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How to Pitch: Starting a Conversation

Lesson 5 from: Pitch Your Work to Sell

Sue Bryce

How to Pitch: Starting a Conversation

Lesson 5 from: Pitch Your Work to Sell

Sue Bryce

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5. How to Pitch: Starting a Conversation

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How to Pitch: Starting a Conversation

in thinking about what? A pitch Waas. I came down to this number one. The first pitch you ever do is approaching a stranger. Okay? And everybody's got this look of horror on the face that Okay, first pitch is approaching a stranger. Now that is conversations. Okay, anybody can start a conversation. So the first thing that you would practice is giving compliments to random strangers. Okay. Yes, you can do it. Sure. You just need a micro. Fine. I am. I am really great at talking to people. And I constantly give people love your shoes, I all the time, and it's a genuine. I admire people everywhere. But then I feel like a sleaze when I'm like, Oh, and by the way, here's my card. You know what I mean? Like, it turns it into something that's not real Alqaida. So you feel Keep it. You feel like a sleaze? Yes. I don't know. Do you? Have you ever experienced that? Like it's authentic when I'm just friendly the way that I am. But then when I turn it into a potentially making money from someone, ...

then it's, you know, coming. Come here. Not bringing Mike Fine. come and stand with May I think the camera there. If one can see you, you need to talk to you because I've got my I feel like a sleaze. I feel like a sleaze. Thanks. You did it. All right. I need to address that Because I feel like this is the problem. We feel like something we feel like we're selling. We feel like a sleaze. We feel like a loser. We feel desperate, We feel Oh, anybody else got a weird for May slaves? Creepy, sleazy, creepy. I had this experience this week. There were two people I wanted to approach, and I said, She's gonna think I'm hitting on her like, you know, it's OK, but let's just address something. You're a boy. She's a girl, so she feels like a sleeve. So it's not a man thing. Yeah, So let's get really clear right now. All the boys were like, Tell me how to pitch for being a man. Tell you had a pitch from being a man. Tell me how to picture being a man. It's not a man thing, okay? It's a human thing, because if she feel sleazy, then I would you know, it stands to reason that this is absolutely perfect. Yeah. Man taking I was hitting on him, but the source is really coming out in the same place for sources coming. Absolutely. So I found one of the most interesting things for me was to be confident enough to compliment people in public. Okay, so I lend straight away. Now you can stay right there. I learned straight away that the first thing you should do is complement somebody. And, you know, I always thought right from the beginning that if you can compliment a complete stranger than you can sell to them because I don't need to sell, I really just need to start a conversation. And I don't feel like I'm gonna be sleazy if I say to someone. Well, I love your belly, AJ, you hear? Color is amazing. Now, the first thing she's gonna dough is either talk to me or not talk to May. But the compliment, I think, is one of the first things we should talk about. Secondly, if you're actually in a social situation, we were talking about the sailor it we have to do is ask your question. I absolutely love the color of you here. Who does it? Anything. Just a question. Because the question leads to a conversation. A conversation leaves to her. I'm suit, by the way. What do you do? I'm a photographer. Okay now. Words first. So would address the sleaze chicken. But words first. A conversation as I'm a photographer is a great conversation point, because if she's awkward and conversation that facing she's going to do is ask me a question back or shut down the conversation, she shuts down the conversation I've lost here. If she keeps talking, I've got here. If she asked me what sort of photographer I say, actually, I photograph Portrait's and I specialize in photographing women. When was the last time you had your portrait taken? That's really good. Okay, so the first thing I would do is ask their questions. I'm not committed to actually asking her anything. I said, Have you ever been photographed? Okay, I walked up to the most beautiful girl you have ever seen last week in L. A. And I said, Hey, you with an agency. She said, Yes, I am. I see which agency and she told me, and she's like you in the industry as a young photographer, but I actually thought to myself, I'm not gonna ask you if I can. Photographic, because she kind of looked like a fashion model. It is, but not quite a tall. But she was just so beautiful. I figured she was probably an actress or something. So I thought I would just spend my picture a little bit and say you with an agency because I figured if she said no, I would say you should be I was. I got this is gonna be my pitch. I'm getting really, You know, I was like, Wow. So to me, it Let's say you're not a photographer. What's your name? Jamie. Jamie, You're not a photographer. I've just met you and we're standing in line somewhere. And I say, I love you. Hear? By the way I do. Thank you. Yeah, you does it. I forgot. I'm sorry. She's nervous and sleazy. Yeah, Yeah. Okay, So I asked you, who do you hear? And inevitably, we start a conversation and you say, What do you do? And I say I'm a photographer, and you say, What sort of photography do you do? and I say I specialize in photographing Woman actually portrays. When was the last time you were photographed? Two years ago. Two years ago. Okay, So most people who and photographers will tell you why they hate their photographs. Why they don't want to be photographed where they don't like the mythic Most photographers would tell you there. And there's your opportunity. Right then to say, I would love to photograph you, Jamie. Now I don't think there's anything sleazy and saying I would love to photograph you. Okay, He come all the Christians, Will they pay for it? How will they pay for it? How will you do this? How you shoot that will do logistics later. Let's just do woods first and feelings, words and feelings, words and feelings. Okay, we'll do logistics later on in terms up, because every now and then, like when I met Dana, the Russian woman, I didn't meet her. I still Heritage restaurant, and there was a way that it woman walked into the room and I thought she's got a secret because she's in his sixties and she just walked into that place like she earned it. And I want to know what that secret is, cause I photograph women and I don't see women that powerful, Not the way that woman walked into the room. She's got something going on, and I want to know what it is. I want a photograph here. That was my instinct. Then I Look, I've grabbed my pierce in my case. Actually, Jamie, I'm going Teoh get you to sit down because I'm going to keep going. So All right. So when she walked into that room, that's all I knew in that moment. Now I walked up to here nervous. I had written my name, my Facebook page. My website stupidly wrote my Facebook page on the General. Why? She went and looked at it. And I had written just approaching a woman with a net kin and my charm like, That's what she read the thread. So she was like, Why don't all of these people care whether I'm gonna pay for it or not? Cause you're all, like, well, where you're charging Ural, asking me questions. My clients reading this guy this Oy. Anyway, aside from that, she run me the next day to say thank you so much, but I am not going to do the shoot because I'm old. And why would you want to photograph May As like that? You run me. You didn't just not call me. And she was like, What's kind of intrigued as to why you picked may, I think cause you're one of the most beautiful women I've ever seen. And chief site. Okay, I'm gonna do it. But I'm not gonna like them, and I'm not gonna enjoy it. I said don't worry. I've heard that before. There's my every night because I'm like, uh, anyway, but the truth is, is that the end of the day? I was still nervous going up to here, but I walked up to her and I literally said this. Hi. This is really embarrassing because I'm a photographer and I don't have a business card on me right now, but I've written my name in my number on this napkin, and I would just like to say that I would love to photograph you. I said, please look at my website. And if you're interested, this is my cell phone number. Give me a call. Now. At that moment, I knew that Aaron A had something special that I could photograph here for free and give her five images from the shoot to say thank you and use here in my website on my social media because my audience off photographers can know that she is somebody I met in a restaurant and gave a free shoot, too. But my clients would never know. They would just be another incredibly remarkable woman that I photographed with a great story that had a great look. So every now and then, it's OK to give away a shoot to boost your folio. So if you see somebody that you just want to photograph, they have a look you love. They have a charisma that you like. Give them a free shoot. It's okay to do a free shoot every now and then. You don't need to go on right on your Facebook page that you're approaching somebody with a net, Ken. But I knew that you would all get a kick out of that. I also knew that you would all get a kick out of the fact that still, after all these years, I'm afraid to pitch to complete strangers. But that really shifted May because I've now just started approaching people everywhere. The best part is this Before she told me that she read the Facebook thread when she rang me the next day, Um, I said to here, I'm gonna email you all the details. I'm gonna give you my next day off dates because I needed to shoot her on one of my days off because it's the deal with a free shoot. I can't fit into my studio. She wrote back. How much is this gonna cost me? So at that moment of connecting with her asking if I can photograph here seeing my website talking to me on the phone, and I didn't pitch her on the phone, I had a conversation. She was prepared to pay for them. So there was the fact that I decided to give it to here, so I gave it to her. And interestingly enough, she still offered me money last week. When she got them, she was like, How much do I owe you? Seriously? I think No, this is something I needed to do for you. I don't know why. I just felt like I needed to. She's an ice skating. She's a champion Russian figure skater. It's 63. Still, teachers figure skating. So now she's teaching me figure skating and I'm loving it. I'm doing my tunes. I'm getting really good. She, you know, smacks me around and makes me She's really tough. It made me realize how tough I am is a photographer when I've got somebody in front of me and I went there arms and like like no drop down talk Maura pose. You know, she's like that, getting grilled here on the ice, and I'm loving it. She gave me something other than just friendship. She gave me something that was so cool. I want you to have the confidence to approach people so that you can create relationships that will change your life in your business. You know, bring a brown who talk on vulnerability when when asked, she failed. That vulnerability was the word that everybody struggled with the miles vulnerability to go up to a stranger vulnerability. To be emotionally honest with your partner vulnerability to tell your partner you wanted to make love with them. People were scared of doing these simple things, just simple things, like walking after another human being paying them a compliment and saying I would love to photograph you. What is the worst thing that's gonna happen the last year and not call you that says more about them than you, cause that says how they feel about themselves and this is incredible. So number one pitching to a stranger. This is what we're gonna do. Number two an inquiry. So inquiry is somebody who is called to a studio email Jew or that literally enquiring for shoot. That pitch is entirely different because that's not a conversation that is service an experience with a price list. Okay, said, this pitch is entirely different now. They've seen what you do, and now you're pitching the service and experience is technically, when Arena called me the second the first time, that's where I'm at number two pitch. Okay, How many of you feel at this moment? This is where you're losing your client and you all blame the price. I know you do, because everybody says, Oh, that's really expensive. People will always say you're expensive, but at that time they might be saying it. But it doesn't mean they haven't not committed to being photographed with you. You know if I try on a $500 pure shoes, I'm gonna say, Look at these shows. Oh, my goodness. They're expensive. Okay? Dont hang Gabbana aren't crying cause you just said that they're expensive. They're like, Yes, they don't hang a banner. I'm wearing Dolce and Gabbana. I'm not now, but these Jessica Simpson's, uh But what I'm saying is, at the end of the day, there's a process that goes through a woman's mind where she's, like weighing up what she wants. This is how much it costs. And she might be saying it out loud. But what you're hearing is she doesn't. Then you may. She thinks I'm too expensive thing to really photographers in this market that a cheaper than may, I'm never gonna make it. I need this money to pay my rent. I can't make my living on this price. That's what you're hearing, Okay? She's just going Can I pay for this cause I really want it. And what you doing in that moment is pushing it away, okay? Your thought process and I don't care what you say in that moment. The energy that you're permeating in that moment is like a skunk. You're a little skunk that is omitting the smell and somebody needs you is like, look at that cute skunk. Oh, and you're still cute. But suddenly you stink and you stink off. No value. You stink off not being worthy. You stink of desperation, A new stink off. Not good enough. And it is so repulsive. It turns people away and is incredible. How many people do this? So today we're going to confront yourself value right, because until you change that, you'll never picture not with the words, because those thoughts will store, just comes straight into your head and instantly permeate through your voice. Very recently, I had a friend of mine who's been a makeup at us for 20 years, and I've known her for 20 years as a make about us. Very successful. She started a business as an energy practitioner, doing energy, work, healing, energy, healing. Now, in my humble opinion, there's two types of clients. People that love energy work. Oh, I love Ricky. Oh, my mom's a reiki master. I love cranial sacral. I love this, I love it and then there's the people that don't know anything about it. three people. And then there's the people that are like, What a lot of rubbish, Right? Three people, those your three clients. So who pitch is to one of those three people I noticed when she was with May, she started to tell people people would ask you what she does, and she'd say, I'm a makeup artist. And I said to here, Why do you tell people you're make about us? You don't even like being a make about this. Do you want to do this energy work? Why don't you tell people what you do? So I just questioned her about why she wasn't telling people that she was an energy week, because the truth is she skated the people that telling her It's rubbish, you know, just like your skate of the people that are telling you you're no good or that you can't make it. You're not a professional photographer. So I listened to her over the weekend, tell people about Energy week because I would prompt it. I would say yes. She also has been to make about us for many years, but she's also started a practice doing, you know, and I would prompt it, and then people would tend to her to ask the questions and who language was like this with and I wouldn't So I bean doing this, you know? And I was listening, listening, listening. So that evening, when she's staying at my house, we sit down, finished in the evening and I was like, Can I tell you something? Inches that you and I said when you pitch yourself of the maker, but as you really believe it, I make about us. I said, When you pitch yourself as an energy healer is not so good and she was like, Well, what do you mean by that? And I said, You don't believe it. You either don't believe it, don't value it or one of those two things don't believe it, Don't value it. And she's like I do And I said, No, you dying because you reek of it. You reek of not believing in yourself. And she was so offended by what I said. This shouldn't talk to mates. She went. Beard shows that in the morning she came out. She said, Can we talk about what you said to me last night? That said, Yep, and She's like, You really upset me. I said, I did tell you, you rake not the nicest compliment to a friend, but to hear she was like it was one of the hardest things to hear. So I want you to just think about what? Your pin mediating when you do that first conversation. Because if it's lazy, then yes, you will be sleazy If it's creepy. Yes, you will be creepy if it's off. No value. I'm not important enough. I'm not good enough. Then that's how you come across. And no matter what you say, everything in your energy will tell a different story. Many Christians. Okay, Option. A question came in about it was from a man. It was about how to announce yourself as a glamour photographer to a woman and go into this business. But retaining your masculinity. So I know you said you feel like you. Maybe you're hitting on a woman when you go on approach them. But how do you No. I know we've talked about men selling this so many times. Can we go over that a little bit? Sure. I don't feel like there's a difference between a mouth photographer and a female photographer in the scenes that I was taught by a male photographer. So he was really good and he was really comfortable with women. Um, I don't believe you have to say that you're a glamour photography in a feminine voice. I think you could say in a very masculine voice. I'm a glamour photographer that specializes and photographing contemporary portrait of women. And when was the last time you were photographed? I feel like that would be a really great way to set. You know, I feel like it's OK to do the ultimate thing, and it would be to take it the IPhone and show them Okay, So before I go my nique slide, I'm gonna come back to what the team pictures are. This really was the thing that changed my career, and I feel like for men and women, this would change your career. I created a business card with, you know, Stephen photographs on it because back then there was no IPhone was 2003. I had a little flip top phone that Billy took a photograph. I don't even know if it did. Actually, and the birth of the Southie and the birth of Facebook, and all of that was just in. It's sort of, you know, newest form. You had to rely on holding a card. Now I just rely on my IPhone, although when I approached Arena in the restaurant, it would have been difficult if I'd stand there with my IPhone and started to scroll through. Um, and I have a file on my phone called Gorgeous, and the file is called Gorgeous, and it has 150 photographs. I've actually bean at parties where people have said You need to look at this in my phone, has gone around the whole party and not come back to me for an hour. I've had to go looking for my phone because people are looking through that file. But this card really changed it for May. If you are a male photographer and you're shooting glamour, just be aware that you're not putting too many shots on their in Tim's off beauty shots. Lingerie, boudoir. You know, because if you're a boudoir photographer, them by all means. But if you're just doing lingerie just across range of age weight woman race, you know you wanna market to everybody, and I feel like if you just show women's beauty, that that's really showing them. The reason I did this was I came from, Ah, place with glamour. Photography was so deed that pitching myself was actually really hard to do because glamour photography had a duty would attached to it, like people just cringed when you see it it and I realized that I was not gonna change the world glamour photography. It was so well branded, I was going to change people's minds by showing them images that were contemporary and beautiful and that made people want to do the experience. So this here simply changed my world when I started my business. Now I didn't get this card until my second year in business, and it costs $ $2000 at a time where money was so tight. But I got 10,000 of them, and this just changed the way because inevitably, when people got this card, what was the first thing they were doing? Stop asking me questions. Now. Talking about what I do is the easiest thing. It's just starting the conversation that was hard and so to me that cod started. Everything okay? Really important. I think that's a real ah ha moment for me. Because as a male photographer is one of the things that I have is the biggest challenge in a happily married man. And if I walk up to women, say, I would love to photograph you even if I had I say with confidence or the right tone or whatever it may be, you know, it has the possibility of going both ways. They could be like, Well, you're a creep, you know? What are you doing? But what I realize is that either with the phone or that card pictures worth 1000 March, you can literally show them exactly what you mean. And and and that's that's big. That's a big difference from a off of how to pitch. Not only with confidence, but with 1000 words of many pictures. Just your wife working your business at all. She does not know. OK, so do you have a makeup artist? I do. Okay. And so, um, do you have pictures of you make about dust? I do. Okay. So what's her name? Lindsay. Aerial. Okay, so you say Lindsay's my makeup out of. She's just Gonna love you. This is Lindsay. She's there with Shoot with May, then straight away. I'm like, It's not you anymore. It's you and Lindsey and seeking Lee. Tell me something. If you see May. Let's say I'm in the subway and you see May and you look at me and you think I would like to photograph here. There's lots of reasons you would want to photograph May. You might like the way Look, you might like the way I move. You might. You might even bay physically attracted. You might even think she's beautiful. Okay, so there is an element off the fact that you are appreciating her beauty when you tell her you want a photograph here because she's clearly beautiful. She might be young. She might be gorgeous. You might even be thinking, Good God, she's hollowed love here in my folio. Okay, I think I think that but I never, ever complement somebody, um, and lease it to say you're incredibly beautiful and I would love to photograph you. I would be very, very broad about how I say that. Like, I would never be like you really beautiful I never say anything about her body Her here? Yes, her clothes. Here's her handbag. Yes, you are beautiful years looking in the eye. But you know what? For the guys. I feel like you can say I have this incredible makeup artist. Her name's Lindsay. You're giving her a name? You're giving her a base. You know she would. She's just gonna love you. You do the shoot with us. Let me email you the details. Here's my card. Email May and I will send you what we dough so that you can see my team and how we work. Come on, think about it. This is about you being sort of confident enough to pitch your business, not yourself as a man and as a woman. I found that easy to connect to her beauty because, like arenas one because she was intrigued as to why I chose here. Now, when we approach the really beautiful, beautiful girl, the young one that says that's a fashion model and probably gonna be the next big thing in L. A. Do you know something really funny? She came in set mix to me at a shared table at the cafe so we could keep talking. So she followed me to the seat. We were 20 other seats in this restaurant and she came and sat down beside B. And then it was like So where did you ask me that? I said, I'm a photographer And this my friend Justine ago, and she's a photographer to We love seeing such beautiful talent like you. And I just figured that you'd be signed with an agency. Where you from? A. We grew up eating lunch with her. Now I follow her on instagram, so I didn't end up photographing her because, you know, she's a fashion model and I don't shoot fashion. But I instantly sent her picture to a large A because they check this girl out. She so you and what I did was made a contact approach. Somebody in public had a conversation, made a new contact on Instagram, connected my fashion photographer friend, and I also, you know, you just suddenly feel like you got it going on, and all of it contributes to your confidence. All right, so that card that make up at us now a lot of guy photographers work with their wives, is make about us or as fellow photographers. It's really easy if you do to say work with my partner, Kate. You know, I work with my wife, Margaret. If you want to introduce a woman, it's much better because there is a safety issue around going to a studio you do not know. Secondly, the first thing that she does when she gets home is gonna look at your website. So if your website doesn't anyway, isn't female friendly? Isn't you know she's not gonna call you? All right? Really, really important. All right. The second is an inquiry is about service and experience with a price list. Okay. You're no longer pitching yourself at this time. You're pitching what you offer. Do you think about the difference? You're no longer pitching yourself. You're picturing what you offer. Do you know how often I call businesses toe Ask for service and nobody tells me what I'm getting, you know, like I called recently, I called this place and they are sorry, I've got a puppy and I want to take my puppy to puppy training. So I go along to this business and it's very fancy, and they have agility and puppy class and all this. All these products and I walk in with my puppy and they acknowledge my puppy more than they acknowledge me, which is okay, and because it's the thing. Love the puppy. Love the public. We love puppies here, love the public. And then they go to sell May A membership, and they just keep repeating the price. So the best the best package, we think the best package the beast pecker to you would be there were the 1 89 I think that 1 89 he just keep going over and over, struggling to say it won 89 89 I'm like, Dude, this is my child. I'd happily pay 100 and $89 full. What? You know, I think the best pictures where you would be the 1 89 keep saying it keeps stumbling on it. The 1 89 I think you know, you just pay 1 89 and that's the best thing. And you get to come back and you can do unlimited classes. What classes? Show me the classes. What am I gonna learn? Who's the instructor? What am I getting and you just keep staying. 1 89 1 89 I felt like saying, Dude already gonna pay it already getting already committed to it. Walked in the door. I wouldn't come here if I wasn't prepared to pay something. What am I gonna get? And still didn't tell me what I'm going to get? Because we're also worried about the frickin money, the money, the money, Get the money, Got to get the money, and then the value. Nobody thinks I'm important. Nobody thinks there were no recon. I can't make money. I can't many. There's so many other people making money and I'm not making and it's all you're focused on. And that is also makes you stinky Stinky, because he is so repellant. I was so repelled by that conversation. That's just like, give me some savers. Tell me what I'm getting. Okay, So in this pitch here, this pitch is about service and experience with a price list. All right, Erin, who would you like to be photographed with? Anybody partner, Mother, sister, best friend. Anybody like or you're welcome to do this sitting by yourself. Anyone? You're my phone conversation. My husband, Your husband. Great It's a pivot. How long have you been married? 16 years. 16 years? Did you have a go wading photographs? Um, no, actually, it wasn't that cool. You get to actually hit beautiful photographs. Now, after 16 years, tell me, do you still like him? I love him. Do you? After 16 years, you know what a new one, dearly 11. That's so cool. Okay, I would love to photograph you and your husband husbands and no extra charge. So what I want you to do, Erin is bring in 45 outfits and I'm gonna make the first hour and 1/2 about you. Okay? I'm gonna do you hear in makeup? Hey, can go shopping. He can go to lunch and then bring his clothes in because he can just join you for the last 15 minutes and I'll take or half. Now, I'll take some beautiful shots of you two together, and then that there in your viewing for when you come back and have a look at them. Remember, you're about to look seriously gorgeous, So make sure you book a restaurant for the evening so that he can take you out and you can show off. Um, it's a really great experience. Any questions? Um, when can you shoot me? Yeah. Okay. So at this stage, your pitch has nothing to do with money, But you do not hang up until you talk about money. But the picture is not about the money. Stop pitching about the money, the money, the money, the money. Tell her what she's going to get. Have a conversation about what she's going to get. What am I getting out of this? What am I getting out of this? It amazes me. How many people are not doing this? Okay, Nikki and mop wanna. I've called you both out on this. You had a client that emailed you. You didn't call them e mail them back. They didn't talk to you. They didn't know you. They didn't connect with you. You didn't do their first or second pitch with them. Both of them came in and got photographed. Their sales were bad. I asked you where you went wrong, and it came out that you didn't do pitch final pitch to right. You both got nowt for it. I told you both off. Now you both back to the pitch right to the consultation and the pitch. Do you understand? Is a business owner how important this is? Your number one pitch is a complete cold call. Your number two pitch is the consultation. It is service and experience, plus a price list. Okay, this is we're I'm gonna say 95 pissing if you were going wrong, I just want to say that we're at number two pitch, which is an enquiries about service and experience. Number three is the consultation is about designing. And pre selling number four is the actual shoot Has a pitch involved in it because it's we build a relationship with them. Show them the price list again. Number five. The viewing is about delivering what you promised, which is what they wanted and that has a pitch. Also, number six is the pickup is we get your referrals and that pitch alone will get you. Repeat business times five. The post contact is when you build a client for life and the business pitch is about building an alliance that will get people coming back over and over again. Every one of these have a connection and a pitch when to talk more about self value and more about woods. How to say it. So speaking of words and how to say it, people, they want exact directions on what to dio. When people walk up to someone that a lot of people have this question and they ask, um, when you say when you start the conversation with them and you're saying and you're expecting them to say, What do you dio So what do you do if they don't say, What do you do when you're talking about? OK, how do you apply that in without them? Ask if you were innocent twice. Morita. Patty. Okay, we're in a situation where the party, the first thing I'm going to do is start a conversation with Susan. So when I start a conversation with Susan, I love your kills. Thanks. Yeah, we start a conversation. What do you do? I'm a photographer. Cool. So generally 90% of time, they'll ask you what you do. If they don't, they're not interested in having conversation with you. You're not going to sit there and pitch to somebody that's not interested in talking to you. So if you can't get into a conversation with somebody. It's basically you can let them go. It's like fishing without you know, You just sometimes you get fishing, you catch nothing or you could be like, Oh, can I just fix your hair? Why are you touching me? Yeah, toner, Even with what would it be okay if I touch you? That conversation, if it doesn't come about, is not gonna happen. You're not waiting for them to ask, you know. Yeah. You're not waiting for them to ask you what you do in order to bring it up. If they're a complete stranger, you're not going up someone to start a conversation. I would think you were more sleazy if you walked up to me and gave me a compliment in and tried to have a conversation with me on the subway than if you walked up to me and said, I have to give you my card because I'm a photographer and I would love to photograph you, check out my website and give me a call or an email. I would think you were listlessly if you did that, then if you just walked up to me and on straight and win, I really love you here? Could that be like Thanks. I think I have seen people do that to her. I Yeah, thanks, but, you know, I don't know. You know, absolutely. So going up to somebody on the street conversation won the cold call. Also, there's a cold call that I didn't put on there. And that is when you approach to business to do business with them. I think that's a really hard when most people can get around and I'm gonna be talking about Yo, yeah, yeah, I've got someone to go through.

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Beckie Sibley

This is an excellent addition to the 28 Days Workshop. Sue is one of several professionals on CreativeLive who have spoken into my life and my business in a powerful way. After thirty-seven years of full time parenting, I am beginning my career as a photographer. I treasure every ounce of business and personal advice that will help propel me forward in my journey. This bonus day did not disappoint. Thank you Sue and CreativeLive!

Ramona W

This is a great course! Sue Bryce is upbeat and wonderful talker! Never boring. Has great ideas! Leaves you feeling more confident about pitching your work to other people.

Student Work