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28 Days Testimonial: Mapuana Reed

Lesson 4 from: Pitch Your Work to Sell

Sue Bryce

28 Days Testimonial: Mapuana Reed

Lesson 4 from: Pitch Your Work to Sell

Sue Bryce

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4. 28 Days Testimonial: Mapuana Reed

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28 Days Testimonial: Mapuana Reed

last time I came back from my last 28 days, we lost marijuana. We lost her. And now she's here. OK, she had to bow out the day before and we reviewed Nikki Studio. Dusty's in Amy's. So my point is here, so I want to quickly review Hiss. Mup Wanna was one of my very first students on my first creative life 2.5 years ago. It won't 22 years, three months. You've been running your business for two years and three months. You shoot solely dilemma. And I've got some beautiful images off my point of studio here. She's been working on some before, and afters and map wanna also kindly photograph to space. She's now shooting on a reveal wall. Loved that shoot, by the way, one of my favorite, yeah, loved it. She just blew me away. And I absolutely love this one Also, and good guilt for doing such really good before and after is very, very important. All right, so at the time, I think it's very important. I'm gonna get my partner to come up with these any questions from up when I want you to ask h...

er. I feel like what's important is that you, Lynn we speak to the people that are, um, starting out because I still maintain that I remember every part of starting out. But I know that everybody thinks it's just so much easier for me now. So I really like talking to Nikki em up one, because I love seeing them go through things that I went through that are really, really important. If there's any questions from I wanna I'd love to hear them. And if you guys have any questions, my question would be a after two years, Were you struggling the most? It could probably pitching my work to a complete stranger When someone comes up and they asked like or if they already kind of know about my work, It's easier, but going up to a complete stranger and being like Hi, I'm a photographer, I would love to photograph you. I think that's the part that I am struggling with. All right, And what are your other challenges? Have you How have your sales gone up? Like what? Your average sitting at my averages at 1600 now cook you because I changed it after 28 days. It was 7 75 I think it was, and then 775. And then right after 28 days, it went to 1600. I switched everything around. I did everything different. And during the reveal wall, yes, I got enjoying that. I love it. Nikki is, too, and Nikki doesn't have a Wallace that she's just showing printing her pre printing her folio box. I love how many people on the 28 days in and Idrissou that actually doing the reveal wall because it's changed my world. I feel like it's one of those things that you can't not have a guy. I feel like it's if you working towards anything it would be to create, create that reveal wall. So for the people that are new to this, the reveal wall is we are printing out shoots pride to the viewing and showing them actual finished products instead of a I'm sorry on the review wallet, something came to mind that I've had a question on it. You know, I'm I'm wondering whether the review wall should be more of a secret surprise where they don't know anything about the real viewable at all. And they walk into your studio, perhaps expecting a digital reveal and then boom, they see the wall, Or do you actively use it as your marketing? Well, thing is that they don't know about the reveal wall unless somebody is being photographed. And if they are, they don't know about the reveal wall. I wouldn't necessarily tell them in case something goes wrong and you couldn't print them in time. Or, you know, really, you're just going to I cannot wait to show you your beautiful images and do your viewings Ishan eso Really, it's irrelevant How they produce the fact that they get to see them finished is kind of the mind blowing path I can do. You have a question for mother watching her for the last two years, going through the whole process. And I know when I first started watching you, everyone was saying Home up one is killing it. She's out there doing it, and I'm just wondering if you now, two years later, when your flow posing, are you Are you confident you're posing now? Because I know you put that camera, it just it all those out. It all goes out the window. I feel like there's five poses that I can pretty much nail. But after that I feel like I'm just kind of going with the body. And but I still get nervous when that client comes in. I'm still kind of like Oh my gosh, you know are right When she gets out of hair and makeup while she's in hair and makeup, when she walks in and I see her outfits, I see her body type. I will sit down and watch 28 days. If she's a curvy girl, I will watch the curvy girls obsession, you know, and just go through whatever I think would be best for her. I have two younger Oh yeah, yeah, yeah, because I have an hour and 1/2. So she's in hair and makeup. I have our and 1/2. I just sit on the side and I just put my headphones on and I'll just watch. That's really good, because I do the same thing when I don't talk to the climb and she's in here and make up because otherwise she's talking in the hair and makeup artist is trying to do stuff, and they always want to talk to me. And if I leave the room or sit off to the side, they talk to the makeup artist. And I always choose my makeup artists that a calm and seemed to so that they Commons into my client, cause I'm kind of the opposite to common scented, you know, And so I kind of want them to come in calm and seem to cause I'm kind of wild and loud and and, you know, more wood than they are. So I always kind of think com scented. But I still to this day, after 24 years, go and draw my poses, draw my sequences and fully met my shoot in my head before I do it. Anything that comes up after, in between or during one of the compositions, isn't it head on? I'm already prepared. Otherwise I forget to do things. Still, after all these years, I still forget. Okay, any other questions from a bwana? So $1600 is a very viable working model. If you're doing 2 to 3 shoots a week, um, it's also I would like to see you get up to 1800 cause I said 1800 for the 1st 2 years of my business. For three years of my my business, my individual business, I remembered how hot ahead to wit. Because the shoots are coming in consistently, which means you have staff, which means you're marketing shooting, selling retouching. So you know, you've got a lock down the cycle. Are you outsourcing your retouching? Yes. Okay. Are you outsourcing your retouching? Are you paying a here and makeup artist a wage or an individual amount individual? Okay, so you're just booking here as your booking. And you found someone that you really like? Yes. Yeah. If you could change one thing right now, what would it be like if you could go away today and say I need to change this right now? What would obey? I think I would shoot it a little bit bigger space so I can have more people come in maybe more family members and maybe do family photos because my space is so small that I don't feel like I have enough room for someone to bring in their kids because they're sitting in the hair and makeup chair right there, Okay. And then I just move that to the side. And then I just start shooting right there, which is Yes. Ive got Akona, right? So I think maybe a little bit bigger space would be great. So that way I can have more women in there or maybe more people, so I can shoot families. Also, I noticed that you wrote on Facebook yesterday that you're doing an event where you're gonna be. Yes. So we'll talk about pitching an event again. Don't let that go past without pitching. I made most of my income from going to woman's shows. So I learned how to pitch to a Expo audience, which is the harvest audience, because, you know, everybody is there to look at the Expo. But nobody wants to make eye contact in case you try and tell them something. So you get this audience of 30,000 people that aren't looking at you and you're standing there with a pamphlet just wanting to get out your pen, flint. And really, at the end of the day, you're just like that guy on the street that's giving away and that such voucher that you don't want to look at because then you have to take it or you take it and start in the rubbish bin. City meat is passed because you felt guilty because I feel guilty about everything. So And, you know, I've also learned to say no, thank you. But how? My goodness. Okay, so pitching to expose really important. And you know what the space you've got right now? Okay. Okay. But I really wanted to show everybody your studio.

Ratings and Reviews

Beckie Sibley

This is an excellent addition to the 28 Days Workshop. Sue is one of several professionals on CreativeLive who have spoken into my life and my business in a powerful way. After thirty-seven years of full time parenting, I am beginning my career as a photographer. I treasure every ounce of business and personal advice that will help propel me forward in my journey. This bonus day did not disappoint. Thank you Sue and CreativeLive!

Ramona W

This is a great course! Sue Bryce is upbeat and wonderful talker! Never boring. Has great ideas! Leaves you feeling more confident about pitching your work to other people.

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