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In honor of the 50th celebration, we’ve hand-picked some of our favorite classes inspired by Art, Fashion, and Rock & Roll.


Hand-Picked Classes Inspired by Summer of Love

In 1967, San Francisco was the heart of the vibrant counterculture scene that has become known as the Summer of Love! 

In the mid-1960s, artists, activists, writers, and musicians converged on Haight-Ashbury with hopes of creating a new social paradigm. By 1967, the neighborhood would attract as many as 100,000 young people from all over the nation. The neighborhood became ground zero for their activities, and nearby Golden Gate Park their playground. Distinctive codes of dress also set members of the Bay Area counterculture apart from mainstream America. Local designers began to create fantastic looks using a range of techniques and materials, including leatherwork, hand-painting, knitting and crochet, embroidery, repurposed denim, and tie-dye. 

Here at CreativeLive, we champion artists, creatives, and explorers of all kinds. Our mission is to inspire their dreams in work, in life, and in a hobby. Similar to the vibrant Haight Ashbury scene we too seek to create a community of sharing, open minds and pursuing dreams.

