. They are magical here. A creative life. Don't think it really is magic. That's what I thought when I got in here, the other. Okay, so, um, here's the down download screen here in light room. Have you scratched your right? Oh, Or Okay, okay. It's magic. You just have to be in the right spot for the magic. Happens, obviously. Okay. So good in the right spot. All right, so this is the download interface, and I'm not going to go through, You know, exactly, like how to use light room for the beginners 101 guide to light room. We'll save that for the in design, but in the download inner face. This is what it looks like. The important things I think are one. This is where you can make your backup. Right? So at home, on my system, I have this on. And I have this designated Teoh a backup drive so that everything is immediately backed up A soon as I download it to another location. And that's great. In case I screw something later or whatever. I like to have my total originals backed out for safekeeping on Ben. I rename my files, so I'll come in and rename them. I use just a file sequence. Obviously. Do what works for you. Um, I remember them with numbers and leave everything else kind of alone in my preferences. I do have it set to render full. Oh, here it is. Render previews. I have this set for one on one previews. So that's full size previews. And what that means is when the images download the previews that we're gonna need when we go through and develop and really look at every image there already gonna be generated. So that will help me later when I'm flipping through everything. I don't wanna have to be waiting for a light room to load stuff. And because this is happening while I'm making a sandwich or watching a movie, or I mean, let's be honest, I love SNL. And if I can make it home in time for that Wow, then I'm watching, You know, SNL and the period preview their rendering, so I think that's really great. So we that's how I do that stuff. A Sfar handling a second shooter. I always want to touch on this cause. Before I ever had a second shooter work with me. That kind of freaked me out because I was like, Well, I managed files from somebody else. So the way that I do that if my husband's shooting with me, I always download my card first, and I will name my file, starting with one through whatever. And then when my download's done, then I'll take his card and do that and I'll start his card number with whatever comes after my last one. So if I shot 3000 photos, his first photo would be 3001. Does that make sense? And I'll show you how you consort all of that and deal with time stamps and the metadata and everything to get everything in order. But so that's the download process. So I'm not going to really actually do that now, obviously. But once we get that in here, eso here's an image or a catalogue. Here's a collection of 4423 images from wedding. Now, the example that I'm showing you here is of course, I thought I better show you the most complicated example We go, the other stuff Really simple. So the wedding that I'm showing you here is one that my husband shot with me and we had a photo booth at it. So that's like I thought, I'm just going to show you all the mess of everything, right? So once things get downloaded, so at this point, we will assume that the downloads happened. His images are downloaded, my images air downloaded. So because of the way I do it. I then sort everything by file names. So down here you can come and you consort by all kinds of things. So right now it's my file name, which means my photos are on top. His are everything at the end, right? But it's I really, of course, went them in chronological order. So capture time, I want to sort my capture time. But that presents a problem for two reasons. Often, in this case, it presents a problem because chronologically, we forgot to set his camera back an hour or whatever for daylight savings. His camera was off by an hour. That will mess you up, but it's an easy fix. The other thing is that because we had the photo booth going on if I thought my capture time When you go through the time of the evening, it'll be like dance party, dance party, photo booth, dance. What do you think? Party photo booth and let super distracting. I like to have my photo booth photos totally separate, like in their own place. So, um, the first thing that I'm going to Dio is get all these in here, and then, um, I might come down and grab all of the photo booth photos, so I would just select them all wherever they may be. Let's make the thumbnails a little smaller. Um, I passed it. So anyway, would select all of the photo booth, whatever. So I'm gonna select all these, and then I'm going to create a collection, and that's really easy. I can just create a little collection here, and I would just call it photo Booth. And I would include my selected, you know, I would select them all. Not just these, but I would select all the photo booth ones. I would throw them in there. This enables me to rename them separately. So basically, I want to eventually sort all of my photos by capture time, but not the photo booth pictures. Does that make sense? Okay. So I would sort, I would make a collection for the photo booth on. Then I would make a collection. We'll go back here to the Here we are. Then I can go back to all the rest of my images. And if we need to sort them out on di need to just the capture times of his photos, right? So the one thing that's really helpful that we do is we shoot a black frame so you can see this one down here at some point during the day, either the beginning or the end. Usually the annex we forget. Beginning we will shoot a black frame or shoot a picture of our feet or, you know, something. Um, And when we do that, it doesn't matter if his cameras off by an hour will just be like shoot. And then we know that that black frame was taken at the same time. So what I would dio is I'm gonna adjust his images to match my black frame so I would scroll through to wherever down here, probably I would school through and find my black frame forever. It may be, I think those are mine, whatever it is. And I'm gonna pull up the metadata of that black frame and it will tell me exactly where it should be. Right here. Right. So I pulled us up and it's gonna tell me this was taken at 9 32 07 Doesn't even matter if it was really 9 32 It's just whatever the camera thinks so. I would know that Then. Then I will come back down Teoh Hiss photos. And, um, I can either select them here like scroll through. Or did you know that you can come to metadata and I can sort by a camera or I can sort by a serial number. So if I do that, I know that this is Hiss. So if I click on that, I instantly have all his photos, not mine, Right? Awesome, isn't it? Yea, light room developers, they think of all kinds of things, So I would then select all of his images. Now, here's the key. You have Teoh make sure that the black frame images the targeted one. So I have them all selected. But the black frame is my like, actively selected. Does that make sense? Okay, so then you come up, Teoh metadata, Edit capture time and you just adjust to a specified date and time. The sounds scary. If you're scared. Don't worry, it's not that scary. And there's actually and a way to undo this. But it does everything in your light room, so we don't recommend it. But it would be careful, but a just a specific date and time, and then I just come in here and I would type 9 37 02 or whatever that was. I would enter that right here and click change all. And then they're updated. Right? So that's great. Um, I'm gonna really do that part right now, but I've got his there now. They would be adjusted now for time. So then the next thing that I would do, I also like to make sure than we made the collection for the photo booth. I would also want to make sure that I put the non photo booth images in a collection themselves. The reason is because then I can sort them by capture time without the photo booth photos and then rename them in sequential order. Are you with me? So it's kind of I know this is like a little mind Warby, but so here's the last shot. That's not photo Booth. I guess. So it's select all of this and then I'll make another collection create collection, and I'll just call it, you know, everything else and will include the selected photos and create. So those are all in this collection. So that's everything else. So then what I would do is sort those by capture time. Okay. And this is, you know, I'm not really selecting them all here for time, but so they would now be sorted. They would now be sorted by captured time. And now I can rename these in sequential order, which means they will then also be sorted by capture time. Whether in viewing them in light room and finder Enbridge when my clients get them, all of that does that make sense? But I wouldn't lose anybody. It is kind of, ah, convoluted thing, but right for you to take us through this step by step. Absolutely. Yeah, it's well, I know. For me, it was really a big nightmare. Okay, so if we review that, downloaded everything right, I had them separated by final name order at first. And then I have to think like I don't want to mess up my step. Um, sort by file name. I separate the photo booth. Things sometimes also rename them and just call them like photo booth. No one. So they're just totally separate. So I would separate those out, put everything else in another collection. So if you guys don't know what collections are there just like virtual groupings, right? So I virtually group those, and that allows me to leave the photo booth photos over here. Then I can go back. And I mean, not even time. Correct the photo booth ones cause who cares? I'm going to re number those so they'll end up with the end. So either start them with, like, you know, they'll be number 6000 or something, way at the end or all. Name them photo booth. Whatever. So they're totally separate, and then the rest I will correct the time, re sort them by captured time, and then re number them. Yes, start, interrupt. But we've had several questions come up in the chat room about if you could explain what a photo booth is to people that don't know. Oh, sure, that's a great question. So a photo booth is really fun, and it's something. Um, let's see. Like, here's 11 So we is that really out of focus? I picked an out of focus one. How does that happen? Yeah, we all have those. So I'm keeping it riel. Eso here's like a photo booth shot. And it's something that we set up at their reception where we bring a backdrop and we bring a studio light. And this is you. This is my husband's domain. So I'm like, out on the dance floor doing whatever, and he's a rock in that photo booth. Andi. People just come and do crazy things, and, you know, we obviously are going to crop this. Um, and I like to process my photo booth stuff to be black and white, but that's just me. I used to do color, but I just found it varied. I would get so much variation in the color. It was just I like the classic black and waits for that, too. It's kind of fun. So the photo booth, we bring a backdrop and set that up, and it's just a fun bonus for the guests. So on. And then the client gets all of those images tacked on to the back end of all of their wedding stuff, So yeah, yeah, good. That's a good one. We have a time of questions, but that's sorry. After you. Okay, but, um, I don't know if you were still in the middle of recapping I think the way I was gonna give you a shout out first thing this is from Karev is in the lounge. Who says the financial powder room gals want to give care a shout out? We love seeing her album orders come through her cover images. They're so fun over funny messages. When I placed, my order is made. Oh, he's right back with something ridiculous. It's so fun. We have a good, good banter. We like them. We've had a lot of photographers that use them, so I want to give them a shutout. Absolutely. You're gonna be using I'm gonna be a Q and A. Okay, um, more questions. Let's say big question. I'm not sure if you mentioned it or not, But do you shoot in raw or JPEG and do you change those two DMG or I am a just a boat rocker? Yeah, she bag. And here's why. Before you freak out before you forget, because I've shot raw. Yes. And then I went download the files and I would be like, Why am I shooting raw like they looked just like me? J pegs, I'm not sure why I'm doing this. They're four times as big. There slow. They take up. You know, it's hard like, I don't think you could do the one memory card thing if you're shooting raw. Um, I just personally, I understand raw why people love it. But personally, I didn't feel that it was benefiting me. So rather than sticking with it just because it was sort of, you know, the way it is, I said, I don't think I need this. And I went back to J. Peg and I never looked back. So people read out when I told them that. But well, it's fantastic. But also it must mean that you have done your work and you know your stuff so that you aren't having to getting it right in camera. So you're not having Teoh recover things and all that is what I would imagine. Well, sure, I need to do that because I shoot in manual mode, so that means I spend the whole day fluttering about my white balance. You know, I don't That's a nice thing about rise, like the white balance, not having to worry about it. That is nice, but that just means that I take a lot of test shots and I'm sure you may have noticed when I scroll through here, there's some shots that are, like, crazy off. And that's because I'm, you know, testing or I'm switching from one location to the next. And I'm quickly changing settings and that kind of stuff. So I shoot J Peg. I shoot to get it in the camera and get it right, So I don't do I don't do a lot of post stuff. Um I mean, if I screw it up, I guess it's just screwed up. I'm not. But although, because I'm watching it, you know, I'm s I'm constantly just checking myself, and it works for me. So So don't feel like you have to see Raj just because you read it somewhere and someone told you, you know, do what makes sense. Even if that means TJ 16 gig card was going along all day. Yeah, that's another Another bone out of perky. Oh, yeah. I can't wait to check out the chat room. You know, people we've had other photographers that have had Well, you know what I feel like. Maybe it's just me, but I feel like there's, like an underground secret. Like people are like to take back to me like people don't want to say it. So I'll tell you also do pick, but they're out there. Day pig shooters there. Thanks. Well, we like having you here, Miss Jake. Pig shooter on. I have a question here. I'm not sure if you if you're going to get into this more, but photograph ICS. Miami says how do you organize the backup? Is that in one, or is that separate? Oh, that's a great You know what? The backup is just a straight up one folder. One folder? Yeah. So that has I don't You know, I'm not saying I'm the back of folder order structure specialists, but that's what I dio. That's what ideo there. Just there in the order with the download. So they're not corrected for capture time. They're not. They're just my files, like, one through 3000. If I have a second shooter, 3000 and one through whatever. And that's just there. And if I need to, you know, get back to them, I can re sorting re number, and it's not horrible. So you make so many changes for the ones that you have in your laptop, right? So after everything is done after the very after, you know that the wedding is or like, I've done all the work with it. You replace your backup with this version or Oh, that's a good question. Well, I back up my active drive that gets backed up differently. But my original download. I don't touch that. I just leave it there in case the sky falls. And I need to, like, re edit the entire wedding. I'll go back to that. Does that make sense? Well, it'll start from scratch. Uh, yeah, you might be able Teoh. Yeah, probably because the final numbers file names would have changed, right? But but my active drive is backed up. So if that crashes, I have the active drive backed up. That's just my originals. And you know what? That's useful for teaching works when you have to go and unedited a wedding that you are going to show people how to edit. Um, I'll just say that it can get messy, and so you might need your unedited total originals to be able to rebuild all this stuff. So that's what that stands for. But since you shoot JPEG and that's your preference, what is your favorite technique for white balance? Oh, that's great. Well, I do carry. I forgot to point it out, but I have a little great card in my bag. I don't use it terribly often. I use those filters on my lights constantly, and I change my white balance as I need Teoh, you know, with with the presets. And if I need to set a custom one, I have my great card, so it's just you just have to watch it all the time.
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Ratings and Reviews
1106 Imagery
This class is so good! I learnt so much about albums, and selling them the right way. Having never really used Indesign before, I was nervous about using it as my main platform to design albums. I'm shocked, but I really enjoy using the program! It's so simple and easy using Khara's methods of designing. I also never used bridge before too (Lightroom faithful here), and it's fantastic for sourcing images for the albums. I'm learning a few upsell methods too, so it's very exciting for my business! Thank you for such a great course :)
a Creativelive Student
Yep, love your work Khara! I am now using Indesign to make my first wedding album thanks to you. So clearly explained and nicely presented. Such a powerful program that makes a complicated task seem easy, with as many variables in layout and design as I can imagine. I am just so excited! I would recommend this course to anyone who is running any size photography business. It will help simplify your workflow and increase your output.
Adrian Farr
Khara's advice is so simple yet makes absolute perfect sense! She really knows how to get the best out of her albums and packages. If you want to learn things that will help you improve your business/workflow, then seriously buy this course!