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Thanks + Credits

Lesson 10 from: Creative Wow: Night and Star Photography

Jack Davis

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10. Thanks + Credits

Lesson Info

Thanks + Credits

Welcome back to Creativelive. This is the creative wow Siri's and you are watching Night and star photography with Jack Davis. And let's not forget Bryn Forbes. I just want to do some thank you's before we finish our final segment of the day. We have a lot of people to thank. And these thank you also are for the previous two workshops that we've done the previous two days. Thank you for the water photography workshop as well as the one we did yesterday, which is blur and freezing photography. So a lot of people we have to think to put on these workshops, we would like to first of all, think wow, creative arts. So that is Jack's company. So, Jack, great to have you here. Thank you too. Well, also, we'd like to think on one software and they're running a great promotion at the time right now for these workshops. So let me just tell you what those are on one software promotion when you are sleepy. For this course, you will get perfect affects eight premium, which is $100 value, and that i...

s free. So thank you to on one software for that promotion. Also thank you to me. Photo colorful gear for color for personalities. We'd also like to thank White House custom color. Thank you very much to them. Use them all the time. Also our partner limelight. They provide our studio light. So thank you. Very much of them are other partner Auto Rama. We'd really like to thank them as well. And they provided the gear list for this workshop for the series. So thank you very much to our partner ought aroma. And we'd also like to think the creative live audience that is the people watching from around the globe that have tuned in today all day, today and yesterday and the day before And for all of the creative wild Siri's thank you to you guys. You are what makes creative life possible. Also like to thank the creativelive crew A lot of people that are needed to put something like this together. So I just really appreciate all of our camera guys. I appreciate all the guys in the booth our producers carry Ryan for today. Thank you so much to them as well. And who else do we need to think from the creativelive crew. I think we need to think, Jim, Jim's in the chat rooms working hard, so thank you very much to you, Jim. And to Caroline R P A. Thanks very much. All right. We'd also like to thank our in studio audience. Thank you very much for joining us for the last few days and for participating. We really appreciate you guys. You're welcome back. Anytime. Cool. All right. Now we'd like to thank Bryn Forbes. What an incredible photographer and great guy You're welcome back. Anytime. It has been such a pleasure having you here. Great. Good, good. I'm glad you enjoy yourself. And I hope you come back. And last but not least, we would love to think. Jack Davis, thank you so much for being a part of the creative life family and for bringing your knowledge to us on a regular basis and sharing it with the world, Jack. So we very much appreciate you Pleasure's all mine. I'm honored to be part of the creative life family. Cool. Very cool. All right with that, I think we're ready to dive into the final segment of today. So you guys want to take it away with some advanced techniques. Yeah, and I'll do one other thing. One thing that I would like to do personally is possibly get brand back here to do an advanced night class much more deep. Dive to it. And I believe that you all the creative life hasn't have an option for kind of I'd like to see option. So maybe you could just mention how they would do that if they wanted to, you know? Just mentioned Yes. I love the idea of an advanced night sky photography class. If you go to creativelive dot com slash suggest you can suggest an instructor or course so, please go to that link and just bring for that course. That would be the best way to get that accomplished. Wonderful. Awesome. Fantastic. Okay, with that back also to the Siri's to plug the rest of this series we had mentioned a few times. This workbook, the Siris of workbooks. This happens to be the one that finished up just a little bit ago for Panorama is this is what again Karen Wilmore is putting together. But this is the sort of thing that you'd get as part of the class. What we'll be doing for this class for those of you who by the anytime access But again, Karen just does an amazing job of this for these different projects. This is the one for my IPhone. Ah, graffiti class that's already done. And again, this is over 100 pages, and it's just fantastic. So again, thank you to Karen for doing all this fantastic stuff. And this is a sort of stuff. When you purchase the class, you get in addition to everything else. Speaking about Karen, she's got this, um, husband who's new to the photographic process. Just a green kid who has not done a whole lot. But it's really nice that Creativelive is giving him the possibility of going online. Little kid named Benjamin Wilmore. You may have heard of him. No, actually, Ben is a past co author of Mine. We've written books together. He's also a photo shop. All of Famer is an amazing teacher. I think he's one of the best teachers on the planet, and he already he has a class on the fine art of painting with light. I'm already in the can hear at Creative Live. As I mentioned, he's also got a class, A shorter version for photography. We coming up, so that is for them. He also has an e book out on Like Painting, which is really not a night photography class. It's really mawr in studio as well as you know, product lighting and all sorts of things. So this is his e book that is for sale. And then, in terms of some of his samples, these were some of the samples from Ben's light painting class and again a big appreciation to him for all that he's done for the industry and just the fact that he is also one of those creative wack jobs that just has way too much fun doing what he does. So anyway, I'm glad that I could throw in a few samples in there because that's another whole area of, um, photography. That is extremely fun

Class Materials

bonus material with purchase

Jack Davis - Night and Star Photography - Notebook.pdf
Jack Davis - iPhone Night Apps.pdf

bonus material with enrollment

Jack Davis OnOne Software Promotion.pdf
Jack Davis - Night and Star Gear Guide.pdf
Bryn Forbes - Night and Star Gear Guide.pdf

Ratings and Reviews

a Creativelive Student

I found this course interesting and motivating. I enjoyed hearing about using a range of cameras from compacts to larger DSLRs to capture great images. I appreciate the great experience and passion from both Jack and Bryn and look forward to using the information to improve my night photography. The post processing is a very useful part of the course which makes it an integrated approach. The varied ideas expressed by Jack and Brynn and a depth to the topic of night photography.


Interesting and informative class. Jack as always is brilliant, and Bryn shared a lot of his night shooting experience, his chart is a great starting point, and as he states is "just a starting point", make your own settings decisions on the night! Even though I have been a photographer for quite some years I'm always learning new things. Thank you both for sharing!!

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