Simplify and Celebrate Your Progress
Lesson 17 from: FAST CLASS: How to Build a Business While Learning Your CraftMegan Auman

Simplify and Celebrate Your Progress
Lesson 17 from: FAST CLASS: How to Build a Business While Learning Your CraftMegan Auman
Lesson Info
17. Simplify and Celebrate Your Progress
Class Introduction
04:31 2Why Do You Want to Make Money from Your Craft?
02:13 3Exercise: Take an Honest Look at Your Financial Situation
01:34 4(A)lways (B)e (R)eleasing
06:03 5Priority #1: Email List
13:34 6Priority #2: Your Product Photography
05:52 7How to Build an Audience
07:51 8Which Audience Building Strategy is Right for You?
03:52Audience Growth Strategy: Search (with Tiffany Whipps)
08:45 10Audience Growth Strategy: Press (with Brigitte Lyons)
19:45 11Audience Growth Strategy: Visual Content Creation
07:30 12Is Your Growth Strategy Working?
04:53 13Honing Your Craft
09:35 14How to Optimize Your Experimentation
03:57 15How to Handle an Evolution in Your Craft
11:29 16Build Your Momentum Plan
09:28 17Simplify and Celebrate Your Progress
06:12Lesson Info
Simplify and Celebrate Your Progress
we're almost done. Think we're pretty close to our goal, right? Us feeling you can wake up and know we're supposed to dio awesome. So I just want to remind you, what do you do when you start to feel overwhelmed and frustrated because you're gonna come out of here and you're gonna have this energy and you wanna be like, OK? Megan told me to focus. And I know what I'm supposed to dio. And then you're gonna get served that ad for something else on Facebook. That's like, Come blur and the strategy of how you need $6 million in 12 minutes, right? Or you're gonna jump on Facebook for two seconds and you're going to see all of these things that everybody else is doing for the residents and think like shoot my supposed to be doing those two. Or you're just gonna wake up one day and forget and put 30 things on your to do list and then suddenly enter that perpetually stressed out mode. It is really hard to get out of the US dressed out mode, right? You're in there and you have to do everything. ...
So what do you dio go back to basics. This class is all about getting back to the essence of your business, something to sell and somebody to sell it to your craft and your audience. Remember that, right? It's not about spending five hours on Facebook. What supports honing your craft and growing your audience? And so when you wake up every day, don't ask yourself what 1,000,000 things I have to do today. What can I dio today to grow my audience? Go back to your notes and again, most of these things air systems. So here's the beauty. Once you kind of get the groundwork in, it's repeat the process, right. Every week you send the press pitch every day or once a week. You get up, you send those store emails. Success in business is not doing a 1,000,000 different things. It's actually having the focus and commitment to do the same things over and over again. And I just want to remind you guys toe always be releasing right. Don't hold on to it until it's perfect for shell stuff out there. Get it out there, share, let your audience see. And also sometimes don't be afraid to remind people that things are for sale at right. Remind your audience you have stuff to buy. So I am. When you come back to like What I What should I do today? Ask yourself if you released anything. The reason that I do my marketing in the morning is because then I know that when I went to the studio, something went out into the world. Every day something goes out in the world for me and maybe a block post. It might be an email. Sometimes sometimes I really tired and I go on Pinterest and I schedule a bunch of pins for one of my products, right that So I'm tired marketing strategy, but something goes out every day for me. And then once I did that, I go in my studio, right. I know. Do my work. So always be releasing and remember that incremental progress is progress, right? It might feel like this wheel. It's turning really slowly and you know what? Sometimes it does, but it's still progress. And I also want you to remember that every email sign up and every sale is a reason to celebrate. Guys, don't be like I can't share yet my list is so small. If you have 12 people on your list, that is awesome. 12 people like your stuff so much that they invited you into their inbox, and they want to hear from you again celebrate that we made a sale. Celebrate that and don't discount sales from people that you know, all right, And so one more thing again, you can ignore the advice that doesn't work for you. You don't have to follow every guru on the Internet. You can even ignore my advice if it has nothing to do with the growth strategy that matters to you, right? I am super excited about Pinterest. I love Pinterest, but if that is not your growth strategy, you could ignore everything that I've ever said about Pinterest Course. That said, if you want to know more, there's a whole class on that you could buy, right? But if it's not your growth strategy, don't worry about it. Great. So ignore the advice that doesn't work for you. Focus. Here. Everything that we're doing here, there's a system. There's no need to reinvent the wheel. I spent a lot of time messing around and figuring things out so that you guys don't have Teoh, right? I play around with a lot of things in my business so that that I can come to you and say This is the most direct path forward. I'm still waiting for me to do that for me. I want I need to me. There's someone else over there, but I don't have that. But I do that for you. That is what I want to do. I want to save you all of the headache that I have. So don't guess. Just follow the systems and do the work. And remember, every time right, come back to this wheel, your wheel may look a little different. Your piece maybe, like Sarah's most of its on growing your audience. That's where you need to be. That's where you need to be. Maybe you don't have a lot of financial pressure right now. Most of your will can be honing your craft, but come back to the basics, right? What you sell, who you sell it to your craft and your audience. And if you focus on those things and you keep moving forward, you will be successful. I cannot wait to see what all of you guys do with this information. Thank you so much. Hopefully, I'll see you guys soon. Another great of life class. But for now, that's a wrap.
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