Story Design
Julio Vincent Gambuto
Lesson Info
6. Story Design
Getting Started
19:18 2The Power of Stories
18:42 3Key Concepts
12:29 4Analyzing Stories
07:23 5Writer’s Purpose
11:30 6Story Design
03:32 7Story Design: Setting
09:13 8Story Design: Hero
08:12Story Design: Want
10:02 10Story Design: Villain
07:46 11Story Design: Conflict
08:51 12Story Design: Angel
05:26 13Story Design: Gift
04:46 14Story Before/After
06:28 15Using Emotion
06:15 16Story Structure
12:13 17Act 1
07:38 18Act 2
08:37 19Act 3
05:09 20Seed-to-Script Process
15:00 21The Treatment
06:10 22Deepening Your Work
02:24 23Feedback
08:07 24Next Steps
04:56Lesson Info
Story Design
Now we're getting to the rial core of this class. And I'm excited because now you've got your writers purpose and hopefully you've got some clarity on a piece of paper about what it is that you're trying to communicate. If you can get that down to one sentence now, we could build a story around it and kind of architect and design around that sentence. Okay. What do I mean? Welcome to story design. I use the word story design because I think it's really important for you to not be at Starbucks for four years straight writing a script and rewriting it and rewriting it and rewriting it. Yes, writing is rewriting. Yes, you will go to Starbucks on right when the pandemic is over. But I want to save you some time here. I want you to not make the mistakes that I did, which is that I was fumbling for years and years and years in my writing because I didn't really understand what are the pieces of this that I need to be able to sew together to make this really cool fabric. So story design is ab...
out thes 10 story fundamentals. This is its own video right now, Just these few minutes, because this is so important. We talked about your key. Take away your core message for your audience. This is my key. Take away for this class. If you identify the story fundamentals and deepen them, you will tell a better story. So we're gonna look at those 10 story fundamentals. But I want you to live and breathe them while you're taking this class. Because if you can find them in your story and get really clear about them and deepen them and bolden them and explore them and clarify them, you're gonna tell a stronger story. I will constantly come back to this because it is the reason I'm teaching this two year right now. Find these story fundamentals. And I do this a lot in my writing where I think I'm clear about something and I'm actually not. And then I discovered that I'm not clear about it. 35 pages into the draft. I don't want you to have that experience. It is so frustrating to write 35 pages of a screenplay and then suddenly discover that actually, he doesn't want that he wants something different than that. Oh, now you've got to go back and rewrite. You're always gonna have to do a little bit of rewriting. That's not my point. I want you to think about thes from the top and get super clear about them. So to help you do that, I've given you a story design worksheet. It's in the bonus materials. This is the singular, most important part of this class. So if you want to download it and spend some time with it or if you wanna use it as your guide for the next 10 videos, um, that's a really good way to look at these sections and maybe watch each section and then go to the worksheet and spend some time on it. My biggest recommendation would be to look at each of these fundamentals and then step away and spend a day, an hour, a weekend, five pages or just a single page writing deeply about that fundamental so that you really get to the heart of why it's key to your story. So let's jump in, and this will come a little bit more clear as we go through them.
Class Materials
Ratings and Reviews
Carlos Sandoval
Just a great way to start on your path to screenwriting. A clear and concise class with a friendly tone and humor. I think it is important that a teacher has actually worked in the field. Kudos.
Perfect for a beginner or actors who need a better understanding of what is and why is. Info packed and FUN too!
Asem Nurkina
I took this class last year. And after one year of working with presented tools (story design worksheet, story fundamentals workseet, seed to script process) on different projects I can say that it is very powerful and useful course I ever taken. I can strongly recommend this detailed screenwriting guidance by Julio Vincent Gambuto.