08:17 2Introduction to Adobe Camera Raw 7
10:10 3Camera Calibration
17:08 4Intro to ACR Q&A
12:48 5Cropping & Straightening
17:35 6White Balance
18:32 7Using the Basic Panel
1:05:33 8The Adjustments Brush
42:54Lesson Info
Intro to ACR Q&A
There are plenty of questions. Does anyone in the studio audience have a question? Yeah. Um, when I opened my put a shop five on the shot six. I get a commoner roll with it on a little shops. Es ex ists By what? Bullshit of the common road. Oy, I have that camera. All six. That's a great question. If you're running the shop, CS five, you got camera Ross six or six point eight. Whatever we're talking during the pre show banter, that camera is, I think, the most frequently updated piece of software known to man currently on this planet because, as all as the camera profile database in camera databases updated to support the raw files of different manufacturers, you know, did you know that there are other cameras besides Canon and Nikon? I just learned this recently. I mean, who knew? Right. Turns out there's a lot. I mean, Olympus, Sony, Casio who do so you can imagine with the noodles and gobs of camera manufacturers and camera models and so on and so forth that are out there. This data...
base is constantly being updated to support the raw files or the negative files from all those different manufacturers. Okay, Um, we know you love your keyboard shortcuts. Mickey is wondering. Is there a shortcut? Automatically open the pictures from bridge to camera. Is there a keyboard shortcut to automatically open images from bridge to camera Raw? Yes. Command are or control are so are for raw cool and a question from uphill. Deb, who's from Lake Tahoe? Does opening CS six automatically open raw. I'm confused without bridge. How do I open Kamerad? Just to clarify? Well, if you've installed Photoshopped, even stall bridge so bridges on your machine as well you can control or right click a file in your operating system. Okay, so if we pop back over to my finder on my Mac here, I can either double click the file. And if it's got the raw extension and again mind says crtv years may say DMG been photo shop is gonna launch if it isn't running already and then the camera raw window is gonna open so you can double quick straight from your hard drive. You can also control click or right click the file's icon, choose open with and choose Photoshopped. You're never going to see cameras an option in the shortcut menu because raw is a plug in that only runs inside of photo shop, so it's not gonna ever be listed separately. But if you do choose open with photo shop and it is a raw file, meaning it has the extension that your camera gave it when you shot it, then it will launch photo shopping. It will open camera. Thank you. Um, Rub 61 is wondering talking about the camera profiles. If you change the default profile, will that also be used when displaying thumbnails? Enbridge? I don't believe so. I don't think there's any processing that happens to your thumbnails until you actually open it in camera raw. Now, when you after you open it in camera raw and then you look at the thumbnail Enbridge, then yes, you're gonna be seeing whatever changes so it doesn't pre process it for them. No, I don't believe so, and that's a good question. It's also worth noting. I'll cancel out of this and go back actually, am enough. I'm gonna apply a change just so you guys can see. I know it's awful and I'm gonna click it done, which basically tells camera Hey, I'm happy with what I did, but I just want to close the file, all right? And then when you look at that file back in bridge, you see a little icon up here. So whatever changes you make are gonna appear as little bitty circles here, so let you know at a glance that there has been some processing done in camera raw on these files. So your thumbnail will change at that point. And you'll also see that little icon art. They're letting you know what you've done in wrong. All right? So just again, going back to the beginning maybe people weren't in with us right when we started. But folks are still asking about light room vs Adobe camera raw and why one would use what's advantage using one or the other. Um, let's say we have right, M. Larson. If I have light room, poor are light room. Do I need camera raw? Um, yeah. So just kind of taking a step back. That's great. So if you already have light room on your machine, you do not need to use camera raw because it's the same set of ciders. Okay. In the develop panel of light room. That's the same set of ciders that you get in the basic panel of camera. Raw camera is free light rooms. 200 bucks. Thank you. Don't be following the price on a light ring. Fante Light Room has a database component to it that is incredibly powerful, so you can think of it as a combination of bridge plus camera raw. So bridges what you're seeing right now on screen, and it is in organizational import. Yeah, powerhouse. You can use it to view all kinds of images on your hard drive. You can do some batch processing with bridge. You can use Theodore B output module to make things like contact sheets to do prints and things like that. Light room has a lot of that built in as well, so you can think of it as a combination of bridge and camera raw. Kamerad is at him any database aspect to it at all. There's no print module like there is in light room. Light Room has a slew of wonderful presets and its print module that lets you make beautiful prints do some fake matting. All kinds of things like that light room also lets you make beautiful Web galleries. You can use bridge to make Web galleries that you don't have near the flexibility and bridge that you do in light ring. So if you need a tool, Teoh import and organize your images. And when I say organize, I'm also talking about applying a rating system to your images. Such a star ratings. I do that myself. When I import images, I look at them a full screen and I apply a star rating system. I only allow myself three stars at this point because I need room to improve, right my photography. If I started out with five stars, I've got nowhere to go, so you can also use it to rate your images, which helps you filter down your vast image collection. If it isn't fast yet, it's gonna be. It helps she finds the images you're after in a more quick quickly. OK, Um, yeah, that's the best way I can describe it. Light room is really like a combination of raw and bridge, plus some other fantastic features, right? Okay, so if you've got light room, you're still gonna learn a slew in today's class because the ciders. We're all the same. OK, but if you don't have light room and you've got bridge on your machine already and Photoshopped, you've got camera raw, then you can use the two together to do a lot of the things that that light room can do. The light room is a nondestructive processor as well does the same thing you're it. Requests are being stored in the sidecar final in X and P Final as well. You can always back out of them if you want to thank you. You're welcome your questions on that? Sure, yeah. Photo T from New Jersey is asking his camera on his canon. He has an option of setting picture styles like standard portrait landscape. Are those similar to the camera profile options and that you mentioned? How are they related? I'd have to know more about the specific hammer that he's easing, but from just what you said, it sounds more like an aspect ratio or orientation thing more than you know, the in camera processing that's going on. I think we got one question in the audience. Did you have a question going back just a little bit when you were talking about the camera databases in camera raw. Um, I know I don't know much about raw yet, but just got a new camera and started shooting and raw and then uploaded it to my computer and it said it couldn't open it. Is that a, um Do I need to just wait for them to update that database? Is that what that is, or Yeah, pretty much OK, if you're shooting and Ron your particular camera in your computer squawks that you when you try to open it, then the database may not include a profile or support for your particular model and manufacturer at that moment. But you can always go to the manufacturer's website or use your computer software update feature to find out if there is a new version. Camera wrong. Like I said, it's the most frequently obey its offer. Known to man just about every week appoint one update comes out and so just another Oh, I'm sorry in the audience. Fun for those of us who who would like to use light room for for a catalogue and database, um, but decided to do some processing in camera raw. I'm curious as to what? The community in general as well. ASL isa. What you think about is ITM or efficient to do you're importing into light room first? Or would you save that for last after you've done your camera raw processing? And that's only if you did want to combine the tooth tools in your workflow. Great question. You would never combine the two tools in your workflow. You just wouldn't. So you would do all of your importing into light room. And you do. You can do everything in light room that you can do in camera raw, so there's absolutely zero reason they use camera in addition, but great question, though. Okay, um, move along. Were there any other outstanding questions? I think we're probably gonna belong Excellent. Just so you know, quickly. And I'll go over this again after we start digging into the basic panel and changing our images here. Since I did make a quick change to a couple of the images here, I do have that icon and bridge letting me know that Wu, there's been a change made. How the heck do you and do that change back out of everything you did in camera. Raw Enbridge is very simple. You can do it in camera as well, but since we're sitting here in bridge, you simply click the image and I'll go ahead and click to activate two images and you go up to the edit menu. Choose developed settings. Clear standings. That's it. So now those photos or back to their original raw state so that I can reprocess them at any time. So that's one way in bridge that you can back out of changes that you make. I'll open up this guy right here one more time in camera raw and show you how you come back out of the changes there. I'm gonna make a couple of changes. I'm gonna click the auto button in the basic panel, and we'll talk about that in a couple of seconds. Look at that. That's better already, just by clicking the auto been so if you want to back out of your changes here in the camera around window, then you can click the little fly out menu, the top right of the basic panel. We scoot over a little bit and you'll choose camera raw defaults, and that will just reset everything back to the default where it was when you open the file now, your camera calibration profile will still be applied if you know, because that's an automatic thing. But the exposure changes that I just made should disappear when we click that. Okay, a lot of folks that's probably the most frequently asked question about camera is Where the hell is the revert to original button and why it's not called River to original is anybody's guess. Perhaps I wouldn't have a job if everything were explained so well, but nevertheless, that's where it is. So go into the basic panel, click a little fly out menu and to use camera raw defaults.
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