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11 Wrap-Up

Lesson 14 from: Creative Wow: Night and Star Photography

Jack Davis

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14. 11 Wrap-Up

Lesson Info

11 Wrap-Up

I would just encourage people to go out and give it a try. If you don't remember exactly what you know that starting points are, don't worry. Just go out and take a picture. If it's too dark in granting, lengthen your exposure of time, where your eyes so and adjust. Andi, just keep trying different things and play around. Give it a shot you don't need. You know, try and keep every single last trick in here in your head. Just go on and play and an illiterate and get better and better. And I would just add that that I would say for pretty much everything in your life. Oh, okay, deep right deep. Let's go deep where the last thing is before Mark readers go go deep or go home. Uh, really that the If there. If you don't have permission in your life to experiment and play or let me put it even bigger, be more philosophical if you don't have permission to fail. If you have not given yourself permission to fail, if for whatever reason it's been beaten into you that you can't fail, then you don'...

t try. You don't experiment. You don't play you've gotten somehow somebody said, Oh, too bad, Billy, that you can't draw like your sister. And that was the last time you played with crayons when you were six. And from then on, it's some so glad you're good at math. And so you've gone this direction, you've gone this a reaction. And for a lot of people in photography, the great thing about photography, whether especially for people who are coming back at it, it's there. They're getting back to their crayon box, you know, finally, and that a lot of times it's this right. What got you back into photography? It's Nobody's gonna yell at you if you're farting around on your IPhone, right? But all of a sudden you're going. This is I haven't done anything expressive for so long. Or maybe you're a pro shooter has been doing this your entire life. But now all of a sudden, you would never in a 1,000,000 years over exaggerate your image or play around with HDR. Whatever. You're always doing. Serious photography. So even pros air getting reignited by experimenting by failing by playing with something as silly as an IPhone. So that's what I would hope that you would pull away not only from this class but from all these classes. And actually just in general life in general, you got one life. And that's how you learn is by failing. You know, that's why you know, is you everybody that you've ever heard from Einstein, all the greats, You know, if you don't try, you can't fail. You can, you know, make 10 zillion home run hits if you're not constantly swinging. So in terms of your photography, I give you permission to play experiment, fail, make miserable, ugly images. Just make a heck of a lot of them. So when that one comes in, you can say that floats my boat that rocks my world and whether it's shared to the world or it's just yourself. God bless you. Go for it. There's my sermon for the day. I love sermons. Thank you. Appreciate that. Well, we're not done with the creative. While Siri's quite yet, everyone, we hope three more classes coming up for four. We have four. Okay, I have aerial and copter photography. These are all coming up in September. September. I believe we have macro photography that's coming up. Another one in the creative, while Siri's Mobile and I Pornography and HDR three will be in stepped. Actually, probably maybe the beginning of October. Now we just diddle shift. Beginning October will be HDR macro and Drone photography. And then what we're probably going to do for the mobile and I Photography is wait, because this IPhone six thing he's coming out, and we're going to delay that class until after the shipping of the lad IPhone because there's no reason to have something in your library when there's the potential of some really cool stuff around. So those next three will be in the beginning of October, And I'm very excited about if you haven't shot from, you know, 400 feet up. You know, we did that down in the Caribbean together is part of the filmic crew. It's fantastic. There's so much that you can do in terms of HDR photography and macro, where they're using a mobile point and shoot or big boy camera with a really nice piece of glass. If you haven't lived in the micro world, that's gonna be a really, really, really fun class. So what? That it's been a great three days with three courses in the creative. Wow, Siri's. It has been a pleasure having you here, Bren. Really appreciate it. Please come back. Thank you. Into you Vote for Bryn for doing it once again. Creativelive dot com slash suggest and type in and suggest Brennan for the instructor. So Bryn Forbes And what was the course specifically that we thought were advanced? Course in advanced course. Okay, Sweet. Would that everyone? It is time. The time has come. And thank you so much for joining us from around the globe once again. Here on creativelive for this workshop, that is a wrap.

Class Materials

bonus material with purchase

Jack Davis - Night and Star Photography - Notebook.pdf
Jack Davis - iPhone Night Apps.pdf

bonus material with enrollment

Jack Davis OnOne Software Promotion.pdf
Jack Davis - Night and Star Gear Guide.pdf
Bryn Forbes - Night and Star Gear Guide.pdf

Ratings and Reviews

a Creativelive Student

I found this course interesting and motivating. I enjoyed hearing about using a range of cameras from compacts to larger DSLRs to capture great images. I appreciate the great experience and passion from both Jack and Bryn and look forward to using the information to improve my night photography. The post processing is a very useful part of the course which makes it an integrated approach. The varied ideas expressed by Jack and Brynn and a depth to the topic of night photography.


Interesting and informative class. Jack as always is brilliant, and Bryn shared a lot of his night shooting experience, his chart is a great starting point, and as he states is "just a starting point", make your own settings decisions on the night! Even though I have been a photographer for quite some years I'm always learning new things. Thank you both for sharing!!

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