Watching lectures, videos, and podcasts faster
Lesson 24 from: Make More Time in Your Day: Become a Speed DemonJonathan Levi
Watching lectures, videos, and podcasts faster
Lesson 24 from: Make More Time in Your Day: Become a Speed DemonJonathan Levi
Chapter 1: Introductions & Foundations
1Class Introduction: Structure & how to succeed
03:57 2Why do things quicker
05:14 3Where most people spend (or waste) their time
04:48 4Quiz: Chapter 1
Chapter 2:General Principles & Theories For Hacking Productivity
5The power of preparation
03:11 6Having clear priorities & goals - and making them "SMART"
07:38Organizing priorities with the Priority Star Exercise
09:19 8Setting deadlines & and making them real
04:18 9The Pareto Principle - our secret to being effective
03:57 10The "Bad" kind of multitasking, avoiding distractions, and meditation
07:43 11Batching similar tasks
03:48 12The "Good" kind of multitasking & the wheel of life
04:26 13Planning for structured rest periods
05:57 14Using small chunks of wasted time effectively
04:16 15Quiz - Chapter 2
Chapter 3: Speeding Up & Automating Computer Work
16Just how much time are you wasting on your computer?
06:44 17Automating meeting scheduling
04:56 18Text expansion - stop typing the same things over and over
04:24 19Speaking is faster than typing - and clicking
05:33 20Using custom gestures to speed up common tasks
03:43 21Launchers - act without doing
06:02 22Wasting less time reading and sorting through email
03:41 23Automating simple, repetitive tasks effectively across the web
05:03 24Watching lectures, videos, and podcasts faster
04:48 25Quiz: Chapter 3
Chapter 4:Speeding Up Health & Fitness
26Getting fit in fewer hours
04:10 27Spend less time cooking
04:02 28Sleeping less and feeling better
06:00 29Quiz - Chapter 4
Chapter 5: Automating Your Finances
30Monitoring your finances automatically
04:30 31Paying bills automatically
05:29 32Quiz - Chapter 5
Chapter 6: Delegation, Communication, & Saying No
33Some things just aren_t worth your time
11:21 34Thoughts & tips on "outsourcing"
06:18 35Speeding up decisions
09:14 36Speeding up communication
05:12 37Splitting Time Into “Maker” and “Manager” Days
05:06 38Quiz - Chapter 6
Chapter 7: Conclusion
39What we've learned, conclusion, and congratulations
02:51Final Quiz
40Final Quiz
Lesson Info
Watching lectures, videos, and podcasts faster
since you've made it this far in this online course, it is safe to say that you like to sometimes learn by watching videos on the web, but that can be a big time commitment, especially if the lecture is speaking at a slow pace. This is particularly a problem for students of my super learner course who become accustomed to consuming information very rapidly For them it is somewhat torturous to sit and listen to someone lecture at 120 or 130 words per minute. Now, whether you've taken my super learner course and are able to process information at say 2 to 3 X speed, you can still shave off a considerable amount of time by just speeding things up to 1.5 X without sacrificing quality or understanding of the material. When I first started teaching about this hack, it involved signing up for a free trial of a new Youtube technology or downloading some kind of app but today you've probably seen the 1.5 or two X button on the bottom right of most videos online, such as Youtube, vimeo, wisteria...
and more. But what if the video does not have that enabled or more importantly, what if two X is still too slow for you after all by speeding a video up to three X. Or speeding the mandatory advertisements up to say 16 X. You can save hours of your life every month, enter a powerful google chrome extension called video speed controller. This nifty little extension allows you to speed up slow down advance and rewind any HTML five video with quick shortcuts after you install this plug in, you will notice that most videos you view online now have a little number in the top left hand corner that looks something like this. If you hover over it, a little menu pops up that allows you to toggle the video speed and even skip backwards and forwards a few seconds in the settings. You can actually customize your keyboard shortcuts to meet your preferences. I find this particularly helpful when watching longer videos where you are looking for a very specific piece of information to save some time. I will often listen at 3 to 4 X. The speed until I can tell that I need to focus in and then I will slow it back down to two X. The speed for retention. Note that this is also significantly impacted by how fast the person in the video is actually talking. I personally choose to watch most videos at about two X speed though, I'll sometimes go as high as three X speed depending on the speaker's natural speed And if that sounds like Gibberish to you well, you could easily start watching videos at 1.2 or 1.5 and slowly increase the screed every few days until you feel comfortable at higher levels. Another extremely useful feature of the video speed controller plug in is that you can effectively fast forward and even skip through mandatory ads a few years ago, a simple ad blocker would stop all the Youtube ads from showing. But now that is not the case. But since you are a speed demon who doesn't want to waste their time watching ads, you can now use this extension to power through an ad at 16 X the speed or even use the forward skipping shortcut to jump 15 seconds ahead until you can click that skip ad button. Now another great tool that I use is an IOS app called overcast for listening to podcasts When I want to listen comfortably while commuting, cleaning, cooking or eating. I listen to podcasts on 1.9 x. The speed and enable the smart speed feature which shortens the pauses in the audio. If you don't have an iphone, you can use an app called podcast addict for android which has similar features furthermore, many audiobook apps like audible will also allow you to speed up the track which prevents you from going crazy while listening to audiobooks, audible is also a great choice because it will actually sync up your progress with the text you are reading on your kindle so that you can speed read when you're at home speed. Listen while you're in the car and move through books without any kind of hindrance to your progress. I've included by the way, a special link in the pdf syllabus which will get you a completely free audiobook on audible dot com in case you want to go ahead and try that one out.
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