Chapter 1: Introduction
1Personal Branding
02:36 2Course Organization is Made Up of Strategy and Tactics
01:53 3Personal Brand Manager Inputs and Outputs, Repurposing Content
02:16 4Personal Branding Framework in Action
02:54 5Quiz: Chapter 1: Introduction
Chapter 2: Plumbing
6Inception of Products, People Buy from People
04:22Facebook Public Figure Page
22:02 8Boosting Posts
03:05 9Quiz: Chapter 2: Plumbing
Chapter 3: Blogging
10Repurposing Content Process for Selecting People on Fiverr
02:50 11Topic Wheel, 6 Topics
04:36Chapter 4: Networking
12Power Networking Networking
03:35 13Topic Wheel, 6 Topics
04:36 146 Types of Figureheads
01:41 15Building a WHY, 3x3 Goals Sheet
03:33 16Mapping Your Personal Goals
02:37 17Network Mapping
03:17 18Professional Content vs. Fun Content
04:22 19Googling Yourself
20:13 20How to get 10,000 views of your message
11:09 21Quiz: Chapter 4: Networking
Chapter 5: Interviews
22Interviewing and Being Interviewed
01:14 23How to be an Expert Interviewer
03:57 24Applying the Personal Branding Framework
06:27 25Thank You Machine
08:13 26Perceived vs. Actual Authority
07:54 27Quiz: Chapter 5: Interviews
Chapter 6: Visual Content
28Dennis' Personal Brand Manager
11:17 29Amplification: Getting More From What's Working
04:05 30Omnichannel and Omnipresence
04:08 31Elements of a Powerful Facebook Page
20:00 32LinkedIn for Powerful Personal Branding
09:10 33Clients Brands and Relationships
00:15 34The One Minute Video
05:55 35Gratitude Videos
04:54 36Your Speaker Reel
04:22 37Making Money
03:37 38Power Hours
07:44 39WHY videos
06:32 40Making One-Minute Videos
05:49 41Remarketing
08:18 42Repurposing Content Systematically
02:59 43Twitter for Personal Branding
02:43 44Quiz: Chapter 6: Visual Content
Chapter 7: Ascension Ladder
45Making Money via the Ascension Ladder
09:48 46WHY Videos in action
08:59 47Quiz: Chapter 7: Ascension Ladder
Chapter 8: Fiverr Gigs
48Using Fiverr to Build Your Personal Brand
05:15 49How to Choose the Right Fiverr Sellers
10:56 50Using Saved Gigs and Templates on Fiverr
08:15 51Quiz: Chapter 8: Fiverr Gigs
Final Quiz
52Final Quix
Lesson Info
WHY videos
let's talk about how to do a killer, why video? You've probably seen a professional speaker be able to summon emotion and you can feel that. Maybe it's a great ted talk. Maybe it's a great actor. You can actually break that down into three components of what a why video is. And this is great, not just for generating attention and emotion engagement, but actually driving sales. And let me show you how that's the case. The first step And AY video is, you have to capture their attention and you go immediately to whatever the scene or the story is. And you say when I was, when I was 18, I dropped out of high school because I wanted to be a professional athlete running for Nike true story. When I woke up this morning at six o'clock in new york, I thought, oh my goodness, how am I going to have the energy to be able to get through this whole day? I have all these meetings, right? When I was So you're starting with when I was your starting immediately with the action, you're following the mov...
ie camera straight to that particular item. You're not saying, let me tell you a story about when I was younger or you don't say in college, I didn't get good grades and I partied a lot and I also did this. You don't, you don't go to these generalizations. You go with a particular moment in time when I was drinking green tea on a thursday afternoon. This one thing happened, right? Or just like another way to think of it as dude, you wouldn't believe what happened this, this this right? You go immediately into the story, why do you have 60 seconds to be able to tell your story? You have to be able to capture their attention in the first two or three seconds, especially when people are scrolling on their phone on facebook instagram linkedin, whatever it is, Snapchat tiktok, You have to capture their attention in that news feed. So you have to start with when I was, you have 40 seconds to be able to tell your story in that story. You go from when I was immediately go into what it is in the situation, what is the pain? What is the issue to overcome? What is the drama? What is the problem, right? And then show how you're able to overcome that because you took a series of steps show that there was some kind of pain show how you felt. I've seen other people do why videos. I've seen thousands of why videos and people will say when my mom, when my mom was diagnosed with cancer, it was a thursday afternoon and she said this to me and remember how I felt that I can't believe that this happened to my mom's cancer is something that always happens to other people. And I thought about where how am I going to live? And you know, I was only 19 and this. So you're showing your, you're telling the story about what's happened and then how you deal with it. That allows people to connect with you when they're able to identify with you as a protagonist, then any kind of expertise that you have to share. Anything that is reflective of your mission and meaning they're able to join you for the ride because you've already connected with them. Think about any amazing movie that you like. Maybe it could be a Disney movie or it could be like Rocky. They use the same three part story arc, which is called The Hero's Journey, right? Where there's some sort of challenge or they identified with some sort of challenge. They overcome the challenge and they win just like with harry potter, right? You identify with him, he gets his butt kicked and then, you know, you kill Voldemort at the end or whatever it is, right? And that's the same thing that you're going to do as well. They identify with you there's some kind of challenge that shows that you're human. You have some kind of vulnerability and then you're able to overcome. So 40 seconds to be able to take them through this journey. Be careful not to sell focus on just a few key specifics. Don't go into multiple stories. Don't go into too many details, right? Just one story, 40 seconds. And from that story, you say, I believe that because of what's happened here. I believe that we should always spend time with our family members because we never know how long we have. I believe that young adults need to have a mentor because they don't know where to go in life for. I believe that we should all be taking care of ourselves and and our physical fitness is great for everyone, whether they're going to be a competitive track athlete or not, right. Some kind of conclusion. Some some kind of deeper meaning that reflects something that's important to them. And then the last five seconds is I started, If you're an entrepreneur, I started this restaurant, I started this particular business I started or you can say I am or you could say I am john smith and I help entrepreneurs get their finances in order, right? I helped X do y. And that's it. five seconds. Don't go on and on into all of your products and services, literally five seconds you say your name only at the end, right? I'm Dennis You and I help entrepreneurs build their personal brand, That's it, That's how you do it in one minute, 40 seconds. Tell your story. 15 seconds. Tell me about your your mission statement and then tell me about your belief on on who you are. Most people screw that up because they get it in the wrong order. They say who they are in the beginning. They don't go straight into the story. They don't anchor with the motion. You follow these three stages of how do you tell You're wise story in 60 seconds and you will find this will transform your personal brand. This is a formula you can use over and over again, especially when you bring other people into the mix, when you have customers and you want to help them tell their story, you tell your story first as an example so you can coach them so that they can tell their wives story and this works like a charm. You can do it with your IPhone, you can do it professionally if you find that people have trouble looking into the camera like I'm doing now where I'm looking right at you, then you just look, you just look at them and you hold the camera off to the side at a 30 degree angle and that way it just looks like an off camera interview. That that way they're just talking to you and they're not even having to look at the camera at all, learn how to master this y video and this will anchor your personal brand, you, it'll be like everything you're doing is going to carry so much power because you're able to convey that emotion. And then when you use the personal branding framework using fiber to execute these particular tasks that will multiply all the awesome stories that you have to sell to then be able to drive sales for your business
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