Class Introduction
Lesson 1 from: FAST CLASS: How to Build a Business While Learning Your CraftMegan Auman

Class Introduction
Lesson 1 from: FAST CLASS: How to Build a Business While Learning Your CraftMegan Auman
Class Introduction
04:31 2Why Do You Want to Make Money from Your Craft?
02:13 3Exercise: Take an Honest Look at Your Financial Situation
01:34 4(A)lways (B)e (R)eleasing
06:03 5Priority #1: Email List
13:34 6Priority #2: Your Product Photography
05:52 7How to Build an Audience
07:51 8Which Audience Building Strategy is Right for You?
03:52Audience Growth Strategy: Search (with Tiffany Whipps)
08:45 10Audience Growth Strategy: Press (with Brigitte Lyons)
19:45 11Audience Growth Strategy: Visual Content Creation
07:30 12Is Your Growth Strategy Working?
04:53 13Honing Your Craft
09:35 14How to Optimize Your Experimentation
03:57 15How to Handle an Evolution in Your Craft
11:29 16Build Your Momentum Plan
09:28 17Simplify and Celebrate Your Progress
06:12Lesson Info
Class Introduction
So the goal of this class is I want to simplify things for you guys. I want to get back to the core off what makes your business successful so that you have an easier time making decisions so that you don't feel that overwhelm every day. By the end of this class, I want you to be Wait, I want you to wake up every morning and say I know exactly what I need to do today to grow my business. And it's not gonna be a 400 page to do list either. It's gonna be a couple of really key things that you're gonna work on every day. So that's my goal for you with this class. Does that sound good? Yeah. So what we're gonna do in this class is focused on the two core elements of business. So what I find is that people overcomplicate business, right? And it's really easy to do that when you hear 1000 voices giving you advice, but at its core. But business is two things. It's something to sell and someone to sell it to. And that is it. If you don't have those two things, you don't have a business. And re...
ally, if you have those two things you can solve any other problems, you could make it work. So what that looks like for you guys really simply is your craft and your audience. And if you can focus on these two things, they will work together to move your business forward. And that's really the path to success. Just this relentless focus on honing your craft and growing your audience. And that's what we're going to be working on. Over the next two days, we're gonna keep it simple. We're gonna focus on these core elements, and when you leave here, you're gonna have this game plan that says, OK, this is my path forward. This is my next step. And when you hear all of those other voices and all of those other pressures, you can let them go because you're like, That's not my path. This is my path forward. So this class is really designed to simplify and focus. So we're gonna look at these two elements, your craft and your audience. And if you can focus on those that gives you the Momenta mule notice that I'm showing this is this kind of circle. This creates the momentum in your business. And once you've got that mo mentum, all of those little details that happen and make a living selling what you make, they make more sense because you've already got some momentum in your business. So that's what we're gonna do today. So we've got a lot to cover here. So by the end of this class, you're going to have a really strong understanding off what's motivating you to make money from your craft? Because we live in this culture where everyone can start on Etsy shop, where everybody can start a Shopify store, everyone's expected to suddenly monetize their hobby or their side hustle. It's really important to understand where that pressure to make money is coming from. If it's coming from you and your financial needs or if it's coming from some outside place that's actually steering you astray, we want to make sure that we're really clear on that before we start. And whatever the reason is is okay, there's no right or wrong answer for this one. Then we're gonna talk about why a B R is the new ABC. I'm just gonna let that one be what it is. And then you have to stick around to figure that one out. We're going to talk about the two key priorities that are essential for your business success. And then we're gonna identify the best way to build an audience and learn the strategies to make it happen. So I am not a one size fits all teacher. I want to help you find the solutions that are right for your business and your product. And so we're gonna look really at a couple of different audience building strategies and decide the one that's right for you. And this is how we're gonna get rid of that overwhelm again. And then we're gonna learn how to develop your craft in a way that supports your business and your creative process. We're gonna talk about if you have that. Like I'm really creative, I can't focus anyone have that problem of like, I want to make all the things all the time. Yeah, so we're going to address that one. We're gonna talk about how to be slightly strategic in the way that you're developing your craft because that's gonna make you better in your business. And then we're gonna create a plan to focus your time and move your business forward. So, like I said at the end of this class, my goal for you is that you're gonna wake up every morning and know exactly what you're supposed to be doing that day. Not super long to do lists. Ah, couple of really clear action items that will move your business forward.
Class Materials
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