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BONUS: Why You Should Exercise

Lesson 11 from: Work. Life. Balance.

Tamara Lackey

BONUS: Why You Should Exercise

Lesson 11 from: Work. Life. Balance.

Tamara Lackey

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11. BONUS: Why You Should Exercise

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BONUS: Why You Should Exercise

incorporating exercise as much impossible in your day. This is great for a 1,000,000 reasons. Take health out of the equation. It clears your your brain fog. You are collecting brain fog every day, are you not? It clears brain fog. It gives you an incredible energy boost. It gives you an incredible mood boost. Obviously, the great great physical benefits. I also think it's a great way to show people around you how you can have all that. So I like it and you get to eat more. So this right here is one of the biggest reasons I was so excited about moving to our new studio, our new studios of Mild on the Road. But it's also right next to 26 miles of Greenway called the American Tobacco Trail. We don't I don't actually smoke on here, but this is This is where I do all my phone calls, and I spent about an hour a day on this trail, walking back and forth, making all my phone goals. There's a lot of how we planned these workshops was on this. This is where I spend. What I do is basically set i...

t up, and I batch. Any phone call I need to make any conversation I would have had going back on forth, an image to say, Would you mind if I called you? And then I get out here and I do that for about an hour and it's fantastic at home. We've got this set up, which is way easier than you think would be. It's a treadmill, and as you know, many people are just giving treadmills away now they don't want, but you can just get a simple treadmill, and this is called the laptop catty. But that's hooked up to which I bought for $39. What's the price on that? $39 on Amazon and you just hook it up to a treadmill on. It works brilliantly, and you could spend an hour on your treadmill answering email. Social media The easier things you don't have to you have to be designing and editing on this. This is your administrative work that you have to get done because that is part of your life, and you could be on a treadmill doing whatever you're feeling comfortable with. I'm usually like a 32 MPH, 35 miles an hour, a couple grades too steep, and it's stuff I would have been doing anyway. I just stood up to do it and got to move and get all these benefits. One big, big reason. I love this and the other thing and working in exercise as much as you can in a consolidated way outside of anything else you want to do, like your yoga and your resume A and everything else is because little things add up right. I'm gonna tell you exactly what I mean by that. Jim, I have a gym membership. I do not like the gym. It's just I want to be outside and get the fresh air. I think that's most of what it is. But I also don't lose the opportunity I have when it's pelting rain outside or it's just bad weather. So I keep a gym bag at my in my car and at the studio, so I don't have excuses, and I can pack one from home at any time. This is just a way of trying to get the excuses out of your head and being able to do it, so if you want in your life. You feel like I want to see how these little things. Okay? You're on the trouble for an hour. Whatever. How does this stack up? If I were to make sure that one hour a day, but that I'm doing work, right? So single tastic in respect to consolidating. I'm not walking on that trail, talking on the phone, texting, eating a burger and ordering a coffee. It's, you know, you're staying pretty focused. You could lose £26 a year if this is all you did If all you did was an hour on that treadmill while you're answered email or an hour outside walking Why you talked on the phone calls that you want to make anyway or connected with friends that you care about. Anyway, you're burning about 250 calories a day, based on how far you go, how fast you walk, how much you weigh. If you only do this, you've lost about £26 a year. If you said you know what, I actually have a focus on wanting to lose weight. I'm gonna do that. And I'm gonna skip one glass of wine. Maybe it's my second last Maybe it's my third glass. Maybe it's my six glass. The point is, I'm gonna skip it. I'm gonna burn. I'm gonna skip taking in the 125 calories. That's also, of course, like a bread. Roll the tortilla on your burrito. You get a salad. Instead, it's a Coke. You just skip that something you would normally have that day and add that you lose £40 a year. It's a huge changes from these little things. And again, to me, this isn't about the weight loss. It's more about the idea of Look how this adds up. Isn't that crazy? Call me maybe. OK, but the point is not doing of them has to be the exception. These are the habits you get into the things you enjoy, the things that are fun and the doing of them. That's the habit. This is me and my kids. After a four mile race, we did this last spring. If you saw this picture on Facebook, it's extra really funny, cause I posted this after the race. We all did it together on day. Somebody commented, Gosh, if I tried to get my six year old out of a four mile race. She would just have a fit at the start line. That was That was my youngest at the start line. She got overwhelmed by the crowd by the suddenly, you know, she news for miles, but she hadn't done a four mile race before. What? You know, she went running with me. It all seemed too big. And she was over around and she was scared. Which is how we feel. Whatever. We have to start a huge project. Right? And so I said to her all you have to dio you don't have to run four miles in this next step. You take a step, you take another step, you take another step. Take another set. Similar to how we don't live this whole lifetime. We do a day at a time. In a day at a time. I said, Let's just start going. And if you don't feel well, checking in five minutes, I lied to her. No, but I said we'll check in five minutes and sail. You're doing well checking in five minutes to see what you're doing. Set the time or make a big deal out of it. This is her at the end of the race, finishing the four miles this is her. But five minutes into the race, eight minutes into the race, probably literally. She's having fun. She's going, it's all cool. But the point is, you don't get to this. If you don't get started, right, you do have to get started. I personally believe that we're all capable of more than we know all of us. Even little people, especially fellow people, mean they haven't been brainwashed to think they can't yet. And I think that it's okay to feel insecure, overwhelmed or nervous that you have to start.

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Ratings and Reviews

a Creativelive Student

This course is amazing. It's a life course, relevant to everyone, but very relevant for photographers, many of whom are juggling other jobs and families. I loved the personal nature of it and have so much admiration for Tamara for opening herself and her life so other may learn. Thank you! I cannot recommend this course enough!!

Visual JAH

I got to watch a lot of this live, and was glued to it! great course for those juggling family, second job, or any other level of craziness... or if you are just starting out. A lot of common sense wisdom and good ideas, delivered from a place of passion and experience, and it's pretty cheap!

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