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Piecing the Stripe Blocks Together

Lesson 18 from: 10 Ways to Love Improvisational Quilting

Malka Dubrawsky

Piecing the Stripe Blocks Together

Lesson 18 from: 10 Ways to Love Improvisational Quilting

Malka Dubrawsky

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18. Piecing the Stripe Blocks Together

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Piecing the Stripe Blocks Together

All right, so, yeah, I could easily fit these two blocks together in these two blocks together and then adjust. I can decide that I want them to fit together like that, in which case I would want to add on actually, I'm going to do that, because then I would have to add something over here. I could decide obviously, you know, this is long enough so I could decide to put them together so that they fit each other this way. I fit each other this way just cut this off. But just in the interest of having a kind of a design challenge, we're gonna go ahead and mismatch them on purpose. I will remind everyone that we're actually using heavy duty singer machines in this particular class, and creative life has actually done a series of short six short classes on different machines from singer, including the heavy duty one that we're using in this class today on that teach you how to use every function on the machine, and you can find those by going to our catalog and checking out those courses t...

hey rationally becky handsome and our susan bills course. We also use those heavy duty machines is recently here from creative live you. Where she was she gave us a solid foundation the basics of something really small projects in kids sizes to help you gain some confidence again check that out in our catalogue and check out the classes on singer that will help you get very familiar with the machines that we're using for a lot of our crafting courses all right so we got this one put these two together and I will just trim those to fit but trimmed of the size of these to fit together after I saw them together using the same needle they malka but yours he's showing across a lot of scenes yeah, I think a standard needle to handle these many seems if I had a lot more bulk and I want to use a more heavy duty kind of needle there a lot of needles out there I mean their needles for all sorts of different you know, sowing situations so yeah, that should never be an impediment um and you know, all you have to do is go online and you confined guides for um you know what kind of needle you need it in a given situation but you don't need anything special needle for this any different than you would use for sewing a garment or um you know, sewing a button hole that kind of things I mean the question that came in from online malka says how do you compare improv to liberated or would you said I really enjoyed this class thank you very much but it's a different strain improper liberated ok so liberated quilting is gwen marston uh she's written at least one book that I know potentially more about liberated quoting end I have to admit that I don't honestly uh I know I'm familiar with the book I've seen it on the shelves and stuff but I don't know about the content um but I do know that she's she's a longtime quote maker and has made some amazing quote but I don't I don't I'm not real familiar with it's possible they're pretty darn is the same but I don't I don't know liberated called making ah enough tio are frankly enough at all to say so but if any of you all do does anyone else familiar with quinn marston's work okay alison I think they're pretty similar gain I think she does a lot more blocks ok like a shoo fly a liberated turned asha liberated monkey wrench right um and she also does a lot of application but I think that's a little stuff got another well, there you have it there's your answer all right so what I'm going to do is just make a little little bitty section in fact that that might be close to enough tio s so that I can so that I can even the span out between thiss one in this one and add that on call that block done all right but does together when trim this here and here with these together and we'll see what we got all right we can just here to I mean if we feel like if that the seam is to the scene between all these four blocks is is tio bulky we can just kind of crescent open and I don't remove some of that bulk removed I'm gonna trim away from these uh pieces of thread that have cut in cod just to kind of clean it up a bit and maybe even here to actually the fun is in trying to see how you could put them together um you could go here it could go here I mean this is really where some kind of designs face would really come in handy it would be fun to just keep working on this um have you two been together like that would you then fill in the yeah yeah I have to feel it in here like for instance see I have this little bit left over I could actually use that right there and then just create something else yeah right there just so we can see what it would look like because it's that's the other thing is just the just the variety of a block or patch sizes so let me make another one that goes to the horizontal and then we can put both blocks together this and that's why I mean stuff like that does a little extra bits save them in case let's let's do these floor this back over here and then add them and we'll put both those blocks together yeah, that looks good I need an overhead camera like in my studio because I really like looking back so how's it going jenny I know what they say I haven't got to binding it, malcolm, but I know michelle b is asking the in the online when you're using multiple colors like this, how do you decide it on the binding color? Yeah that's a great question so uh and I'll talk about kind of two different ways there are to ways to deal with kind of a binding issue in the in the coming segment, but if I've got a lot of colors like this, sometimes I will opt to basically like to basically turn the quilt inside out so that I don't have to have any binding um and I'll demo that in a bit um or if I want the focus to be on all these colors but I still want that binding I lie there, pick out one of these colors or used like a black and white print because it's a nice, almost boiled tall night color either way I'll get to accent um the existing um colors and they begged them not existing colors the existing shape that's going to happen for my you know from the fact that my people quote was pieced improvisational ian the top isn't necessarily got squared off edges now for this particular style iraq's got a lot of street scenes here yeah so fernando from brazil is actually wondering do you you start a tall or or do you simply design it open when you have somebody seems to get that flat surface to work oh no you don't need starch if you if you pieces properly but means making sure that you observe the quarter inch from the top piece of fabric was top strip you don't need start um I only reside ice um I press it open is because if I press it to one side that's a lot of seem that's a lot of bulk right at that same aiken aiken have that bulk by pressing it open but it should lay flat if you like I said if when you so the seams together you focus on that on staying a quarter inch from that top seen it should lay flat great stuff now you're using plain fabrics here for your pattern kind of there has been using the patterns that are available is what do you do just it's just your total preferences and I mean you just you just happen to like this plane strikes that you can use yeah, I think it works a little bit better but you know what I mean on all these kind of samples that we've done over the past two days you know, I've got my opinion about what works great and then somebody comes along and makes the very same thing in a different way and I'm like wow, that looks really great so if it's it's strictly my opinion that's the beauty of improper as well whatever works works yeah, the serial backward unusual diamond e oh, I made a mistake um I think is that post lunch? You know all right, so now we can put these two together once I trim this away and this away this way in that away thiss yeah, you look great very good and then we can move on to making cem string piece diamonds also without any kind of measuring but I have a very well I think it's a cute little way of making the diamonds um so we'll see if you all think it's cute but if you don't just be gentle with me okay, is this really wanted to fall in a certain spot? Thiss team is also gonna have a lot of old junk precedent over twelve e so go ahead and use my fingers to kind of figure press steam open and then do that with the iron as well, all right so I just wanted to kind of cut away some these threads that get caught in seems sometimes I could definitely see adding tio, that that looks like the way that looks, how they spread, because you could just keep all magic. Yeah, yeah, yeah, I'm thinking, really also how much stitching and sewing has gone into that just small section that was very, very quick. Yeah, yeah, something that can be done very, very yeah, yeah, that's, what I was saying, and you suddenly realize you're going to a baby shower, you know, a few days. Oh, here's, my gift.

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Ratings and Reviews

Me F

Another great class. I love the approach that encourages spontaneity and decision-making throughout the process! I was not at all put off by Malka's speaking style -- I found her informative, articulate, thoughtful and funny. I would, however, have appreciated much less time watching her sew, although I realize she likely did that in this class to allow her in-person students to have time as well. A bit tedious, however, when it's not live or you're not sewing along. I loved the idea from another reviewer to have samples of Malka's quilts hanging in the studio throughout all the sessions so we could refer to a finished piece that demonstrated the skill she was teaching. I would recommend this course to anyone who loves quilting or wants to learn.


It was interesting to see how Malka goes about improv piecing and making her design choices. She makes visually interesting quilts with wonderful use of color. On the down side: 1.Technical issues need to be worked out. Chat did not work for me. I use Apple products. 2.Malka needs to find alternatives to "um" and "kind of". The course was too long. We do not need to watch Malka sewing so much...some is ok. More samples partially done would cut way down on sewing time. I would prefer to see examples of Malka's work hanging on the walls behind her, so we could see where she was going with her demos and give us some fabulous quilts to admire. I believe the sewers on the set would also have benefited from seeing samples hanging on the walls.

Sarah H

I have only watched one session, as I live in the UK and I did not watch it live. I have a busy schedule at present so will take awhile to work though them, initial thoughts were very good, I do like Malka's engery and free use of pallet. I look forward to watching them over the coming weeks and get back to you. I do like the concept of these classes and find them very useful. Thanks

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