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Day 2 Pre-Show

Lesson 17 from: Pet Photography

Arica Dorff

Day 2 Pre-Show

Lesson 17 from: Pet Photography

Arica Dorff

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17. Day 2 Pre-Show

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Day 2 Pre-Show

Hello, Internet. Good morning. And welcome to Day two of pet photography with Arkad or Arka. How are you doing this morning? Good. How are you guys were during rested, ready for a new day? Ban passed. Welcome back. We're gonna do a free feel. Free. We're gonna do a few minutes of pre show to check our audio and video. So if you can join us in the chat, let us know if you can hear us. You can see us or if you can get all the kinks worked out right now and we'll start with introducing our studio audience. Well, I'd like to introduce us. My name is Susan Roderick, and I'm gonna be hosting along with Cappie J here. And like she said, we have about eight minutes of pre show. We're gonna introduce our beautiful in studio audience. We have eight people in our studio audience and we love to hear from you. You guys are representatives of all of our viewers around the world. So why don't you introduce yourself? Why don't you tell everybody your name and maybe your website or Twitter handle or so...

mething like however someone can reach you from around the world and then also tell everyone at home maybe something that inspired you yesterday that you learned or maybe an ah ha moment that you had or something that kind of might change your business in the future. So we'll start with you, Darcy. What do you think? Well, yesterday was fantastic. I'm Darcy Evans. You could find me on Facebook. Twitter. Darcy Evans photography dot com Stevens Photography on Facebook. Um ah ha! Moment for me yesterday, other than like, the entire day. Um, I guess for me would be watching arca handle not on Lee the pets, but the clients and the owners as well. Um, the way that you directed and took control and didn't allow them to impose upon your process was really interesting to me. Handling the pets I'm fairly comfortable with. It was amazing to watch you work with them, but it was the way you observe the clients with they're animals and knew how to take control of the clients. Was ah rial ki for me, I m Karyn Foz Berg. Twitter handles at Karen Frostburg. I'm working on my website, but it's Karen. Fallsburg photography dot com. I guess the main thing that I got. You know, just with my experience with animals that was completely different was your, um your consultation And I'm so used. Teoh, you know, uncreative live with the wedding photographers, but the one specific things with the animals and preparing the clients to think more portraiture rather than it by tens. I think that's what I got out of the most yesterday. Hi, I'm Rebecca. My websites, modern petard dot com. And the thing that I got from yesterday was well, when it one of many, of course, ah, the body language of the pets and being aware of, um, what was happening with their their facial expressions that years. But even what was even more new, like new information to me was really making sure that tail was out and the legs once the legs were like laying down on the back, the front legs relaxed as well. So really paying attention and it's something that we read in our pets all the time. But we may or may not be aware of that, so yeah, thanks. I'm Heidi Eater from outside San Francisco San Ramon, California. You can find me at right brain for higher dot me and what I got out of everywhere on Facebook and twitters right brain for higher. What I got out of yesterday was to new followers on Facebook. I'm up to 35. Yes, go Me. But I think I said it yesterday that, um the idea of pre selling the whole experience to the client on getting them to really sell themselves by asking really specific questions and getting them to share what their needs were so that if you ask somebody specifically, where is this portrait going to go? It's already putting it on their wall. And so they're already invested. And I think that will sort of weed out people that just want a snapshot. And I think that that's that's gonna be really key for me is getting that that banter going for that So exactly specifically for this product test. So that now, by right. So step up people. Hi, I'm Paul McCartney and you can find me on Facebook at Paula McCartney Photography. Uhm, I'm working on my website, so that's currently where I'm at. But yesterday was so amazing for me because I learned everything that I was doing wrong. I always like to walk up to the pets and say how cute they are, and I thought that was the way to get them comfortable with me. But knowing to ignore them now and then the pet noises were amazing. That works for the expression in the personality coming out the pet. And then if something's not working to move on, I think that was really important. A swell is all of the things that everyone else said. The consultation. I think it's something I've never done. So that was really an ah ha moment for me as well, but amazing, amazing stuff. So everybody watch. Hi and Melissa. My business is unleashed. Pet Portrait's custom photography for pet lovers and Victoria BC. And I'm very impressed with your, um, the deliberateness deliberate Is that right? Ah, the deliberate way that you make decisions in your business and how you conduct your sessions. I'm a bit more loose and sort of, um, go with the flow. But, um, there's nothing really left a chance when you're when you're doing your sessions, it's awesome. And also the things you won't do. Like I'm not photo shopping that harness off. I'm not I spend so much time in photo shop doing stuff like that. That's awesome. That's great. Thanks. No good. Hi, I'm Tracy Sutherland. You can find me a Tracy Sutherland dot com. I'm from Squamish B C, which is straight north from here. I think my favorite part yesterday was the consultation segment and the fact that you're setting up the client's expectations from the beginning. Those questions weren't just for you to know. It's also framed so that they know what they're getting into. And I thought that was really interesting. Yeah, I e. I think that was my best sort of biggest, brightest lightbulb moment yesterday. I I am Cristiana Gunderson and I'm from Bend, Oregon Pet photography and it's Christie G. Photography on Facebook, Twitter and my websites. Chris Christie g photo dot com Definitely biggest. Ah ha was like Why was I not shooting with purpose? As Arcas said, I was totally just kind of going it kind of like most like, kind of kind of Lucy. And the other moment I thought, you know, there's a perceived value to perfect photography, and I think when you set them up those questions like you said, really This is a big deal. Like this is this is a thing I need to think about this. And so far I don't think my clients have has been kind of on a whim. And it was even something you kind of set off set was, like, you know, saying that you're available tomorrow when they call and say, Yeah, can I book in, like, half an hour? Like I've totally done that. Not doing that anymore? No, I'm booked out for So I totally appreciate your candidates in saying that. So can I jump in with one of the things? Like she was saying, We're talking offset yesterday, and I was saying, You know, people call the studio, some people go, um you know, Hi. I'm just wonder if I can come in tomorrow. You know that quick Just And I don't care if we have nothing on the books. You don't get to come in tomorrow because to them, it's just like quick, easy, fast, get it done. When people call in their like I'm so excited. I've been looking into this for years. I know this is short notice. Do you have anything available this week? Actually we have one opening, you know? So it's just and again. It's not put. People often treat people differently differently, but there is no value if you go una coming tomorrow or be here and 1/2 hour. Great. You know, so people who kind of have that mindset Sorry. We're booked this week, but we have something available next week, you know, and then it makes it a bigger deal to them. And wow, like this is a bigger deal. Yeah, I know it's kind of lying, but it adds value. It's just it's not really lying. Yeah. So you have something to do tomorrow? Thank you. It's really calories and valuing yourself. You? Absolutely, Really? Also, Yeah, because I want people to take it seriously and not just rush into it, you know? I want them to think about it, and yeah, I agree. 100%. You guys have been awesome. I really appreciate the in studio audience that we have. You guys have really added a lot to this. So I appreciate you

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Pet Photography Slides.pdf

Ratings and Reviews

a Creativelive Student

I've watched A LOT of CreativeLIVE courses and Arica is by far the most effective and talented instructor I've seen. She's also got an extraordinary ability to photograph animals and their humans while remaining calm and in control. Even if you're not a pet photographer, this is a fabulous resource. Putting aside how amazing it is to watch her photograph in what seems like impossible situations and get the shot time after time, she also gives a lot of great information that applies to any professional photographer, whether they photograph pets or not. She's truly an amazing talent and I hope she does many more workshops -- I'm not a pet photographer but I'll watch all of them.


Arica's presentation was extraordinary. Such an incredible amount of valuable, practical information on everything from the basics of how to run a business profitably to how to attract and maintain value-oriented clientele to actually working with and photographing a variety of pets and their people. Arica demonstrated time and again during the live shoots that she was in mastery of both her techniques and her subjects, and in a way that felt simultaneously relaxed/casual and businesslike. That last session with the horse, duck, chicken, rabbits, dogs and people was a challenging balancing act and she pulled it off flawlessly. Finally, I appreciate all the detail she provided, such as names of vendors and how and why she uses each one. Absolutely no filler, all substance. I am in the process of taking my own pet photography from sideline business/ volunteer work to profit-making status and the timing of this program could not have been better for me. I'm a huge fan and look forward to more from her although it’s hard to imagine that there is anything left for her to cover about this topic because in this course, she did it all. A natural talent: smart, great on-screen presence, honest and a true teacher. Thank you, Arica!

a Creativelive Student

Hi I am an aspiring pet photographer. I own 6 dogs and 4 cats that have been rescued in some way. I have learned a lot just by practicing with them. Arica's course today and yesterday showed me what I was doing wrong and everything that I was doing right. I impressed myself that I actually was doing very well. lol. I do have a web site ,and if you can review it and give me some positive critism, it would just be terrific. There is a tab titled pets etc. My email address is under contact me. Thank you in advance. I tried to watch other courses but none of them would keep my attention. I had no problem with Arica AT ALL. I definitely will attend all and any other courses she offers. Her courses made me realize this dream of mine is just what I am suppose to do in life. I have a lot of the same qualities as Arica and my passion for animals. But...............I WILL NOT photograph snakes, no way. lol Arica, you TOTALLY ROCK. I look forward to the next one. xoxo

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