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Student Pitches

Lesson 3 from: Pitch Your Work to Sell

Sue Bryce

Student Pitches

Lesson 3 from: Pitch Your Work to Sell

Sue Bryce

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3. Student Pitches

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Student Pitches

today. I want to talk about so fine. Coaching in scripting was something that I learned when I was in my first studio. Been pitching for May. Came down to these three words. Whenever I wrote pitching, I wrote believing and then I wrote confidence. Okay, because I need to know two things when you pitch something. Do I believe you? All right. Do I believe you really important? Because everything that gets in your way is gonna come up now Like this is the moment where everything that's going to get in your way is gonna come up now. So it's nothing to do with your work now. It's nothing to do with your studio in this moment when it comes to pitching yourself it to you and everything you believe about yourself, right? So that's what I'm gonna address first the woods we're gonna address sickened. I've got a lot of slides to go through around this. I have spent the last 2.5 years teaching on creative life. I don't do in person workshops because when I'm not teaching creative life, I shoot in ...

the studio. Um I shoot in my studio and I run my business, and I haven't done any imprisoned workshops because I simply can't. Although I have created a new one because I can teach posing and I can teach shooting and I can teach pitching. But for me, what I want to teach is everything that gets in the way like that is my thing right From the beginning, I thought if I could create a workshop, it would be that gray area that nobody addresses. Anyone calls it fear, but I don't know what fear. I don't address fear. You know, I did my fear talker. I still watch that. It's I need to hear it, too. I realize that everything that gets in the way is what is, um, your ability to make money, your ability to receive money, your ability t o keep money, the ability to value yourself. Then you your work when you everything that you are very yourself physically as a wife, as a mother, as a husband, as a man as a woman, as a business owner is appearance, Um, that when you don't really that it gets pretty bad pretty fast. So I've been talking for the last two years with one of my dearest friends, Tiffany Anja Lease, and we created a workshop that's gonna be an in person workshops. So we'll be doing a workshop at the end of this year to look out for that. And basically, it's changed yourself. And then you can change your business because I feel like until you change you. So it's everything we're talking about today. But you not just hearing it from me in your face. You talking back to me and telling me why you can't get through these blocks because so many people are identifying their blocks but not identifying the blocks. So everyone's writing on the Facebook group. I know I have a block, but I don't know what it iss. It's like, um okay, everybody knows they have a block somewhere. And so I said, Teoh, Vicky said to May I know I have a block. I just don't. You know, I didn't know what it wasn't who you told me what it Woz and I was like, Really, you don't know what you're in block was, and she was like Not until you see it it and then I was like, Oh, that's a block for May and I said, Whoa, I didn't realize it was kind of, you know, to me, my blocks have always been quite obvious, but I'm also I charge it them. So I guess the point is is that they hit me in the face Pretty obviously. So I started to write down what all things could bay so that you could I could name them for you. So I want to do that. I want to take you through all of them. So this is everything that gets in the way, say, Tiffany and myself. We both, uh, wealth build us. I come from no money, so I wanted to learn how to make money. People make money in this world billions of dollars, and they're not always born to money. So it must be something you loon. So I was the person that couldn't hold on to money, and Tiffany grew up saving her money. Even as a kid, she just had this incredible gift with saving money. And when we meet 2.5 years ago and became friends, her and her husband, Mark and I, we have these incredible conversations around building wealth, making money, keeping money working throughout self value to make more money going to the next level. In our business, we both built photographic studios from nothing in our homes that are our sole income. And I love the conversations I have with these two more than anything in the world that it would seem only natural that we would teach it to other people. So, too, may everything that gets in the way. Value is kind of going to be uncomfortable to talk about. And I'll tell you why. It starts from a with the elevator pitch. Okay, it's dots with what do you do? All right, So if I'm gonna put you on the hot seat right now, I'm gonna ask you what you do. Okay? So who wants to answer my question? I'm not gonna go around and make you all do it. Does anybody want to answer that question, Richard? Yeah. What do you dio look. Hi. I'm Richard Rosario, and I I guess the my pitch, right? What I do, I just want you to answer my creased, Understood? High right time Say hi soup. What day? I'm I'm a photographer. That captures life's moments, you know, and I and I capture moments in your life and in turn, crew make them and create them into tangible ah, tangible keepsakes for you, for you and your family and my hair. And I'm so I see what you do. And, um, I'm a portrait photographer. I mainly focus on women's beauty because I feel like not enough women get pictures taken. We need to be present. What do you do? What do you do? I'm a photographer to Yeah, I just like to make people feel good about themselves. So that's what kind of portrait I take. Can you pass it? Even Michael, find on this side. How do you free? I see. What do you do? Um uh, Well, uh, I'm I'm a photographer who offers the opportunity for everyone to feel like a celebrity. Um, I worked in Hollywood for many years, and, uh, I believe that everyone actually is a star and deserves to be treated as such. So do you. High of high, Suai mop Wanna? What do you do? I'm my glamour portrait photographer. Here's my business card. Kind of like this has all the before and afters in there were rats. T wait in Honolulu, Hawaii. Oh, wonderful. Do you live in Hawaii? I do. You have. You always lived in Hawaiian, Born and raised. Wow. Oh, I love your card. You weeks beautiful. Thank you. See, my point is that the one thing nobody else did? She started a conversation, right? Because everybody does this pitch this elevator pitch. So I went to this lingerie women that sell lingerie and they sell home lingerie Patties, and they're very sales focused. And I went there to go because they loved what I do for my brain. And I went to go and help them with Theis, and I ask them all the elevator pitch, and everybody does the same thing when they put on the spot. And you do it in person as well, I Yeah. And I said, you know, you need to do one thing when somebody asks you what you do, you say I sell lingerie because what's the next question? You don't let that one go by, dear. You sell Lunger. What's it? A large A radio cell. You know, um and then secondly, the other one is I'm a photographer. What do you shave? What do you photograph do you specialize. What do you do? The first thing that you need to just tell May is that you're a photographer, Okay? Because all I want to know is what you do. And you can say that with 100% confidence. I'm a photographer. So last night I was waiting at a restaurant and the woman in the major dated to me, What do you do? I said, I'm a photographer and she said, What sort of photography do you do? I said, I'm a portrait photographer and I do a lot of work here in Seattle. That's why I'm here. And she goes, What sort of work to do when I see Well, I photograph women, but I work for a company up here every few months called Creative Live, and I pitch creative, live to air. And I gave a creative lives website and then I talked about myself and and then she goes to have a card, and I said, I do And my website Super. I stopped common Before you know it, she's like, Wow, and I'm having this conversation that took me years. All right, Now I get then that to me, is the pitch. This is where you learn your pitch. You, Lynn, what to say? Loon had a set and you go in practice it. But before I even get two words, I'm still interested in that moment to all of your body language prior to answering that question. I'm interested in that moment when everybody goes when everyone thinks and touches the face and looks away and considers what they're about to say, because that tells me in that moment how confident you are with what you're saying before we go into pitching, that's all I need to say is give you that link. There is a group private group run by Lorry Petrik, who tirelessly works to run this group without being paid on Facebook. She did it all on her own. She set it up. She builds a community. She works through the challenges. You watched the videos. You submit, you can get support. You can get other people to answer your questions. When I can't, it's absolutely incredible. Join it. If you've already bought 28 days, join it all right. Really, really important. And I feel like these testimonies a mind blowing the just mind blowing. We read them. I started crying and I read them. Nicky said it crying when she read them their amazing. And they will change the way that you're thinking about your business in your struggle, especially when you see everybody else is in the same position and that they making a go of it really empowering.

Ratings and Reviews

Beckie Sibley

This is an excellent addition to the 28 Days Workshop. Sue is one of several professionals on CreativeLive who have spoken into my life and my business in a powerful way. After thirty-seven years of full time parenting, I am beginning my career as a photographer. I treasure every ounce of business and personal advice that will help propel me forward in my journey. This bonus day did not disappoint. Thank you Sue and CreativeLive!

Ramona W

This is a great course! Sue Bryce is upbeat and wonderful talker! Never boring. Has great ideas! Leaves you feeling more confident about pitching your work to other people.

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