Perfecting the Eyes and Proof Building
Kirk Voclain
Lesson Info
32. Perfecting the Eyes and Proof Building
Day 1 Pre-Show
10:04 29:00 am - Why Does this Class Matter?
39:15 3What Do You Want From This Class?
29:46 4Getting the Word Out
29:31 5Aggressive Marketing
25:49 6Marketing on a Budget
20:34 7My Pricing Strategy
30:19Pricing Catalogs
34:35 9Pricing Q&A
18:27 10Radical Pricing and Most Successful Advertising
20:26 11Pricing Phone Call Example
32:59 12The $2000 Average
23:04 13Day 1 Wrap-Up
04:21 14Day 2 Pre-Show
10:58 15Equipment and Indoor Lighting
30:27 16Outdoor Lighting
14:52 17Posing Indoors and Outdoors
33:51 18Indoor Shoot: Senior Girl, Lexi
27:31 19Indoor Shoot: Senior Boy, Shawn
18:37 20Indoor Shoot: Senior Girl, Raven
19:53 21Shoot: Outdoor Rooftop
34:49 22Scratching Things off the Board
28:56 23Underwater Photography
52:57 24Review of the Day
07:09 25Day 2 Wrap-Up
04:17 26Day 3 Pre-Show
10:17 27What's Left on the Board
15:06 28Speeding up Your Workflow
35:13 29Workflow Q&A
23:38 30Overview of Adobe Bridge
45:05 31Camera RAW Workflow
30:22 32Perfecting the Eyes and Proof Building
45:54 33Sharpening, Album, and Action Building
35:20 34Thanks + Credits
03:29 35Colors and Backgrounds
34:13 36Liquify Tricks
21:59 37Day 3 Wrap-Up
08:39Lesson Info
Perfecting the Eyes and Proof Building
and welcome back, everyone. Hope you had a great break. We are continuing on our final day, Day three with senior photography with Kirk Will Clain And I'm just gonna hand it right over to you because you said you're a ton of material. Go get in the side. We're getting inside photo shop. That's where we're going. And we are going to try and absolutely tackle all the things if not all the things on the workflow list At least many of the things on the workflow list so that we can we're gonna try. And best we can knock these things out. Photo shop is actually right now running through those images we did right now, Like I showed you earlier how it converts for me and it runs in the background. See, it's sitting there doing its bit knocking those images out. I had all I have all of this already done inside Photoshopped right here. Already done. I did him this morning, but you know you don't want to see me work files that already been done. So I went back right before we broke in, and I'm ha...
ving Photoshopped rework those files for me, okay? So just to give you just 18 18 90 recap. This is my sample Workflow folder. If you notice there is a folder in here has 000 as in the date that is the date. Whatever of the customers fold us. Create a folder with the today's date that the customer I'm working on inside of that folder I have another folder, customer name, and that is the customer's name. And inside this folders where all those raw Photoshopped files are located. Just to show you how fast it happens, you highlight, um, you can then set the preset to go to default for all of them, and it makes all those images nice little default. And then you can go in very, very, very fast. That was pretty good like that. Maybe make this black and white. Watch this. Show you how quickly this can happen. Change the black and white love. It changed this. Now we're gonna do something else with that trains that take the vignette off that remove and yet okay, slipped down here. That one love it. This one. Let's make this a little bit of a greeny fuzz. Yeah, like that that one. Good. This one would make this. So how about bright? No bright color? Yeah. I'll take bright color. That was good. Make this one. How about maybe blue? We like blue. Oh, too weird. Let's go back to vintage two were. Let's just keep it. Adult default. Default. All right? Yeah. Then you can go and make ever so slight Adjustments. That was good. This one looks a little t 90 dark, so we'll lighten it up. Just a hair. This one. Love it. This 12 yellow. So Well, that was done without that light. Like I showed you yesterday with just that clamp on light shop light. Yep. So take the yellow out contrast. Creates a little bit of clarity. Okay, This one like it? That one? Fine. A little bit of yellow here. This one was done. See this little bit of yellow glow in her hair? That's actually done with a 2000. What? Dear lamp? We call it in the south anyway. Is that the battery operated light that you buy from Walmart? You pull the trigger. It looks like a little gun. You shoot that at the at the deer toe. Look, around very, very strong 2000 candlepower. Something like that is what it is in any way. You just shine that at the hair and, man, it gives it that nice, clean yellow glow. Sometimes you get a little bit of the tungsten color into the subject. So you gotta take that just little bit out like that. And a little contrast like that. Good. That one. Good. That one like, Oh, here's one Just to show you again how you can do that Blue, blue, blue sky making even bluer You can right here, Lou Minutes dark in the blue and saturate the blue I like that. I was pretty cool. Love it, love it, Keeper A little dark right here on their done. And then you could just highlight boom, start there All conversion goes back to taking pictures. So I guess I just wanted you to see literally how fast that could happen. So once you get those images all done inside photo shop and they are now they're think or are they still doing there? There? What I do is I set up mini bridge inside Photoshopped down here at the bottom, and it shows me all of the images in that J Peg folder that are ready to really ready to work. Now, some people open up, say, six images. If you shot six, they open up six images and Photoshopped. They'll start working the 1st 1 Close it. Save working a 2nd 1 Close it. Save lovable block. Okay, If you're doing that, every image that's open and Photoshopped is using photo shop resource is such as Ram scratch disk. All those things are you using up your resource is the mawr images you have open and photo shop. The more of those research sources you're using, thus the slower your photo shop is running. So to speed things up on Lee, open one image at a time. Okay? Now you only open up one image at a time. You know, it could be yet another slow down, because you have to go five open. You can double click the background and it goes. It opens up toe area and you go find your image and you open it or you can go file open and go find your image. Well, look, just open up many bridge and it shows you all the images that in there. And you just now won't work this image close. It won't work this image. Close it and so on. So forth. Cool. So it's kind of a way of having all your stuff right there in front of you. You can make many bit bridge kind of big if you want. Make many bridge. Very, very small if you want. Yes, ma'am. You closure image, does it? Save it? Well, what do you have to push safe? No. When you get when you click close. It asked me. It actually asked me Do you want to save it? Do you want to cancel your I click save and then it closes and goes away Good. If I go to my file and click is just gonna But open my window is not gonna open my photo shop. But because even mini bridge If I click their open automatically in PC or Mac or PC, it opens. And I mean it's exactly you just go straight to for the shop has not been open. Oh, you just double click and shoots into Oh, no, no. If I go to my file not my photo shop. My photo shop is closed. I go to my file. My picture J Peg is there and I double click. It opens in the window. V were something. Something I would you like it open? But if I want to open for the shop, I have to click my right click open in and then give me the optional Photoshopped. But if I want dual that question and the Google world will show you how to set up your windows so that when you double click it, it will then go straight to make. It'll make photo shop your default instead of preview. And but on this case there, when you open mini bridge Yes. If I open my mini bridge there instead off open my files open a mini bridge when I click my computer's understanding then is going opening for the show. Correct? Ok, correct. OK, so you know this You all saw it done with the eyes fixed. So to fix to do that, I needed to go find me some good eyes. And so if I recall this morning I used these eyes. Copy Highlighted. Um copy. Come over here paste. What do you see is the most obvious problem delighting the lighting exposure, wrong size, lots of problems We're gonna control T command control T to bring up free transform. We're gonna hold down our shift key, and then we're gonna solve. By doing that, it locks in the transition. See, now, if I don't hold down my shift key, it goes all over the place. See? And I don't want that to happen because I want to make sure the aspect ratio of his eyes stays the same. Gonna shrink him down? Come over here. I'm gonna line it up best we can with his eyes. Now, since I'm going from such squinty eyes to non squinty eyes, I need to make him just a little squinty so it doesn't look fake. Okay, so I get it kind of the right size that's getting close to the right size than to make sure it is the right size. I reduce my opacity to 50% on those eyeballs, and I lay them down right on top, and I go, Yeah, that lines up, doesn't it? And I change the opacity back to 100 hooking here. So funny. I can hear the internet in my head going do that again. Okay. All I can say is that I apologize for creative Live right now that they don't have rewind on the live broad. Wait, Do that again. That's the most common this segment. Whenever I'm teaching these classes, it's like the class. Wait, Do that again. I'm gonna see that 10 times. All right, so anyway, you get it to this size, then you click at the bottom of your layers palette, this little square with a circle around it, and it creates a layer mask. I fill that layer mask at it, fill with black, and I am purposely going fast because I want you to know I'm like, I'm making a point here, fill with black paint, brush paint with white, zoomed in to his eyes and watch what happens. The eyes open. Creepy. Okay. Why the way? If you want to switch right now, I'm painting with white Means I'm exposing. Yeah, if I want to do a little racing because this this is a bit of an eyebrow that I do not want to show. I click X and now I'm erasing what I just did. OK, come over here. X, opening the Uh, what I'm doing is I'm exposing what is on top of his closed eyes and so, like, this watch before, after before, after a little bit of a problem I see is that the after has a little bit of different exposure control or command em dark. And I'm just a little bit now it's pretty close to the same exposure and flatten or merge those two control of command E. And there you go. Here we go. We'll go all the way before and then after before and then after now, I was going very e was going very, very vast on purpose. Now, if I can talk it that fast, I realized Now if you tried to go duplicate that at home, you're gonna be a wait a minute. That was stopped away. How do Why Why come how for me, Okay, But if you practice that and you don't have to talk it out, you can see why I can't start having a little bit of a fight. Here's that. Here's the guy I fight with every day on my computer. I'm circling that clock and me and that clock fight all day. I'm watching it because it's not gonna be more than three minutes. It's just not gonna happen. And so if I if I do it under three minutes, I win, I win. If it's more than three minutes to clock winds and it's almost like this Italian side of my head who won? Oh, it's Kirk to clock one, and it's back and forth, and it's it makes it fun for me. And as a result, you know, at the end of the day I win. I win. If I win and I win, even if I lose because it kept me going that fast and again. The whole point is to get you home. I want to get you home at night. All right, So that was that was changing an eyeball. I'm a clay. I'm a save it closed that down, though. Another thing I want to show you. And this is the perfect image to show you is eyes because very, very, very common. This is what I dio open an image and I zoom, boom into the eyes. I sort of start with the eyes and work out and I touch every image. So have you ever noticed? Ah, person will come in and you'll say, Oh, she has pretty eyes. And then the person right behind her will come in, Got the same color eyes, But they're not pretty anymore. What? What happened? I have I have, man. I bugged me for a long time. And here's what it is. It is this dark rim. She does not have it, but she's gonna have it. You take your burn tool and you burn the outside color part of the and I'm a go slow. Uh, do you hear Oliver? Who's? And I heard the whole Internet go hashtag coolest thing ever. Okay, real quick. Before I move on before. After before. After I can hear. I can feel everybody running to their mirror right now. Pretty I do. I have pretty eyes. I have pretty okay. So anyway, then I take my paintbrush normal mode, 100% capacity painting with black, and I remove any of the catch lights that I do not like. I do not like any of those because that little black area of the eyes black and how black is black was black blacker than black. Black is black, black or body. So it's just black. So I get that gone. Then come over here to my Dodge Tool and I dodge in. This is the main light, and I dodged a little brighter than the one underneath. Okay, then I want to add some what I call swoosh little swoosh to the I and I do. I do that with my Dodge tool about what I'm at 61% out of work. Mid tones here is a very important little keynote at this point is right here this thing. I'm circling protected tones make sure protected tones protect tones is unchecked because if you'd have it checked, it's not gonna look as clean is what I do, so make sure that's unchecked. And then here's the swoosh. You just kind of go back and forth like that, and you add this little swoosh to the color part of the eye, and it makes the I look three dimensional. Now, while you there, you hold down the old key or option key if you're on a Mac and you roll around that dark part of the eye, and it now burns that area in, and it makes a nice transition from dark to color and then sometimes because I went right over the white part. I have to go in and put just a little bit of more dodging back in. And so there you go. Watch this eyeball. Okay. Watch totally before. Not bad. Totally after, uh, way more spectacular before. After before. After. And I'll show you both eyes because that's another thing. Do not do what I just did. Do not retouch one. I all zoomed in like this. I did that for the sake of the cameras on my computer. So you get a nice clear shot of it. But when you're doing this at home, do not do it that way. Always retouch both eyes at the same time. If you do that burning around the outside, then go do it to this. I If you do a little dodging than you do it to this, I whatever you do, the one due to the other. If not if you try to do one, you'll never get the other one the same. And two on the two eyes have to be the same or pretty close to the same. Or else you're gonna be in trouble. Okay, But again, for the sake of teaching, we're going to skip the I, which is really weird. And they were gonna handle some of the issues. See these air issues that she has to get rid of the issues. I use the healing brush tool. Okay. And you hold down the all key, take a sample and you just and it's going. Here's what we do. Is far as zits. Yes, about zits. This is wins. Its would be removed. Okay. And this is house. It's removed now. Just a bit of a speed trick. There's nothing. Nothing sos itsy as a big black dot am I right? Ours. It's even that bad. No. No way. Now, to fix those zits, we're gonna call in black dots or zits. You could clone and fix, clone and fix with the healing brush. Okay, we'll put him back. But again, I'm always looking for little biddy things to speed up my world. Even if it's 1/2 a second. If I have 123456 it's and it takes me 1/2 a second faster to do it faster than anything else. I've just saved three seconds. Big deal right? Oh, no, I do. 24 images times three seconds. How much of us save now? Minute. I do three seniors a day. Let's say I've now saved three minutes. I do 100 seniors of season 200 seniors a season. How much time? It all adds up to time. We all have the same amount of time in a day, so anything even 1/2 a second faster is extremely important. OK, so here's Here's a faster when it fast trick. Whenever you're on the healing brush tool. Noticed that the it's set to sample, which is how it defaults. Normal. Default. All this don't mess with it. Notice. Right here. A line sample is unchecked. What that means is, and this is the default. This is how it defaults, what that means. If I sample this piece of skin right here and I cleaned up notice where it's coming from, that's the plus. The plus is where it's coming from. The circle is where it's going, all right, and then there's it is clear, but I haven't touched anything, and I now come up to this, is it, and I start to clean it. Notice it's coming from exactly the same spot. So the come from spot never changes. So once you find a nice, clear piece of skin, Lou Oh, hello. Once you find a nice, clear piece of skin, say, here you do not have to sample. Fix, sample, fix, sample, fix zzz. Okay, you have to simply nice, clear piece of skin. Fix, Fix, fix, fix, fix again. We're talking about three seconds. Faster now. Fasters. Faster. Yes. OK. Comparing that now to the clone tool notice when I'm on the clone tool. Notice how Now this thing is checked A line sample a line sample. That means that let's say I go to clone this eyeball right here. Click. And I want to put it for whatever reason, I can feel someone tuning in right now. Going. Does he really? Does he really put eyeballs on the foreheads of his seniors? No, he does not. He's teaching us about the clone tool. All right, so I want to clone that right into there. The sample is aligned. Now watch. I'm going to go down here and I'm gonna start cloning. But see whether sources see the source. It stayed aligned. No matter Now where I go, that source stays the same distance away from the thing all the way through. Okay, I'm undo that. Let's undo the eyeball. Okay, Now watch what happens if I uncheck the align tool? Just so you understand, I want you to understand what it does. I'm going to sample the eyeball, I'm gonna paint an eyeball. I'm gonna come down here and I'm a pain and eyeball, and I come down here and I'm a pain an eyeball. So wherever I go, I campaign eyeballs now because of the fact that it has been a constantly sampling from the same place boys that weird or what does he really do? Eyeballs all over his customers? I don't get that. It would make sense if you're making, you know, like a graphic novel and you're making a alien character from another planet s o. Do you understand? Now that check that a line check what it's saying. So mo again, this is default. This is the way you haven't. You have to change anything. But there are times when you might want it to align when you're on the healing brush. And there are times when the clone tool. You might want it not to align. And so just so you understand what that is? Okay. No, that has been around for a while, OK? Because we're talking about photo shop. A lot of people working layers. You specifically don't like your donor command. I'm glad. I'm glad you asked, because that is something that people Austin Times tell me all the time. Well, I work in layers, and then they say I I save it off Is a layer sort of goes back to our question earlier about, you know, different things. How do you how you do this and how you do that? Do you really deleted in my in my career? It's only been a few times that someone says, Oh, I wish you could fix undo or anything like that. Well, remember, I always have the raw file that I can go all the way back to their off island start, start fresh, start from scratch and fix whatever it is that they want me to fix before the most part. That is a very rare event. They usually like what I do. So I on Lee work for the gin for the sake of time in the test sake of speed, I work on the background layer. For the most part, there are a few times in few situations where I will make a dupe and do things. But I work in the background. If someone if, for example, I was to come in here and I would paint my dots and paint my dots and I don't know why I would paint dots on the subject, but I would and I go, Oh, turn it. I wish it were the painted all those dots I can always control z them. I could take him off. Okay. And that's option Command Z and its step. Step, step, step back. Okay, But let's say I'm painting dots and I'm painting dots and I'm doing things to photo shop and I want to go back all the way back to the beginning. Well, I always have my history palette, my history battle. Take me all the way back to right there. Boom! Before I even started, you understand? And so I can step all the way through my history Pallet where? But now there's only so many of these. What is known as states that you can have now by making a duplicate layer. It's just like having two images. Now, if you make another ladies like having three images and again, it's all about resource is the more layers you make, the more resource is a photo shop. You're taken up and I'm about speed and keeping things as fast as possible. So I work on the background layer. So that's not to mention I've been I've been playing and photo shopped for a while until, as a result, I kind of know what I'm doing. And I know what I want to do. If it makes you feel good to make a layer, by all means make a layer. I'm not telling you not to, but I don't. You know, I just know where I'm going. I'm just gonna get out and do it that answer it. It's all right. Move. Let me close this one. So we kind of talked. Look, I get to do a little scratch right now, so I'm going to do a scratch because I get to take the eyes off, okay? And I have not done that. Let's see, let's say this customer right here this image. The mom says I I wanted eight by 10. Okay, let me show you eight by 10 crop. Okay, there's an eight by 10 crop, and I deliver it like that. And she goes, Well, you chopped off too much of the head chopped off too much head on. Look, we like that dress down there, okay? This is what I mean when I say grow and image and this is not going to be the most perfect example of what I'm talking about. But you could crop beyond the image like this. Okay, Now, she is not gonna want these white edges, okay? She is not gonna want all of that. You could use content aware, or you could just grow the edges a little bit, which I'm gonna come down here and controlled t and I'm gonna grow it. I don't. And it's rare that it's a head shot like this, that they want me to do this too. But this side's gonna get really funky. Not bad. Funky, but funky nonetheless. But you see the main. So now she has pageant hair. Yeah, but do you see how I kept the whole thing in there and I could calm some of that down and shifted around a little bit, but I literally grew the image. I cropped beyond it and then grew the image. This works really, really good for outside. Don't save. Let me show you. How about this one? It's gonna work fantastic on this one. Here's one. Here's my A, but 10 crop, But she wants the whole thing. All right, We're gonna go beyond. Calm down. Let's go way out here. Beyond Okay, So now so what? That I stretched the background. Who cares? Watch. Let's stretch the background. Nobody's ever gonna know. Cool. So that's what I mean when I say grow the background. All right, so let me show you. Let me show you a scratch. Here we go. Rowing images Scratch. OK, go back on that. I was just one question, because you already scratching dies. Do you touch the do re touch on the veins? No, thanks for asking. Do you do a little extra sharp? No, I do not do extra sharpening on the eyes. Now I'll tell you the story about veins. If if she was out drinking the night before you know which happens sometimes and those eyes are really, really weirded out. I will have been known to come in and take my sponge tool sponge tool, move it to de saturate mode, flow 100% and then rub it on those veins. And all I'm doing is taking out the red and Onley Wanna rub in the white area because I don't want to de saturate out here. She has that turned in part of her skin, black and white. That's not what I want. I just want a de saturate the red Now. I could literally go in now and clone out every one of those lines and all that good stuff. It's a problem. A buddy of mine, that I was at his house. He's a photographer, and I see this thing in an ashtray looking at me and I go was that he says, Oh, that's my glass eye. And I'm like, Dude, you a photographer and you have a glass eye. Come on, Really? He goes, Yeah, it's my glass eye, and he pops it out, look and pops it back in. I was like, How is it that you have a glass eye? He says. You know he was a kid. Your mama said, Don't play with that BB gun, not even shoot your eyeball out I said, Yeah, he said, I did. I'm like, so you the one that makes us all have to pay for that, right? He said, Yeah, I'm the one And I said, OK, man. And so I got to play with it, which it was creepy and weird, but I got to play with his glass eye and he told me how Maney mega dollars he has to pay for glass eyes because they're all hand painted and I got to looking at the glass. I really, really, really hard and all these little red lines or painted into the glass eye because that's Riel. And I thought, Imagine if my body came to me and wants me to photograph him and his family. He's paid thousands of dollars to put lines in his eyes, and then I proceeded to take him out and and I realized, you know what? I'm making it, not really by taking those those all those lines out the I. So I quit. At that moment, I quit and I find it made. The eyes look better. So at the very most. I will do that. But I don't usually. In this girl's case, none of the none of these three that I photographed yesterday. Did I do any of that kind of stuff? Cool deal. Nope. Just the sharpening that happens inside for bridge when it makes the conversion. So anyway, let's close that out. Now I'm going to zoom back over to this image. Where is it? Right there. And this was something that people asked about online was the saturation Will That same tool? The sponge tool set to saturate mode and 100% flow the first time you opened? Sponge. If you've never opened sponge of before, it set the de saturate flow 50%. That's how it's set the first time you use it. So you're gonna have to change it to saturate. Crank the flow upto 100%. I like to have the vibrance check box checked. OK, now watch what happens to all this blue watch. What happens? All this nice yellowy color and I'm gonna go too far. I am absolutely gonna just to make a Yeah, that looks good. Make a point. I do not go this this far, especially on this kind of an image. But I'm gonna go too far to make my point. Do you see how what that did here we go before, After before? After before. After that is how I do all that saturation stuff. Here's the most important thing to remember. Stay off the skin. Because if you don't, she looks like a simple lumpen. Okay, Not good. And if you don't know what Opal Opal is, watch William No choc Willy Wonka and the chocolate factory and you'll say, Oh, she does look like a opal Opa. Okay, boy, someone just tuned in there like all Kurt does is criticize people. I can't believe that it's not what I'm doing. Step away from the Do not roam the saturation tool on the skin. That's how I get the saturation. Look, I get to do a little scratch off. Here we go. Scratching set duration. Okay, Now, another thing that was asked a lot was your proofs. Kirk, let me go flipping back to bridge, and I'll just use my sample workflow gun Once I'm done working all the images and stuff I do. I run this thing called image processor pro, and you condone Do a search for Dr Brown Image Processor Pro. It's a free little free download that you can get to plug in that you plug into your photo shop. It's very photo shop specific, so if you're on six, make sure you get the 61 If you're on five, makes you get 51 all right. And what it does is it. It's like image processor that comes with photo shop but on steroids and I'm opening up in a minute. And what it allows you to do is a whole sequence of different things and put all these things in a folder. So some of the things that I make or I picks here we go and then I pick is an image that sized perfectly to fit on like a Facebook or an IPhone or something like that. I think it's I have to go check what I think it's 500 or 600 on the long side or something like that. But it puts my logo on the image, okay, and so do I. Sit here and manually put the logo vertical and horizontal and all this other good stuff on these images like this. No, I do not have it already pre set up, and I let Image Processor pro do It also size images for an emoto to make those an emoto movies like you have seen over the last couple of days. And so an Emoto wants a specific size image that's being uploaded. So I run that through Image Processor Pro, and it makes those I'm going to skip proves because I'm coming to that last. Here's one ready for Web on the Pro Forum. I post a lot of images last year, year before three years now in a row, I have posted every senior picture that I have photographed for the last three years. Every one of them. The good, the bad, the ugly, every image I did. I mean, if I messed up something bad, you saw it, okay? And so I hid nothing. Okay, well, to be able to do all that up loading, I have to have him size just right. So I made a folder ready for Web. So it's easy to upload onto the pro forum and then finally, proofs. Here's what my proofs look like. I'm open one of these up in Photoshopped it the dimensions. If you notice in photo shop, it's seven inches wide. It's five inches tall. It has this double stroke on it, a thick stroke, a thin stroke. It has a black border all the way around the image, so the inside dimensions of the image is four by six. The outside dimensions is five by seven. When I send that to the lab, I have combined them with a comb binding, and it comes back to me all nice and finished in this beautiful little comb. Binding but a little plastic cover, a little cardboard backing. I didn't take that, and I slip it inside of a nice little folder that I get from leather album design. Do a search for leather album design. I slip it into this nice little folder cost me. I can't remember the exact price, but it's less than $20 for this nice little folder, and it has my logo on it, and it feels good, and it's just the right size slipping in but a little piece of tissue around it, and we boom that goes to the customer makes an incredible presentation it does have my logo on it, and action wraps my logo around the strokes. He hides kind of one top of one, and behind the other puts little copyright logo, blah, blah, blah. And it's amazing this little teeny piece of red right here and right here actually cross into the customers area. That's yet. That's the Onley, so it's not a big, splashy logo or anything. And if someone wants that red removed, then you have to buy a proof that costs more. But if you want to buy this physical proof, we sell them for $20 apiece. Or if you buy the entire set $8 times the entire set, and it comes with the nice little book and the whole bit cool deal. So this hopefully clears up with everybody. What is a proof? Kirk? This is approved. So, yes, it's a finished print. It is ready to go. It is exactly like everything is just size and everything ready to go to make proofs. All right, so action that make it vertical in horse. It is a script that makes vertical and horizontal have a vertical action, and I have a horizontal action, but I run the action via a script in the script is this can get complicated. But again, I made it a simple as possible for you all part of I made a movie in as part of my work flow so that you understand how to load a script, how to make the script work the whole bit. So is it the skin? The script looks at the image and says, Is it wide? Or is it talk? Oh, it's wide. Then run this action. If it's tall within, run that action. And that's all the script does. Okay, very, very not complicated. But if you had to write that script, it would probably be complicated for you. But the script is already pre written for you. Just gonna load it something. Okay. Now, to show you this image processor profile automate. See image processor pro. Won't you get the plug in? This is where it is. And once you see this, you're gonna go. I get it. Now. This is the missing link. Everybody's gonna think I really, really, really want this. And the really cool thing is it's free, not for pay. Okay, so right here Step one member I showed you just a little while ago. Step one, Step two. Step three sub four. That was Image processor. This is Image Processor Pro. It's that on steroids. Here we go. You get a minute watch. Select the images to process so I can choose which folder. I want to do this too. Okay. Thes sequence of events. So, like, if I wanted to do it to that fixed folder these, uh, the J pegs that are in that fixed folder. But choose J. Peg and so right here say it's gonna run on all those J pegs. Then where do I want to put what it does? I want to put it in the same location and see each one of these tabs is what I'm having it do. So the 1st 1 is an emoto click. Save the folder is gonna be named Anna Moto. It's going to rename the document to dash an Emoto. So I know that this is a file that is now for an emoto. Then the extension it's going to save it. It's going to save it at J peg quality 10 and it's gonna embed the color profile It's going to resize the image, though, to 2500 pixels on the long side and the haIf of 25 pixels at a resolution of 72 p p. I. And that is what this is going to do when it runs. Then for proofs, it is going to save it as a J. Peg in a folder called Proofs. It's going to rename it Dash proof. It is not going to resize it because I'm running and actions here. I hear running an action noticed before imagery size, and the action is right here. It's in the five by seven proofs action section under run five or seven proof script, and it runs this action and makes those proofs okay, Then it's gonna make eye picks. High picks is going to first resize to 400 on the long side and 400 on the tall side resolutions, 72 pp. I save as a JPEG quality six. It's going to then run in action after the imagery sizes, and it's gonna put Dash I pick. So you start to see my goodness. It does all this. You can then have it ad. You have something else that you want Hold folder of black and whites. You want a whole folder of color? I mean, it'll do all sorts of things like that for you. Ready for Web sticky? This is my my sticky album thing that allows me to upload to sticky albums. Okay? And it puts my logo across it and all that fancy stuff. All right, so it's gonna do all these things, and I'm not going to run it. No, I'm not gonna run. It's going. I'm a runner on. I'll show you what it does. I'll go back. And when I click run, boom! It opens up to you. But the and he's just running. Man didn't. And all this stuff is happening while I'm not touching photo shop anymore. Okay, So it's making. Making an emoto making proves making I pigs making ready for rate making a sticky album. All that stuff. I'm a cancel, but I'm a show you again, Back to bridge. This is what it does. It makes this an Emoto folder. It makes this I pics folder and makes this proves folder and makes this ready for Web folder. All those types of things for me. So imagine how much time that saves me if I had to sit there. A pack of 24 proves that the resize it. But there's a mama savory, citing the inside of say three times, right? I'm sorry. That is entirely too time consuming. So now it just runs for me. If I wanted to number pictures like 123456 it could I'm created script that does that. You want the numbers on the front, right? Yes. There is a script that will do that. It is. It is complicated. Um, but there is a script that will do that. Try Google in that question. And and with Adobe scripts, you may find it pretty easy like that. But I've seen it. I've looked at it. It's above my pay grade to write it. Could I have seen it? And they might be just floating out there somewhere. Might be posted on the pro for. Maybe that's where I saw it. I don't know. Check it out. Cool. All right. Moving on. So that is really quick. Like a bunch of things that I think is going to save somebody sometime. I think so. I'm hopeful that you're pulling your pulling stickers off the wall right now. Tons of stickers off the wall. Okay, let's get you going home faster. Let me look real quick. How so? You wanted to know. I can scratch that off. I meant to scratch that off earlier that you wanted to know how long? Three minutes. That's the thing. Um, let's see settings. We talked about settings when I output to a print. OK, it's the full resolution. It's the way I e. I mean, it's not made bigger or made smaller. It's the full resolution saved at a maximum quality of 12. Okay, so I just want to mention that. But if four is all the other settings that we've kind of talked about, I real quick I want to touch on this too grainy when you send it to the to the lab. You know, that could be all kinds of stuff. It could have been that you're I s O was was high. And that puts grain into an image. It could have been all sorts of things that caused this grain problem. Whoever forget you did, it could have been I noticed the lens you used not to be critical, but that was not a cannon. 7200. It was another brand 7200. And I'm not knocking it. But I'm just saying there's a reason it costs less. How's that attack? You know, So that could have introduced a little bit of grain into the image It could have been. It could have been that it was shot way over here. But then you cropped in two right here. Now, if you did that, man, there's no fixing that other than to tell you before you pull the trigger, get in and crop in camera. It is a very difficult thing for some unknown reason for people to seem to crop in camera. Okay, but that's what you have to train yourself to do. You have to train yourself to quit leaving all this airspace in case and get it the way you want it here. When you're looking through that camera when you get it there just awesome. That will Definitely That's what I do. That every time they didn't stop doing that, OK? Yeah, Absolutely. Okay, good. So damn good. Scratch that off. You asked about the best print vendor? What I've told you a couple of times that I use Agent H Color lab and they to me, are the best. And you can you can try him out. They would love to try to have you as a customer and and see what you like. See if you like him. It's not to me. A a lab is a marriage. That's the best way I could. I could describe it. It's like, you know, if I had to leave H and H, I would feel like there was a divorce. You know, I feel like I'm married to them. They're so important to my business. And of course, my business is important to their business. They want me to succeed. They really do. You know why? If I'm successful, they're successful. If I got a computer problem, I mean, I got I got the tech guys cell phone number and I can literally call him up. Bentley, Here's my problem on the weekend on a Sunday. I honestly know that I could do that. I've already had situations where, you know a customer had to have this by tomorrow. Don't worry about it. Kirk will make sure it happens It's never happened to me, but I'm not saying this happens a lot. But I've heard stories about private airplanes being chartered to make sure orders get there. This the kind of people we talking about?
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Ratings and Reviews
a Creativelive Student
Enjoyed the course from start to finish especially all the marketing, advertising opportunities and pricing ideas. My wife and I spent Labor Day re-watching the marketing and pricing section and came away again with so many great ideas. Workflow and shooting the pics is more my responsibility of my business and his posing, lighting and workflow is awesome...In the beginning of the course I was disappointed in the actions as freebies but the more I got into the course and especially the last day with workflow, I broke down and used the Pro4um coupon from the swag bag and joined. That's what really made the actions more valuable because when you join the Pro4um, you get the entire setup for Kirk's workflow. The bridge setup, the scripts etc...I greatly appreciate what Kirk taught in this course and his passion for this line of business because it's helping WHP in every area from start to finish with our buisness!...Thanks Kirk and Thanks creativeLIVE for having Kirk do this Senior Photography course!
Leroy Tademydandp
If you want to take you photography to the next level you need to buy this course. Great content with an experienced passionate instructor who is also quite entertaining. Kirk's knowledge of marketing, cameras, and workflow are second to none. I urge you to do yourself and your photography a huge favor go to the top click the green button that says BUY! If you don't your missing out.
a Creativelive Student
His work is amazing and he has been a big font of inspiration for me... I wish I could be there to be part of it, live... :-)
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