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Pitching An Experience: Social Media

Lesson 12 from: Pitch Your Work to Sell

Sue Bryce

Pitching An Experience: Social Media

Lesson 12 from: Pitch Your Work to Sell

Sue Bryce

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12. Pitching An Experience: Social Media

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Pitching An Experience: Social Media

My goal is to have two bums in seeds every day and not even carrying not every day, every week and not even carrying If they're paying, I'm ultimately I hope that they do, of course. But, you know, just get to shoots every week. And so, um, you said before about if you need this many people, then you need to be in front of this many people. And I worked it out where I needed to do, like, 40 people a week be in front of 40 people a week. And so that has been what I've been trying to dio. So my original question to you then was what would the daily practice be to get in front of 40 people? I mean, I have some things that I'm trying to do, but it doesn't. It's not materializing for me. Do you know have instagram? I actually just started after much pressure from a lot of people to add instagram I did You have you had to have appreciated to get on a free marketing stream You because that visually mackett photography Jamie, you're so lucky is sitting far away from you. I have, But I could tr...

y. I could throw a shoe. Do you have Twitter? I do, but I don't use it face, but yeah, that is what I use. And hey, it doesn't work. I'm sorry. You have a page or how many people follow your page like 3 50? Okay. How many people do? How often do you post on it? Um, a couple times a week. OK. Do you keep the content interesting and photography based? I sure tried. Yeah, I do. Ah, weekly style Sunday where I talk about what you could wear to photo shoots. And then I tried to show new content with photos every week. Yeah, it's the photos. They get the bounce. Not so much the content. Yeah, like nothing. But I just wanna have really active blog's. So try to do that. So I've worked all my social media, not Pinterest. I worked on my social media because right from the beginning I modeled my social media on the people that had really outstanding social media at the time. And when I sort of three years ago the most outstanding social media that I had seen in our industry with Jasmine Star Jason has incredible start profile and she had. She built up her social media and I didn't know her for, you know, anything. I lived in Australia at the time, and I was watching her as a photographer. Build her social network, and I built my Facebook page in 2.5 years. I mean, years ago, I didn't have a Facebook page now about 113,000. But I've never paid for a like that audience needs to be built and needs to be maintained, and it needs to be serviced constantly. And I find now I'm at this really interesting pig because first it was people that I recognized immediately that were in my following group in the and I got bigger and bigger and bigger, and I noticed that people following me, I didn't recognize them so much anymore. And then the comments become a little bit colder and crueler because they don't know you. They just linked you from somewhere else. So it's all of a sudden, your community is larger and something happens. But I know now no truer than it was when I had 1000 likes is people really wanted to see the rolls off content. Here's the rules of content for Facebook, it has to be 40% positive opinion, 40% knowledge. So you got to give something to audience that's interesting. 10% sell in 10% personality. You have to be consistent and it has to drive traffic. Now. When I first started out, I posted a lot of sort of work. And then I got knowing. So it started posting more personal stuff because people knew me. They were connected to May. They knew, you know, and I'd be funny and I'd be trying Interesting. But I would be personal. I would post, you know, sell fees and pictures of my dog now at 113,000 the when I post pictures off myself or my dog, I lose followers so I can lose up to two or three followers when I post a personal image. But when I post work, I bounce constantly so unfortunate. The only thing you can do across all your social media is just try and be is consistent and interesting as you can, and you just got to keep trying, finding ways to sheer interesting, engaging content, but keeping to those rules of numbers, and you should go to be on Instagram. Now it's the new thing also. You can lose your Facebook in a day. You can wake up tomorrow and it's gone, and all the hard work you put into it could be taken away. Actually, something that happened to you because what they do is they cloned my page. They screenshot my profile shot and then they reported me is doing business on my Facebook page and Facebook, Um, looked at my page and just to leave it, and I was like, But I don't get a right of reply. There's no how disk it's just gone, gone, and then somebody else has my photo in my name and everything I was It was crazy, but okay, stay on point. Daily practice that is a daily practice for May. It has been a daily practice for 2.5 years. I have built this audience. Then I have this following that I have by constantly giving to them, and I love it like the engagement that I feel. Especially when I was traveling, I would be alone in a country and I could go on Facebook, and I see names that I don't have never met these people, and I feel like they're my friends and my whole family would be asleep on the other side of the country and I couldn't talk to people I know in love. And yet people I never meet that have followed me for two years pop up and had this conversation with me on Facebook and I'd be like, I don't even know these people And I felt connected to them. So you know that to me was great. But it's constant, constant, constant daily practice. My work are just your wick. What? So remember my content rules for social media, something old, something new, something borrowed, something blue, blue from the heart. Something borrowed is the sheer Something old is from back in the day when you when you in something new is something you just shocked and keep rotating them. Keep it interesting, something blue and going back to, ah previous story that I had of my sort of personal energy that I'm going to drive. You think that's to blue, you know, to talk about those things. Or I guess, you know, I wouldn't every month say I lost my brother and you know, because human nature is kind of ironic, we have this incredible empathy foot for authentic stories. And then you cross this line where it's just like, Excuse me while I get my violin, You know what I mean? And it's kind of like, Wow were incredible. We will listen to people we will give to them and give to them. But when they overstep their need to, you know, don't market through your grief. But don't be afraid of using your true story and your authenticity to drive you. And like I said, sometimes you don't have to say it, but your energy permeates and I feel like that's really, really important. Don't be afraid of that. It's just something that you can smell. Win people of being disingenuous. You can. I feel like it's a very obvious thing. You said. You know, you have to. You have to be passionate. You have to love what you're doing in order to do it. Do you have our passion is to Suffo. You have to mean thes e ass stick. Okay, You have to be enthusiastic to do what you do, do you have to be enthusiastic about social media to do it. Do you have to do things that you're not passionate or you're not enthusiastic about in order to be successful? I mean, there's people that hate social media. I'm a terrible blogger. Oh, yeah, You love blogging. I do. And I've been really lazy on my blood lately because I've been building this new Web sign. It's taking me forever. And you just spend all this time on the computer, and then you figured that people are getting what they normally get from you. If you don't like blogging, don't start one. Um however, look atyour blawg instead, like an archive. So I considered that Want to Facebook something. It's gone in the news feed within 30 seconds, right? The more people come in on your three, the more it bounces back to the top. But imagine that if you post something you then going just quickly posted on your blawg, then it's archived by date on your block, and anybody can sit there and look that up, or just go back to your blogger and read it linear on a timeline, and you don't have to write more than one paragraph. So maybe didn't incredible shoot today in a water feature on this gorgeous gown off Margaret. And you can, you know, if you are. I'm I'm speaking to photographers, so I tend to put my camera settings. And, um, but if you're not, if you're speaking to clients, just show the work and keep it current, and then they'll go to your website and they'll look at your gallery, which you haven't changed for four years. But then they'll go to your blogging or your fresh work will be there and archived. You don't have to love social media to do that. You just have to exercise some, um, what do you call it? Years? Your exercise. No discipline in making it a weekly practice to post your shoot. It's just discipline. It's not fun, but you've got to at least put two photos from the shoot your most recent shoot on your blood and write one paragraph. I write storytelling blog's you know I hap on, and how upon? Because I love it so much. But you know, if I run out of time, my blog's what suffers and then people right on my Facebook see Bryce isn't blood lately. Hint, Hint. And I'm always like because I'm like, I'm trying to do everything like I do everything. And the treatises. I could just put up two images and write a paragraph, which is what I do on Facebook. True? Yeah. So, Danny, practice any practice? What about, uh oh, I'm sorry. Go ahead. I'm just gonna say one of the things I love about 28 days is, uh, the first step is learning to love yourself and have a passion for, you know, chasing it down. But what? Ah, exceptionally phenomenal about it is I remember where I came across it, but it takes 21 to 30 days to rewire your No. Actually, it was Change your brain, change yourself, um, bring the changes itself. Uh, that that daily practice? Um, that's that's what this is about. It's about actually getting yourself going through a daily practice. And And what I heard this morning when you were talking was, um sorry, not you. The thing was, the person was commenting about their blocks. It was I keep hearing people chime about their blocks and I thought that we have to give up in order to go up, right. We have to give up in order to go up. And we do that. That's a daily decision. You have to choose daily to give up to go up. You know something I still have to give up to go up to my next Every now, Like I feel like that doesn't get easier. It gets. Although I am reminded like sometimes I think to myself, All right, I have to go to the next level because people kind of expecting me to. I have this following that I have to now go to the next level and then I'm like, I'm not really good at the next table. And then I was like, Well, you have to because you're gonna keep moving, otherwise you stagnate and die. And you know, I meant it to maintain an income from being a photographer for 25 years because I've managed to evolve myself constantly and keep going to the next level. But I noticed a long time ago that in order to go to the next level, we create something very negative in order to do that. And the reason we do that is to make change that. It's very hard to just change something without being forced to change. So if I you know you can't break up with someone, so you being really mean to them and then you force them to dump you and then you're not the bad person. We do that all the time. Sometimes we can't do something and we get really, really sick because then you have an excuse and you are genuinely sick. Don't get me wrong. This is not a makeup sick, you know, acting sick. I've seen people produce outstanding injuries and pain and their bodies in order to avoid emotionally fronting up to something. I've seen it over and over again. Your body does not lie. It will not. It simply will not allow your emotion to ST stored in there and hidden. We find ways constantly to create negative situations. We start hating people at work because then we go home and tell our spells how bad these people are. And then we treated badly and then I'll spell says you can leave and I'll support you. We do things like that. Human nature is unbelievable. I think we're the most clever, remarkable human being behavior is just outrageous. However, we don't need to create negative situations to force change. You can change it anytime, but it's almost impossible to why, when is enough, You know when is enough money in your savings account enough to leave that job? You don't like winners enough off a stagnant relationship to leave it behind. When is it enough to have a friend that takes and takes and takes and takes that you get nothing from to stand up for yourself and say, Enough? I don't get anything back from this friendship. When is it enough? It's never enough. Sometimes if we create situations that in those relationships it's not our fault, it just happened. And then we don't to take responsibility for it. The one thing I learned in business was to man up, and I'm saying that is a woman in business. Man up, you know. What is it? You've got a wishbone where you bet by and should be something like that. I read it on Instagram the other day. You wish by and I wish this pace. And didn't it mean up businesses business? May not. It's a fisting I teach women in business is man up. I mean, definitely have more logical way of confronting. Although it doesn't make them better at it. It's just more logical than women. We tend to get all emotional and bitch about it and go about in all the wrong ways. But the truth is, you must be a suit of you. You must learn to be a suit of somebody posted and bid with Sue the other down. I didn't have a problem saying this. I'm sorry if it offends you, but you did post it in a group with 17,000 people in it. So I'm gonna assume it's on the secret that they didn't like a makeup artist and they wanted to phase them out. How should they do this? And people started to write will just tell here that you you're gonna hire lots of different people. And I think you could just tell her very gently that she's not quite at the skill level, that you would like her to be it and she will up skill yourself. You will learn assertiveness and responsibility is a business, Sina. She will know the truth. You would have been honest. There would be no ill feeling, and the street kind of came to a halt, and I wondered if people were confronted by this and then it occurred to May. We have a lot, a lot of emotional dishonesty, a lot. It's easier to make up a lie, then to tell that girl that she wasn't doing a good enough job. And it's so horrible and we've all done it. We all do it in both. In that conversation, Nikki and I had a conversation where we realized that we hadn't confronted someone in L working life. Invite the valve businesses that we needed to speak to that we should have told the truth to and in getting annoyed about that three d, we both acknowledge that we weren't doing it and doesn't encourage you to do that. He said, Death. Every time I feel like I have an honest conversation with someone and tell me what I'm thinking people get, they get offended, they get bent out of shape and a lot of its delivery. If you if your delivery is not right, then people you know that screws it all up. True, but you know what Nikki bought at the same point nicely to Nikki. Okay, let's do a dialogue where I confront you about something. But I only own my pad in it. So instead of saying you didn't do this, you didn't do this. You made me feel like this. You made me for like this. You made me feel like that. Then you did this thing. You did this. I'm blaming, blaming, blaming, blaming you. But if I was to say I'm so gutted because I really I need you to be at a highest gil level, and you're not quite the so I have employed or found somebody that did a bit of skill level than you in saying that this is what I think you were incredible at. So I need somebody that's going to really bring it to the table. What I loved about you was you always really You're always well, dress. And I love the way he spoke to my client. So if you want to go on up, skill yourself, do two more training, I'd happily look atyou again in a few months. But right now, you know, I mean, there's always a way to own what you dio Or how about instead. If you did this when you said that to May, I felt this way. I'm gonna own that. And I know that I maybe shouldn't have and it's taught me a great lesson, but it really hurt my feelings, that saying me, me, me, me. I'm taking responsibility for something that you did that hurt me. But it's not blaming you, I know. I mean, that's the delivery. Well, yeah, it's easy to say that, but that's a whole other thing to be able to do that I practice that you are. That's another practice. And it's really hard to dio. I've seen people all the time. I'm very direct. I don't realize that I find people until afterwards when they tell me I've offended them. I always think to myself The most interesting thing about May is you could be offensive towards May, and I would take it as a listen. So I guess I look at other people the same. There are very dental people in this world that you have fiend very, very easily. I people have followed May I've offended them. They unfollowed may, And now I'm like, I'm gonna what I did wrong to here and then I think back, and I can't think of what I did. But clearly I did something wrong. And so they're either fended by something. Have Donald Seed in. I mean, I height that feeling, but that's differently. Who I am. But I'm and I do. I'm trying to be aware of it, and I tried toe, you know, be conscious of it because I think it's really, really important. I want to go and hit people's feelings all the time. It just it does happen. But really they had a suit of nest emotional honesty. I feel like it's a huge, important part. This is a slide that I put up because we talked about it already. Um, somebody tweeted it. What you're going through right now, What is it teaching you? I want you to apply that to illness, to grief, to anything. If that's a question you could ask right now and you're locked in a hell over something or you are struggling, and I can only tell you everything that I've been through in tombs of struggling. If I had looked back to this question, I could find the listen in everything I've been through. Yeah, if I could tell you which is probably why I moved through each Listen, I could tell you what I learned from each listen. And I always think to myself, What are you learning right now? Because this keeps coming up. And if it keeps coming up showing you something that you need to know, quote something along the lines of Yeah, If you you'll keep getting it, you'll keep getting the lesson over and over. If you haven't learned, Yeah, I think it cat toasted. You will release an identity when you move through it when you no longer need it. So let's talk about so I don't You want to go through some more slides? I've got I've got a couple of here that I just want to talk about. One of them is this. I want to talk about the smack down. Um, I thought long and hard about showing this. I got a parched by a woman who came up to May in Los and WP be in Vegas when I did the fear talk. So two years ago, a year and 1/2 got 18 months ago and she was kind of shaking and crying. And I said to what's wrong? And she said You taught a class on video and you said Go make videos So I took $5000 out of my savings account. I went to a videographer. I gave him $5000. I said, Make a video like this one, which is like what you made. And he made a video like it, and it was kind of, Ah, rip off off one of my videos. Like to appoint words. It was a pretty obvious rip off. I mean, that was you know, I saw it not psyched, and I and she some photographers put it on a private three and just ripped on here like nobody's business in somebody in that three sent it to her, so she's reading a thread about yourself. I've read a few threads about myself now. It's right now. I don't read them because it's just anonymous commenting. So at the end of the day, except for it's not anonymous, cause it's on Facebook. What they did to this woman on that thread was just so cruel. And she gave up stop shooting, gave up in business, but she was shaking because she said to me, You told me to go and make a video and I went and made a video and I was like, Okay, I did. I did. I said, Go and make a video. Go make a video like this one. I didn't make black this one, but again was a good idea. So why not? I've seen people just smack down so badly like that. They just get tourney apart and that's it. They're just sitting at home crying and hurting. And how do you come back from that? And so she was asking me, How does she come back from that? And I said, Well, the first thing I would do is confront the smack down, and I would seem to me the video and opposed it. I'll post it and we'll talk about what is copying. What is the mistake you made? And you can own up to the mistake you made. I shouldn't have just said copy this video. You know, maybe you can own up to the industry. Maybe you can say sorry or maybe, just maybe, you can just get over it. It's used today's fish and chip paper, but to her. It's not Today's news is her life, and you're just not getting ever. And she's just lost. All what's heartbreaking about that is you know she's lost her dream of being a photographer because she really tried to put herself out there and she got smacked down. Heady. How would you respond to that? I mean, at the end of the day, we are by nature, we have this equilibrium, and we've got to maintain an equal equilibrium off humble credit shade and ego. I'm leaning about myself, and I'm getting bitter and I'm seeing myself as bitter and I'm growing and it's sort of an even flow, and it's very easy to get stuck in the ego and get smacked down for it. But for every Smackdown I've ever had, I kind of always looked at it like an equilibrium that there was always an equal balance of push up. So maybe the people that smack you down see the push up and they don't like it. Um, I can tell you a fact. Whenever I post to shoot, that gets a really big hit, a really like in the thousands. The next shoot I post get to smack down. And I don't know whether people see the big post going viral on there like it's not even that good. And then they wait till Aneke shooting. They get the smack down. But I know every time I post a really full on shoot that gets a really big post. I'm gonna follow it up with a smack down. And I've been watching in bed with soup and lately people have been posting and they got quite an instant reaction. So they quickly jumped on and posted two more shoots and they got the smack down on the second and third. And it was kind of like up, up, down, down, down you go. And I watched this happen. And there is an equilibrium there, whether it exists in your own ego and you're attracted or whether the audience keeps it riel. I mean, I have to keep it really all the time in order to keep balance. Um, you know, people seemed may the most extraordinary emails I get everything from I have hated you from the day you fisted your fierce creativelive and I still do and then have a kid to me the other day that I envy you. And I was like, Oh, do I say thank you? I don't know if I say thank you. I liked you better when you were fat And then I got emails when I was fat, saying, You're really fat. So it's like, Do I get the Nodaway not getting a door knock you what people think and just be myself. I mean, you get this cross section off love and hate, but I'm going to say this. I tell my friends, That's all the time I got 100 the attain 1000 followers on my Facebook page. If I was to put 100 and 13,000 people in a stadium in one stadium, all of my followers, how many would you like? How maney mean people would be in there? How many three bags? What's the percentage cross ratio of the number of people? That's what you're dealing with on your social media, really, really good to know because, as a I personally struggled to, you know, even started block like I'm one of those persons things. I'm not going to start it because that's not for me. But I realized the importance of it but to realize that if I do decide to launch and when I do, um I'm gonna get, you know, the up up smack down and and that's, ah important cause that easily make me just give up shortly after I start. But knowing that that may be coming in the horizon is risky. You could you can guarantee you're gonna get a Smackdown. I am. Somebody said to May when you blow up with an audience, they push, push, push you up and then they start to pull, pull, pull you down That is so true and not true. Like I never saw it is being pushed up and I never saw it is being pulled down. I read a quote the other day that said, We love to support the underdog, but when was the last time you supported someone more successful than you? Well, I have this incredible support on my Facebook page. I've got to be the luckiest person alive. I post something in the support than feedback I get is so consistent. People will stop and leave a positive comment and they might be one negative comment in, you know, 200 positive comments. It blows my mind that people are that kind and I love their I'm so lucky and year the negative ones come in, but they never in the same ratio, you know? But do expect that it's going to hurt, comes out of nowhere. I call them drive by shootings, especially when they're on Twitter, because you don't get the number plate, you just get shot and really shocked you and it hits. And you were always sort of outside and restaurant. No drive by shooting. Yeah, you know, it's good practice for your clients when you get shot down. I mean, if this is how it is out in the world, Yeah, toughen up your skin a little bit for when your client shuts you down or when they don't like your work or when they don't want to hire you and then think about the stadium. Have you ever been on a date with someone that you didn't like? And they like to you And then at that awkward moment, when they're like, we should take this to the next level and you're like, No, I'd be happy if I never saw you again. You know, that is the most horrible situation to be in and guillotine. Oh, you've got to say it. You've got to say it because it's like, Oh, no. Now I'm right in front of you. And you're like Teoh. And by next level, what do you mean by that thing? Might be a good analogy for your box. Because if you're the kind of person that says, Yeah, call me. Yeah, call me sometime. No, don't call me. Yeah, but you know, there's there's women, then will stand up and say, No, I'm not interested. And then there's other one. Mostly, I'll just I'll just never answer him again. Yeah, the guys in the same. Yeah, but that's a block. That's like you're not facing. You're not being honest. You be emotionally honest not being a miserly onus. Oh, boy, I feel story coming on now. I try to keep my dating life off creative life. Oh, uh, slide

Ratings and Reviews

Beckie Sibley

This is an excellent addition to the 28 Days Workshop. Sue is one of several professionals on CreativeLive who have spoken into my life and my business in a powerful way. After thirty-seven years of full time parenting, I am beginning my career as a photographer. I treasure every ounce of business and personal advice that will help propel me forward in my journey. This bonus day did not disappoint. Thank you Sue and CreativeLive!

Ramona W

This is a great course! Sue Bryce is upbeat and wonderful talker! Never boring. Has great ideas! Leaves you feeling more confident about pitching your work to other people.

Student Work