Let's Start Unlearning
18:54 2Why Posters
13:08 3The Cliche
10:44 4Working With the Client
11:43 5Start With a Power Pose
03:10 6Inspiration Seeking The Muse
05:50 7Identify and Eliminate Distraction
08:43 8The Settings for Making
06:29Lesson Info
Inspiration Seeking The Muse
Now we talk about inspirations seeking the muse. Um, and this is about where no ideas come from besides working and sitting. You worry because inspiration has to find you working, right, Um or does it for me. Getting out of the studio is so much more productive than being in the studio. Because me being in the studio is like, I've got computers and I've got the books and I've got there all crutches. They're all stuff that I can rely on that I can lean on. And I don't want to, Right. For me, the best place to work is to get out of the studio is to go go seek the muse. Um, you guys ever go away on, like, on a weekend, a long weekend with some friends, you know? And you come back and you got there. You've had so many new ideas, right? It's crazy. Um, for me, movies reading generally, stories of the hero interest me greatly. You know, that's where I seek a lot of a lot of inspiration. Where do you Where do you guys get inspiration? Dr. Driving, driving, driving, taking us our shower. I was...
just gonna ask any shower. People looking up, looking up. Awesome, Awesome. Looking down. Awesome. Awesome. You know, that brings us to this interesting thing that, um, you know, why're napkins so inspiring? And all those things, especially the sleeping and shower. Why they're so inspiring is because they're not at work. We're not working, you know, that's that's the thing. And that's another part of the answer to your question. And is that, like the best way to find answers is to kind of stop looking for him. It's kind of like, really free yourself up, you know? And sometimes for us, Um, um, this is where I find inspiration. The wrong ist idea. What's the What's the worst idea I could possibly come up with, you know, because that then it's exciting again. That makes it easy to if it's exciting, we've been We've been in situations in the studio where, um well, I won't even say studios generally out to lunch. That's where that's where the thinking happens. You know, I often just take a sketchbook in a a pen. I mean, I usually wear carpenter jeans because I because I've got pockets here. I got one for my glasses and one for a pan. I'm, like, ready to create on demand. Um, but we'll be out of the studio and just playing like I've got a pallet designer palahang out with sometimes. And what we are both really good at is we're able to, like, get out of the studio, sit and come up with the worst possible idea and then present it to our clients. It works all the time. Um, it goes like this. You're hanging out of the bar, and I come by and I see a is a Really What are you working on? Just like, Oh, I got this job from a client. And I'm gonna do this thing in this thing, and we have a beer, too. And it's not necessary that you have beers not necessarily drink in order to be creative. Saying pot works to um no, I don't do any of that stuff. Um, but we will get to this point when we start talking about it and we'll get to this point and you got You guys have to pay attention to this. You get to this point where you go, you know, it would be really funny, right? You've been there before where you're just playing your like up in the Anne. It's like, 00 wait, wait. What if it involves? You know, and then you go, you know, be really funny. Do it, Do it. That's the answer, because you're excited about it. We've been out. We've been out out outside of the studio and coming up with ideas. And there was one time we were like, Oh, my God has such a great idea where we gonna find a dozen baby chicks Way did it. We did it. It was great. I had to learn how toe feed and maintain baby chicks for, like, three or four days, right until I took him to the farmers market, where they're being raised into healthy egg laying chickens someplace. I think that's what they told me they were doing. So sometimes the wrong ist idea is the most interesting, and also you guys have had to understand to. Ultimately, the deadline is the greatest inspiration, right? It's just like, oh shit, got to get done. Let's do it. And even to go back even a little bit backwards in the conversation. We're talking about clients earlier. I'm still with the deadline and whatnot clients earlier is we have a saying in the studio that some jobs you do for God and some jobs you do for money and you should know the difference. And I approach every ah project every job as an opportunity to do a God job, to do something beautiful and brilliant and smart and funny. And if it turns into a money job, we turn it over and get it done and get paid and move on. You're right. I'm not like one of those people who's just gonna fight and fight and fight and struggle and go No, I love my clients. I don't want to fight with, um you want you want, You know, I was giving you steak. You want hamburger? Awesome. Good enough.
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