Motion Blur
01:51 2Sunset Bracketing
03:03 3Sandwich Bag Portraits
02:40 4Water Droplets
02:28 5Holiday Light Bokeh
01:45 6Car Trails
01:35 7Playing with Water
01:46 8Double Exposure
05:13Lesson Info
Sandwich Bag Portraits
everyone. My name's Casey and welcome to creative lives. Creative Photography challenge Our challenge today is taking a portrait with the sandwich bag. Sandwich bags in and of themselves are great. For one thing, just getting two things. First thing holding your sandwich. But I just finished lunch and we cut the bottom and you take this wrap around lens. It actually gets this really interesting. Hazy effect were at Hawk Hill in San Francisco, inside of a old bunker for camera settings. For this, it's pretty straightforward. What we really are looking for us for it have an open aperture, something like 1.8. If you have a lens that could go farther, go for it. But 1.8 will do. You just mind now. The ones I have on my camera today is the 50. So the 51. again is gonna be just perfect for this challenge. The shutter speed in the Esso are not as important as we're really just looking to get a good exposure, so adjust accordingly to make sure that exposure is where you want it. Here's your se...
cret tip for the day. If you're not sure about your camera settings or what your exposure look at before your model steps in front of your camera. Hold out your hands and take a picture. So do two things. It will show you that you either have a good exposure and that your light is good. You can see how the light will fall, and then when you test it out, you're able to review and you can. I kind of see, like how that will look with somebody's face gear for this challenge. Is that camera a lens and a sandwich bag kind of going to look over your shoulder a little bit? So what I'm seeing right here is there's this nice soft shadow on her face and adding using sandwich bag. Well, sort of add to this the soft look at surrounding. So looking down the lens of this and what kind of show you, because I can see through this and all I'm looking for is for really mostly just her face to be and focus all right, look directly out into the great beyond that. That's really cool. I love I love the fall off that adds that that's the kind of light that people pay a lot for equipment, and this is a sandwich bag damage bag is what does it. I want to see what you guys are making the kind of portrait you could make with a sandwich bag. Be sure to tag them on Instagram using the hash tag Creative Photo Challenge. And if you haven't already, go to creativelive dot com slash CPC to sign up for more challenges delivered directly to your inbox.
Ratings and Reviews
Tanya Lillie
I love the format of this class. Each challenge is presented in a quick, yet thorough manner. It is a great way to try new techniques. The best way for me to learn is by doing and the format of this class gives me the perfect opportunity to do so.
Aoife Lynch
Really love this idea and excited to take this challenge. Loved the live Facebook chat with Chase last night. Feeling inspired :D
I am more than happy to agree with other people here... this is a great idea and is really enjoyable. Thanks guys :)