Lesson Info
12. Create Momentum for Your Media Plan
What Is This Course About?
11:04 2What Will You Be Known For?
09:54 3Create Your Media Angles
07:43 4Successful PR Case Study with Tara Gentile
26:34 5Get the Media to Say "Yes!" to Your Pitch
10:33 6How to Write Your Expert Bio
06:49 7How to Craft an Email Pitch
15:02 8How to Place Contributions & Guest Posts
28:51Lesson Info
Create Momentum for Your Media Plan
So now we're gonna look at creating momentum for your media plan so you have a lot of different opportunities you actually a four different ways now where you can pitch yourself and get your expertise in your message out there so how do you get momentum how did you make that media plan happen and work for you I love this quote by mark plain the secret of getting ahead is getting started so this goes back to this idea you know? It only takes one to start with I've been recommending throughout this entire course that you build the media list of three to five places to get started with and start sending one pitch at a time but if you write now have something in your mind that you're really excited about to get started to start their follow that excitement use that as a momentum to propel you forward right now you have everything you need all the building blocks to share your stories, your insights and your message more broadly into the world so where we're going to go from here is you wan...
t to finalize those story starters that we looked at in our very first lesson you know what is it that you want to be known for then you could go back to the second lesson and polish up your headlines play with some of those techniques to spice up those messages he went a research and select the media that you were going to be pitching so what media outlets do you want to be pursuing put out quick media list together you can refine and submit your very first pitch based on the media outlets that you've done research with so that's your action plan for carrying this forward you know take the actions that we've done here try it out get your first pitch out there see how it goes you know it's one pitch at a time just remember that it just it just takes that one pitch to start and this is your time so with this pr outreach you can really start building your reputation among customers and among other thought leaders you know when tero is here in our second lesson she talked about how she's used kind of outreach to build her reputation about other people who are influential in her field so that's another kind of way that you can use and leverage this media outreach that you're doing can give your message this much a letter platforms we have so much passion for you know what it is that we want to be putting out there into the world this is an amazing opportunity to spread your ideas and get them out there and get them traction you can bring in more traffic referrals and clients so it's not always just about the one placement and what comes in but it's also about energizing your base about giving people a reason to rave and to talk about you so make sure that you're sharing the media coverage that you get with your community and energizing them in that way so along the way you know you don't want to forget to celebrate your winds like you want to celebrate every piece of coverage you've got because you earned it you know that is yours you've earned it you've got out there and you've gone it unlike advertising you haven't paid for it they call it earned media for a reason because it's really powerful and you can't buy your way in you earn your way in and you have all the tools to do that and those bloggers and editors and publishers and producers and radios they are waiting to hear from you they cannot wait to be sharing your idea so as we close out this pitch yourself I'd love to hear from you what's the one opportunity that you are most excited to pursue right now what's that pitch you're going to get started with what's that media outlet or the type of opportunity that you were really jazzed up to go for let's you know can we start and go around I want to hear from everyone I think I'm just gonna send a pitch email to the kitchen yes I'm so excited about that you came and you knew who you wanted to pitch and now you feel like you have a plan to go forward awesome I'd really like to write for fast company I don't know why it's just been a thing that's been hanging out so I'm really excited to start thinking through like looking at things that I've written before and figuring out how I can how it could pitch that to them fast company is one of my favorite publications so I'm with you on that one there they're really fun one to work for you know who I'm pitching but I've come up with four different ideas to pidge I have my storyline science have to google that figured out where they're going down is a great place to start so I did a podcast interview recently and I really enjoyed it so researching additional podcasts that I could reach out and pitch awesome see you took that go mental on what you enjoyed and you're going to do it again that's perfect same thing I love doing interviews and I'm super excited to pitch them I'll create great I'm gonna go after the local online publications for example let's go opening who we decided to see that opening get it eats the most burgers e no I'm already hungry form I am going teo look for podcast or guest blogged posts for working mom working working moms working parents or parent magazine local magazines last some great place I'm gonna put together a media kit and pitch five companies I want to work with oh that's awesome so you're going to take this pr outreach and actually use those companies or your influences you're reaching out to. Oh, good job. I'm excited to hear how that goes. I'm really excited about that. Um, I'm gonna look more into the sf curbed idea. I really like that, and I will teach my assistant how to do the horror thing for me, so I don't have. Trump. I love it. You can absolutely have. You know, if you have an assistant working for you, having them do some of the creative research, having them, you know, you have the message, but you can absolutely get help for that. That's. A great idea. Well, I'm so excited to hear the plans that you have for action, and I'm so excited to hear, you know, all of the media reach that people go out and doing the contributions, and I hope that you'll stay in touch with me and share them with me and with the folks here. Creative, live and share and celebrate your big pr winds with us, because we know that you're going to go out there and do great things.
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Ratings and Reviews
Aria McKenna
This was great. Very informative and well rounded materials, very accessible and encouraging teacher, and lots of ideas and techniques to help get people started. I got a lot of my questions answered in this class and am excited to start implement her ideas!
christa Clark
I don't know what the other reviewers are talking about - this is a gold mine of information for someone like me, who is very unfamiliar with PR! I can see this helping me out in many facets of my business. Brigitte is an excellent speaker.
Manu Jünemann
Good information. As a women, fashion Stylist who worked for big advertising campaigns like BMW, Nivea... I can´t get over the part that what your wear is part off your success! It makes her for me less believable!