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Reaper Fast Start

Kenneth Gioia

Reaper Fast Start

Kenneth Gioia

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Class Description

With so many digital audio workstations to choose from, many engineers have tried out new platforms in the hopes of finding more flexibility suited to their workflows and production styles. Reaper has been gaining popularity for its support of multiple plug-in types, easy-to-use MIDI programming and audio automation - and its affordable price tag.

In this Fast Start, famed producer and educator Kenny Gioia will walk you through Reaper’s basic layout and format. He will cover:

  • Track layout, programming and automation
  • Virtual instruments and plug-in compatibility
  • Both audio and MIDI workflows for production
  • Basic recording and mixing techniques
  • File, track and clip organization
If you’ve been thinking about trying out Reaper as a DAW, this class will give you the basic skills you need to get right to work on one of the fastest growing DAW’s around.

Ratings and Reviews

Buckeye Pete

Outstanding teacher. Kenny is by far the best of the Reaper instructor, and there are many good ones out there. He uses very understandable examples and presents in a fashion that the novice and expert can learn from. Great job Kenny.


Kenneth Gioia best teacher on Reaper. thanks so much for time to teach. Reaper is my primary daw since last year - great daw. Thanks Creative


Mr. Gioia's "Kenny Mania" channel on YouTube has always been a TERRIFIC resource for my beginning to learn REAPER. That being said, his unique speech patterns always got old really quick. It's nothing against him, just a personal tick. Thankfully, Kenny is in top form during this course, and this is one of the most useful and feature-packed CL courses I've seen. Unless you're an absolute expert in REAPER already, there's plenty of information here to get you into becoming more familiar with my favorite DAW.

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