Lesson Info
11. Working with Scripts
Class Introduction
02:09 2Not-so-obvious Automation: Presets
10:10 3Keyboard Shortcuts
10:15 4Adjustment Layer Presets
04:17 5Brush Presets
04:42 6Recording an Action (Refresher)
14:14 7Conditional Actions
05:53 8One-step Actions
05:01Lesson Info
Working with Scripts
now one of thing. That's definitely a more advanced part of photo shop is scripting and tell you right now I can't tell you how to do that because even people who say, Oh, scripting and they're like, Yeah, soon as they started like, yeah, you're a programmer, aren't you? Because, like, that's what scripting is, it's like and if then but all this stuff and I've tried a couple times like, yeah, no. So what I love about scripts is you can often find something out there that serves your purpose. So I had this example of this to me was just a perfect example of how, when things actually work, how cool it was because a friend of mine who lives in Ottawa, Canada, and he works for an organization. A lot of organizations in Canada have to worry about being bilingual, so they would have done a whole series of graphics for ah Power Point presentation and then and they were all, like not just bullet points, but had actual photo shop work with putting text to make it look really cool. And now we di...
d translate all those, and it was just like all these slides I've got a have someone translated and then copy and paste the words over the words that are already there. And the email being said, Dave, please tell me there is a way to the tarmac. I'm like, No, there isn't like, wait a minute. There might be a script, though, because people who know what they're doing And thankfully, there are these people out there that know how to do this kind of stuff. Have figured this out, and I thought this was just really cool. So here I just made a little mock up where, you know, here's one of the many slides and I've got you know, here's what I want to look with this particular font and looking everything else. But now it needs to be a French version of this or Spanish or Greek or whatever it ISS so rather than me, and I happen to use a combination of my high school French and Google translate to. So if you're French, I apologize. This is what Google told me because some of these may or may not be completely correct, so I have them all. But instead of me going copy pays copy piece I mean, I certainly could do that, but we're imagining that have more than one. So this is an ongoing thing. I won't do this every time because it would just take so long. So I just happened When my friend emailed me. I just did a quick search. And what put like came what I said script to automatically translate text layers in photo shop or something. And look Oh, here's one. So I just downloaded this thing was free. So I went to scripts and I said, And I've had to put them when I say them, it tells you to put them in a particular folder. It's very straightforward. So it has this complicated thing that says blah, blah, blah, text convert export like Okay, so, like that I suddenly have this text file that has all these things says, begin. Our services are serves only. Okay, so this is the hardest part of this whole thing, and it's really not that hard is to take the words that someone has translated for you and basically, just copy and paste a copy. Come over here paced. I missed the beginning. Sorry, This one. Now, the chances are that with, especially with French, French always takes more than English, so that spacing might be a little off. But again, I would rather do this than have to manage. It seems like a this point. Why did I just do this directly? And Photoshopped? Well, I could with only one document. But imagine if this was a whole series of them and or you have someone that doesn't really know how to use photo shop. So you just want to make sure that you're telling life do is copy and paste these things. And really, this is I'm just showing this as an example of some pretty interesting actions are scripts I should say. He said in there that in there save and then back in photo shop, I go back to the scripts, menu and shoes import. Oh, I forgot one, obviously. But you see, all of them changed this one. Okay, so I have to go in and edit this one and put like a carriage return in the middle of this text, but still pretty need that it did all that preserving everything else about position and font and everything else again. It wouldn't make sense is only doing one, but I was doing a whole series of them with similar words. That's Justin example of a script out there that somebody made because they must have had a need for it. And if you look, there are websites air like directories of scripting. If you have a function in that you're doing in your office, for example, that's very specialized. There are very clever people out there that you could say, Here's what I needed to do And the chances are someone out there will say, I can write a script to do that and it will cost X. But then you'll have this automated feature that Photoshopped can't do by itself. One of things that scripts conducive that Photoshopped can't is a script can say, Take this layer and exported into this other program. Like just the layer name. Photoshopped can automate everything within Photoshop and to a small degree exporting but not interacting with other applications. So there are some pretty interesting scripts out there and again beyond my capabilities in the short time frame. Plus, I don't know how to do it to actually show you how to create scripts, and there are ways that it tries to make life easier, but the chances are you'd probably end up needing to find someone who, actually, you know, knew what they were doing to be able to do it. So I just want to point that out that if you're thinking high, which I could automate that in Photoshopped, take two minutes and going to Google and type photo shop script whatever you're trying to do, and I'll bet you there's either one there or some discussion in a Scriptures forum that says, Yeah, I could probably do that because it would. And then they go off and talk, you know, like in Charlie Brown, what one while on you're like, OK, as long as you think you know what that means. So right at the top I was saying that that my concept of automation is even partial automation. So if you're still not 1% convincing actions will help you. If you look at actions or any of these things as getting me closer, the end result to me ultimately that still adds up and speeds up your work
Ratings and Reviews
Emily Bristor
Dave Cross really knows his stuff, and his knowledge is up to date. I didn't know there's a Photoshop "mail-merge" kind of capability - now I know how to use it! He gives clear instructions on how to save time in Photoshop in various ways. I highly recommend this course.
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