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Building a Hierarchy of Outsourcing Needs

Lesson 13 from: How to Take Maternity Leave without Putting Life on Hold

Stacey Trock

Building a Hierarchy of Outsourcing Needs

Lesson 13 from: How to Take Maternity Leave without Putting Life on Hold

Stacey Trock

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13. Building a Hierarchy of Outsourcing Needs

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Building a Hierarchy of Outsourcing Needs

So to start off, we're just gonna talk about how to build a hierarchy of outsourcing needs. How do you decide what you might hire out? And I really hope to convince you that making just a few little changes can completely revitalize your business and take a huge burden off of you. So just identifying a few key areas where you can make a small change will make a huge difference to you. So things you want to hire out for sure, things you detest doing, they're sucking your energy from you. Tasks which can be done more easily or quickly by someone else, they're taking up too much of your time. Tasks which are incompatible with your schedule. So we talked about needing flexibility. If there are tasks that are not flexible and can't fit into your schedule, you'd like to hand them off to someone else. And, you'd also like to hire out a couple of tasks which require expertise which will make your business more money, and they're things you can't do yourself, right? I really encourage you to th...

ink about hiring after you've done all of the hard work of doing the streamlining, okay? You don't want to hire someone, pay them per hour to do some task that isn't streamlined at all, and then you're just paying someone for way more hours than you really need to. So you've done the work of streamlining, and then you can turn to doing the delegating. Alright, so this has been our process all along. Eliminate the non-essentials, right? You're not paying someone to do things that aren't important for your business. Streamline and delegate systems. Again, you want to have, when you're paying someone per hour, you want to have them doing the things in the most efficient way possible. Delegate them and that's what we're talking about this. And for yourself, you're breeding flexibility, which a lot of the time means hiring out the tasks which are inflexible, right? And we're talking about both business things and non-business things, right? So, a couple of things, maybe it's meal preparation. Maybe it's house cleaning. Those are all candidates for outsourcing as well. So, Alyce from Blossom Heart Quilts has hired out something that she absolutely detests. So she makes beautiful quilt patterns. So these are PDF downloads, and they're instructions on how to make a quilt. So she says, I sell quilting patterns, and I paid a freelance technical editor to edit my patterns. It's helped me to relax and feel free to create patterns where the instructions are complicated, knowing that she'll come and help it all make more sense. So this is exactly the spirit we're looking at. This is probably a person she only pays for an hour, I don't know, maybe two hours for every pattern. But it's just completely taken the burden off of this component of work and it's letting her do what she really enjoys doing. And she points out outsourcing isn't always about this huge manufacturing deal, okay? We're looking to get rid of tiny little things that someone else can do for us, because as we've talked about, every minute matters, right? You're working on a finite amount of time. You're trying to fit this huge new event into your life. And so, if you can get these tasks off of your to do list, you're going to be so much more agile.

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Ratings and Reviews

Patrice Horvath

Thank you for making such an important class!!! This is a topic we all really need to talk about openly and have some guidance on! I'm 29, recently married and went freelance last year because I knew I'd want flexibility when I started a family. My business has gained momentum recently and this will course be so important to have handy during the next few years when I start a family to help me maintain my business. Thank you, very excited!

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