The Two Most Important Controls on Your Camera
Lesson 49 from: Mastering Photographic Composition and Visual StorytellingChris Weston

The Two Most Important Controls on Your Camera
Lesson 49 from: Mastering Photographic Composition and Visual StorytellingChris Weston
Your 10,001st Photograph
03:24 2Camera Gear
03:03 3Piece of Gear We Always Forget
03:47 4Be a Storyteller
03:09 5Finding Ideas For Photography - Know Your Subject
06:59 6Cae Study - Why Are Zebras Black and White Striped
01:30 7Photograph What You Love
02:00 8See the Extraordinary in Ordinary Things
01:31Have an Opinion
01:46 10See With a Child’s Eyes
02:34 11Tell Your Story
08:46 12Find a Needle in the Haystack
01:38 13Lions Hunting Under Star Trails
04:21 14Ansel Adams and Visualisation in Practice
03:20 15Keeping an Open Mind and Thinking on Your Feet
02:47 16Case Study - The Maternal Bond
02:42 17Don’t Tell the Same Old Story
02:38 18Relevance
01:06 19#1 Reason Photographs Fail
02:57 20Getting Rid of Clutter
03:59 21Post Capture Cropping
02:04 22The Elements of Design
02:31 23Elements of Design
01:38 24Elements of Design - Shape
02:21 25Case Study - Shape
02:11 26Elements of Design - Color
01:55 27Case Study - Color
01:50 28Color in Camera
01:42 29Pattern
01:54 30Texture
02:24 31Seeing The Elements of Design
08:52 32Gestalt Theory
05:10 33Case Study - Cove
01:36 34Case Study - Hat
02:09 35Light and Contrast
01:54 36Light and Form
01:26 37Light and Depth
03:48 38Perspective
02:28 39Lenses and Perspective
02:47 40Rule of Thirds
02:48 41Centre of Frame
01:36 42Case Study - Positioning the Subject
01:48 43Positioning the Subject - Dynamic Symmetry
03:20 44The Horizon Line
02:52 45Should the Horizon Line Always be Straight and Level
02:13 46Other Lines
04:57 47Rhythm, Balance, and Visual Weight
02:59 48Negative Space
02:29 49The Two Most Important Controls on Your Camera
03:41 50Training the Mind
04:26Lesson Info
The Two Most Important Controls on Your Camera
there are only two controls on the camera that effect composition, lens, aperture and shutter speed. This is a reason that any old camera, however antiquated or inexpensive in the hands of a skilled photographer, will record a compelling image now shutter speed and aperture covered in great detail in the first of the complete photographer, Siri's. So here. I just want to give you a flavor of how you can use them to set mood and to emphasize or de emphasize elements in the scene. To do this. I've come here on to affirm my point about antiquated cameras. I'm going to shoot with this. My ancient, fully manual Niccum at camera shut the speed controls how movement appears. A fast shutter speed freezes movement to reveal detail and form a slow shutter. Speed blurs movement to create a sense of motion on visual energy. Photographing a waterfall using a fast shutter speed will create an image where the water looks more like ice frozen so you can see every splash and droplet of water. A slow sh...
utter speed, on the other hand, will create a veil of water. Detail is lost, but there's a greater sense of movement intentional motion blurs a creative technique used to give an impression of movement in a static subject. I like to use it when photographing trees, for example, and it creates an effect that looked a lot like an Impressionist painting a technical bit, I said, to shut the speed of around one second. But the skill in this technique is in the body movement. What I'm doing here is I'm bending at the waist as if I'm bowing. Keep my arms tight to the body and perfectly still on that. Make sure I get a perfectly straight line. Now. You do look a bit odd, to be fair, especially doing it in view of the main highway, But this is a result on, I think, is worth it. In technical terms, lens aperture controls depth of field that is, the area in front of and behind the point of focus that appears sharp. More importantly, in composition, it determines emphasis. In other words, lens aperture let you highlight the important objects and high the distracting ones. Now the reason for this is biological. Human beings focus our attention on objects at a sharp, and we ignore objects of the blood and to show you what I mean. I've enlisted the help of my daughter, Holly. I've come to a field of sunflowers, and I'm going to take to classic portrait shots of Holly, the first using a wide aperture, the second using a narrow aperture on Let's Compare the two images in the first image, where both foreground and background of blurred the eye focuses on what's sharp in this case, Holly. I've isolated Holly, and so the visual story becomes about. Her is a classic portrait in the second image, where the whole scene is sharp holly on the sunflowers in front and behind her, the eye has taken on a journey from foreground to background. Now the visual story has changed. This is an image of Holly walking through a field of sunflowers. Both images work aesthetically, but I've changed the story they tell by changing the emphasis I give to different areas of the frame using lens aperture, learning the nuances of shutter speed and lens. Aperture is the most critical part of camera technique because in terms of composition, they're the only two controls that change the look and feel of the image
Ratings and Reviews
Edmund Cheung
Perhaps the style of presentation and simple, short, and direct messaging does not "jive" with some; but others may really love this. Yes the production of each episode is stylized and perhaps a bit formal (like a TV Show?), but there is something to be said about it. Perhaps this is not meant for professional photographers? I think of myself as decent amateur / high level photographer. I found lots of great nuggets of wisdom and inspiration from this. Especially when I an in a rut for creativity. Yes I have heard all these concepts and ideas before. BUT it is always great to hear and see a different way of presentation and voice. Please do NOT take the naysayer reviews as the end all. You should judge for yourself and watch a few episodes. If the style and content click for you, I would highly recommend this course.
Abdullah Alahmari
Thanks a lot to mr. Chris Weston This course is great and It is a 🌟 🌟 🌟 🌟 🌟 course for me. Beside the other course ( mastering the art of photography ) both courses are Complementing to each other and highly recommended.
Kai Atherton
While I am perhaps more advanced in my photography then this course. It is always great to be able to go back to fundamentals and remind ourselves of the basic principles, and even camera function. I thoroughly enjoyed this course and Chris's other. It is a great motivational jumpstart when lacking fresh creative idea's.