Enhancing Your Brand with Canva
Lesson 11 from: Easy Graphic Design for Your Business with CanvaMatt Stevenson

Enhancing Your Brand with Canva
Lesson 11 from: Easy Graphic Design for Your Business with CanvaMatt Stevenson
Intro to Canva: The Guy Kawasaki Interview
11:26 2The Power of Design: Canva Philosophy
05:41 3Canva Account Setup
10:35 4The Canva Interface
10:28 5Canva: Opening the Drawers
28:00 6Manupulation in Canva
18:43 7More About Your Account
12:12 8Canva for Work Account
25:59Lesson Info
Enhancing Your Brand with Canva
So we learned the basics, we got the core of it down, we created a canvas account creator, first graphics we've played around, some of you guys were even playing around with it on your ipad and creating things. Now we're going to get into some of the nitty gritty specifically geared towards non designers. We're talking about entrepreneurs, we're talking about people who own their own businesses or who need to create these kind of really powerful, impactful graphics quickly efficiently on be able to collaborate with other people, and they may not have the prowess of, say, a seasoned professional who uses illustrator and photo shop. This this part of canada is definitely for for that audience before we jump into the tool. I want to talk a little bit about branding this is big picture stuff we've said the word branding many times in regards to canada, but I think we need tio define it, teo, in order to see really how can can enhance brand. So here we got the presentation of the big brand ...
word aa lot of people think that your brand is your logo, which actually is the origin of the word brand when we think about how cattle ranchers used to be able to tell what cow is their cow, they would actually brand. The cow and they would mark it with the symbol that meant it was there's a part of their company their organization brand means so much more than this now in twenty fifteen uh your brand is not your logo your brand is actually who you are and it manifests itself in three separate ways. This is a little bit of a taste of what your current brand is. This is not the three several weighs more than three here but your brand comprises what you look like, how you talk and how you act uh so with can va were specifically diving into that first part of your brand the first dimension which is what you look like but always be mindful that your brand is also what you act, how you act and how you talk, how you speak, the messages that you put out there it's important to make sure that all three of those align not just the visual side of things two other parts that are very important to brand are repetition and alignment across your team or organization. A lot of people are very scared when they create their brand they think, oh my gosh, I have to look at this logo for the rest of my life or I can't I don't know if I could live with these colors, you know, for years and years uh that that fear is something that we have to sort of overcome because brands require repetition I mean imagine if that if that cattle rancher was putting a different symbol in all of his council of the time it would just be utter confusion the best brands in the world repeat themselves almost ad nauseum they do it relentlessly everything's the same that read in coca cola is the same red no matter where you see it anyway where all of the symbols that verizon's using for its new logo that check mark is the exact same ratio everywhere so when we're talking about consistent c canada is a tool that can help bring everything all under one roof what we talked about previously we'll get into a little bit more with the brand kit that's where your logos go your colors going your funds go and they don't change unless you of course you're the administrator and you and you want to take that chance and change himself around but has recommended that your brand stay your brand for as long as possible so can we can help you create designs based on that brand let's talk about who's creating those dozens when we spoke about the can before work we talked about teams and canada by its nature is a collaborative tools again it's the democratization of design typically in order to work in the canvas environment we would use a hub system where one person has access to the account and other people other team members can also work in campbell, but they're usually going through what's, known as a brand master or brand champion, someone who holds the reins to this brand and really knows the ins and outs of what it looks like and how it should act and talk. This person is usually the administrator of a candid account, and a lot of the decisions at that level at the brand level will be made through him or her, and everyone else will be using templates and stuff around it. There is another system of design process where, rather than having a central hub figure, you have someone who's, the brand champion. But there they stepped aside a little bit and it's a lot more of a collaborative environment where you have people passing templates back and forth and creating other designs. It's, it's something it's, not an either it's one is not better than the other, but the decision on how and who is working with this brand and in what way should be decided early on. So people who are more familiar with canberra usually end up being the administrators on. They need to know that they are now responsible not just for working in the tool, but for keeping that brand as consistent as possible uh so, going back, tio, my screen here? Well, I've logged into my canvas account. This is my personal account again, because I don't see my little f my little team named symbol here, and I want to talk a little bit about some design principles and how they manifest in canada. Specifically, we're going to go over funds, colors, grids, backgrounds and alignment of items. And then the last thing we're going to talk about is simplicity. This segment may sound a little bit like a basic design course, and in a degree it is. But we're doing everything in canvas. So it's, how these basic design principles can be used in this online free design environment.
Ratings and Reviews
This was a fantastic course! You will walk away from this course confident, skilled and knowledgeable enough able to create amazing deliverables/images/graphics for all social media platforms. Especially if you are completely intimidated by design and don't know where to start, this course is for you! (that was me) I really enjoyed seeing into the mind of a designer with his tips & rules about fonts, flow, colors and brand integrity I have made some fantastic designs! Thank you Matt, Canva and Creative Live! Absolutely one of my best CreativeLive purchases.
Aaditya Somani
This course is fantastic. Matt is an excellent teacher, he explained all the details of Canva in less than 4 hours. And those basic design tips were a bonus! Thanks a lot, Matt and Creative Live. Would definitely recommend it to take your designing game to the next level.
Barbara Schiffman
Great course, great teacher -- I'm a Canva and design novice but am now creating book covers for my own books/ebooks. Matt taught me things about using Canva's tools that have already improved my design "eye" and skills -- especially about the value of simplicity. Many thanks!