Lesson Info
The Four Zones
when I work with entrepreneurs, I often work with him through this really powerful book called The Big Leap by Gay Hendricks. He's a psychologist. Now, one of the most powerful frameworks in the book is this framework he provides about four zones, he calls them the four zones of human activity. And we're all in Each of the four zones a little or a lot at some point during the day every day. Um so the four zones are this the zone of incompetence? The zone of competence, zone of excellence in the zone of genius. All right, so let's start with the Zone of incompetence. It's actually just as powerful to know what you have no business doing as it is to know what you're great at doing. All right, So the zone of incompetence are the activities that you find yourself doing um that you're actually kind of bad at your worst at maybe than the average person. Now, it's tempting as an entrepreneur to just feel sometimes like the buck stops with you, there's no one else to do it, so you just got to ...
do everything. But the trap in that is that over time you end up spending more and more of your time because it takes you longer to do these things that you're not that great at doing. Um and those are the, those are the task in your business, that if you are able to outsource them as you shift into the next season of your business, you will set yourself up for much, much greater success and much more happiness. So the Zone of incompetence is the first one, the zone of competence as a second zone and the zone of competences, just things that you're about as good at as everyone else and really you shouldn't be spending a ton of your time there either. The last two zones is where things get pretty interesting. The Zone of the Zone of Excellence is the third zone, and in the Zone of Excellence, you're doing things and you're doing them really well, like your maybe even doing them better than most people do them, but when you're doing tasks in your business that fall within your zone of Excellence, um they're they're also you're good at them, but they're depleting you're good at them, but they're like, draining your energy. You're good at them, but you don't necessarily like them. And here's where I have to sort of tie back to the idea that having come through this crisis, whatever crisis your business has had in this season, is offering you an opportunity to maybe change some things that you didn't have the energy, or didn't have the courage to change before. So this is a really great this idea of the Zone of Excellence and identifying what things do you do in your business regularly that you're good at and maybe even customers pay you a lot for them, but that you find them really depleting or draining. These are good things to make sure that you're pruning out of your, getting off of your plate or maybe getting out of your business entirely before we set the vision for the future. And then the fourth zone, the fourth zone is your zone of genius. So when you're in your zone of genius, you are doing things at a level of quality. Like you are really your genius at the things that are in your zone of genius, but they have the added advantage of lighting you up. They make you feel great. Like this is where you can get into that flow state, we've all heard about right, where you lose track of time when you're doing the things that are in your zone of genius and you do them really magnificently. Your creative, your innovative, it feels good. It's really be hooves you to spend some time identifying what your zone of genius is now, because that is your number one superpower. That is the number one asset that your business has is your personal zone of genius.
Ratings and Reviews
a Creativelive Student
Wow, I totally love the positive vibes of Tara-Nicholle and her clarity. The „Farmer’s view“ is a brilliant tipp - and so true! Thank you so much for offering so many great inspirations! 🙏🏻😊
Maya Harish
I was lucky enough to have my business grow through the pandemic, but loved and appreciated this class asking me to take a moment to reflect and realign with the lessons I've learned, and reconsider my goals for the future. Really lovely short class!
Wonderful course. Inspiring, practical and simple - she provides tools for you to process negative experiences and feelings, reframe your struggle stories and ensure your business is in alignment with your values and genius. In this way, you can step into the next season, stronger, more focused, and with lightness and eager anticipation.