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Final Thoughts

Lesson 13 from: Pitch Your Work to Sell

Sue Bryce

Final Thoughts

Lesson 13 from: Pitch Your Work to Sell

Sue Bryce

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13. Final Thoughts

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Final Thoughts

Jennifer Source and Jennifer Hudson. Jennifer Hudson was hear him join Jennifer thoughts. One saying Married name Now, Jean, If I had just got married a year ago, wasn't it wonderful men? And it was so need to go and do her workshop, and the gift she gave me was the wood restoration, everything that it means, Um, I'm an over giver. I tend to overdo everything, and it's so lovely to not feel guilty about stepping back and learning to receive more. Um, I also get seen. Lots of incredible gifts are people from my audience. Seemed me gifts like to creative life. They're just I just get here and there's a gift here. The Most Beautiful Crown by Bella Crowns is it? It's a actual crown for, like, where? Unbelievable. All among your fellow. Take photo Vin hosted, obviously. And so I get the most incredible gifts and it's so wonderful just to try and receive them in. Remember that sometimes if I don't blogged for three weeks are not upsetting anybody, it's OK. I can just take the time to relax a...

little bit and rejuvenate so I can't even bring a shoot to you that you're actually interested in. I wrote this because I thought it was really, really funny. It's called the teeth, the lips, the tip of the tongue. I always watching a movie the other day, and when you practice drama, they teach you to do the teeth, the lips, the tip of the tongue, the teeth, the lips, the tip of the tongue to practice speaking. And I thought what did away to remind you to practice your daily pitching. The teeth, the lips, the tip of the tongue, the teeth, the lips, the tip of the tongue. It's to warm up your mouth. An actor warms up before they act. A singer warms up the voice, Somebody who's pitting a marketing. They need to warm up the pitch. Warm it up, go home and practice. Say it out loud in the shower until you can say it confidently with 100% belief. Find what your superpower is and it to a pitch. Make it strong. You can do that. I say this in every creative life. Every creativelive of Eva Dumb. Please stop bitching and moaning on Facebook. Get out of your own way. Okay, Get out of your own way I know how hard it is. Toe. Identify your own blocks. You can come a work through them with May. If you want. I'll take you through your money. Values your body blocks your relationship. Bloxham. I'm happy to do that if that's what you want. But please acknowledge that there's a block first and then daily practice to get throughout. I am so proud of you is something I don't get to see very often. I've noticed on Facebook and Twitter. Everybody calls me the ass kicker in the bitch slapper and the the girl who owe a needed a wake up call or he needed to get my butt kicked by supervised that I started to think, I m I mean, you know, like am I were people gentle with me when I was trying so hard to make an income? I don't remember anybody being gentle with me. I feel very much like I dragged myself through it. So if I come across, I come about kicker. I'll tell you why when you have been through a blocked life, where you are emotionally blocked, where you were physically blocked, where you were blocked in your stepping forward with your confidence with who you are with your money, when you being through all those blocks and you've broken through them. I don't remember the piss Night Waas. Back then, I just remembered I couldn't get out of it. I don't remember why I believed or didn't see the way through it. I just remembered not that there was no way out. I don't remember the moment where I suddenly had money just appear. I do remember the moment, but I don't remember what exactly shifted other than me yelling out to the universe that I would walk my path, remember and lying a bit crying. For three days, I made a I made a promise to daily practice myself out off the whole I was stuck in. Then I made a daily practice, too. Walk towards the career that I really wanted in to be confident enough to speak publicly, to talk to people, to just be brave enough to walk up to people. I daily practice that I made a daily practice to lose £100 and I'm £1 off. I don't know how that happened. I think back and I'm like it seems really easy now. I don't remember that. Took me I e is didn't take me eight weeks or eight months. Well, you worked really hard, but I don't remember working hard. I only remember that I'm here now and then, I think, Well, when people say But I can't change it. I look at them ago. You can change anything. And when I say you could wake up tomorrow and you've already made a shift that you could wake up in eight years and it would be different. But trust me, hate years is just like tomorrow one. Really cool. One really cool thing I just thought of that would be a great practice is just self yourself talk if, like just one time a day, you could switch yourself top. And when you say something horrible to yourself, if you could just try to make a practice of repeating the same sentence over completely opposite yet positive information and nobody does it better than always. Hey, you know I love who am I love what I am I love would have created I love what I bring to the table. I'm with the where they have love. I'm worthy of giving love and then give it to other people because then you get back. I feel like that is yeah, that is it. Now daily practice. If there waas anything that I could, I feel like the luckiest human being alive on this planet was free to go. But I feel like everybody is with a journey off, making something better in the alive like everybody is becoming to me now. I don't look at someone and say they're stack there. I look at someone and say you they're becoming They're gonna come free of this. Never give up bait that somebody can turn around and just walk out of something they can. Some people choose never to. But I've seen people do change. They can change, They can learn and grow. It's slow, and it's hard. But you can change anything. Just work out. What you want to change first and then stop the daily practice towards doing it. That's all you've got. Great. I mean, that's why I love you so much. And I want to thank you so much. I got so much gratitude for you because, um I remember, um you know, when I was watching the video of you and giving Jill the trip. That was I really hadn't hadn't heard of you at that point. I was just This woman is amazing. This is unreal. And so I started researching and 28 days happened and I said, This is cool, like, I've gotta get into this. And from that point on, um, it's it's fundamentally changed my life because I don't know how I could get into it. But in a riel nutshell is I have systematically made decisions that aren't just photography but fundamental life, daily decisions that are all aligned with the same goal. So when junior core values set, which is yourself love and you have your goal out there, it's amazing how every little decision, if it lines up it just one step out. And that's why I told you, um, for me, gifts or weapons. And so, um, when I first met you, I brought you a gift. It was the hardest thing for me to do because I mean, I told I told you I told Nikki about it is like God, I just My big fear is like I can't be a weapon like you know, I have no idea. It's, like, very impossible thing. So, um, I just love you so much because in two years from just beating and then going through 28 days, this has been fabulous, and you are awesome. I mean, it's just amazing. And, uh, actually applying for the original keynote didn't get it. And then I can't even believe I'm here because this is something that I manifested in My brain is being in like I posted on Twitter. But it's like heaven. This is just an amazing creative community. So anyway, back to campaign, right? So I'll show you right on campaign. Every look, I look at it like this. Um, I have I built my business. I was a photographer that made no money, right? I could have gone my whole life being a working photographer, making amazing images. I would have not noticed I would have won awards, but wasn't until they went out on my own that I realized I had no self value. I couldn't make money. So it's like, Wait a minute, I made money is an income is a wage, but like my money like a business and sustain it And it wasn't until I did that that I realized that Oh, I have no self value. None. And I've got a few blocks and these are my blocks. Oh, here comes a confidence block becomes emotional honesty. Blood cake, Hamza Physical block. Here comes a relationship block here comes up in next. When I'm getting I'm on this freeway just getting hit with debris and it is full on. But I started to grow through each hit. And then I realized when I was teaching glamour photography, you started out teaching, posing in lighting in photo shop. But really, what you're teaching people is in order to make an income and sustain it, you actually need to change some personal things. Someone self value, like how you have for me is priceless. My husband sees it, I see it. I wake up every day loving my life and wow, what a gift you give You know what a gift Through a photography workshop, you know who would have known that this little photography workshop on creativelive com 28 days would change my life and I had to do the work, though that's a little work. Some people are like Oh soo Mentor, do you? So it's super easy. No, I did the work. I learned from 28 days and she wasn't taught me anything that isn't in 28 days. Yeah, but I had to do the work. That a lot of work. I've Boston my ass. You know, it's hard, but it's so rewarding. And oh, awesome to see everything that you accomplished. What about you, Map? Wanna Do you think two years later that you'd be sitting here? That you I think that I At that time when we did the first creative life, I feel like I I had hoped to be here, but it was something I felt that I was so far off, like I just want a studio. I just want to get a good makeup artist. I would love to just find clients, And now that it's happening, you know, it's amazing, but But I'm gonna make you what she said about everything that what you have taught me, it's all on 28 days. But yet I still have to do all of the work. You still have to push through it every single day, and people do say these comments like, Oh, you're so lucky because, you know, Sue, I know, Sue, but everything that I know is also on 28 days, it's all in there. Just so we clear to you for the people who do know that when we when you come to L. A we catch happened that both Nikki and Susan come and stay with me and hang out with me as a personal friend When I'm not being soup rice, I'm just surprised the friend like they have to be a component where I'm not talking about self development in photography, business and life and just hang out with me like a normal person does. Because otherwise it sucks the life out of me. So my friends, knowing to just be my friend So I love that everyone probably thinks we talk about that stuff all the time, and we do. We do talk about it a lot, but we talk about life change more than we talk about. We dio. That's absolutely true because I'm absolutely know what they say about I'm having. Your true purpose comes through in your conversation. I always talk about it. What is the conversation you're having on a daily basis, even without being paid that you could be having through your work and bettering yourself. Making money, accepting, receiving, walking your true path, true purpose, life for self development. I am a walking, talking cult of self development. I have that conversation with strangers with waiters with random people on the street. Where do you want to be? What do you want to do with your life? Let me tell you how toe free yourself from that. Like I walk, talk and speak it. It's only if you confined. That's my superpower. That's my purpose. If you can work through your values and purpose, your home and host really mirror many of the things they said and how much you know, we admire what you've done in 28 days and beyond. Um, I must admit that I am. I am very positive thinking, and I happen. I set goals, and I wish I should have taken a picture of it. But I did have on my board. I will meet Soup rice in and and I feel, you know, I know I'm not your target market, I said, I'm like I can't really get her to photograph me. But I will get you to photograph my wife one day when you get to New York on Dumb and I I set that goal mawr of of experiencing this this amazing feeling that that you unselfishly give to everyone And it is true you you're absolutely amazing in and and somehow ah, just out of your pores comes out the love and I think that's what it is. I bought a camera when I was and I spend $1000 when I was 14 I say, for over a year life took me in different directions Horrible things Great things happen to my life But now all the way at the age of 40 Plus I I've circled back around and I think that after 2.5 3 years of watching and and building and building, I finally took the foot out of the other sort of corporate world and said, I have to do what? What I have meant to have done since I was a young man and I thank you for that. Thank you, e feel like I I remember you having the confidence that I could do this and I didn't have the confidence in it myself. And I thought, Really, you think I can do this? And you look me in the eye and said, You can do this and this is how you do it. And then I was like, OK, well, if she believes I can do it, that maybe I can do it. But sometimes it just takes that confidence that you give us for us to believe in. It is what I feel like commission. As long as we're all complimenting Su e o. I would like to say one day, about 28 days that I will say and being part of this and seeing the effect that it had on so many people. And I have had so many students come to me and say, This is just photography. Why is this? Why is it doing this? You know, But it's not just photography and not wanting. You just said that perfectly summed it up because sue in 28 days you tell people exactly how to do it. This is the business I built. I've worked for years. Here it is. It's a complete map. It's a total guide in how to have a successful photography business. It doesn't have to be glamour. It could be anything. I'm gonna use yours for my video business. It could be for anything. But you combine that with the self development, so it's twofold. It's You can do this and you teach people. How do you How do you believe that you can do this and you give them the map of the business? That combo is amazing. If all of us could have that combo for our own businesses, you're giving something back in self development or teaching them what your lesson is in life. And you're giving them a map on how to do something I couldn't believe reading those taste my kneels. I put them on my block this morning. I'm gonna go back and read them. I started crying reading them. Nicky cried reading them. I It's interesting because I get email stories, essays, long, long stories, life stories, life changing. Thank you's for the last two years. I read them and I'm just blown away by and it's such a cold thing. What an amazing thing to have thrown back at me and to read. But, you know, I feel like the biggest Hitto is is you don't hear what's going on inside other people's heads. We said, We think we're lying in this. You're not alone in your struggle nor alone in your lack of value. You are not alone in your I fear you are not alone in you'll climb. And you are You're going through a lot of the same stuff that thousands of other people are also going through and that maybe your client is going through. Yep. So it's what you said with, um, the story you relate to me about jumping on the whole, You know, that's one of the things that's I'm really grateful to you. You're holding out. That's why I called you my Statue of Liberty. You kind of holding the line out. Um, but, uh, um, yes. Well, uh, well, I'll sorry chime in in a little bit. You know, I I feel like, um, there's a lot of people in this world that don't need this message. But there's more that day and my biggest fear when I was teaching didn't come up until 28 days, which was 18 months after my fear script. Now, my 28 days was 13 months after my first create of life, which was such a huge workshop in itself because we re launch glamour photography to the world. And a photographer. The 1st 1 you mean? Yeah. So 13 months after the 1st 1 I'm doing this comprehensive workshop, and I wanted to do that talk about fear. And prior to Kenya, announcing at Karen Russ in Vegas, I was standing there off camera, and I just suddenly felt well off this field come into my body. I thought I'm about to say some staff that a whole lot of people are not gonna want to hear. And people are gonna think I'm a fruit loop. So I can either stand up and just tell them what's in my heart when people are gonna slight me for it. Or I can just be honest and say this is what I feel And I tell you, I've not regretted that decision. No one iota, not any negative has come back about that talk. I only get the I see your talk. I watch it regularly. It saves me. It wakes me up. And I was just like, you know, I I felt like putting that talk out There was the biggest experience of my life. And it wasn't. It was amazing how many people understood it. And I was like, Oh, I'm just talking about something nobody talks about. You know, if once he's just do it, just do it. Well, it's not a Nike, Ed. Just do what? I can't do it. I'm crippled by fear. Anyway. What next? I think we have Teoh finish. Yeah, we do have to finish eventually. Yeah. You want to talk a little bit about what you're doing next? What's coming up for you, please? Just so people know I'm going to click in Mom's click Away conference. Um, I met the Click Away Girls WPP I two years ago and loved what they were doing. They asked me to keynote at the conference, and I'm going to do a really great presentation there on the 11th off September in Salt Lake City. Um, other than that, I'm shooting up until then and then I get to go home for two days to spend with my puppy, and I'm coming back for photo week. I've got some cool stuff for food awake. I get to sit on a panel and voice my opinion. I get her host to critique, um, other people critiquing images. I get to teach about some more marketing and in a motor home video, because I just I'm breaking it down to the most simple marketing cost effective that you could imagine. And I'm teaching people how to do it because I'm so sick of people saying they can't afford it. They can't afford it. They can't afford it. So I'll teach you how to do it myself. I get to work with Felix again on fashion, posing so basically making an ordinary girl move and look like a fashion model. And for those of you, the rationing vision models directing patient models to look like really good poses, I could teach posing until the cows come home. And then we have seen Ugo and then for the rest of the year I am working on self development. You know, to me I want to do the self development workshop because I just feel like we need to uncover more and I want to do more in person stuff. I mean, I get just being the day with these six people, and that's it, you know? Yeah, it's they go home, and then it's up to them to do the work. And I'm really looking forward to hearing Yeah, yeah. Following your social media to find out war I'm all over the social media. And, you know, I'm not gonna apologise for pitches of my puppy. She is the cutest thing I have ever seen and is my life. And I post I tried to post very few pictures of here because I don't want to look like one of those crazy. Don't wait a minute. Did super say she tries to close very few pictures of her puppy ideo. I only do like one a week now because I was so worried that people think I'm off campaign. Bring on the cookie mob. I've got so many cool things. I'm so behind on my blog's I've got sitting on about 33 shoots. I'm backlogged building my new web. So I'm I'm always in progress. So you know, I got you that you came. I got more. There's always more looking forward to it. Well, today's been great. I've learned definitely some new statements that are gonna just stick with me about pitching my work. And, um, I just got a lot of today, so I hope all of you guys did to. And I know from all of the tears that have been cried in this room that people have gone a lot of as well. So thank you for coming back. My pleasure.

Ratings and Reviews

Beckie Sibley

This is an excellent addition to the 28 Days Workshop. Sue is one of several professionals on CreativeLive who have spoken into my life and my business in a powerful way. After thirty-seven years of full time parenting, I am beginning my career as a photographer. I treasure every ounce of business and personal advice that will help propel me forward in my journey. This bonus day did not disappoint. Thank you Sue and CreativeLive!

Ramona W

This is a great course! Sue Bryce is upbeat and wonderful talker! Never boring. Has great ideas! Leaves you feeling more confident about pitching your work to other people.

Student Work