Customer Menu: Movie Mode, Built in EVF, Utility, & Setup Menu
Lesson 11 from: Olympus OM-D E-M10 Mark II Fast StartJohn Greengo

Customer Menu: Movie Mode, Built in EVF, Utility, & Setup Menu
Lesson 11 from: Olympus OM-D E-M10 Mark II Fast StartJohn Greengo
Lesson Info
11. Customer Menu: Movie Mode, Built in EVF, Utility, & Setup Menu
Introduction & Basic Controls
07:14 2Top Deck: Mode Dial
18:31 3Top Deck: Other Functions
13:56 4Back Side Features
30:24 5Left Side-Right Side-Bottom-Card Reader-Front-Lenses
08:00 6Shooting & Playback Menu
21:47 7Custom Menu: AF/MF & Button/Dial
12:21 8Custom Menu: Release & Display/PC
15:13Lesson Info
Customer Menu: Movie Mode, Built in EVF, Utility, & Setup Menu
Alright, we're into the movie section, so items dealing with the movie mode. And so, in the movie mode, how do you want your images to be, your movie to be recorded? In a program mode, manual mode, aperture priority, shutter priority? So your basic user, I know when I shoot movies off these, I'm just shooting some really basic video clips. I usually have the camera in the program mode, but if I get real serious, then I wanna have specific control over exact shutter speeds and apertures, and I would put it into the manual mode. Do you want to record sound while you're recording your movie? Most likely yes, but in some cases, you have an external device that you're recording it, and you don't even want that as part of the file at all. You can adjust the recording volume. Pump it up, pump it down according to your needs. There is a volume limiter, which will limit loud noises like if you have a loud crash or boom, if you were gonna be photographing fireworks, it might muffle that sound a ...
little bit so that it doesn't exceed the normal range of sounds. If you have a windy situation, you can turn the wind mic on, and it's gonna adjust the sound to accommodate for that windy noise. For those real cinema geeks in there, you can get in there and adjust the time code settings. I'm not gonna get into all the drop frames and countings, but if you were shooting with multiple cameras and you wanna sync them up you can make those adjustments in here. When you are in the movie mode, what sort of information do you see by pressing that info button? And you can check or uncheck all the information that is important to you when you are in the movie mode. Movie specifications, you can choose which presets you have set for your movie. So you can have four different presets in your movie where you have different quality settings or different frame rates, and you can quickly switch between those when you're in the movie mode by pressing the okay button, I showed you that at the very beginning of the class, how they have some different sizing and frame rates that you can choose, and you have four different options that you can kind of have presets so that you can jump around and change those quality settings very quickly when you're in the movie mode and not have to dive into the menu system to do that. The movie effect, this will show you the art effects right on screen as you are shooting the movie. Generally, we like to see those, but if they bother you and you have a hard time composing or focusing with those effects on, you can turn it off as far as the viewfinder, but normally it's good to leave it on so we can see exactly what's happening to our final image. So in this mode, we can either choose what's more important, movies or cameras. In the movie mode, we can grab a still image from the video that we shot. If we choose mode two, that means that photo is more important and we can shoot a movie, it'll stop, take a still photo, and then go back to shooting a movie. And so one is more of a benefit to shooting movies, 'cause it's an uninterrupted movie, but we do get a basic frame pulled from the video. Mode two is better for still photographers who want to make sure that they get a full res photo out of the video that they have shot, but it does split the video in two. And so what's more important to you, video, the movie mode, or the photo mode. I'm assuming since this is mostly a still camera, I've chosen two there. If you want to use the shutter release for taking movies, you can take the movie shutter function and move it to number two, and that way, to trigger the movie mode, it's the big large dial on the top of the camera. If you do that, you will no longer be able to shoot still photos while the camera is in the movie mode. And so it kinda depends on how important shooting movies are and pressing that button versus the little red button beside it as far as starting your movies. Alright, features dealing with the electronic viewfinder. I'd mentioned these different viewfinder styles before. I like the biggest image possible, which is style three but I really don't like text on top of my images so my preference is style two, but choose whichever one you like. The info settings, what do you wanna see when you press the info setting and you are looking through the viewfinder? And so in this case I like to keep a lot of things checked off so that I can cycle through and see that information if I want it, if I don't like it I just keep cycling through to where it's not showing. If you wanna see a grid in the viewfinder, you can choose one of these five different grids to see in the viewfinder. Helps you compose, but in general I leave it turned off to keep it clutter free. Talked towards the beginning about the switch between the EVF and the LCD, it's controlled by that eye sensor, and sometimes it can be overly sensitive and sometimes you just want to manually look through one or the other. You can come in here to the menu system and turn that eye sensor off, so that it is manual choice between which viewfinder you're using. If you need to adjust the color temperature or the brightness of the electronic viewfinder you can do so in here. Good chance that you won't need to do it. Halfway level, this is kind of interesting, once you've got the exposure, the exposure turns into a level system and this tells you if you're tilting the camera left or right. And so if you take your finger halfway off the shutter release, it returns to its normal light meter position, but when you press down it figures you've already got the light meter figured out. It's gonna take that space and it's gonna turn it into a level to make sure that you are not tilting the camera left or right. And so it's kind of a neat feature that works quite well because generally you're gonna have your exposure figured out and it's just kind of the next thing that's gonna help you out when it's time to take the photograph. So I kinda like having that turned on. Simulated optical viewfinder and so what it's doing here is the picture that you get through the viewfinder is not exactly what you see on the final image, what it's doing is it's increasing the dynamic range and it's giving you a little less contrast in the viewfinder to make things easy for you to compose and see especially into the shadow areas, and so this is something that a lot of people like to leave turned on just 'cause it's gonna give you a good viewing mode. It does make the image slightly different than what the final picture is going to be. Alright final little section in the custom menu, pixel mapping, and this is something that would scan the sensor and look for problems with pixels. And so occasionally we've got, what do we got like 16 million pixels, one of 'em might be off and it can check and see if there's a problem and I'm not sure what it does if it finds a problem, my guess is that it figures out where that problem is and it will clone it out on future photos, but I'm not 100% certain on that. Olympus has just not been real clear as to what that's going to do when you do it. Exposure shift, if you found that you were not getting the correct exposures using a particular metering system, you could go in and tweak it ever so slightly, I hope you don't need to do this, I doubt you will. How quickly do you wanna be warned about your battery getting low? Some people wanna be notified a little bit earlier, some people don't wanna be notified until it's a real problem, you can adjust it from its factory default settings to plus two to minus two. The built in levels on the cameras might be off and so if you need to adjust these, you can go in and electronically adjust 'em if they're not what you think is appropriately level. If you don't like using the touch screen and you just simply wanna turn it off, this is where you would do it. You can put it in an Eye-Fi card which is kinda related to a Wi-Fi card, go out, shoot photos, come back to your house, simply put the camera near your computer and the two of 'em would communicate and you could download the images wirelessly. And so there's gonna be special settings in here only if you have an Eye-Fi card in your camera. There's an electronic zoom that you can use with special EZ electronic zoom lenses from Olympus. There's not too many of these lenses but if you're shooting movies and you wanna zoom very, very smoothly you can activate this mode and there is a low, normal and a high setting in there that you can tweak it, depending on how fast you want that zoom to work. How quickly do you want the camera to go into its quick sleep mode? This would save battery power but it kinda comes at the expense of you having to continue to turn the camera back on again and again. We have finished the custom settings folks, but we're not done yet. A lot of ones in there, got through that whole page. Okay so we just have a few final little setup issues in here, obviously you can put in the time and date right here. So that gets attributed to the metadata of each and every photograph. You've got the different languages that you can put in for whatever languages you speak. You can adjust the brightness and color of the monitor on the back of the camera. Hopefully you won't need to change this too much. The recording view, what is this? Okay so this is when you take a picture, does the camera go back and show you what image you just took? And so for a basic photographer I think getting a two second view of putting the camera into the play back mode shows your image which is nice, but I think once you get used to shooting this picture looking through the viewfinder it's basically a preview of your final exposure. And so I've ended up turning this off on a lot of my mirrorless cameras because I can see what the image is gonna be, and I wanna just shoot and get onto the next image. And I don't wanna bother reviewing images as you go along the way, so the question is do you want to review images in the play back mode where you can zoom in and check sharpness? And so if you are checking these images on an image to image basis, then you would leave it on for two seconds or however long you feel is appropriate. We have some Wi-Fi connections, we're not gonna get totally into this but where you can go in and you can reset the password and so forth, for connecting up with your phone. And the custom menu display, if you do not want to see the custom menu which houses more than half of the entire menu, you can turn it off but I'm not sure really why you would want to other than to simplify the menu system, but there's a lot of really important controls in there so I think you're gonna probably wanna leave this turned on. And finally, we have the firmware version. So this camera has had one firmware update since when it came out, which is why it's 1.0 and not, or why it's 1.1 and not 1.0 right now. If you're watching this video at some point in the future which most of you will be, Olympus might have another firmware update that they've added and changed some features of the camera, fixed a bug, added something new to the camera and if that is the case, you're gonna need to go to Olympus's website to download the new information. So what you need to do to do this update is you need to go to one of the Olympus sites. I go to, go to their support page, their software downloads, you're gonna need that cable that plugs in from the USB port into your computer. You need to remove the memory card, this is very important, remove the memory card, connect the camera to the computer and under the USB options you need to select storage on the camera. And if you follow these, it'll be more easy to download the new firmware, and they do have new firmware for both the bodies and the lenses and occasionally, they'll come out with a new lens in order for it to work on your camera, you need to update the firmware on your camera. And so it's a process that you don't need to do very often, you can maybe check once every six months or every year. I don't expect them to have a lot of updates on this camera, but they might have updates in the future and so you can always go to Olympus's website, check to see what the current version is, come here in the camera in the menu system to see which version you have, and see if those are the same numbers. If not, update it. Alright folks, that gets to us to the end of the menu. Lot of items on there, once again this is why it's really nice to have the PDF so that you can have it all on one visual page so that you can scan through and find those settings very, very quickly.
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Ratings and Reviews
George Vergottis
Greetings I joined the Olympus OM-D E-M10 Mark II Fast Start class under Mr. Greengo. I have been using this camera for about 7 months and thought I could handle it well. This class taught me so many aspects of the camera from the word go. Very clear concise but illuminating with well placed illustrations and photos for easy understanding by all. Mr Greengo's English was very precise and clear even though he had to speak fast to cover all of the important aspects within a set time. The advice pass over was clearly from a person who was a master of his subject. I enjoyed the class very much and have signed up for more classes on Creativelive and photography my the same instructor. Well done Sir and thank you for your good advice. I recommend this class to all who have decided to reward themselves with this little miracle camera this Christmas.
a Creativelive Student
John is one of my favorite instructors and I really enjoyed this class. Just got this camera after Christmas and I'm loving it so far and can't wait to get out and use it more. Love Creativelive and thank you for all the wonderful classes!
Ray Bohn
Using the camera for a few weeks before jumping in really helped me to understand all the instruction. Based on the course, I feel much more comfortable with deciding which functions I will use and which to forget about, at least for now. Based on my utilization of the many lessons, I feel that the content was just about right for me. The instructor used good judgement when determining how much time to spend on every element. The parts that he spent less time discussing was still enough information for a student to learn on their own (homework is good!). Going back into the lessons to review an area has been very easy. I am sure I will be accessing this course for some time. There were a few areas that didn't seem to match up with my camera, but I plan to do some investigating into software version differences and what I may have done incorrectly before I jump to whiplash causing conclusions. The "Fast Start" title bothered me at first. I have seen presentations that are called tutorials which appeared to be simply sales hype. Based on my experience, you have a winner. I hope that I can find additional courses from this group that are of interest to me. Thank you for all the work that you put into this presentation, Raymond Bohn A Greatful old film guy
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