Lesson Info
23. Lightroom Mobile Overview
Class Introduction
01:29 2Outline
03:36 3Creative Cloud Overview
07:07 4The Camera
16:38 5Perfect Exposure
27:39 6Exposure Test Comparison
15:31 7Lightroom Overview
16:49 8Importing Images
18:01Image Review, Organization, and Selection
11:52 10Image Editing and Enhancement
54:16 11Profiles and Presets
22:16 12Local Adjustments
30:50 13Black and White
09:24 14Retouching
22:48 15Synchronization
10:40 16HDR (High Dynamic Range)
28:14 17Panoramas
13:27 18Photoshop
19:10 19Sharing
37:24 20Sharing Via Connections
05:49 21Adobe Portfolio
43:14 22Printing
10:38 23Lightroom Mobile Overview
37:32 24Lightroom Mobile Camera
06:12 25Tips and Tricks
37:44 26Archiving
15:51 27The End
09:10Lesson Info
Lightroom Mobile Overview
So now we're going to go to Light Room Mobile, and this is gonna be a fairly simple lesson because you've already seen all of the editing and the capabilities inside of light room on your desktop. And lighter mobile is not very different from light room on your desktop. Its's got the same tools. It's got the same technology. It's the same rendering raw engine inside of it, so everything is pretty much the same. In fact, they built it so that they were very, very, very similar, so that you would feel comfortable, whether you're on your phone, your IPad or whether you're on your desktop computer. So I'm just going to show you where things are. We're not going to talk about how to edit things and because it's all the same. But let me show you where things are inside of light room mobile, and to do that, we're going to start here on the IPad now. The first thing to notice is the three dot button right over here, because you'll use that quite a bit. So we click on the three dot button and g...
o all the way down to the bottom and click on the settings menu. So I want to go over settings with you first so that you see the important settings that you need to set up before you start using light room mobile. And the first of those is local storage. And this is where you're gonna find out how much space you actually have to work with. And that's important to know how much space you actually have available to you. So you know how to make decisions now on mine. I've got a pretty big free space, so I can put a lot of information on there because I chose to buy on IPad with a lot of space on it. But if you have very little space, you're gonna make different decisions than I'm going to make with lots of space. Eso I can put an entire job in there No big, no big deal as long as I get rid of it at some point. So I'm gonna go back out, and now I'm gonna go to cloud storage and sink right here. So let's click on cloud storage and sink. And the first item here is used cellular data. If you do not have an unlimited plan or if you have a plan that is unlimited. But as soon as you use you know, two gigabytes of data up and down, it suddenly throttles you and makes your service really slow. You need to make sure that you turn that off. So if you turn it on, it's going to start using cellular data when you're away and you don't want it to do that unknowingly. So I keep it off unless I need it. That's important. The second thing is Onley download smart previews. I keep that on because if something is being delivered to the cloud from my IPhone or from my desktop computer, and I know that the full file is somewhere else, I don't necessarily need the full file right here on my IPad. In fact, my phone and my tablet here I would prefer on Lee to have the smart previous. So I'm dealing on Lee with the small version of that file, and then the desktop computer is where I have the full file. Now if I have the smart preview on Lee Down download Smart preview on Lee toggled on. If I put a full size image into the IPad. It's still gonna have the full size image on the IPad, and it's going to send it up to the cloud. It's just not going to pull down full sized images from the cloud, so but if you turn this off, it will start downloading full sized images from the cloud into your IPad so that all of your images in your IPad are the full sized images, which is probably not what you want. So I highly suggest that you turn this option on and then, of course, prevent from sleep is really important. You don't want it to go to sleep while it's up loading and downloading images so that you could tell it to do something overnight and then in the morning it will be taken care of when you wake up. Okay, so that's important to know. The import dialog or the import settings here are important as well. Um, so auto add from camera roll if you take a picture, and this is true on the phone and on the IPad. If you take a picture with your phone or your IPad, you can have it automatically add those photos into light room. That way, no matter what camera you're using, it will automatically put that image in tow. Light room. Now, if you're on the IPhone and you're taking pictures with the IPhone light room, camera it on. Lee goes into light room, and it doesn't go to your camera. Roll on your phone. But if you take a picture with any other camera that's sending those images into your camera, roll on your IPhone or whatever. The camera roll equivalent is on an android device. It will then make a copy of that image and put it in light room, and then light room will send it up to the cloud, and it will go through all of the things that light room does. So then you'll have to images. You'll have an image in your photos area on your phone and you'll have an image in light room. And that's what this photos automatically add photos. You can also tell it to either add screenshots or not. I prefer not because screenshots don't seem to be the right thing to put into light room, but you could certainly have that and then videos. You can automatically add videos as well, look down here. There's a copyright area that you can have a add your copyright and then, just like in light room on your desktop computer. You can also say whenever I import images into this IPad or into the phone or whatever, you can actually tell it to automatically either. Choose the camera settings that were used on the camera to determine what the image is gonna look like. So if you use the landscape setting on your camera, it will then choose the landscape setting as a preset or is a original. It'll choose the profile of landscape in order to try and approximate what your camera was seeing, or you can use adobe default. Or you can choose a specific preset that you've created here. So it doesn't matter which one you choose, but it's really up to you is to how you want it to look. If you want everything to look the same, choose Adobe default. If you want everything to follow the rules that you were setting up the camera, then choose camera settings and if you want everything toe, look a very specific way. But everything no matter what you shot and when you shot it, then choose a preset for import, and it will automatically apply anything your currently importing with that preset. Whatever that style of preset is you're using, I choose camera settings. You do have to turn on. People view here if you want to use it. So I I highly suggest you use people view because it's very helpful. But you do have to turn that on. And that's about all we need to know about the settings area now up at the top, you'll notice that you have a search feature. You have a filter feature, just like in light room. There's an alert feature, so if someone's been commenting on your images or something like that, you'll see that. And then there's a cloud menus. If I click on that cloud menu, you will see that I'm sink and backed up, so I'm completely sink and completely backed up. So now I know exactly what the status of my photos is, and it says that I can pause synchronization. That means it's currently synchronizing, but you don't see any kind of movement on that cloud. There's not little dots moving on the cloud, so that means that we're all done and that little check mark tells us that we're sinking and backed up. But if I need to, for any reason, pause the synchronization like, for instance, I am going out on the road, and I don't want to use anything cellular wise until I get to WiFi. I can certainly pause the synchronization in this area. You will find all of your images, and I've I'm looking right now to portfolio album. So I'm just kind of scanning through a portfolio album, and you can see all of my images here if I go to the left hand side. Here are all of the albums and you'll notice they look exactly like my albums in light room desktop. So they're the same. They're in the same folders. They're perfectly synchronized between the two of them. If I add an image to any of these albums, they get added on my desktop. And if I do something on my desktop, it'll be added here on my IPad. I also have all of the other options here. Like all photos recently added images, recent edits, people, deleted images. All of this stuff is exactly like it is on the desktop, but that's where it is. Down on the bottom right hand corner, you'll see there's a fire. Add photos button and there's a camera button, and that's the same on your IPad and on your phone. When you click on the import photos, you can either choose from all photos from your camera roll or from files or even from a camera device, which could be the card or the camera itself. I'm gonna click from files and Aiken search anywhere on my IPad four files, so you'll notice that there are some photos here that I could be importing. I can also click instead of on my IPad. I can even go to my creative cloud files. And it was, It's gonna show me everything inside of my creative cloud. I have a regular browser of files here that I can look for images to import. Once I'm in a place where I want to import those images, Um, then I could just simply click on the images I want to import. It is successfully imported that image, and you can see that that images recently added right there, along with some images here that I took with my IPhone that are already inside of my light room catalog when I was photographing in the snow so you can see that there's some similarities and some differences in the user interface, but basically it's the same. So let's talk about some of these buttons up on the top left hand side. You can see we're right now in what's called the library, which is that little set of books. I can also go to this, the little area that's people. When I click on people, that is shared albums. So remember, on the desktop there is an area called Shared Albums. And so this is where all of those albums are. So I confined a shared album simply by looking here inside of this list. If I click on one of these albums, then you can see that I've got a bunch of images. I can see all the images that Aaron that album and that air shared. If I click on this little link button, I can text this to people. Aiken, send that link through some kind of a application. I can copy the Link or Aiken save out the link to other possible options, and I can always edit thes actions, and it will show me all the different things that I can do if I click the triple dot button. I've got a whole list of things I can do here, but you can see right here that share and invite is on, so I know that it's on, but I can turn it off here. I can store the images locally, and this is important any time inside of your phone or on your IPad. If you want to be ableto, work on the images while your say on an airplane or while you're on a mountain somewhere where there's no cellular signal. Um, if you turn on, store these images locally, it will literally download either the full image or the smart preview. Depending on how you have your preference is set up, and it will make sure that you have all of those resonant on your IPad or on your phone so that you can work on the images. You can share the images you could play around the images. You do anything with the images, and it doesn't have to call up to the cloud because it's an offline option. But you have to do that, Um, specifically album by album by album. So simply click on if you wanna download the images so that they're available offline. You click on that triple dot and you go up here to store album locally and simply click store locally and and it will tell you how much you need. It says I need 51 megabytes of device storage. You still have 624 gigabytes available, so no big deal. I clicked. Download and then once it is downloaded, you're going to see right here there's a little do kind of a down triangle, so that little down trying the logo right there tells me that this is downloading those images to store them locally. So once it's done, it fills in with this little blue color here to tell you that it's finished downloading. Now the thing is, is that from here on out, it is always going to download anything you put in there. So if you drop another image, say on your desktop into this particular portfolio album, then that image is going toe automatically. Download into your IPad, so the second it sees a new image in that in that album, it's going to download it, so it always wants to keep everything in this folder or in this album, up to date and always local on your on your IPad. I have to go here and click on those triple dots and turn off the store locally in order for it to stop doing that. Okay, now you can also tell any album toe automatically add photos to that album, and that's where you this is where you do it right here. Auto add from camera roll so that's on your phone and on your IPad. Doesn't matter which just go to any album. Click on the triple dot button and then tell it Toe auto, add from camera roll and then, from then on out, when auto adds something, it's gonna auto. Add it to that specific album. And then, of course, there's an add photos button up here, which allows you to add more photos to this specific album, and you can do it from all the same places. If for any reason you want to move images around from album to album or copy them from one album to another album. Simply click and hold an image, and now you're gonna be in the select mode. When you're in the select mode, you can add additional images that you want to your selection, and then, once you've made all of your selections, then you can either add them to another album. You can move them to another album. You can share those images that set of images with someone through the share dialogue box, or you can remove them from that album. Notice There's a copy button right here that is allowing me to copy the settings to the clipboard. And then I could go thio any image and simply click on that image. And then I've got a paste option to paste the same settings that I just copied to that image. Or I could select a whole number of images, and I could paste those settings to those images so you still have the ability to copy settings and paste settings inside of light room mobile. It's just a little bit different interface. Now. The share dialog box here allows us to share one or multiple images so I could just let me let me hit done. So that tells me I did nothing at that point. So if I If I click on an image, hold it. And then I choose a couple other images and hit done. Nothing has happened. I just said I've done selecting, but it didn't keep this election. So keep that in mind. If you hold an image and you don't do anything down here, the bottom and you hit done, you've done nothing. So I'm gonna I'm gonna click on this image and hold it. And now I want to share this image. So I'm gonna click on share. And there I get all of the share options that you had inside of light room desktop. I can share it to someone or a nap lick ation. I Congar a link and invite people to it so I can invite someone, or I could get a link and then just copy and paste that link into an email I can also edit inside of Photoshop. And by the way, this is a really great point that you can edit in Photoshop on your IPad because Photoshop has now available on the IPad and you want to edit from light room to Photoshop and then back to light room so you're going to use the round trip option so that the Photoshop version of your image is inside of light room. That way, that Photoshop image goes up to the cloud and down to your desktop computer and also to all of your other devices. So you still want to stay inside of the light room ecosystem by using this edit in Photoshop option. You can also open in side of an application. You can export that just to your camera roll or to your files. Or you can choose the export as option. And when you choose that, it gives you lots of control over what kind of file you're exporting again. If you want to share your image, just let's say I just want to share this image here out to the world. Aiken simply click on the share button up at the top right hand corner. I get the same export dialog box here and now I can say I want to share this image to, and I'm going to go to I'm going to go over to Instagram. If I click on Instagram and hold it, Then I can share with this app or I can open it in the app. I wanna open it inside the app because I actually want the instagram app toe open up and then I wanna put it into the instagram app. So I'm using the full control of the instagram app because then I can, you know, mentioned people's names and I can mention hashtags and stuff like that and they'll translate in to the app. So again, always remember, click and hold the Instagram and this is on Apple. I'm not sure what to do on an android because I don't use android devices, but click and hold gives you an option to share with a nap or open in an app and my choices toe open inside the app. And then I'll go to Instagram and go ahead and post it to the world. Speaking of sharing, if you click that triple dot button again and you click on the sharing invite session, which it says that it's on, if I click on it, I get all the information I can copy the link. I can choose who has access to it. I can invite people to it. I can look at the link settings, and I can customize the display. So you have the same controls in the light room mobile application, as you do on the desktop. They just happen to be in slightly different places. But most of the kind of hidden stuff that you're looking for is either inside of a triple dot button here, or it's a triple dot button up in the top right hand corner for settings and things like that, or it's kind of hidden in the idea of clicking and holding on an image. And then you get all of these options to show up. When it comes to editing a photo you have, all you have to do is click on the photo itself, and once you're there, then you're going to see all of your controls, and you should look very familiar to you. You've got an edit menu up here. This is actually this one right. Here is the preset menu. If you click on it, it shows you all of your presets that are available. And how do you get presets into light room mobile? You simply add them in tow, light room on your desktop and they will show up here. The same is true for profiles, so profiles and presets both show up inside of light room mobile because you put them in tow. Light room desktop. That's it. You have your crop menu. Here you have your healing brush here, which also has clone and he'll as an option. And then you have your localized adjustments here, and they've included all of your localized adjustments in tow. One tool. So you're Grady int your radio, Grady int your brush. They're all in one tool. So you simply click on this tool and then you're going to hit the plus button. Once you get the plus button, you can either choose from a brush a radial Grady int or a regular Grady in. So I simply click on a radio Grady int, and then I can create the shape that I want. I can choose over here to either inverse it so that I'm just dealing with the outside or Aiken inverse it to deal with inside, and I can also choose to erase portions of it. So again, I've got my brush right here that I can choose how big my brushes, I can choose what the feathering on the brushes simply by choosing those items over here, I can also choose the opacity of the brush, whether it's no opacity or lots of opacity, and that is true on the eraser tool. But it's also true when you're looking at the brush settings or I can delete that Grady Int And now I'm back to square one. Let me add a radio grading again and just drag this like like that, and I'm going to inverse it. So I'm only dealing with the outside and I'm going to go into the light area here and bring the exposure down and notice that it's darkening the inside of that thing. So I want to actually inverse it so that it's dealing with the outside of that. So now I can deal with just the outside, and I can continue to expand this and expand that kind of drag this around till it's perfectly centered. I like the way I got that. So I hit done, and now I have everything as want, but notice if I use two fingers, Aiken zoom in. So I zoomed in and I there's this this is light there. That looks kind of weird. So now what I want to do is I want to go into the healing brush tool, and I'm gonna change the size of my healing brush so that it's quite small like that. And I'm just going to go in and paint right here and drag this somewhere else. Whips gonna drag where I'm copying from two right over here. And then I'm gonna grab this and put where it's copying too. There we go. That's looking much better and hit Done. And now I'm gonna zoom out. Now, I don't have that weird. It's still a little bit odd because it's I think I feathered too much, so I can always come back into the brush. Click on that, and I could just double click it and it deletes it, and we'll start again. And unfortunately, the the big red dot that's helping you see, where I'm touching is also getting in the way of looking at that thing. So I'm gonna I'm gonna cancel out of here really quickly. I'm gonna turn it off just for a setting a second so that you can see what I'm doing So I'm gonna go in and I'm clicking on the, uh, the healing brush. I'm double clicking that brush, and now I'm going to set up a brand new brush. I'm just kind of changing the size of it. Right now. I'm changing the feather so that it's much sharper. So it's maybe 35% or something like that. Changing the size just a little bit more still. And now I can come in and I'm just gonna paint. I'm just gonna paint where I need to. There we go Now, that was really good. That worked out perfectly. There we go now. I'm okay there. I don't have that big, bright light showing in the like that glare E area. I'm gonna turn back on our shortcut gestures so that you can see. And by the way, if you go to the menu and you click on settings and you click on gesture shortcuts, you can actually see all the two finger tap to finger tap and hold all those types of things. You can see what's going on there now, at some point while you're working on your photos and let's say that we went here and turned this one to black and white. At some point, you're probably going to go to the next image and think I want to change that when the black and white, too. So you can simply click on this little edit menu with the arrow button next to it. So click on it and it says, What do you want to copy from the previous photo? Everything or just the adjustments? And we're just gonna choose adjustments, because if we choose all, if I did any retouching or I did any burning and dodging that's gonna come over to, I'm just going to click on the adjustments. And now all of the adjustments got brought over a swell so you can see that the editing experience also has the ability to copy and paste settings. We talked about copying and pasting in the grid by just clicking and holding something and then copying and then pasting. But this is how you do it inside of the editing surface. And now, since we did something that I don't actually want to do, I can always use these undo buttons and redo buttons up here. So I'm gonna click, undo and now the images back one step so you can always undo and redo something with these controls up here of the top of the editing menu, notice that I used the black and white settings and those air inside of the color area. So let's go through and show you where everything is on the edit menu. We've already shown you all the localized adjustments and things like that, and now we're gonna go into. Of course, there's the auto, the auto settings right here. Here's your profile browser right here. You just simply click on browse, and then you have all of your profiles available to you. Then you have the light menu, and the light menu is pretty much the same. But it also has the curves right up here, next to the top of the light menu. It's not in its own box, so when you click on it, watch what happens. You'll see that the actual curve is floating over the top of the image so I can start, uh, darkening or brightening this up. So I'm working on the image itself, which I love. I love this interface because it's so much easier to work on a curve when you're actually looking at the image itself. I wish they would do this. Inside of light room on the desktop is well, because it's just so useful toe. Look at the image and work on the curve at the same time. If, for any reason you want to reset that, just use your undue buttons and get rid of what you've done. And now we're back to square one. So that's where your curves are, and then you have your color settings. And of course, you can see that black and white is part of those color settings. And then you'll see that the typical color settings air right here on Ben. You have your color mixer, which is right here. That also has, by the way, your color mixer has the target adjustment tool that we've talked about on Ben. Also, you have your color grading and in your color grading. You have the same three dials here, so you have your shadows, your mid tones, your highlights and then you have global adjustments here, just like you do inside of light room on the desktop. In your effects panel, you have all the same effects available to you in your details panel you have sharpening. You have masking noise reduction and color noise reduction. You have your optics. Now. Optics is a little bit more limited of a palette. You can remove chromatic aberration here, and you can enable lens correction. Here. Those are the only teeth things you could do. You don't get to control them, but you can always then go back on your desktop and do fine tune controlling if for some reason, the chromatic aberration removal doesn't work. And then, of course, you have geometry and you can use the same geometry tools, including the guided geometry tool right here inside of Lighter Mobile is well, so you have all of these controls, and it's pretty much the same thing. You have the same power, the same controls inside of your IPad that you do in the desktop. Down below. You can go into the rating option, so the Little Star button right here puts you into rating mode, and you can either click the buttons down here by clicking on that flag or by clicking on a certain star rating. And then you'll slide up to pick or slide down to reject. And then if you slide up and down on the left hand side, you actually change how many stars this gets. And if you just flick up, you get one star increase. So flick down one star decrease or you can kind of flick and hold, and then you could just choose how many stars it gets. Then you have the commenting area here. This photo isn't currently shared an album, so it's not going to get comments on it. You have the keyword area that you can add keywords or C keywords if there happened to be some. And then there's the info area, which tells you what the file is tells you what shot it, what the settings were on the camera itself on DWhite kind of file. Is there available to you? And of course, uh, not to forget one last thing. You can click on this little clock, and when you click on the clock, it gives you the same option of versions that is available inside of the desktop version of light room. Now, finally, we talked about the cloud delivering photos to your IPad based on your preferences. So if the full file is in the cloud. But you have told your, uh your version of light room here on your ipad not to download the originals. Onley Download the smart preview. If for some reason you want to have the full original downloaded to your IPad simply go to that image and click on this little cloud button and you can see that there's a plus there, Click on it and it says, Look, you've got some options here. You can download this original because I have the full file on the cloud. If you want to download it, just simply click on this button and it will download the full original that is in the cloud to this IPad. So if you want toe work on the full original here, you can simply download the full one. So just choose image by image. Oh, I actually wanna work on the full one, because maybe I want to download this original file so that I can then edit it inside of Photoshop. Wanted to a whole bunch of extra work on it inside of Photoshop, so I would go to the cloud icon here. I would click on, get this original image. So I've downloaded the original, which means that if I go to Photoshop here in my IPad, I'm actually editing the full size original photo. And that means that when it returns to my IPad, I'll have the full original file inside of the IPad, which will then be sent up to the cloud and sent to all of my other devices. That's really important. The other thing that you'll notice that's on this file is it says, that the adjustment changes are pending to be sink. I can force that synchronization and it automatically sent whatever changes hadn't been sync up to the cloud. It forced them up into the cloud. And you can see that now there's a green check box that says, Hey, we're all good. Everything's all settled. Now let's take a look at the phone because it is exactly the same as the IPad, but things they're just a little bit more compact here. And so I just want to direct your attention to where things are. But we don't have to spend any time on it because it's exactly the same. Same control, same everything. So what you'll notice is that the very top. That's where your searches and where your cloud is, and that's where your settings are. You still have access to the library searches like all photos and recently added and deleted and people you also have below that all of your albums. Every album that's in the cloud is also here. If you click on any of these folders, it will take you to the albums in the folder. You can also click on the triple dot menu over to the right, and you have all of the same options that you had before on light room, desktop and in light room on your IPad, including storing locally, um, moving, sharing and inviting all of that stuff is exactly the same, so I also have the ability to click on the shared folders. So now I can see all these albums that air shared, and I still again have all the controls. I can copy the links right there to that specific album so I can share it. Um, I have the learn and discover options down here, and then if I click on an individual album, it takes me in, and I can start viewing those images I can also click on an image. And once I'm in the image itself, this is where I can start to edit and adjust and rate and flag and all that kind of stuff. And so I'm actually going to turn it this way. So I'm turning it horizontally and now I have a different view. It's changed the way everything's organized, and now, instead of when it's when it's upright like this, instead of all of the adjustments being down at the bottom, if I turn it to the right, I get a bigger picture. I can see the picture better and all of my adjustments air over on the right here instead of down at the bottom, over on the left top, you'll see that I can choose between editing rating. I can choose activity, keywords or info, but right now we're gonna do rating and what we're gonna do is we're gonna just hold it in our hand and flick the photos left and right. So I'm flicking over to the right and then I can flick up and that flags if I flick down, it d grades the flag from so it's rejected right now. Now it's unpicked. Now it's flagged. I can change this star rating by simply going up and down on my star ratings. So I do the same thing that I was doing on the IPad. But now I'm doing it on my phone. Then if I go and click and edit, I have all of my edit adjustments over here on day are exactly the same. But I just have to click on that Icahn in order to reveal all of the adjustments here. And if I click on the curve again, notice that it goes over the file itself just like it did on the IPad. So pretty much what you have on your phone here is exactly what you have on your IPad. It's just a little bit more compact. The beauty of this system is that no matter where I am, whether I'm on my phone, whether I'm on my IPad or whether I'm on the desktop, the system is very, very similar. All the same controls, and they talk to each other perfectly so that no matter where I am, anything that I've done on some other device is available on this device. And most of the time, I don't use this to adjust images. I'm using my phone to share images, so I'll simply say, Oh, I really want to share this image out. I'm thinking about it right now, so I'll simply click on the share button and then I have all of the options available to me to share that image out to the world.
Class Materials
1. Lightroom Presets and Profiles
2. RAW Images To Follow Along With
3. Lightroom Creative Cloud Schematic
Ratings and Reviews
Teresa Piccioni
Great great great class: Jarett explains the Lightroom workflow clearly and thoroughly. I am not a native English person and my English is quite poor but Jarett explains in a very simply and clearly way everything and I understand all chapters perfectly. Thanks guys, great job. I highly recommend this lesson to everybody,
I have watched each and everyone of Jared's classes on Creative Live and they are first class. I've waited a long time for a new one and now we have it and it's another gem. This is a wonderful overview of Lightroom and will repay watching sections (or all of it) several times to absorb the wealth of information presented. For anyone new to Lightroom, this is just what the doctor ordered.
Bess Palmer
Great class. So informative with just the right amount of practical examples combined with clear theory. He speaks clearly, confidentially and calmly so it was easy to follow him. I watched the whole 8 hours straight through