Lesson Info
27. Movie Mode
Class Introduction
04:48 2Camera Overview
12:06 3Photo Basics
06:03 4Top Deck: Overview
04:23 5Top Deck: Exposure Control
27:35 6Top Deck: Metering
07:17 7Top Deck: Drive Mode
21:01 8Camera Controls: Viewfinder Display
09:26Backside: Playback
08:50 10Backside: Auto Exposure Lock and Focus
10:04 11Backside: Quick Menu Custom Settings
04:35 12Quick Menu: AF Mode
08:27 13Quick Menu: Dynamic Range & White Balance
04:35 14Quick Menu: Noise, Image Size, Film Sim & Color
13:49 15Quick Menu: Self Timer, Face Detection & Flash
05:21 16Function Button of Fuji X-T2
12:08 17Left & Right Side of Fuji X-T2
06:51 18Bottom of Fuji X-T2
09:40 19Front of Fuji X-T2
05:50 20Fuji Lenses
07:37 21Q&A
02:38 22Camera Menu Overview
02:56 23Image Quality Settings
18:04 24Auto Focus and Manual Focus Menus
20:50 25Shooting Settings
19:13 26Flash Mode
08:18 27Movie Mode
05:09 28Camera Menu Q&A
02:53 29Set-Up Menu: Basics
01:38 30Demo: Add Items to My Menu
03:26 31User Setting: Sensor Cleaning and Sounds
04:39 32Screen Set-Up
07:36 33Button Dial Setting & Power Management
12:06 34Save Data Set-Up & Connection Setting
07:59 35Playback Menu
08:52 36Camera Operation Overview
14:30 37Firmware Addendum
30:43Lesson Info
Movie Mode
Next up is our movie mode settings. And so for everyone who wants to record movies from your camera, this is where all the controls are. First up is the resolution and frame rate of the camera. So let's go ahead and talk a little bit about these a little bit more closely. And so first off we have standard definition, which is just known as HD which is 1280 pixels by 720. And then we have Full HD and of course now we have 4K. And so 4K is a lot more data to shoot, it's a much higher resolution, it's gonna look nicer on 4K screens, which is where everything is going in the future. It depends on how much data you really want to record. Now because the size of the information that you're recording is greatly different, the frame rates that are available for each of these is slightly different. And so with the Full HD and the HD, we're gonna have more options in the frame rates that we could choose. That's the frames per second. Notably in 4K we do not have those higher 50 and 60 frames per...
second as an option. If you're new to video and you haven't used video, you may be wondering, "Well what's the deal with all these different shutter speeds? Why would I choose one over the other?" Well, here's the little low-down on different shutter speeds. 29.97 is the North American's standard for video, so when you watch TV it's all at 29.97 frames per second. Over in Europe and with systems around the world that use the PAL system, they're at 25. Don't ask me why, you can look it up on the internet. It's just a slightly different system. And so with the smaller two sizes, we can kind of overcrank and shoot double frames, which allow us either a different look or allow us the ability to slow the footage down by half for slow-mo reasons. Which is the reason why you might want to go to faster ones. There is a 24 frames a second, which is kind of the standard that Hollywood uses. And most people aren't gonna want to choose 24, most people are gonna want to choose 23. if they want that Hollywood look, but they're gonna be utilizing and editing their footage in a standard video editing program. And so for most users, I think you're probably gonna wanna be at 29.97. But there's lots of different options because there's lots of different ways of using the video. And so I think for a basic user, the Full High Definition at 29.97 is gonna be sufficient. For you higher end users, that's where you'll probably want the 4K option that the camera offers. Next up is the auto-focus mode that you are in when you are in the movie mode. You have the option of "MULTI", which is everything, or just the "AREA" mode which is one small box that you can choose to move around. Now remember, when the camera refocuses while you're shooting video, that usually doesn't look too good in the video. And so a lot of people prefer to be very specific about choosing the area where they are focusing. And so "AREA"s a good choice when it comes to focusing in the movie mode. If you wanna hook up a device to the HDMI output on the camera, an external monitor for instance, do you wanna see the information about what's going on in the camera? Your shutter speeds, your apertures and so forth. And in some cases you might wanna see that so that you can better control the camera, but a lot of times these external devices are used for recording, and you don't want to record that information over the image itself, which is why I've recommended turning that off to start with. The 4K movies can be recorded to an SD card in the camera, or it can be recorded externally through the HDMI, and if it does go through the HDMI, you can record it to an F.LOG format, which is a very flat, low-contrasty format, which if you weren't doing and you were going to the card and you wanted to mimic F.LOG as close as you can in the camera, what you would do is you would set the Highlights to -2, the Shadows to -2, and the Sharpness to -4, and that is gonna get you the look, pretty close, not exact, of what an F.LOG looks like. It's gonna be a very flat, not gonna look real interesting and good, it's gonna need to be color graded in a video editing program. And so the F.LOG is gonna be available at ISOs 800 and up only, not the lower ones. Just basically what it's doing is it's controlling all of those highlights. HDMI Recording Controls, so if you want, you can pass the recording control onto the HDMI device that you have plugged into your camera. So, on whatever that device happens to be, you could press the "Record" button on and off. "MIC LEVEL ADJUSTMENT", so if you recall, you can hook up a microphone, and if you want to control the volume adjustment, you would do so here.
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Ratings and Reviews
John Simpson
I highly recommend this class! Been shooting Nikon for 40+ years and decided to give my Nikon gear to my daughter and go the smaller and lighter Fuji X-T2 for travel. Excellent camera and this course was outstanding in helping me learn how to use the camera. I have watched a number of Nikon oriented instructional videos. This video by John Greengo is the best organized and informative presentation I have ever watched.
a Creativelive Student
Really appreciate John putting these Fast Start Series together. Went through part of the training waiting on my Fujifilm X-T20 to arrive, which did today. That allowed me to dive into the menu settings and get the camera ready to use. I found that we are on Firmware 3.0, so, I have some updates to get installed. The training was great and informative as always. Don't hesitate to look for his Fast Start for your particular camera, and the in-depth training on Photography Fundamentals. It is well worth your time and money to get this training, especially if you are an amateur like myself, but, thanks to John Greengo I am quickly learning to use my camera in Manual Mode, most of the time.
Monroe Nevels
We all learn from different methods. I, for one, learn best by watching you while teaching, and being able to work along side you, with my camera in hand, and then follow you. I highly recommend this class if you really want to know how to use your camera. Thank you John for helping me to relive my film days, and integrating into Digital. I now have my Fujo X-T2 programmed and I LOVE IT!
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