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Day 1 Pre-Show

Lesson 1 from: Senior Photography

Kirk Voclain

Day 1 Pre-Show

Lesson 1 from: Senior Photography

Kirk Voclain

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1. Day 1 Pre-Show

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Day 1 Pre-Show

over the next three days alongside the lovely Cathi J. How are you, darling? I'm doing great. How are you? This more good? I kind of want to get a little bit of sun like Southern like voice going on, because Kirk is from Louisiana and it's kind of already starting to rub off on me totally. And I lived in the French Quarter for two years. I'm really excited. Teoh talk with Kirk. Bouts of my favorite restaurant, Louisiana going on way. We're just going to chat here for a few minutes so you can get to know us here in the Seattle studio as well as some of our students here that are joining us and we're gonna have about maybe about nine more minutes of pre show. So we contest our audio and video during that time. Those of you that are already in the chat rooms and you can join, thereby going to creativelive dot com slash chat. If you can let us know if you can already see us in here, it's while we're testing all of that stuff out. We sure would appreciate that. And while you are in the chat...

rooms and letting us know all that information. If you could let us know where you are joining us from around the world. If anyone is from Louisiana Way, let us know where you are joining us, bro. Because we will give you a shadow. Actually, Cathy J will give you a shout out here minutes. Well, so I will be checking the live tab first as we go along. And while y'all are letting us know where you're coming from on the Internet, we are going to introduce you to our amazing in studio audience. And if you all could just tell us where you're joining us from, I feel like I'm gonna say y'all a lot. E let us know where we can find you online. What you're most excited to learn about this week and your name. And if you want what you have for breakfast, but you don't need to follow. And while they do that, if you could go check on the Internet. Yes, I'm gonna go. All right, men, The internet. Okay, well, there my governing follow from Brazil. Everybody. So 12 13 years start talking, but more portrayed. So mainly what I expect from you today which occurred is how you get into senior photography in marketing it the beauty of live broadcasting and why we have this pre show time is so that we could test our audio and video. And so you get to re explain redo lies. But it was great, but what you're saying? Okay, my name is followed your doll. I'm for Lauderdale, originally from Brazil. And I hope people different Brazil there watching this eso I started my business with a pet photography and wedding photography. And for this couple years, I've being doing a lot more portrayed. And Boardwalk and I have been trying to get into the high school area poor traits. And for some reason, I feel that I'm freaking out somehow. And I love Kurtz work. So I hope really learn about marketing and a little more technique off editing your in the right place. How many of you are Tademy from Tademy? Designer photography. I am here with great expectations that Kirk is going to have some amazing information for us. I'm a portrait photographer. We do all types of portrait portrait type work. I know this is gonna be amazing. I'm so happy to be here. I'm from Louisiana also. So you guys are in for a great thing here, so stay tuned. Glad you're here. Finally. Nice to meet you. We've been talking on Twitter forever. You and everybody. So cool. Glad you're here. I am Griffin from Bel Air, Maryland. I'm a member of the pro forum known Park for a couple of years. Enjoy his work. Enjoy his marketing. I do. A lot of high school seniors do some weddings. A little bit of boudoir, mainly portraiture work, but just always looking toe learn anything new from her. I think he's gonna have a couple cool new trips, tricks up his sleeve to share with. I'm Monica, and I'm a local girl here. I'm from Tacoma. A family affair photography, and our website is family affair photography dot com And Twitter is Sam Affair Photo. Um, what I hope to learn from Kirk is marketing and, um, producing some amazing images and such. So we focused mostly right now on weddings and portrait's, and I'm tryingto increase my senior portrait school. Did you have to have you back here a creative life? Thank you. Thanks. I'm Russell. Hey, uh, I'm from Seattle. I am here because Kurt has always been synonymous with Senior Portrait's to me on. And I'm really excited to learn from him because I'm I want to get into senior portrait. You know, he was my first experience with Senior Portrait because he took my senior portrait, uh, years ago. Um, and I'm excited. You can find me online on Facebook, at Russell here, photography and on Twitter at Russell. Excellent. I want to talk to you a few more in a few more minutes and more in depth about that story. But in the meantime, I'm gonna throw it right over to Kathy J. Because I don't know who is joining in online right now around the world. We've got the whole world in our hands right here. And we've got goalie Mom 95 from South Florida. Hello, goalie. Mom, we've got Sunni during us from Saskatchewan, Canada, Kelly, See, from Grove City, Pennsylvania. You said no bonus points for that. But actually, I'm from Pennsylvania, So you get some bonus points some extra. Not as much as Joanne Leboeuf is going to get those from Homa Louisiana. And it told Kirk that you said hello Joey. Um, thanks for that. And we've got CM photography from Lawrence, Kansas. So many wonderful people joining it from around the globe. But we're so glad that you're here. But right now, I'd love to take a moment so you guys can get to know the in studio audience a little bit better. So I'm gonna ask Russell if you don't mind coming on up here, letting me pick on you on day one and putting you in the hot seat of here. Thank you for being willing to do that. So what are the really cool things about your story that I just really, really liked is that you were saying that you're here? You know, a big part of your photography career is that Kirk actually photographed you when you are high school senior. Yes. So how is that experience? A long time ago So way will not stays around. But I You know, I when I was going for my senior portrait, it's, you know, Kurt was the person you go to. It's just kind of was the person that we always look to for senior fortunes. He did both of my sisters. He actually just recently did my nephews who graduated from high school and, uh, actually used him as a on a billboard in Homo, which was pretty amazing, is your whole family does. Yeah. So, uh or at least he's photographed my whole Yeah, so I mean, it was a really good experience. It is my first time actually being with a professional photographer, Andi, that kind of sparked the interest. And then it developed him throughout college on. Then when I moved up to Seattle, I just kind of your own. Come here like, Hey, it was done for my sister because my sister was an art teacher, and so one of the classes that they had to take in college was photography is part of the education. And she gave me the camera because she was done with your class on. I just started taking pictures, and that's a wonderful And so, how long have you been a creative life follower? Since the beginning. So I originally was watching chase drivers live and yeah, so I've been I've been with creative life. Okay, so that when you heard the call out for Kirk E dumped on it like OK, so you had no hesitation to put together a video. What did you do for your video? I think I just told the story that I just that's it. Ok, do you do on your IPhone or did you actually dio No. So my camera doesn't shoot video, So I did it on. I have a power book on Guy just used the ISight camera. I did it at work in one of our comfort e I doubt anybody from my work is listening. We'll cover for you that will be cut out the pre show. It was at least that much. Okay, fair enough. Well, that's really cool. So I think a lot of people out there on the Internet, you know, so many people want to have that creativelive experience of being here learning first hand from an instructor. And so it's always a great treat to be able to bring one of you guys up and share that experience of like, it's not really that scary posting a video because all we really want to do is get to know you who you are and why you want to be here. So those of, you know, out there on the Internet. If you could give them one word of advice to, like, make their video for the next instructor coming on, what would be it? Find a good story to tell. I mean, but that's really what it boils down to is just find a reason that you connect with the instructor and I think that that's gonna help. Just be personal. I like it. Thank you so much, Russell, for being willing to come on up. I look forward to getting to know you over the next few days.

Class Materials

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Senior Portrait Retouching

Ratings and Reviews

a Creativelive Student

Enjoyed the course from start to finish especially all the marketing, advertising opportunities and pricing ideas. My wife and I spent Labor Day re-watching the marketing and pricing section and came away again with so many great ideas. Workflow and shooting the pics is more my responsibility of my business and his posing, lighting and workflow is awesome...In the beginning of the course I was disappointed in the actions as freebies but the more I got into the course and especially the last day with workflow, I broke down and used the Pro4um coupon from the swag bag and joined. That's what really made the actions more valuable because when you join the Pro4um, you get the entire setup for Kirk's workflow. The bridge setup, the scripts etc...I greatly appreciate what Kirk taught in this course and his passion for this line of business because it's helping WHP in every area from start to finish with our buisness!...Thanks Kirk and Thanks creativeLIVE for having Kirk do this Senior Photography course!

Leroy Tademydandp

If you want to take you photography to the next level you need to buy this course. Great content with an experienced passionate instructor who is also quite entertaining. Kirk's knowledge of marketing, cameras, and workflow are second to none. I urge you to do yourself and your photography a huge favor go to the top click the green button that says BUY! If you don't your missing out.

a Creativelive Student

His work is amazing and he has been a big font of inspiration for me... I wish I could be there to be part of it, live... :-)

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