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Taking Action & Scheduling

Lesson 6 from: Work. Life. Balance.

Tamara Lackey

Taking Action & Scheduling

Lesson 6 from: Work. Life. Balance.

Tamara Lackey

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6. Taking Action & Scheduling

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Taking Action & Scheduling

let us set some clear priorities now setting priorities is hard, right? We wrote down. We had our dinner party. We had eight people at it. Well, you know, I don't know what's the priority? What comes first, Putting me at the first. I'm I'm a jerk. I am a jerk for reading me at the top, right? Except of course you're not. That's actually the most giving thing. You can dio. If we're going to say what our list of priorities are, I want you to take that list now. I want you to put them in order of five or eight or 10 or whatever you have listed down. And if you come stumbling across some things, let me give you some advice for this. First and foremost, it's not wrong to have one or two ties. It's OK if you're just like I don't know, you know it's okay to have a tie or two, but it shouldn't be. The whole thing shouldn't be jammed up on the same line. The the clear winner of having set priorities is that you were gonna race decisions down the line, and that's awesome. That clears of your min...

d. It clears up your clutter. It clears up everything you want this. So here's another thing. If you're putting a list together and some things last and you feel terrible about that, keep in mind they are on the list there at your dinner table. They are a core and vital part of you. There is nothing wrong with them being last cause they're not last. You just have to have a clear path. So go ahead and write this out and last hint. If you're really just like I still don't know, look at all those things. Look at that dinner party and with very, very clear eyes say the loss of what at this table would be the most chilling to me. Look at it that way. Start there. That's at your top. This would be the worst loss of all. Yes, it would suck toe lose $50,000 next year. But if my health were completely detour deteriorated or something would happen to someone my family dwarfs, it dwarfs it. Right. So start that way and just take 30 seconds to just put together a first run at your priority less that you can always change. Um What do you guys think? Do you feel like you got something going? Pretty good? Pretty easy. Easy, You know? No. But doable. Well, yes, it easy. No, because it shows you that your question. Think about the thing that would shatter your life if you lost it. Then if I look at what I write down to answer your question, my priorities are very different from water. The way I live, my life, my priority. My left today are in a certain order. When I think of your question, what is the most important thing that would destroy my life if I lost it? I reversed those priorities. And I'm like my life doesn't look like anything like I I wanted to look, if all wonder look on paper. What a wonderful thing to learn. Because the truth is, if you're living your life not in priority to what matters to you, you're gonna always feel conflicted. You're always gonna feel like you're off because you're not living life in the order of things that matter to you. You're not putting first things first. That's a wonderful thing to learn. Is that Yeah. Good. I'm glad that's a good discovery. All right, so let's talk about how we get these listing order things. These three things we want every day think about us. Let's talk about how we get them started. That car that's racing down the freeway that you don't want to just throw into a guard rail and stop the next 30 days or us soon, Lee putting on the brakes because we're gonna exit soon. And we're not gonna do anything shocking that scares the crap out of us and makes us turn around and run back for safety into a mundane existence that we actually can't stand. Yes. All right. So for the next 30 days, we're gonna be exploring ourselves, not weirdly. We're just gonna exploding articles, and we try to make sure we get this plan working for you. Okay? I should also let you know that I have a sense of humor. A 14 year old boy, sometimes for just run with it. We're not gonna try somebody else's successful plan because somebody else is successful. Plan is a great guideline of how they did it. But you trying to stick it on you and make it work like that is not gonna fly. It'll maybe last for a little while. You lose motivation, lose interest because it's work its effort. You have resistance, but it needs to be or things that you long and crave doing. That's what we're gonna be doing. We're gonna create the list of how you incorporate the stuff that is your top priority in a way that is naturally conducive to how you live. So let's say I talked about these. The work Here are three things that I want my clients to believe about me that if they believe it is true for them. So number one a talented of photography. So for the next days, I'm gonna be exploring new education opportunities. But again, I don't want to be generic. I want to be specific specifically what I'm going to dio. Okay. Specifically, for the next 30 days, I'm gonna take one intermediate level course on the vision of photography. For instance, I'm gonna try out three brand new techniques that I have heard are very good for improving my relationship with my clients for improving my landscape shots for improving my infrared photography. Whatever it is, I'm gonna be trying those out one at a time. These three things I start at the beginning, I'm gonna make a very specific goal. Number two, I want to be wonderful to work with. So for the next 30 days, I'm gonna create a excellent client service plan. Thes. They're gonna be the best way. I'm gonna create, just create, strategize When I get to my action items, things I do every day. That's what I roll it out. But I'm not there yet. Right now. I'm just building it. I want to be considered a friendly person. I don't remember how to be a friendly person anymore. I mean, I know this is to do the things, but I don't know what my clients would see is friendly. Okay, this isn't me by the kind of I don't know what I'm supposed to be doing. That supposed to be friendly, etcetera. So for a week, I'm gonna try writing. Thank you. Notes hand written. Thank you notes and see if that's me. Oh, crap. My handwriting's horrible. That's not me. For the next week, I'm going to see what it's like to pick up the phone and just say ashes here, you're doing for the next week. After that, I'm gonna go to all my clients Facebook page and just kind of catch up on the doing and make little notes for the week after that, I'm going to schedule some just catch up Skype calls, see if that might be the way for me. Maybe over the course of a month, I'm gonna find the easiest, simplest way that I want incorporate on a day to day basis to be perceived as more friendly with my clients because it matters to me that they think that of me. Yeah. All right. So let's do the same thing for health. Maybe for my health. The three things I want to believe are true about me. I want to say these are true. This is my outcome. My outcomes are I eat well as a joyous habit. Like I love seeking out fresh and delicious foods that fuel me. Number two. I want exercise frequently, but I want to do it with enthusiasm. I want to feel like I'm lost when I do it. Like I'm craving it. That this is a wonderful thing for me. Not like I gotta get through this tour and I want to be a high energy person. I want to feel like I bounce out of bed and I put my all in and I see people and I have the patient's level to kind of see what they bring to me, and I give it back and all that would be so awesome. That's the person I want to be. That's part of my health. So for the next 30 days, how I'm gonna incorporate these for the next three days I'm eating 30 new foods that I have heard are supposed to be good. I'm gonna try Spirulina tomorrow. It's purely today on and on and on. For the next 30 days, once a week, I'm gonna try a new activity that I have never heard of. People tell me is really cool. Where is this boom? I'm gonna try kangaroo jumps. Who's done those kanga jumps. OK, so there is a little, like, look kind of like roller blades, but they're springs and you I'm gonna try kangaroo jumps one week, and then I'm gonna do a belly dancing class, and then I'm gonna do I'm gonna join us a soccer club. Sign up, drop in for a week. So it's like I'm gonna do we Zuma way every week. I'm to try it for the week and just see what I think about that experience. Is this a fun thing that I would look forward to doing? Or does it, like, make my skin crawl? I don't know. Let me try it out. High energy person. For the next four weeks, I'm going to try one thing a week that is supposed to boost my energy. Maybe it's going to sleep half an hour earlier. Maybe it's having eight glasses of water a day, etcetera, etcetera. So these are my starter action items is my plan for the next 30 days you've got a listing on this download. You just write it out on paper. Then then. Okay. Okay. What have we done? We know what makes us come alive. We know what we crave. And long to dio we know what I priorities are. We know what the order of my priorities are. Holy crap. We're on our way. We know what the three things of every part of our life that matter to us that we want to be true. We figured that out. Then we said, Well, how do we get our car? Sluti Exiting off this pace of insanity. OK, these are starter action items. These are ideas that we could do. Is their body with me so far, is anybody not with me. You guys with me back there. Okay, Now we're gonna get toe active action items. That is where we're going to say how to go. Those starter things we did. How did it go? What are our assessments? What did we think? You know. So maybe what I found out is that apparently, of all those new foods I tried Ah, lot of them go together. And I love steel. Cut oatmeal with flaxen Sprinkles, almond milk with wild blueberries on top and a splash of a god. A syrup that is good. It's the best food for May I get in every morning to get whole grains, protein, great fiber of Omega's antioxidants, calcium and a local icy mix index burst of sweetness. I'm gonna do this three times a week instead of the refined flour bagel. I just have a little bit ago that gave me zero nutrients. But I just grab in the morning some busy and I'm gonna start incorporating these foods into my life. And I'm gonna be basically pushing out the worst foods. But in a way that I actually am excited about and I left, That's That's the these air my action items three times a week. I'm having this breakfast and I'm not going to think about it. I have this stuff stock to my house three times a week. Breakfast Don't. I am 18. Joyously number two Fun exercise. I tried out kangaroo jumps and they were the best thing in the world I took. I took some for me and I got some for my kids and we went out to a local track and all we did was drove around the track. We did this for like an hour, and I burned 14,000 calories and they had a blast by the blast. It was like a win win all the way around. I'm gonna do this twice a month, every two weeks we're going out to the track and we're gonna bring a picnic and make a thing out of it and have fun and get a workout, and they're gonna learn it's going great I also found that we Zuma has the best music ever, like it's so over years on we Zuma. Oh, it's so fun. I'm sure Internet has we. Zuma is a blast. It's got great music and honestly, you do like five or six sessions and you're like, I think I'm becoming a professional dancer like I am shockingly good at this and I didn't know it. It's really, really fine, like you feel like you've got rhythm, even though it's completely false. So twice a week every Tuesday and Thursday am doing we, Zuma and the kids love to jump in on that, too, or my husband does. My spouse does, or my dog gets really into it or whatever energy boosting. I tried a new thing once a week for four weeks. I found that that the easiest thing in the world in the world is to drink eight glasses of water a day, and I didn't know it, but I was drinking a glass, 1/4 of water a day. I started tracking it. I downloaded this free app. Food diary, I think, is one of them. That's a free app that you can just literally click how many glasses of water you have a day. And since I started tracking it, I realized that I never drink water. I am constantly dehydrated, and I wonder why I'm always walking around with no energy. So now I just make sure I get a class of the day and I'm done. Start out with three glass in the morning. Three guys lunch, three guys that might peeing like crazy. But I have so much energy, other things, easiest thing in the world going to bed 30 minutes earlier than I normally do. I don't really notice this is a hit. 30 minutes. That's not a hit. 45 major work up to an hour. I find that four hours of extra rest a week is stunningly optimal for me. I didn't know it. Do you see what I'm saying? How we're gonna build this in? So we're building this into our schedules. When you're talking about schedule, you have to own your schedule, and I mean that, like possessive Lee Do schedule grabbing be the first person to get something on your calendar, especially if you're in a situation where you might have mixed priorities. Huge client meeting talent shows school as soon as I don't know. I'm eking a lot today. Where is that? I haven't heard that before. No, Maybe it's because the kids were around. Maybe so do things like, you know, make a point of talking. If you've got kids in school, make a point of talking to the teachers ahead of time. Often they'll have the schedule before it's announced. When is the talent show schedule things around that as soon as you can find out about anything big in your life, get it down. Anything I do. Any events? Ideo. I get the dates down before I get anything else down. Like this course I knew I was coming here late July of 2012 way before I had any idea what I'd be talking about, right? We said, Let's just get it down, that's true. And the rest we can figure out and we did, and we did. And here we are. But you start with that because you have to value your time. Obviously, you have to protect your time, and you have to be the one who chooses had to spend your time fiercely, fiercely guarding your time it really has to be that core. And if you're thinking about everybody at that dinner table, right, you have to share schedules. And in some respect you have to find out what everybody is important. Everybody at that dinner table. Is it weird that I'm calling health person? But you get it right? Here's what I find that that starter work we did that 30 days of kind of moving in. That's the experimentation phase that slowly making sure you're finding things that work for you. Doing that can also be a lot of fun, obviously. But what that does is you knock out the stuff that's never gonna work for you. You spend 30 days knocking out things that you would have tried that would have no used to you that have been no help to you. It's not to me. It's never idea. I'm gonna do this, do that, do that. It's like what works exactly for me when my drawn to what's embarrassing. Putting on cave you jumps and going to a track and jumping around Oh my God, never. You have to find out what fits for you. All right. Last day I will just say about that is that, uh I love this next line is that any time you're building out a schedule, you have to think about things that might go wrong. So key risk factor management. Oh, no, you did not. What is going wrong in your life? You're making plans, right? You're prioritizing things. You're scheduling activities. You've got your eye on the prize. You know what your outcomes are. And then suddenly, everything you planned on just kind of fizzles. For some reason have you ever done this? Had a big, big goal and then just got really fired up, motivated, and then, yeah. So usually what happens is something you didn't plan on. Rolled in. You didn't know how you're gonna react to it. And so you kind of again you ran late doing this. You kind of realize you're a little overzealous about reaching for the moon on that. You know, you kind of said, Well, if I skip this time as well, skip that, etcetera, etcetera. And then it just tumbles to the ground and you stop key risk factor. Management is like when you're building a good business plan. A major part of a good business land is having your key risk factors identified. I do workshops where we sit down and for a full day just building out a business plan that works for your business. And in that experience, key risk factors. Your key success factors, anarchy risk factors are vital there. Significant forecaster of what's gonna go right and what's gonna go wrong. And if you know up front, you can try to guard yourself against the things that are going to go wrong. That makes perfect sense, right? This is very sensible. This is since worthy. So first and foremost is identifying what you think might go wrong. But a couple of things that you think might go wrong on your path to balance Just shut it out. Oh, yeah. Shot it out with my Maybe maybe I'll get sick. I'll get the stomach flu or something. And that's like a setback. And you have a setback. You have something you didn't plan on hits you? Yes. What's was a couple quick things You think? What else? What things that you forsee are gonna be stumbling blocks to your optimal future? Nothing. Don t We're gonna ace, I'll say I'll tell you one. I've decided I'm gonna make exercise. Something I do every day in some format for at least 30 minutes a day Minimum. OK, but you know what? I woke up that morning, slept in a little bit, had to get raised kids out the door. You'd like to work out the morning. Didn't pull it off in the morning. I'm gonna do it Lunch. But then data with me. Crazy busy calls I get home. Okay? I can't make dinner. And then if I don't get the kids to bed, they'll never get to bed. I got them to bed. I turn around the kitchen, master, clean that up. I walk into the living room and I'm like, I just want to put my feet up and just, you know, be saved by the television and just relax and I will work out tomorrow, and that happens Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday and Friday. Now the risk factor the thing that I could have seen coming was that if I don't keep my energy up, I'm going to feel that way. At the end of the day, that is very, very clear. If I don't optimally set myself up to do these little things that boost my energy all day long is rejuvenation breaks. You know these things, things that don't make me feel when I get to. The other day I put the kids and I said, The couch and I can't move. The only way I can move to do is to reposition the intel ajar so I could get a bigger spoon in there and keep eating. By the way, did you know that they have a homemade recipe for vegan to tell now? Side note. Awesome. So But if I know that in advance and I'm going to say, you know what, there's a really good chance that I'm gonna have a day like that. And why don't I make sure that that priority toe have my energy up? That I'm rolling those things out all day long so that I don't feel like I just stepped on an express train and got off at nine o'clock at night? And there's nothing left of May because it not a tonight. I might kind of feel like I'm dropping the trade bill, do a little bit. Email looks like 30 minutes. I'll show you my treadmill station in a bit because I might actually have, like, Dr and there's more in my tank to go. So key risk management factor is building in the rejuvenation so I can maintain the health. That's what I mean by that example. Um, like any plan, you have to see how you're doing once a week, Friday, Sunday night, Monday, whatever you want to dio, this isn't a formal thing. Glance at how you're coming along with things. What do you noticing that you're screwing up? What are you doing? Really, really well. And if you're doing something really well, if you're like wow, I just have, like, 10 meals a day and that's too much, 10 meals a week, 10 meals a week, and I can't believe what impact it's had immediately on how I feel that's celebrate, you know, make stop and celebrate. Get up and dance, dance the summer. Those are important things. So your weekly planned review is just double check houses coming along. How am I doing? What kind of things don't need to better prepare for? Because I see that I could be failing here. I see that I didn't really well here. Here to activities that could bring together to save me time and to meet both my needs, consolidating those things. That's a big one for me. Consolidation opportunities for me. I love to run. I love to run away and then eventually come back. And what I find is that I also want to have one on one time with my kids. And so sometimes that's like get up a little bit early and we go out to breakfast together one on one, because there's three of them and I don't want them to be Hi, I'm a member of kids. I want them to be this child, this child, this child with separate people, and we have a separate relationship, and that takes more work and more time. So what we dio is I've got my kids purposefully into exercise, and we make that activities, and my oldest now actually is more running. But we've done a few track one together, and she'll go out with me for a mile and 1/2 and we'll be out there and she'll want to take breaks and stop and keep going, and I'll have 30 35 minutes of just really good time alone with her, where nothing is around. I don't have my phone. Nothing's happening. We're just in the neighborhood. I'll come back and this has happened three times in the last two weeks and my eight year old is ready to go. So then I got with him for, like, a mile and then come back. And my seven year old just wants to lapse in the cold. So we go around around. By the time it's done, I had one on one time with every one of them. We had meaningful conversation with no distractions, and I got a five K in. It's like a triple win for May. So the idea of thinking about how do you consolidate these these opportunities saying thing with friendship. Friendship is again. I am. I want to herald the rebirth of the importance of friendship because I personally have noticed the big change in my life. And so what I mean by that is things that one of my friends, Laura, she does something called a book swap because I have done this is a book swap cocktail thing where she has everybody in her friend group bring three books that they read and liked or will never read. But think will probably be good and come to the house and drop them off and grab three of somebody else's already dropped him on the table. And then you grab the ones that you see that are interesting to you and what you do there, you consolidate you declutter. You also get to consume. But you follow that rule of one in one out and you get toe have why or whatever spend time with friends. You know, the idea of how do you bring together some of the things you want to dio? A lot of people do decluttering parties where they go to people's houses and they take turns like, you know, four friends. I'll go to your house. We're gonna work on your house for two hours next week. We're gonna go to mine. Then we're gonna go to seize that. We're gonna goto Genevieve's. Genevieve always wants to get in there. What kind of ideas can you have to incorporate this if nobody is coming to you with the ideas, you come up with them and a note we're talking about work, you know, on that round table where we're all sitting work is just a part of it. It's not all of it. It's not at the tippy top, and I think what's really interesting about work is the idea of what our currency is right. Obviously, money makes the world go round. But when you think about what you want out of your life, actually, it's scientifically proven that money does not buy happiness. It's a phrase. We hear it all the time. Money doesn't buy happiness, but it's kind of after a certain point. If you can get your basic needs met and your security covered and feel like you're under control. After that, money actually starts to matter less. And there's a big piece in Time magazine where they talked about What was that? I have it. The article was a bigger magazine. Princeton University did the study. They pulled 450,000 Americans, and they found out that after the household number of about 75,000 I believe that's exactly the numbers, right? 7 5000 They found that money no longer had an effect on happiness that just vaguely after that point, it didn't make anybody any happier to have any more money. They did seem to be happier until they got to that point because they felt like they got some of the things are bugging member concerning them under control and, interestingly enough, after an excessive amount of money happy This actually goes down Because now you start thinking about things like, Do you really want to be my friend for me? Is there something you want from me? Are you trying to borrow money from May? Do you? It starts to degrade the things that actually bring us happiness. So we do know that money can't buy you happiness. When I used Teoh do my old work, when I looked at my priority list, I used to do my old job. It was all about the money, like it was very much a financially rewarding job. But if I look at my party lists, finances dead last for me, it's dead last. So when I transition out of that and went into photography, it makes a lot of sense that I never regretted that choice because it's dead last for me. And I think what's another really, really interesting thing about when you're looking at priorities. When you're trying to debate this, this is exactly where I use this. I was trying to debate whether or not to phase wedding photography out of my studio. It had been very successful for us. It was a huge revenue generator in our business, but the even though I enjoyed my clients, the hits to my family life was becoming too much because I was working so much during the week. So the goal out of a Saturday was becoming nuts. And so when I look at that party list, finance was dead last. If I'd looked at that first, that would have been a choice. It took me about 18 months to make that choice. I could have made that choice in a week and saved all that money and never regretted it. And guess what? I don't regret it all. I'm very excited about it. So recognizing when you're putting these priorities and where they matter, here's another great reason. If you put health above environment like your home and you finish your dinner and you're looking at a big, stinky, messy kitchen, have you guys ever had this experience and you're trying to decide whether or not. You want to go for a run or stay in clean the kitchen? Might you not feel really guilty if you go for the run and you left a big, messy kitchen, Would that be a complete waste? You should be celebrating, right? I said that. I'm ready to repeat that. My head. I thought about that a lot. All right, so one more thing about doing what you love in the money will follow in considering happiness. If you are doing what you love and you are happy on a day to day basis, you are winning. That is your top priority, your winning in every respect. And that's one note that I want I want to make because a lot of people I know link success to finance. And I'm not putting this out here is just kind of a coup by Astor thing. I'm saying on a day to day basis, your less successful if your last priority is money and all the choices in your life are being guided by money, you are less successful. You are less happy doing what you love, actually, and that's the number one priority is yourself, and actually having a lot to give. Doing what you love will come first. That is the best, most successful choice you could make. All right. Do you want to take a question break before I move on to the next question? Next part. Let's do that. We started audience. Does anyone in the audience question does that all makes sense? I mean, feel free to tell me that I'm so on the mark and you're so with me that you don't have any questions because because when you said when you mentioned how the things that could go wrong, right, One of things you said is, what if I get the stomach flu? The main reason I think you need to set your priorities is because you will get some of that you. But things will happen specifically for me. I actually have been struck by lightning twice, which is ridiculous. And this is why I'm not sitting there window right now. That's because you're from North Carolina, right? I said. Well, actually, only one time I got struck North Carolina. The other one was in coming back from Seattle when I was flying Teoh, Ohio, Seattle because we were there last week, and we had lightning every single day. I know there's some things going on. It's really crazy. But when I see a lightning, I mean, like, our car was hit while I was driving home from dinner with friends like 11 at night and the whole car shut down while we're going seven miles an hour. Wow, That brings me back to my car analogy. But the whole car shut down at 11 o'clock at night, and we had to, like, make our way off the road. That's eerie. How much is like my analogy about our started thing, But that's exactly what happened to us. This is what it looked like. If you follow me on Twitter, you saw I posted this. This'll was the entry point of the lightning, which, by the way, was right over the head of my friend Maria. The driver Onda car axes a Faraday cage, which actually means that the lightning hits. It goes out around the metal and it pops the tires. Which is exactly what happened to us when the car exploded. This Chevy Tahoe hybrid was totaled that totaled the car, and here's the thing about things like lightning strikes for lighter, stomach, flu's or suddenly losing your job or whatever the case might be. It's not just the shock of what happens, although that's pretty significant, especially when it's literally shocking. It's not just the shock, it's the ongoing amount of time and effort you have to put into the administrative fixing of that problem. So when people have major illnesses, the illness is only part of it. Next they have to deal with insurance and health and getting to and from the hospital and taking care of all the things that they have to take care of. The other thing with this case specifically, they spent months afterwards dealing with auto insurance car car thing to get the car finally registered is total that it costs a lot of money and it took a lot of time. If you realize that this is always gonna be happening in your life, that's what we look like after it hit us. You have to realize that these things are always gonna happen in your life and ideally you plan for that. That's the key risk management things you plan about the fact that I'm not gonna feel 100% my day feel about 75% because the other 25% is just gonna be crap I didn't see common. And that's where the other three ever said is going to be checking a Dotel. Words triple booked. And suddenly I am not working like I thought I was going to be working. Okay, um, schedule. Okay, this is your schedule. When I talk about you've got your action items, you've got everything going. This is actually a schedule that I came up with, like, 18 months ago. I happened to pull it off my laptop at the last second before this class started. When I got reminded about how I had showed it before. But this is basically how this stuff all gets thrown into your week. What does your week look like? Maybe what you're saying is I need rejuvenation. I'm gonna make sure no matter what. Everybody in the world on the set, the expectation everybody knows that I am sleeping. I am getting some sleep. You want to be able to build time in for the stuff when you just want to spend time with your family, right? You just wanna play in wrestling, giggle and build Legos. Family Day that goes on the counter. When does that go on? First, that is your top priority, that it's added first. Then you go in exercise. I want to exercise sometimes other times on the collaborate with the kids on it. Other times, you know, take them to the gym with me. I know I have to do grocery shopping that's going to be built in. How can I make it a fun experience or have things brought to me, which I'll get into a second? Um, if once a week I need to coordinate this whole thing that's happening, this operation, I'm gonna have my weekly review that needs to be on my calendar. If I care about spending time in gratitude or meditating or any sort of ways that I need to re center myself, that has to go on my calendar and things get. Work comes after that. It comes around that and then within work. Of course, I'm prioritising my systems for work. So these are the days I shoot these the days I work from home. These are the days I'm going to write or build content or whatever I'm gonna dio. And the reason I show this is because without this, this is what your life looks like when you have no plan for it. There's a lot of time on their for drinking. You see, the difference is the act of intention I want I want to intentionally of my life. And I want to schedule it in a way that makes sense for me and meets my needs and make sure make sure was meaningful. I don't want to just be responding and reacting. Yes. So this is what I need a schedule Because I think for the past two years I just live in my life with my family and, you know, follow my husband's schedule, follow my son schedule instead of having a schedule for my self. Uh, and so I get lost in all of it. Yes. And my myself, me is not important anymore. So I need a schedules before I'm in work school. Everything had a schedule and I was flying, but yeah, for it has two years. I did not follow any schedule at all. So you just feel like you drift along to whatever else needed. Yes, I need to get back into making a schedule off. Okay, 30 minutes of there's one hour off this, and that's it. That's all I will put my time into and move on to the next on my schedule, right? The problem with I think getting lost everybody else's priorities and every also schedule is that you become invisible. And when you're invisible, how much good can you do for anybody? Especially that feels miserable, you know? I mean, one of our basic basic needs is to be seen. It's your invisible that's not happening. Wrap good. All right, Do we have any questions before we move on to our next section? Absolutely. I'm a question from Mars on. You're very high energy person. And Marjolein asked. How can we could become a high energy person? I would love that well, interestingly enough Saturday, Sunday, Friday, Saturday and Sunday, we during the three day course on sales. And Sunday there's a section like a big section all focus on How do you boost your energy? Because I genuinely believe that all of this takes energy like all the six energy and sail steak Saturday, Great sales. You need to be present you need be listening. You need to be focused. You need to make sure that the interaction is authentic, that you're actually making sure the client gets what they want. And you can't do that from a place of like I'm run over and beaten up and invisible. It's hard to be an equal part of a conversation when you're invisible, so you need to be strategy, and we're going talk exactly about that. This weekend, thank you and a question from our little photographer. When Timur realized that she needed to put the schedule into play, did she stick Teoh with the allotted time? Even if the tests weren't complete? Yes and no. Something's when it was. It was a pretty strong priority in terms of getting to the next thing. I would kind of stop where I waas. It depends on the defense in the priority, you know. But I will say that Did I have I ever spent one week where I'm exactly at PM are going to the next thing? Never, never. But at least I have a guideline that keeps me on track. The bulk of your life is going to be things happening that you've got to respond to. And if you can, proactive in controlling the situation, you're in a far better place. So I have never, ever had one week where it's exactly box to box. But for the most part, I know that some point this week I've gotta have a one on one with one make IDs. You know, if it wasn't the schedule, I wouldn't even think of it. Second, Yeah, quite a few people had asked, Try not had asked. How do you deal with procrastination? I have procrastination tips coming up right now. All right, we're going right into this. Literally. Top tips on how to overcome procrastination. Boost productivity. Old this

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Ratings and Reviews

a Creativelive Student

This course is amazing. It's a life course, relevant to everyone, but very relevant for photographers, many of whom are juggling other jobs and families. I loved the personal nature of it and have so much admiration for Tamara for opening herself and her life so other may learn. Thank you! I cannot recommend this course enough!!

Visual JAH

I got to watch a lot of this live, and was glued to it! great course for those juggling family, second job, or any other level of craziness... or if you are just starting out. A lot of common sense wisdom and good ideas, delivered from a place of passion and experience, and it's pretty cheap!

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