5:15 pm - Interviews: Craig Swanson, Father of the Groom
Lesson 8 from: Wedding PhotojournalismJoe Buissink

5:15 pm - Interviews: Craig Swanson, Father of the Groom
Lesson 8 from: Wedding PhotojournalismJoe Buissink
Lesson Info
8. 5:15 pm - Interviews: Craig Swanson, Father of the Groom
Day 1
13:51 21:00 pm - Bride and Groom Getting Ready
46:59 31:45 pm - Gift Exchange
25:16 42:15 pm - The First Look
15:32 52:30 pm - Bridal Party Portraits
19:03 63:15 pm - Family Portraits
15:04 74:00 pm - The Ceremony
17:575:15 pm - Interviews: Craig Swanson, Father of the Groom
17:38 95:45 pm - Traditional Cambodian Dance
11:03 106:00 pm - Interviews: Wedding Planner, Bride and Groom
15:39 117:00 pm - First Dance, Toasts and Cake Cutting
31:29 128:15 pm - Bouquet/Garter Toss and Fireworks
15:22Day 2
13Day 2 Pre-Show
06:57 149:00 am - Getting Footage Ready
1:24:17 1510:45 am - Portraits Coverage
16:51 1611:15 am - Ceremony Coverage
36:48 1711:45 am - Reception Coverage
25:43 18Day 2 Wrap-Up
03:29Day 3
19Day 3 Pre-Show
00:51 209:00 am - Joe's Gear Bag
18:57 219:15 am - Rich's Gear Bag
10:05 229:30 am - The First Edit Part I
20:49 2310:00 am - The First Edit Part II
26:00 2410:45 pm - Proofing Part I
25:29 2511:15 am - Proofing Part II
21:23 2611:30 am - Proofing Part III
20:16 2712:45 pm - Editing The Album Photos Part I
15:51 281:00 pm - Editing The Album Photos Part II
19:46 291:30 pm - Editing The Album Photos Part III
11:33 301:45 pm - Editing Questions and Answers
32:42 31Thanks + Credits
06:38 322:45 pm - Interview with Shalia and Teurth Part I
30:30 333:15 pm - Interview with Shalia and Teurth Part II
15:25 34Day 3 Wrap-Up
04:04Lesson Info
5:15 pm - Interviews: Craig Swanson, Father of the Groom
and welcome back, everybody. If you are just joining us we are here in Sumner Washington, and we are at a live wedding job Using and Rich are photographing this wedding. We've just seen the ceremony. Now the happy hour. The cocktail hour is going on behind us. And so we're just gonna take a few minutes. Teoh talked to a bunch of people and see what is going on. So of course, the first person that I wanted to talk Teoh is Mr Craig Swanson, who is the co founder of Creative Live. Greg, how are you feeling right now? I am having the time of my life. This is really, really cool way Just finished up. What we thought what I thought was the best week of Creative Life's history Photo week today is by far my favorite day in the history of creative. I was so you know, I was actually watching this wedding just like everyone else. Waas I didn't get here to about five minutes before we started and I've been watching at home. I gotta watch the first look from home. I gotta watch you and arrest Bring...
everything open a roll up This has just been amazing. What was your reaction? The first look moment with Oh, my goodness. So it was phenomenon. And the thing is that I have seen a sneak peek of some of the images that job using and Rich have taken of the first look and my goodness, wait until tomorrow. But even more so when told Wednesday when Test and Julia actually are going to see reveal of these images. You know, funny, I actually don't know the entire rhythm from what is coming up. So So I went on Wednesday, Tuesday, Tuesday, I mean, Tuesday, In my mind, it's Monday. I don't really know. So on Tuesday, Tuesday So tomorrow we're gonna have 1/2 day where Joe is gonna go through sections of the day. Today we're gonna play the video, and then he is going to talk over that and explain exactly what he was doing. And then the next day on Tuesday, we're gonna is gonna be the processing day, the post processing day. And so we're gonna see Rich because he's the one has been who has been editing photos of for six years for Joe. And so he's going to take us through that. And then there's gonna be a reveal with Julia. Can't actually. What else is excited to package? Okay, so Craig Swanson, we were just talking about watching Joe do his thing here live. And I want to ask you about how you conceptualize doing a really live wedding for this time for this time. So everyone knows that we've creative lives for third, 3rd 4/4 made it stronger Works up was a live wedding Jansen star 13 years ago, over three years ago. Everyone keeps asking me, how did you plan this one? So the way we planned this one is basically test came to us after having Capones and said we talked about we would really like to offer our wedding. We could think of no place I would rather get married, then live on creative life. Basically, you know, in some ways and some crazy ways this photo week experience, the last six days that we all just experience with 50 instructors. This is huge event in a lot of ways. Way conceived partially to give test it excuse to have a wedding at the end of it. Accommodate the whole way. What happened. You get married a creative life. Well, we'll rework the entire calendar around you go big or go home. My goodness. So So what does this mean to you, Crack? I mean, Creativelive has been growing like gangbusters, but the ability to wear not in our studio way are 45 minutes from our studio. We're broadcasting eight hours of a live wedding. This is not just setting up the different scenarios, which is awesome as well that we do in our wedding workshops. And it's It's the day after the biggest event we've ever done this team. I mean, I hope you're gonna get interview with Aaron at some point. Our Karen Anderson on the producer of the entire week, This lady and this team is so incredible. I just I I'm so honored to work with you and Russ and justly and everybody at this team. I was watching this at home, just flabbergasted by everybody pulls together and makes this stuff look easy. And I know how how it's not. So Craig Swanson Classic line is there are a lot of moving pieces. A lot of here today what I think is really cool. Craig is that people are participating from all over the world. So it's not just us here, but people are not just participating to celebrate but toe learn. You know about access. Well, the really cool thing is, so this is one of the few huge creativelive workshops where I have actually been watching along with really good, like normally you're there. Exactly. Normally I'm right there, creativelive, but we just finished. Wrote a week I slept in. I spent basically from noon until just a time that my wife and I left to drive here way were in watching the live feed three hours, maybe 2.5 hours. It was incredible people in the chat where we're talking about watching what Joe's doing and asked a question about this. That and it just and also just I've seen Joe Teach before, right and Joe looks different. I mean, the thing is how this is Joe's so focused and so in his element. This isn't a mock wedding. This is something he's just like teaching people how to do this. Is Joe doing what Joe does and his extraordinary and that is really what today is all about. And you could just watch him. Like like you see, is he's never stopped scanning the environment. He's got two cameras right there, like pulled because I just pulling off shots. I can't wait to see what they look like. I've seen some of what they look like. Incredible. Incredible. So, what do you think is the next big creativelive is gonna do? We've now got a live wedding. Well, okay, job using. We're not going to say what what it was, but both you and I were pitched something just a few minutes ago. Like a lot of fun. But we got one idea for 2000 and 14. We're ready to go. I wanted to bring on another very special person, and that is tests. Father, come on over here. How are you doing today? Thank you. Well, I just want to say that this is such a magnificent day and we're so honored that you and your family allowed to create a bottom of the critical of family to come and watch this events happened. How are you feeling right now? Your son just got married. I feel very good and happy. Happy? That is awesome. I wanted I wanted to share with the Internet out there with all the people that are watching a little bit about your story. Because to me, your story is incredible. And the fact that we're here today must mean so much to you and your families. Can you tell me a little bit a little bit about that? Tell me about how you got to where you are today. Possible. I would like to thank you very much for all of you. That coming to this ceremony for congratulations, my son. So I love your son, You love. I like to say a little bit. My son, my story of a my way escaped from Cambodia. And that time, if you go through jungle money all over the place and I see a lot of skeleton people kill, you know, But after death. So I'm so happy when the 1982 became here. So that was in 1977 when you fled Cambodia just pendants, and then you were in a refugee camp, so attack was a little baby right at that time. He like for four years old. So yeah, way they happened in the camera's hard life. One gallon of water a day One chicken for one piece later Chicken and way Don't have a house We don't have a life electricity And also which leave sleep on the ground That rain is so hard And also that I'm so glad that way Got everything that we want So now, today I'm so happy Very so trying to you know, he's very good My son tell us about test as a little boy. Just him A very smart boy Grow up and singing He played music. Oh, yeah You don't have school over there, you know. So comedy. No, I You know, he almost at that time Because no medicine when we're sick cannot walk. So I just looked at the sky. Is it? You know why you want in on my son? So no, I So happy way found that we found a place to live in America. Yes. And did you ever think that you would be on a live broadcast where people are joining you from all over the world? If we have anybody from Cambodia out there that's watching, let us know join our chat rooms. Want to here where people are joining us from? It's just it is a global global events. Thanks a lot for the Internet. All radio station staff owner. Yeah. You know, staff Member is a wonderful today. Look, everybody, I couldn't believe without you. All of you that way gonna be here. Well, thank you for sharing your story. It's such an incredible story of courage, of just the human nature and the ability Teoh be strong and fight. And here we are today, so I really appreciate that. Thank you. All right. Thank you. Thank you. Way Have some very special things to look forward, Teoh. That is gonna come up shortly and I can't wait to see it. Can't wait to see it. So enjoy. I'll let you go. Enjoy your times. And congratulations to you and your wife. Thank you. Thank you. We'll take s O. I want to see if there's anybody else that we can talk. Teoh, Let's grab. I see people are dancing. Let's grab. Russ, you were gonna come in, Okay? They're pointing. Never mind. I'm gonna kick you out. All right, Everybody on this. Okay. All right, crew. All right. I want to give a very special shout out to our true. We're gonna share that one. Okay, Ugo? All right. Have you boys been doing today? Tell us about behind the scenes. Of course. Of all, Tell us who you are. Where you find you online. I'm a technical director. I'm working with Willie, who's currently cutting. Uh, you find them online? Jonny Lee on Facebook. What kind of a joke? But And my name is Jamie Blake. I do audio here, So been running around making sure you guys can hear us. Does that mean that tap is Your boss is my boss, so I really have to do good here, OK, tell me a story about Let's see, the first time I met 10 1st of all, I didn't know how to pronounce his name. So when someone asked who I was interviewing with, I wasn't quite sure how to say it. And then within five seconds of meeting him, he said, Okay. See you later. Don't ever come back. And I have took him serious and then realized that that's just sweet. It's just really so the moral of the story is you are is silent. All right. Tell us about today. We've been How long have you been here? Put this on. We started at the Creativelive office at 7 a.m. And then we've been here on patients about 8 a.m. What have been some of the biggest technical challenges of putting this day on? Uh, it's been mostly the rain way, basically having five people talking to you here at once. OK, I just lost a game of what we call the chicken. Five really good people in the booth who I love so much who are doing a great job on my break and came up. And the camera, of course. That's I try and all the piers and everybody else and Nico running around. Okay, So challenges of the broadcast of what goes into something like this. We don't want to give away all of our little creativelive secrets, but well, what is how many people? How many people does it take to? It takes a lot of people. I mean, we've got three or four ps one around. We got four cam ox to producers to hosts two audio guys broadcast technician. It notes that a lot of people and all the while, you know, we're moving antennas. So that we can hear everybody all the time and tryingto keep up with what Joe Richard doing So it's a lot of fun. What have been some of your impressions about watching the photography? They are like snipers there. They're on it. They creepy there, in and out. We don't know where they're gonna be. It's probably actually one of the hardest things to do is follow them on camera as they're taking pictures of everybody, right, because once again, this is the really deal. This is a really wedding. They are really photographers. And that's the beauty of Joe style. Is that photo journalistic style. So he is like you said just all over the place, right? He looks like he's doing more time photography and for the wedding photography, and that's what he's known for. That is what he's so good at. I hear the music is dimming down, dimming down, which might be meaning that we're going to switch it over pretty soon. Way Go. Oh, right. I want to say thank you guys. Thank you to the crew. I love the purple and purple and thanks again. Have a good break. Next up. We are going to bring Thanks, guys. Way are going to bring on some very special creativelive folks, there we have George RR Nakis. This is great. Alright, How are you doing today, George? I'm great. Are you So George is the head of talent at Creativelive? What does that exactly mean? George? That's a great question. Uh, actually oversee all the recruiting that we do as far as instructors that come on credible. So tell me about job using. I have no Joe forever just worked having working. Have you hold that? Like having tea I for many years. Joe is one of the nicest guys in the most talented photographer. You mean, besides prices in different genre, different genres. But I mean, Joe really is the pro's pro. He's great. So what do you think? The difference is we're talking with Craig a little bit earlier, but about putting on, say, Jos wedding photography Workshop on credit live versus today. Have you ever seen in your how many years in the photography education industry? A lot. Have you ever seen anything like No, this is so cool. This is amazing. Really Like just the wedding itself And everyone was tearing up and just being able to see that emotion. It was really, really. And I hear that russet starting talk way gonna throw it over. Amazing performance. So we're gonna get going. But are we on? All right, So rust over there is clearing the room right now because we are in about two minutes. We're going to start the announcements. George, what does this day mean to you? Wow. It's actually pretty amazing watching someone that you work with. And I left Hat and Chili. They're two of the nicest people you'll ever meet on there. Like the happiest couple I've ever I've ever met. It's just great to share it with everybody that we work with it really creative live really is like a family. And that's including all of you out there who are our family as well. Which is why we're bringing you into this. So with that everybody way are going, Teoh, send it back over to Russia and we are going to move along with while they're like laying out the dance Lawrence up. So I'm gonna sign off and send it back over to go dance. All right? You could dance
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Ratings and Reviews
Jessica Lindsay-Sonkin
This is one of the more slower-paced courses I have taken on Creative Live. I ended up watching the videos over a span of about 4 months, but enjoyed every moment of it. Watching Joe and Rich work is a beautiful dance. I love Joe's philosophy and he instills a calm spark in all that he does. The way he looks at angles, approaches situation and works with his clients is mesmerizing. I highly recommend this course if you are looking to be inspired by wonderful philosophy and to gain valuable insight through watching a master in action.
Carlos Zaldivar
Joe Buissink, Thank you for share your out of this world wedding photography its be on great,I just love it. I look up to you every day I do a wedding. I have yet to meet you but some day I will. I took conclave in April 2013 and wished you would have been there. My favorite wedding photographer is Denis Reggie which has become a friend I just love his work also. Between you and him both of you I look up to and hope some day I can be as great of a photographer just like the both of you. I just love to be a wedding photographer. Thank you for share such great information and course. Carlos Zaldivar Carlos Zaldivar photographers www.carlos-zaldivar.com
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