Lesson Info
Story Type 5: The Success Story
Story type five, the success story. This is also often known as a case study, and again, repeating what we mean by success. It means achieving the desired goal or something else awesome. Maybe the goal changed, maybe your client hired you for one thing and had like, an amazing breakthrough that they didn't even expect to have and something else awesome happened for them. It highlights the client or customer success and it answers the question is this result possible for me? So what's great about a success story is it legitimizes your product or offer, it legitimizes you, it establishes additional trust, and it generates even more desire. So there are tons of apps that allow people to read reviews about you, depending on what your business and what your services and offers are, but if you can even include customer happiness stories on your website and even throughout social media and make that part of your campaign, it really establishes more trust and more interest and like, oh well, l...
ook at this experience this person had. Look at how much fun they're having. This is also why user-generated content is so popular, so if you're like, you know, have someone eating at your restaurant and they take a picture there and they tag it, and then you're re-posting it, right? We want to see the experiences other people are having and the stories that they're living through by engaging with your business. So you can use this on sales pages, you can use it throughout your website, marketing campaign, social media, everywhere. You should have success stories everywhere. The success story is right for you if you have a business with happy clients and customers. If they're not happy, we need to work on that first (laughs) then we come back and get the success story part going (laughs) and so here's how to tell your success story. You want to share where the client or customer was before working with you. This is like, the before and after. However, this isn't just before and after. It's how do they get from before to after? What happened in the middle? what was the experience like? So the result is a huge component that you're always selling when we're talking about developing stories for marketing. We want to talk about the result. Did they achieve their goal? What result did they get, what was the outcome? But on top of that, we want to know that that experience was also pleasant. We can get a result with a terrible experience and discerning clients want to know that they're gonna have both, so that's what the story really conveys to them. Share where your client or customer was before working with you, share the details of their experience working with you and your offer, any AHAs or surprises they had in the experience. So what was unexpected? Did anything surprise them? This is like, a great. These are also great questions to ask when you are going for testimonials, when you are trying to develop a case study, you can literally turn these points into questions. Where were you before you hired me? Can you tell me more about your experience working with me? What was it like, how did you like it, how was your experience? What surprised you? What was your most glowing result? And then you of course want, if we're doing copy, you want to make sure that you're inviting the customer who's reading this to take action. If you want these results and this experience, go here next. And so the message of the success story is our offer/business, depending on if you are doing something for your overall business or if you are creating a story for a specific offer, this works and this result is also available for you. And so one of the big purposes of success stories and why they're so important other than just establishing trust is oftentimes, you will have business leaders that seem really shiny and perfect to a customer, like, oh, well, they might have achieved a certain result, but I don't know that I can be like them 'cause they seem like, really, really far from where I am right now and it just seems like there's such a distance there. The beautiful thing about success stories is they enclose that gap, so you can resonate and you can project yourself onto someone that feels really like you. So the more you can have success stories from previous clients and customers, the more you're gonna be able to really resonate with your audience regarding the possibility of their results. And so you might be wondering okay, but I sell physical products, it feels like we're talking a lot about experiential type of things. You can still, with physical products, you can create a campaign for user-generated content, so you can have people sharing their experience with like, let's say you sell jewelry, or let's say you sell day planners or whatever. You can still invite your customers to share their experience on social media, you can run campaigns, you can run contests, you can get user-generated content, you can also just directly ask people to share their feedback. Every product can be imbued with meaning if you create a story around it, so you want to be showcasing, if you're selling something more like a physical product, is how people are using it in their life. So where does it now fit into their day where it wasn't before? What's changed about their daily habits, what's changed about their daily experience? So even if you're selling clothing and it's retail, well, what was their experience going out with their girlfriends before they had that outfit versus now? So creating that meaning and that experience around what they're going through, and what their life is like and how it's different is critical.
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Ratings and Reviews
Cecile Terrillon
Oh gosh, I have been hunting for this clear information for MONTHS. I have taken many storytelling courses to figure this out, but every time, even though I learned a little more, and got closer to the level of precision I wanted, I could feel that there was some pieces of the puzzle I was missing to know how to craft stories in my business from beginning to end in a nice, succinct and clear way. I was missing the core structure of this different types of stories. I think I needed to hear this years ago to be honest, and I finally feel like I have the tools I really been searching for. I feel deeply grateful for all the work has been made in the background to make this course available in the first place. Thank you
Guy Samuel
I very much enjoyed the structure of this course. Jamie takes us through very clear examples that I was able to apply while I was taking the course. The presentation itself is very clear and enjoyable. Overall - a great way to get a boost to your business storytelling!