Lesson Info
33. Color Mistakes to Avoid: 7-10 & Final Q&A
Day 1
1Class Introduction
10:02 2Color Models 101
26:46 3Color Schemes 101
45:39 4Debunking Color Fears
44:02 5Debunking Color Fears Pt. 2
25:23 6Evolution of Tobi's Color Style
42:37 7Evolution of Tobi's Color Style Pt. 2
44:12To Trend or Not to Trend
12:47 9Color & Design Trends
31:36 10Color & Design Trends Pt. 2
25:37 11Tobi's Color Inspirations
22:09 12Tobi's Color Inspirations pt. 2
23:29 13Using Inspiration Boards & Q&A
19:43 14Psychology of Color
36:34 15Color Meanings
17:04 16Psychology of Color Q&A
12:55 17What to Consider Before Choosing a Color
26:20 18The Right Color: The Entry & Living Room
19:27 19The Right Color: Family/Dining Room & Kitchen
21:19 20The Right Color: From Bathrooms to Outdoor Spaces
20:05 21Pairing Textile Elements for Success
28:49 22Pairing Wall Color, Pattern & Texture
24:42 23Floorings, Furnishings, Art & Lighting
19:04 24Intro & Top Color Palettes: NYC Showhouse
24:41 25Top Color Palettes: Hampton's & Richmond Showhouses
21:31 26More Top Color Palettes
33:46 27Layering Color Palettes in Your Home
38:16 28Transitioning Color Palettes in Your Home
28:08 29Historical Overview of Color in Design
16:47 30History of Color in Design Examples
43:59 31History of Color in Design Examples Pt. 2
16:32 32Color Mistakes to Avoid: 1-6
31:20 33Color Mistakes to Avoid: 7-10 & Final Q&A
40:06Day 2
Day 3
Lesson Info
Color Mistakes to Avoid: 7-10 & Final Q&A
Breaking the rules does not mean just ignoring everything your husband says in bringing what you want to in the space, but we're going to talk about breaking the rules and not breaking the rules, but one of the color mistakes is that you break the rules. Like I said, you don't follow some of the things we've been talking about. So what happens if you break the rules? Are yeah, if you break the rules and don't follow some of these things well, if you ignore things like undertones and some of these other key really important color rules, you could have sloppy design, chaotic over design are boring under designs, so there are some rules that we talk about that are really they have a reason it's kind of like there's a reason that the textiles were red or orange, right? And there's a reason why the tents were the code like there's a real reason that someone says you should do this while I'm telling you, don't ignore the under ten and down, ignore some of these other rules that are really im...
portant, like varying the scale of fabrics in your room. But there are other rules we'll talk about later that are made to be broken. Thea other consequences of breaking the rules is that it really leaves you unable to harness the creative power they hold so there's power in all this we've talked about it there's power in color there's power in aa lot of the tips I've been telling if you say and I'm just going to ignore all those and go back to doing what I want, you're not gonna have any look I have this happen even in my business courses where people say okay, well I was gonna just dip my toe in the water of what toby said and not do all of that because that felt more painful and hard and I really didn't understand it and they said after beating they say after beating my head against the wall for several weeks and I finally did what she told me to life was so much easier so some of these air really important rules that we've learned so at least give them a try because I think they're going to be powerful and really help you have success with color now we'll talk in a minute about some things that you can break and another consequence of breaking the rules and this is one that I teach in all parts of design is that be careful of creating different for different sake right? So there's a reason to try to push the envelope and be creative but there are also other things that there's a reason they've never been done because they're terrible and they don't work and you shouldn't try them and in a tizzy course, we even shows some of these sally would love because we show some of those ideas of don't do this and it's tongue in cheek, but even in one of them, we showed like a round bed from the seventies with like some metal bully on french hanging from the ceiling, saying, okay, around that is just weird, like it doesn't work, why are you trying it? And the point being? There are just some things that there's a reason they've not been done, so be careful when breaking the rules because some rules don't need to be broken. How do you prevent this? Well, you do your homework, you sit through this class, you read other text, you'd learn to the ends and out of design standards and best practices. And of course I said from day one, I don't know everything, and there are other designers who could do exactly the opposite of me and have success too. But it's more about studying what I would call best practices in the industry and that's what I'm bringing you are my best practices and how they've worked for me, right? Um and then really training uribe I tried it trying to identify the rules by analyzing things like going to those pinchers sports go back out to those pinchers sports when you leave here and think about what we've learned and start training your eye to see if you can identify some of the things that I'm suggesting not just in my work but in other people's work and really give yourself that proof to know that these work for you and we'll work for you over and over again also identify where some of the rules were skillfully broken and why like some designers that pushed the envelope and do exactly the opposite of what I say, but of course it works for them because they've been doing it for years and they're really masters at it but following those masters at their craft and understanding why when they vary from what the general public should uses a rule, why it worked for them and how they were able to to really have success there. So we're going to talk about the opposite of that in just a second, but I'd love to see if anybody has any rule breaking questions. Anybody thinking about that? Do you think you're going to go home and follow make his toby said she's going to crack the whip on me? Are you having a different your toe out there and pushing it outside of what but I told you to dio every single mistake all of these one through seven every single one of them I've made at some point and I'm glad I've done them early because now I feel like I'm more I'm better at what I choose um to live with you know, but I know this is gonna help me like take it another step forward but the color on the walls and not taking the account what the rooms purposes I remember when I was in saudi arabia I was like, I'm gonna pay my room black I know it's wrong, I know I don't care I want to paint it black and it was like a month later I'm like, I'm so all depressed yeah, so that had to go and yeah, it was just cool to make those mistakes early because now I know well, right? And honestly, why do I know best practices? Because I tried it the other way myself too, and it didn't work for me, so I'm looking to other people who have been working in an industry for a long time and not having to be one of those rebellious people that are going to go prove it for yourself but really learning from their mistakes is really, really helpful because we've been out there making him remember I made the roman shades three times for one tiny little butler's pantry and it could be costly, so anybody else have any thoughts on breaking the rules? Me also really think about the functionality of the room, and I'm going backto what she said, what is that I'm actually gonna be used for and designed around that, even from the color to the fabric they use and how function was that fabric for the type of lifestyle you live, right? Yeah, that's a great one like durability says not just whether it's pretty or not it's how's it gonna work in the space? And I think about those rules, even when I'm thinking about buying a new house are helping clients when they're building a house, and I have all of these rooms on a floor plan, and I really started saying, do you need this space and what's gonna happen in there? And if it's just one more room, you're not going to go into? Why are we even including that in the house? So it's really a rule of thumb that you can use in all parts of interior's asking yourself what needs to happen in the space? And how do we support that with good design? And I also saw a huge difference in not to pat myself on the back, but to just see the difference in what designers now and we even forget we know I designed my last home to really support our lifestyle like you're saying, and you're even though the scene, like again, the vinyl on the chairs in the dining room because I have a small child or other tips and things like that. And when we move to our new house three weeks ago, I found so many things that already don't function well. I knew I was going to have to remodel, but even just walking into the kitchen and not having the proper storage and opening every cabinet in my stock pot won't even fit into it. So it's sitting on the counter right now because there's no place to put it, there are so many things that designers bring, uh, to the table for really making a space work for you. And so if you study other designers and follow their tips and techniques, they're going to really help you have spaces that function, uh, just like you're saying from the mood and the paint color all the way down to can you wipe off a fabric? Or can you put your feet on the sofa on people? You know, I want people to live in my spaces and enjoy them you have anything to add ever, and that is that I think I'm guilty of not involving. My family in the process just because I thought they always believed that I knew best and was going to do it and how room functions. And recently my oldest son said, I have always wanted it bookshelf to put all of my books, and I thought, I hate the look of bookshelves and, oh, my god, he's going to go to college next year and I've never given him a bookshelf. He should have an entire room in bookshelves, he's going to rebel and by every bookshelf on the market. And yet there were so many spaces in our house that our overflow for entertaining, where I could have put a bookshelf on either side of an opening and he might have just gone in there and sat and read and taking the books on and off the shelf, right? But I always thought that I knew best. Yeah, so make sure to think in a lot of times we don't want to know what other people thought so because then we might have to actually listen. You don't want to go. What do you think? Okay, I hate that idea and ignore it. Because then it's even worse right? So it's one of those fears like we talked about the first I like do I open the can of worms or doing not open the can of worms? But it certainly can help make for hat a happy home for everybody right? If they get to have some say and how have the room is designed to you? Have you have a question? I do another one from chase me the shays shane this is me yeah can you please explain the oversaturated walls problem again after seeing the pinterest pins from the previous section? So in our history course it seems like some of those newer designers have oversaturated walls not clear on what the difference is maybe this is one of those rules to break, so sometimes it is a rule to break and sometimes they've achieved having really strong color because they have don't have a lot of contrast in the space they like that miles red room we just saw that with all the dark green color on the wall ah lot of the other colors in that space we're supporting that color because I remember there being also sorts of other strong hughes that were in the artwork and there was black and some of the furniture plus he's really a pro at doing that as well, so again he's intentionally breaking that rule it's more about the oversaturated kind of caveat for this course is more about be careful about going to the paint deck and picking out almost like you did with the black, the brightest, strongest, turquoise or yellow are pink that you see down the color, you know, the strip of paint, the paint choices like a really, really strong one, like this dress or something on the wall can be electric, and particularly when you have contrast ing white trim with it and it could be really, really overbearing and strong now, not to say I don't do it because you've seen me do it, and you saw some of the other people do it. But how did I even note that billy baldwin had so much success with this extreme chocolate wall is the other things in the space we're toned down are my bright coral red entry, the other things we're supporting it and tone down so it's not never do it, but I just see that mistake a lot where people go, oh, I want a really strong blue room and there's already a lot going on in the space anyway, and then they picked this one really, really strong and saturated color and put it on the wall, and they wonder why it looks cheap or looks busy or looks too strong, eso the way that we talked about getting around that was thinking of shades and tents and tones right so a lot of times remember when we talked about a muddy your version of a color looks a little softer than a pure pure hugh or even I think we use the word chroma the first day so think about primary colors versus something that's a little bit grey er or blacker or a little tent of white and it just softens it just a touch but not to say don't do it we're even gonna talk about right now you don't have to rigidly follow the rules either because that could be a problem like if she got paralyzed by the toby said don't ever use over saturated color she might not get to bring her personality into the space so again it's planning it dick sally did you have something to go? I have a hypothetical but I think might be interesting to consider a builder actually sent a photo but I wasn't twitter so I can't see it so I thought this was interesting anyway a baby's room how about a color palette for a baby's room of purple with red and yellow how would you if a client came to you that we just change this little client came to you and said it's baby's room and I love purple and red and yellow how would you approach that? Those are pretty strong color so um, not to say that they don't work, but I think that you would speaking of yellow kind of be cautious with the way that you're using those and the tons of those, and if bright, bright yellow and bright, bright red and bright but bright purple are all in the same value, they're going to get really competitive with one another. They're very, very strong, but I recently did a little girl's room didn't have yellow in it, but it was fabulous shit, bright red shade and even I use velvet on her headboard, which is pretty glamorous but she's a little sassy little girl that love's glamour and loves fashion. I think she's about ten, but the purple I used with it was lavender, so lavender plus red looked gorgeous, but strong purple in the exact same value is the red would have been really, really overbearing in a lot of ways. So again, it comes back to our favorite word nuances, right? And how you sort of massage those colors and textures in the space to make them work together, paying attention to if they're all the same value or not on the color wheel. And so that's, if you invent, envision opening up a paint dick, you're not gonna want to pick the fourth one down all the way across you're gonna want to go up to the top on some and maybe a middle color and down to the bottom. And even if all three of those things aren't coming into the room is paint. You could still use that as a guide say, if you picked the pale lavender and a medium yellow and a rich purple as your cues and maybe the lavender becomes the wall or even the yellow, but the other two, you could match a fabric to and say, let me take this paint color, because this is the color that I want to bring eggplant into the space instead, does that make sense? So I still use paint sometimes as my sort of cues, like we saw running down the side of my pallets, but maybe they ultimately don't become a pain in the space. They become a fabric that sort of matched to that. So another little tool and tip that's a great question that of course, anything is possible to it. I can stand up here and say that would never, ever, absolutely ever work, and then somebody could send us a picture we could go that looks really good. S o there's always ways to make things work, so what happens if you originally follow the rules like we were just talking about? Well, your designs could feel really stifled or lack imagination or your personal spirit, if you can never do say and oversaturated wall color, because toby said so so it's not so much about rigidly following them, but really knowing how to bring all of these pieces together in your hand there sometimes some rules that are made to be broken right s so we don't want you to feel stifled. We want you to feel excited about your design. So how do we prevent this mistake? Will first of all, you can't break the rules in a calculated way if you don't know what the rules are. So the best thing about the question that she asked is she's now familiar with the idea of oversaturation? So if she's going toe leap into an embrace it in her house she's going to know what to do with the other parts of the room to make it work and support it? Otherwise that's when people are making the real mistakes with color, is not knowing there's even such a thing is over saturation, and then it might be too strong and they just go pick it and put it on the wall, and then what the heck do they do with it? And why is it not working in a lot of times? You don't know what to change? Okay, do I just scrap it and paint over the wall or do I look at it in comparison to the other fabrics in the room and what's happening there? And now you all have the tools to analyze what's working and what's not working, which is the great thing about knowing the rules and then again who including me really has the authority to make the rules for the design they're really about, like I said, those best practices or maybe even learning from mistakes that I've learned when I'm in what we call the trenches of design so you also can't give them too much power just kind of be mindful of them and let them help guide you and you might say like you like you said, deborah now I'm gonna have toby and my ear going okay, I can do this but just remember she had a mistake that happened and here's what it was so let me be mindful of it it could just sort of be a little a little beacon that guides you through all the color options out there right um and really even just remembering but the only way to innovate about something is to push back against what is expected or a standard so even when we saw the history of design and we can say well in the such and such period it was strong strong color as a reaction to the muddy towns and then we hit the depression and as a reaction to the strong color they went to neutral so the way to innovator the way to really get excited about being successful breaking the rules is again toe have the guts what I call pushed the envelope a little bit push against what everybody else is saying you should do but I think it's more about in context to some other things that are happening again not, um throwing caution to the wind you know it's not just forgetting everything and you'll end up with that piece milled approach then so who wants toe break the rules out on the web anybody oh yeah yeah are they asking about permission for breaking is a permission one walter lewin are there any trends and karen design that you think a mistakes and wish would go away for example walter's example the modern day version of shag carpet seemed like a good idea at the time not so much thirty years later I like shed couple they're sometimes that I like it like we saw shaggy white rug on the white floor in one of my men I agree with him like a lot of times it's not very practical um let me think I'm trying none come to mind at the moment but I'm sure that we each and we all have some of those things that we just don't love in our own personal sells if I think of one in a minute, I'll be sure to share it, but yes, certainly there are some things, particularly not just colors, because almost any killer could be made to work, but there's, some product designs and other things that are really hard to put in many places, and and I'm kind of like him, I don't I don't really love the the shag carpet, it always ends up, you know, with my dogs or my food or something in the carpet. So what we've been talking about, mostly really teaching you to design, like, the professionals design, and I think that is the difference in what a lot of you have been doing, which is more amateurish and really using those best practices that designers you to get their projects to really be successful, especially with color so what's the consequence, one of the consequences is this, and I see this happen all the time in d I y interiors, especially color your rooms will run the risk of looking exactly like your neighbours or your friends, or maybe exactly like a magazine. In fact, one of my clients who's, so cute than I'll ever on, we've just finished a fabulous project the first time I came over to her house, she was like, ok, I'm really embarrassed for you to come in because when you and most people say that because I think the house isn't good enough and I always say, oh, you know, I see everything but what she says is I'm embarrassed for you to come in because you know that one room of yours that has the blue pounds tooth pillows with the orange pillows behind it, the one we've seen a hundred times she goes, I replicated that exact thing in my living room so it's a little I'd like I'm really not a stalker, but yes, I have those exact pillows, so you know, it was fun, it was flattering and we've created this amazing design for her but that's, what can happen to you if you're really just copying what other people are doing are may be your only willing to buy things that every one of your friends said that they liked when you asked them do you like it or you either go over to your friend's house and fall in love with what they had and you go out and buy the exact same thing that's not very much fun and that's not how the dipper the pros take cues from things they've seen so we're inspired all the time about other people's designs but were typically not taking the exact white sofa with the exact two orange pillows in the and the blue hands tio and bringing it to our own design right? Where maybe going oh, I love that blue hound's tooth fabric that would look great covering an entire headboard in this bedroom I'm doing and so we're just inspired a bad parts and pieces, so be careful mimicking people and having eggs that's no fun at all don't walk over to your friend's house and you're like, oh, we have the exact same thing a couple of times over the three days a top secret project but we do know that there's some textural cobalt, some serious planet kobol but now there's been a little curiosity online and so it will be great. Bethany says toby has commented twice about a project she can't shake it because it has to be photographed will we ever see the project if yes, where and when and that's like being asked by a lot of people who no doubt are going to it's going to spoon a whole bunch off? Well, yes, yes, yes, you will see it and at the very least you'll see it on my website in my block. But an interesting thing that you'll learn when you come to some of my courses and I actually even taught a course twice and we're teaching it again later this year right before the end of the year on how to get published as an interior designer and so one of the big things that you cannot do if you want to get published these days is leak out the work because magazines like house beautiful, they need to sell issues and they want to sell things that no one has ever seen before. So hopefully, yes, she will see this fabulous project in one way or another, and hopefully you'll see it on the pages of something like house beautiful, or one of their sister publications that hearst or some other fabulous place because it is definitely magazine where the first year, but that's, why not to tease you? Because I would love to show you everything and that's one of the ways and I'm asking you all to be patient and not rush out and buy everything for your house. One of the hardest things for designers to do is if we want to get our work publishes tohave to sit on it for a while and not show it to anybody cause we're dying for everybody to see it, but I promise they'll see that sometimes saying, okay, so how do we prevent this mistake? Oh, another consequence is that your design can be good, but not wow, and a lot of you probably have that right now, it's not the worst thing you've ever seen and in fact there's a lot of good stuff happening about it but it's, just not giving you that wow factor and that's where really starting to design, like the pros and a lot of the things we've taught you are going to help you go from what we called lovingly ordinary two extraordinary, right? So we want that wow factor and how do you start to do that? So how do you prevent this mistake? We educate yourself again, and you've done a lot of that here on all the project product options and really start toe layer in different kinds of fabrics and really then stay in touch with design and fashion trends. So the way that we can start to follow those trances, like follow people like me or fashion designers or other people on pinterest and other places and starts almost even secretly watching what they're pinning, not even the boards of mine that say trends, but just looking at any given time because when someone out on the web said, what is toby think is next for her well away, that you could get a cue for that is see what I'm liking at any given moment, right? And that's gonna be like on instagram or on pinterest or are some of those places? So I think that's a fun way to stay sort of on the edge of what the pros know out in the world. And then asked those companies that you're working with that you assume don't customize if they will cause a lot of times they will and if not, customize it yourself, buy something brand new and spray painted or do something else with it. I have even another project just to tease them a little bit more that I can't show yet. I bought a crystal chandelier like glass crystal, and I spray painted it a really bright pop of color, and you don't think about painting glass it's become opaque now, but I wanted all the detail of a crystal chandelier, but I wanted it to be bold and have a punch. So again, there's lots of things you can do to existing products to make them different, so customize them. Yes, I like the idea about customizing things that are seminal to you every per person. Yeah, like painting my piano when I get out, I'm thinking, is that kind of ruin the piano, but somebody would know, so we'll figure that one out people wanted to know what color you were going, teo, but coming to paint the piano? Well, I will maybe I'll be able to share that we won't have to keep that tough secret, but the first thing that's gonna happen is I got to get home from all these travels and design my whole new house because, like, I'm not letting you do, I'm not picking a piano paint color until I know what's gonna happen in the rest of the world. Town planning wait rules way no, this I'm not going to belabor, but, yes, you're going to start practicing all these layering techniques and all of these things that the pros know, because we really want you to have things happen in your house that are such exciting things that you're not just looking to designers for that wow factor, like you're going beyond possibilities you've ever thought of before and bringing that to your spice. And I think one question I've got a good one. I recently saw a brass kitchen sink, huh? To me was gorgeous love that idea searched and searched internet. Well, it's italian, I thought, you know, that's gonna be a five thousand dollars sync, so just don't research it anymore. But now, listening to you, I'm thinking, well, why don't you go get a stainless steel bar sink and try having it plated to see if it works? Yeah, there's another way out of a hundred dollar or like we talked about the other day. You can't spend five thousand dollars on everything in your house, but if it was one thing that was such a wow investment that you didn't have to spend as much money and other places, it might really balance out in the grand scheme of your budget so it's deciding when to splurge and when not to splurge for sure that's a great idea, I think you should try, um and then last one but not least don't forget to have fun like you can follow all these rules all day long and get so stressed out about it, and I could see a lot of people taking this entire course and becoming overwhelmed because now before design was fun, they loved it, the design enthusiast and now it's actually serious toby's giving me all these rules, and I can't break on and all this stuff and that's not fun at all, so you have to have fun and design and designers certainly have fun in design. So what are the consequences of that? Well, your home's color schemes just won't resonate with your personality at all, or maybe your family's personality. They won't tell visitors anything about you are what you love and, you know, I said I wanted my entry, the first thing people saw to really be a representation of me that's, because I was having fun with pattern and with color in my house to go back and think about how you can really have fun with this what's another consequence, you could kind of even resent this whole process, and that happens a lot with people who loved decorating as a hobby, but then they get into the design business, and they have to actually do things for clients and work with things they don't love so much, or maybe they're not getting paid very well for it. So be really careful about this, because it can take a lot of fun out of something, and you can really start resenting it if you're not letting yourself indulge in some color ideas or trend ideas or other things that you really, really love, so be sure to think about that that could be not great consequence, and you just don't want to be dissatisfied with your results, no matter how right you get it. So some of you might say, well, I followed every single rule, toby told me to a t, and this room still isn't right what's it missing? Well, it might be missing your personality are something that you just your intuition said, I don't care if this makes no sense at all, I'm trying, so sometimes you just got to try the black wall, don't you? In my not work but she just have to try because it might work and you won't know until you try it right s so have fun with color in your home it should inspire you and delight you every single day and I know kanna resonated with that idea this week because she said your home should know more uninspired homes right that's right and what else is resonating I love this comment from mad lizzie who says there's a lot about toby's mistakes to avoid that are also applicant pool teo your approach to life it's like the end color therapy and really therapy in the best way I agree I agree too because what color and our home should support us in living the lives we want to live right we have to have that so and remember they should express our unique outlook on the world which I think that would be you would be a great person like your fashion expresses your unique outlook on the world I can only imagine what your house either is or has the potential to be for you so how much fun on dh then you know it could be an adventure in itself creating that personal style personal design and color style for you did you want to say something djamila looked like you were coming in it's agonizing for you it might not be the best use of your energies if this's just no fun get with the friend, hire a professional, work with other people some people just don't like this cannot even said at some point the other band that everybody thinks they're a designer and she does that. I don't I don't think I'm a designer it's, not that she can't have fun with it, but there are people who just can't make these decisions it's not fun for them and that's when they need to get help from someone, a friend appear or maybe a professional. So those were my ten colors mistakes to avoid all in a nutshell, fantastic that really didn't wrap up the course so well, referring back to everything that we've learned. I just want to give the students in our studio audience and opportunity to ask any final questions here is we wrap up anything coming to mind? I could, I could ask one while you're thinking about that, if you want to have a think for a second, I think everybody would be came here and online to just have a little pake into what you're currently working on in terms of what you're working on and how where you might have dulled your influences from this time with I'm thinking about the history of design that you showed us if you could, like, think about maybe three projects and soldering sluices projects I'm working on yeah, um let's see, gosh, I have one client who's really fun and we're working on a house that's really a lot more ornate, but which one of the other ones you saw in the past and my work would be than my normal style, but they traveled the world all the time every single year at least once they go out of the country, they take their little girl with him and they bring back all of this inspiration and influence and so it's my job to help them bring their sort of ornate and fancy style to their home and mix it with all of these things that they collect from everywhere and make it all work so that one is going to be fun and a challenge and it's a little bit outside of what I would call my my style wheelhouse so that's fun and so that's one and then I'm wrapping up a lot of others that you'll be seeing hopefully scene besides the penthouse and the farmhouse that I told you about so lots of things that are going to be photographed and then let's see um just a lot of a lot of projects right now as they always are our families with several children, so we're bringing like you were saying all kinds of personalities to the table and of course, my favorite project is my new house that I haven't even gotten to get my fingers on so everyone washing should start following me on my blogged because I'm going to journal even without showing all the final result because well wanted to get photographed at some point I'm going to journal the process of me selecting all of my own interiors which is one of the hardest jobs designers have moving forward over the next year or so so they can go on that journey with me that's awesome and students just imagine for a minute that you had this really exciting proposition that toby has off a piano that could be a color is there anything you mean if you had to approach the problem after your three days of this incredible learning and all the tools that you've got I mean how would you approach that or even something? How are castillo here it's like your piano like what are you gonna go tackle in your in your space? I think for me um I always had this question I have all these patterns that I like and they're everything is I knew before it was just too noisy and just too cluttered and know how to do it and I think now what might biggest takeaways just playing with the patterns but then maybe like changing the color having it all monochrome like that same color but the pattern still there and then have I think it's starting to click and how I'm going to make it work and then even the stuff that I've had from travel and stuff like that, I can have them all there and not have them clash from like playing with the color and having lack of color. So your design like the pros and you're going teo, that idea of maybe the way you have success is you have a lot of pattern and things happening, but if they're all monochromatic, they don't fight with each other and compete with each other and then create that sort of relaxing retreat because you have a studio in a lot, you've got to be able to relax and enjoy all the space. The idea like throwing out my stuff and just starting from scratch just feels like no, I love all this stuff, I don't want them there, I love that, but I didn't want them, I've always had that probably I'm just gonna have to hide this, I know where it is, but now I feel like I can showcase and bring it out, but just playing with the color I can't wait to see it had teo, I can't basically what happened? Anything else that any of you yet you're saying, yes, I have some things to do, yeah, and I was even thinking when we looked at, um I think it was one of your your living room spaces and how you just put it in, like the blue, and she brought the eyes the blue and thinking, oh, like that's, an easy way for me to change my room around the hill of my room is just okay, I have it similar, teo, her like stuff from travels that this is what I feel like highlighting right now, this is what makes me feel good, and I can't bring that into a room and take something else out and highlight those two things are a few things that I want to highlight and then also really thinking about functionality and thinking about there's things I can use like baskets, and I could use that for storage, and I can't somebody's coming over my house and I'm entertained, I can put stuff in the baskets, and always someone with a two year old does yes, so those are all also designing like pros like thinking about, and I love your idea of overtime and that's what I do, too, like you might see something so often you walked by, but you saw it sort of loses a little bit of excitement, even that was your favorite thing, so why not put it away for a little while and showcase something else? And then later on you can bring other things back so we don't have to see every single thing we own own all the time, right? Just because you bought any eleven doesn't mean it has to be on display three hundred sixty five days of the year so that's a creative way and it also allows you, teo basically it's kind of like shopping for a new wardrobe in your own closet you can shop for a new interior in your own house of your own covers, which I think ah lot of us could do right now and people are more prone to thinking I have to get rid of all of this stuff and start from scratch that's never a good idea you bought all that stuff for a reason you loved it and you're still gonna love it just use finding new and creative ways to use it on and color can be a thing that helps you do that there was a bodice and I had a pro necklace around it yeah, and I love thinking, oh, I can use my jewelry for well, I almost wore that necklace today so it's one that I really wear all the time but so like even in a dressing room or something, he could use that bust as a place to display the things that you love or I love to use little vintage china dishes and milk, glass and things that I pick up to keep my earrings in or my jewelry because it's beautiful and it's functional all at the same time get a little pop of color remember that little blue milk glass piece that even had on my friend entry with the flowers in it so those kind of little trinkets and finds that I pick up at flea markets and other places can become yeah, but the thing that holds your jewelry and you get to enjoy it every day I think that's awesome thank you they were anything I think I tend to talk myself out of ideas or purchases because I think they're too unusual or too bold but now having done this three days with you, I think color says so much about you and it really has my mind thinking and the friends or designers you have I want to say it's madcap cottage or something like that you had a link to them from your blawg yes, and one day I went to that and I thought, oh my gosh, I feel like I know those people just from their website and the colors and what they're showing of themselves they're so they're amazing jason and john and so daring and so quirky and so fun and they're actually that fun in person and john writes for one of the magazines in there in there a book I think it's a dell, so one of those magazines like then you can read their book and you can follow their travels all over the world through his articles and his blog's, but you will feel like you know them just from their interiors just visually, so I think now don't try to talk yourself out of it because maybe that's what you're missing, yeah, big item that says to you are we just said you could follow all the rules and still not have the wow and it's, because your own unique killer personality or style personality is not in your own house, right? So that's pretty east, some that went up perfectly, so you're going to go have fun with design one more also not being afraid of putting fabric and wallpaper on the walls. Yeah, having fun with. So have any of you all started to come over to my side of the fence on loving wallpaper? It's no longer that yucky old stuff from the seventies that you can't baird you can't peel off the wall if you tried um so I can't light shoot me and send me pictures any of you people that are trying these ideas? I'd love to see him on twitter and facebook and other places and see what successes you have because it's really exciting to me to see that what I create in the rules that I form for you my best practices really help you and your everyday designed so that would be awesome thank you so lady um well toby just wondering if you have any final words thank you all also for sharing sort of that was a beautiful summary of what you have learned and taken away with all these different things but just kind of do all those other people out there online who perhaps have been with us for part of this course but are still may be feeling some of those color fears our fears of how to take the next step um what do you have to say for us? You know, I think we just summed it up so well with this section and I think that will have some really success if they follow these rules I think people are gonna love as much as anything that very first session we did of the hole um time we were here together and learning about the color will and how to create those fun color palettes I know sally still dying to go get her little tool and start creating color palettes so that and then I think honestly maybe taking a few notes and riding down some of the rules that you think will help you most and then after that sort of like we said this is therapy and design at some point, you sort of have to just relax about it. And as the last number, ten said, have a good time, because that's what it's all about. So I want people at the end of the day not creating stress for themselves. But really having fun with because color can be really, really fun.
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