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Lesson 1 from: Creative Wow: Night and Star Photography

Jack Davis

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low Internet. Welcome to Creativelive. Thank you for joining us for the creative Wow Siri's. Today we are going to do star and night photography, and I'm very excited about this day if you've ever wanted to know how to help people capture star trails or how people capture cars on the freeway. There's so many exciting things to be photos to be taken at night. And a lot of times we can see things that we can't see with our with our eyes when we do night photography. That's why I think it's really cool, so really excited about today. This is our pre show, so we're just taking about five or six minutes making sure everything is running smoothly before we get started. My name is Susan Roderick, and I'm gonna be your host today, and we're gonna take this time to go over creative lives. New social classroom social classroom has changed. Noncritical, I've if you're a regular, you know that by looking at the viewer screen that you're watching. So we just want to improve the relationship that we...

're having with people around the globe and how they can participate in the creative life experience. One of the reasons creativelive is so cool is because you can sit from wherever you are in the globe. We have people in India. We have people in Africa. We have people all over the globe. I think we've had students from all seven continents, including Antarctica. We have had people that have learned from creativelive in that content as well. So the cool thing is, they can actually sit wherever they are, and they can participate in the course that is going on live here in Seattle. And that is what makes it a special experience. Once again, welcome to the creative Wow Siri's. This is Starr and Night Photography. And I would love to introduce our instructor, Jack Davis. Jack Davis has so much experience in this field. He is. He is one of the most creative photographers I know. And this creative wow Syria's just shows you all of the things that can spark your creativity. And this is just one example. So let's please welcome the incredible instructor, Jack Davis. Good morning. How are you? Good. How are you today? I'm doing great. You really are creative man. Jack. Well, I fake it. I play one on TV. So, yes, I've seen you in a field, so I don't I don't agree. I think that you're incredibly creative. So it's very nice to have you here. It's great to be here. All right, well, tell us a little bit about today and what we can expect. Well, as we've been mentioning about this whole Siri's, one of the things about what I see in creative photography is not only unique ways of shooting but really finding unique ways of seeing in the sense that how can we capture a scene that is beyond what human I normally does. So in the case of we've done infrared, we've done motion blur. The last two days, we did underwater and above water on DNA. Now we've got night sky and that, as we said, we have. Our life is spent under the stars. And yet how often this photographers do we point out the reason why we don't is because it's kind of scary people. Yeah, that's e I mean, yeah, I could take us toe. How many times do is getting a jet plane and, you know, not shoot 24 7 out of with window were in the heavens. I mean, but, um specifically related to photography. Even if you're enjoying it, there's a certain intimidation because we know there's math gonna be involved with shooting stars or night or even, you know, a cityscape at night could be a little bit intimidating. Things are all those things exactly. And, uh, this specific class came about because I teach a class over in Hawaii called creative photography for the soul Between that for a long time. And one of the people who has been coming to that as first in attendee and then started helping teach it, is this German Bryn Forbes, amazing critic, creative photographer and so many things and he's been doing both are underwater in our motion blur the last couple days, and he was the one who actually held my hand and all of the students at our event and said, OK, it's not rocket science, even though it is rocket science, exactly rocket science. But, um, let me hold your hand and walk you through the process. We'll take you out in the field and will actually do it. And literally within minutes, Brain was able to get all of us going how it's we actually did it. So I knew I couldn't teach this class because I really am not a zoo. Much as I enjoy experimenting with different types of photography, night photography is certainly not an expertise of mine. Bren is world class one of the top in the world in this, and you're gonna see him shooting all over the world with his night photography. Whether it's stars, star trails, Aurora, boreal, Alice, you know, cityscapes just very, very lucky. And I again I wouldn't do night photography without him so very excited about. All right, well, I'll step off. You can introduce Bryn Forbes to the people around the globe, and you guys can take it away. Sounds great. Thank you. Okay. Mr. Forbes, please join us here on the Does it work? How you can get on a cold or else I give you a handshake? Not as if I haven't been chatting with you already this morning. How are you? I'm doing well, caffeinated, and I think I'm ready to go. And we're back to a more year from Portland. Your gallery is in Portland again amongst your many things that you make a living at night for being one of them were back to mawr. Typical, You know, weather for this area. It's raining this morning. It's been summer here in Seattle and makes you feel a little bit more at home. Yeah, Portland's not the perfect night for Target feasted Ito live in many months out of the year. You don't see too many stars, you know you have the We have the Venus crossing the sun for a sort of a different kind of astro photography. And I missed it. Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah. You can go to other places. I can go out the central or again are different parts of the globe or Botswana or the Antarctic or having later the Antarctic. I'd love Teoh. I'm sure that's coming. But speaking about where you've done and what you've done in your background, your addiction with space and all things astronomical started, weren't you One of the founding members of the awesome League of astronomic awesomeness is the name of the group. That way your enthusiasm jacket has a tendency to use those sliders to really increase the contrast that I thought we weren't going to discuss the fact that I was a member of the Young Astronauts Club in third grade. It was something like evil League of Evil. Or I saw the movie space camp and I asked my parents to send me the space camp so I didn't get to go the one in Florida. But I got to go to the Oregon Museum of Science and Industry Space camp where we gotta cut her own little white astronaut suits and do a space shuttle simulator on an apple two e and you know, good fun stuff. Well, and for mate to, as you know, from my own, my references to science fiction. I was weaned during the Gemini, you know, days and Sputnik. And, of course, the moon landing. So that my generation, your generation, your young punk, but my generation we were just saturated un in dated with space 24 7 You know, we were gonna have flying cars by now. So the whole idea what we were gonna have, you know, bases on the moon, and by now, way should have definitely, you know, Star Trek should have happened 20 years ago. Well, NASA's funding ground and it's a different world now. But there's lots of exciting innovation happening in the private industry. That new engine that they just did based upon quantum vibration. Did you read? That was last night? Yeah, vibration found it shouldn't work. It's a brand new propulsion system that works on pure solar energy. There's no propellant whatsoever, and it actually works. It shouldn't and it's now been, anyway. I digress. That's just to say that space gives me chicken skin right? Gives me goose bumps, space and all things related to it is one of the most exciting, ethereal things for, I think humans in general. But what comes to photography? That's why I was so excited when you again held my hand and all the rest of the people at at our event in Hawaii, where all of a sudden this became accessible. It I really had never tried it, maybe a little bit, but that's just it. I tried it and hadn't been successful. So you, you know, try it once and you put it on the shelf. You never do it. So it was an epiphany when you walked us through that process and said, Yes, you can, with not even elaborate gear shoot the heavens, let alone start trails in time lapse and all the other things that you were showing. So, yeah, that first moment when you get the Milky Way on your camera that's fun. Exciting. Elio, I want to do more. Yeah, absolutely. So as far as today, we're going toe. You're going to kind of be the lead on this one. I'm gonna be holding your coat tails and, you know, following in your footsteps. Because, like I said, you really are. I think one of the world's top people in this field fair's fair. You're gonna help me improve my images. And that's what Since I didn't have I've never, you know, shot from Graham. Never gonna Greenland lit, let alone Shanthi Aurora, boreal, Alice are the things like that. So Brand has graciously given me some of his raw files. So I'll do some of when we get into the photo shop and light room Adobe camera, Raw workflow. I'll be working with brands pictures so we actually have world class imagery to work on, but yeah, so I think we're gonna start off with speaking up with some samples of yours and, uh, let's get going. Yeah,

Class Materials

bonus material with purchase

Jack Davis - Night and Star Photography - Notebook.pdf
Jack Davis - iPhone Night Apps.pdf

bonus material with enrollment

Jack Davis OnOne Software Promotion.pdf
Jack Davis - Night and Star Gear Guide.pdf
Bryn Forbes - Night and Star Gear Guide.pdf

Ratings and Reviews

a Creativelive Student

I found this course interesting and motivating. I enjoyed hearing about using a range of cameras from compacts to larger DSLRs to capture great images. I appreciate the great experience and passion from both Jack and Bryn and look forward to using the information to improve my night photography. The post processing is a very useful part of the course which makes it an integrated approach. The varied ideas expressed by Jack and Brynn and a depth to the topic of night photography.


Interesting and informative class. Jack as always is brilliant, and Bryn shared a lot of his night shooting experience, his chart is a great starting point, and as he states is "just a starting point", make your own settings decisions on the night! Even though I have been a photographer for quite some years I'm always learning new things. Thank you both for sharing!!

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