Day 1
1Class Introduction
19:04 2Overview of Days 1-15
54:32 3Overview of Days 16-30
1:11:53 4Preview of Content, Part 1 - Layers, Comps, Styles, Masks
49:10 5Preview of Content, Part 2 - Smart Objects and Paths
30:33Day 2
6Day 1 Introduction
13:31Day 1 Exploring Photoshop
16:51 8Day 1 Realistic Expectations
27:26Day 3
9Day 2: Best Practices I Part One
33:28 10Day 2 Best Practices I Part 2
25:59Day 4
11Day 3: Lay of the Land
55:16Day 5
12Day 4: Best Practices II – Working Non-Destructively
47:57Day 6
13Day 5: Layers I
58:50Day 7
14Day 6: Layers II
44:51Day 8
15Day 7: Layers III - Masks
1:01:47 16Bonus Video: "Layers"
09:05 17Bonus Video: "Vector Masks"
05:54Day 9
18Day 8: Getting Images In and Out
55:51Day 10
19Day 9: Resolution, File Size, Resizing
1:00:42 20Bonus Video: "Free Transform - Warping"
07:54Day 11
21Day 10: Cropping (Straightening)
49:38Day 12
22Day 11: Adjusting
56:22Day 13
23Day 12: Smart Objects & Smart Filters I (Introduction)
48:52 24Bonus Video: "Copying Smart Filters"
02:11Day 14
25Day 13: Smart Objects & Smart Filters II (More Advanced)
56:34Day 15
26Day 14: Retouching I (Replacing, Removing, Moving)
55:10Day 16
27Day 15: Retouching II (Fixing, Portrait Retouching)
1:01:28Day 17
28Day 16: Quiz & Review
53:05Day 18
29Day 17: Shapes, Paths, and Patterns
49:56Day 19
30Day 18: Selecting I
1:05:47Day 20
31Day 19: Selecting II (Compositing)
1:02:01 32Bonus Video: "Green Screen"
08:21Day 21
33Day 20: Type
1:03:45Day 22
34Day 21: Color
54:54Day 23
35Day 22: Painting & Brush Options
59:15Day 24
36Day 23: Automation I (Built-In, Not So Obvious)
58:04Day 25
37Day 24: Automation II (Actions)
1:00:05 38Bonus Video: "Actions"
04:20Day 26
39Day 25: Presets
53:47Day 27
40Day 26: Video
1:03:01Day 28
41Day 27: Finishing Touches
1:05:08 42Bonus Video: "Sharpen"
16:26Day 29
43Day 28: Tips and Tricks
52:22Day 30
44Day 29: Quiz, Review, Projects
1:01:30Day 31
45Day 30: Project, Strategies to Continue to Get Better
48:41Lesson Info
Day 20: Type
all right day twenty and we want to talk about the world of type now we briefly touched on type earlier when we talked about layers but I want to go into a little more detail some things you can do to make your type look more interesting some kind of special effects you can do with type all kinds of interesting things all revolving around type and with one recurring theme and that is my goal is to do this whole segment without rast arising other than to mention the fact that you shouldn't because as we talked about before if you can figure out ways to get the effect you want but preserve the edit ability of the text that's a very important thing so let's get going with talking about type and in our first example I have just two type players already done here and first thing I want to talk about we'll talk more about getting type on here actually let's do that first that would make better sense just to review since we talked about that earlier when you take your type tool this is where ...
I could either change all the settings in here or and or pick from a tool preset or if I have a version of photo shop that has uh where is it paragraphs styles I could pick from a style if I already had one but otherwise if we click once that tells photo shop I want to put some text in here and I want you to align it left and it'll just keep typing right off the page while the type is active like this that cursor is still flashing at the end that means it's waiting for me to do something but one of things that is quite useful to be able do is sometimes you maybe start typing you don't know exactly where you want this to go so picking the size is really depend on where it's going to be positioned so without having to stop what you're doing I'm still typing but you can see I have that ibn cursor which means I'm entering text but if I move my mouth just far enough down all of a sudden I get the move tool and now you can see I can move the text once I like the position of it then I can go back in and continue editing it so that's a really nice ability to be able to say I want to make some decisions about sizing but also based on the position then I keep going in once I'm happy either hit the commit button here or if you have an extended keypad that has an in turkey the big turkey beside a keypad or on a laptop like I'm using I'm gonna press command return or control enter to tell it I'm finished typing once you have then this acts like a regular type player excuse me like a regular layers when I meant to say these acts like a regular layer which means I can take the move tool to move it around I can change the opacity all those things we can do with any layer of photo shop but we have a couple of added bonuses here because it's type of course that means first of all I can always edit it to say that was spelled poorly there we go that's better or I can decide that's just way too small I needed to be bigger I'm gonna have the type who'll selected aiken do free transform and scale this up dramatically this is only one of two places in photo shop where you been scale something up and not lose quality because the type will just reorient itself and be a new sign so for example here let's just see it was happened to be one hundred fifty five point nine five points if I go to free transform and scale it really big and hit enter now it's telling me well now it's four hundred twenty four so as we talked about numerous times normally in photo shop if you take pixels and you transform them bigger you're gonna lose quality type is not pixels type are not pixels and type aren't the same pixels are for object type is actually vector quality which means it has that same scalable nature that is if we were bringing this from adobe illustrator so that's a very nice benefit for us to be able to edit and not have to worry about what if later on I changed my mind about the size it's not a problem because I can easily change that now couple of little suggestions along the way in this case I just clicked once to tell it just type a word or two if you know you need a block of text we talked about this before and we will continue to talk about it you can click and drag to say I would like the text box to be this big notice I have this little indicator popping up that's a preference you khun turn on as of cs six that shows you the width and height of this box that you're creating so I said I want the box to be this big now I probably need to pick something a little different so you can really see it here text blocks tend to be used for things like paragraphs of type anytime I'm just experimenting I use this command called paste alarm if someone puts a bunch of text in there and I'll show you in a minute how we form at this toe look the way that we want is using keyboard shortcuts for now and we'll talk about all of these and there we go now I've got a little paragraph of text and once again I can still treat it like a regular layer with one extra exception here in this first case I use free transformed to scale the text bigger in this case if I take my type tool and click inside the box I can see the handles so it looks like free transform handles but what it's really doing is aligned me to stretch the size of the box to say I want a bigger box and the text will re flow within that's I'm not scaling the text up I'm re sizing the block in which the text appears we'll look at other examples including an interesting one where you can actually do the rough equivalent of rapping text around something so if you want the text to kind of follow the shape of something that is a possibility as well in this case I just made a rectangular block of text let's leave this layer but what if for the sake of argument I decided that I wanted to make text that actually was inside of a shaped like an oval well if I go to the ellipse tool in this case I'm going to change the auction here to path and I just create an oval in this case well let's make it more of an oval since I'm saying the word over there now it's just this path waiting for something to happen remember when we talked about paths I said you make a path for some other purpose like fill the path or stroke the path or turn the path into a selection well the other option for making a path is then this can become ah block russian say a block a holder for text so in that first case I just clicked on drag with the text tool to maybe make that a big selection which became my text block in this example I've made this big path now somehow to tell photoshopped let's put text inside that so I take my type tool and all I do is move and look at the cursor if I was out here it's the regular type tool if I move inside it's the ibm with the big circle run which means now I will put text inside here so once again let's pick something make it a really small but that small and get some of our fake text let's center it you can see now when I hit enter now the path is just there initially tio hold the type but you see when I hide it it just look you're seeing the shape based on the text now you can try anything you want of course generally speaking if you're trying to do a block of text that really follows a shape you want small text if you have big text a word would suddenly just hyphenate halfway through and it wouldn't go right to the edge of that shape and it wouldn't quite work as well in this case I've got the alignment to center so it pushes I could also try seeing if we want to we could take all of this texan here and see what would look like if it was we wanted really to follow just the left hand edge or the right hand edge if I press commander control t it has opens up the character panel where I can look at all the different options in here and see if there's anything else that would help me and not really in this case I was trying to think that there might be a way that you'll hear their art is what I'm looking for this it would be even better so I was on centered before doesn't go right to the edge this button is goingto justify the tax justify means push it out to the edge is now adds more space in between which sometimes doesn't look all that great but it's nice to know that if you want to really see the what the shape looks like now you see it looks more like that oh well except for the top and bottom just because of the size of the words so again or to do that I took my shape tool but I mean sure it was sent to path and then you create the path and put the text inside that pass what follows the shape of that path and what's really nice about this is this is still editable type so nothing changes that fact that's just displaying this particular way it still shows up as a layer and we still have the original path information in case we want to edit it later on let's get rid of a couple of these the other option which is an interesting possibility is if I took my pen tool and we talked briefly before about the concept of away wait use the pen tool to do things like curves I'm going to make a very slight little cur path here and then just stop there then I take my type tool and now if I have my tool outside this area just a regular type option but as soon as I move on a path because it recognizes this is not a closed path like an oval now it allows me to do text along a path and I got to tell you this is a little weird the first time you do it is trying to control where it is and how big it is and things like that takes a bit of practice because we have these little icons that we have to kind of play with and see if we can't drag along to make sure there's more area so that that part takes a bit of getting used to but that's kind of an interesting option two is to be able to say well I want just not flat text but I want the text to be slightly curved or follow some angle that's what I'm doing now you notice I didn't have to switch to a different tool it wasn't like I was saying well now let's use the text along a path tool it's still the type tool all we're doing is saying what kind of shape we have and where you click makes a difference even if I had an oval and I put my cursor inside it thinks I okay you want the text inside the shape if I took bye cursor put it up on the top of the path then it would think type along a path so it's all about where you position your mouths and the cursor will show you we'll give you that feedback to show this is what happens if you put your text here are your cursor here this is what happens people the cursor there now let's see insert we're on this topic let's take this up a notch and try something a little different what if I wanted to make it look like the text would kind of wrap around this edge so I'm going to start off by making a selection to say generally I want my block of text to be here but I don't want it I want the techs to go around these two portions here so I'm gonna take my quick selection tool quick selection till he sad but he's clicking on the wrong tool okay w for quick selection there we go and hold down option or ault to tell photo shop I do not want these areas here included in my selection now eventually in a couple of more steps I want to turn this selection into a path so then I can make that path into one of those tax blocks but if I did that right now the text would hit right up against the edge of this and I don't really want that to happen so one of the ways we can do this and we didn't really talk too much about these commands in the selection class although there are things you can do occasionally that this is helpful for and this is one of them under select you go modify and then we're going to contract the selection and I really don't know let's guess uh ten okay now you see it's still falling a shame same shape but it's a little more contract I think I want a contract that even more gonna undo that she was modified contract and let's try fifteen that's a little more like it because this is really me deciding how far away do I want this text to flow around that shape then I go to the paths panel and one of the options in the paths panel flyout menu is make work path and that's a way of saying take my selection and turn it into a path now in the next step when I show you this there's a factor called tolerance and you have to play with this a little bit because that means how accurately do you want the path to follow the selection and the downside is the more accurate you make it the more anchor points you potentially get so depending on the situation generally I usually go the lowest number I can but then occasion I look at it go well that's just way too many anchor points for me be able to edit I may undo and try a different number so let's see what that looks like I go to make work path that says what tolerance would you like so here's a little side tip for you that's a good photo shop tip in general if you're working on something and you've never seen this dialog box and it's just giving you ah field to type something in other words it's not a slider there does not arrange you just have to know well what number can I put in one of the tricks is if you're unsure let's see what happens if I put minus five because I don't really know and I hit okay and it tells you here's the range of numbers so basically what you do is you put it you take a guest put some either ridiculously low are very high number and click okay on some rare occasions it might actually work with most the time it'll pop up a box like this and say here's the range that's available to you so what this particular range means is the lowest number you can put in his point five and the highest is ten so I want this path to follow this very accurately so I'm gonna leave it at point five and I click okay now I get it this path it very nicely put only needs one in each corner but of course here because the shape it needs more but that's okay so now I go back to my layers take my type tool and once again I just click inside of here and let's something in here so we can get make a smaller size and well it is but it left justified for now and then once again get some text in there now that I see it I want it to be smaller like this I also want to have it follow that shape so now that's the kind of look I was going for now let's go back a little bit here so I can finally tell you but I'm actually doing here to form at the tech so quickly so I click in here and I just for now get some text in here and by the way there's there this is actually very useful command because if you're working on a project you don't really know the exact text yet pasting in this laura ipsum text means at least you could get the sizing and everything right and then eventually replaced with the actual text so here you can see I have the sizes too big everything's not working very well so I want to edit this so I just clicking here and oppressed command air control a for select all and I could change the size up here just by using the scrubby slider but as with a lot of text based tools anytime you're working with text generally speaking if you president command shift or control shift less than each time you press it is going to make your text smaller greater than we'll make it larger so this way I can on the fly without really going up to that menu I can say that that's kind of what I had in mind needless to say if you pick a different typeface you're going to notice a difference in the spacing so you may have to change it so I'm gonna come back to this in one second I want to go back here for a moment and just show you what we've got here all right so if I make a block of text here and put its a text now I've got text that's the size is just about right but it's all powell on top each other and that's because of a thing called letting so when we put in the size of the type that just means how big do we want the letters to be letting says how much space do you want down this way in some software like microsoft word it's like do you want single spaced or double space or space and a half letting is more traditional type setting where it's a number that that's tied to the size of the type generally it's I guess the most common one would be something like one hundred twenty percent of the font size but the main thing is you can change it and there's a couple of ways of doing it if I go to the character menu our captor panel and I have mine over here could also press commander control t with your type selected here is all the command saying here's your font size and this is the command for letting and right now the problem is the leading was picked up from the last type I just used so what that means is it's too small I need to make it bigger so I nto usually get atleast close to the type size itself so if I lower the type down to say around thirty five or thirty six now you can see thirty seven a half isn't bad if I put this higher I can include increased the spacing in between or if I put a tighter I can get even closer now here's one of the little important potential gutches about working with type in photo shop I mentioned early on another lesson about the whole term of things being sticky in photoshopped well this is an example where sometimes the stickiness can be a pain because here's what could happen you could be working on a project where for this particular project you put in a really big type size and then therefore really big leading to make sure it's spread out and then you move on and then later on you to another project you put in the type and go away that needs to be twelve point well what could very likely happen is you will change the size of your type to twelve point but it's still remembering from earlier and you had letting that was this big so all of a sudden you're second line of text that looks like it's just disappeared but it's really down really low so sometimes photoshopped remembers the leading and it's not very helpful because it it really should ideally on a change on the fly but often it doesn't so that's just something you have to check now what do you do if you don't have this dialog box open and you say all right well I want to edit on the fly so we've already seen aiken do command shift less than a greater than I'm gonna put this back too left justified so command command shift or control shift less than makes the type smaller greater than makes it bigger and when I make it bigger all of a sudden I feel like the leading is a little too close instead of going and finding that panel I pressed option all and the down arrow key and now I'm increased the leading visually now this is a personal preference but unless you come from the traditional world of typesetting not that many people look at something go I think I need a leading of fifty two normally people say this much so this keyboard shortcut means visually you're just going I want around there that looks pleasing to me then if you want to you can go and find out what that size was but the key point is it's doing this automatically I don't have to go and find some dialog box and move the leading by some number so option all and the arrow key changes that automatically so back in this other example this is exactly what I would do here is well I would select all my type and I would use the same shortcut to kind of go what size I want maybe something like this now the leading looks a little tight so I think maybe something like this so I'm just pressing the up and down arrow keys to kind of get something that I like the look of that I enter switch to my move tool and now I've got my text that's wrapping around the object as I said before ultimately this is still there so I could still go in and edit the path if I wanted to if I said okay I need to actually edit this so I can go in here and say get my direct selection too when you concede e for example maybe down the bottom I want to make it a little longer or I wanted to make it have a curved edge or whatever I want to see as soon as I'm changing the edge of this of this box the text inside is automatically flowing around so when you have text inside a path as you can see here you can edit everything now look around this part may get a little closer you can see this is what I talked about that tolerance that's why we have so many of these little points around here and there's probably more than we need but at least this way you could start to edit if you found that users one little part we wanted to edit the text the other option and he wouldn't necessarily have to do this is with the pen tool if I position my pen on top of places where there's already an anchor point aiken delete some of those so if there is points that I feel aren't really necessary but again that would be too much work and there's really no point to do that because in this case I'm getting a result that I want so the on ly reason I would ever delete anchor points like that is if it caused the path to go somewhere I didn't want like a little glitch in it then I would delete that point but in this case even though there's tons of anchor points that's okay all right so we talked a moment ago about letting lets talk about another interesting aspect that's going to change the way our type looks and that's something called kern ing letting is the space vertically between lines of type and in case you're interested it comes from apparently in the good old days of typesetting when they have the actual lead type they would put extra pieces of lead stripping in to make more spacing that's what someone told me once anyway it doesn't really matter but just a little bit of trivia turning is for situations like this so I took my type tool and I this is just times roman I didn't do anything unusual I just typed in the text in all caps and if you look really closely at it you'll see there's very nice spacing between the letters here but because of the slant of the a and the t there looks like a big gap here and because of the slant of the a and the w and then w a this to me there's just too much space in there so what I want to be able do is edit that so that I can tighten the space between letters and again that is called kern ing so what you do is take your type tool and click once you see the cursor just goes in between here now it is possible to kern numerically but once again I don't know too many people that actually no the numbers but the nice thing is it's really the same keyboard shortcut as letting but slightly different so in other words for all these these functions I'm gonna show you in the next few minutes they all start the same way it's option rolled and the arrow keys just matter which arrow key you press up and down will do letting left and right will do colonel so in this case I clicked between the and the w ay hold on option or ault and I go left arrow and I just pull it out I'm just doing it visually to say that looks better to me than click here and pull this over and then click here and pull this underneath now there's no prescribed amount but to me that looks more pleasing to the eye than seeing all that space in there and one of the scary things is that I didn't have to artificially spread out these letters that's just the way this type face when you use that combination of letters so does that mean you have to current every single time you do type not at all it depends entirely on what you're typing and whatthe word are but for example if you have something like this some people look at that say I wish thie o was tucked a little more underneath the tea just a bit I'm going to give you my little disclaimer warning about working with things like kern ing and those sort of things is that once you start to pay attention to this don't be surprised if almost all the time that you enter text in especially if it's big that's where you'll notice it and particularly views capitals that don't be surprised at all if you start doing turning all over the place because once you see it you start to want to read it all the time in fact uh it's almost a curse in the sense that I'll find myself driving along a road somewhere I look over a building and look at the sign ago oh that current is horrible as of course should be paying attention to the road but once you start to see it you'll notice even sign company just slapped letters up there and go well there's the same amount of space between each letter which in theory should work well but for some letter combinations it doesn't work as well now there are some type faces that you get that have turning pairs kind of built into them so that as you type a combination letters like a w it would actually automatically do this but just in case it doesn't this is how you adjust it take your type tool and the key is you click once between whatever pair of letters and then option our vault and the up or sees me left and right arrow keys let me delete toronto or as we would say in canada toronto and about one other little thing let's take this type and say I don't want this to be a little smaller so I'm using the left that excuse me that command shift less than method what I'd really like this to do is I would like this to line up with the word ottawa so first of all I'm going to take both of these layers and these this is a layer function not a type function and I'm going to say let's align those together so this works based on the assumption that both of my type players are aligned centered which they are the word ottawa is a line center and the business there is also a line center then by selecting them both and clicking with the move tool on this align center now I know they're lined up now I decide where I want this to go so I'm going to use the arrow keys to nudge it up underneath but at this point what I really like is the word words visitors bureau to go to the end of the day in the beginning of the but I want the type size to say the same so here's ah typography control that we can do that can change that I could just increase the type side to the point where it fits that woodwork and I'll show you a couple of options that in second but in this case I'm thinking I really want that type to be small but spread out so we talked to second ago about clicking between a pair of letters and adjusting spacing is called turning if you select a whole range of text like these two words and increase the spacing of all the letters it's called tracking tracking means I wantto increase or decrease the spacing between them and the nice thing is you don't have to learn another keyboard shortcut because it's the same as the last one it's optional halt and the left and right arrow keys but the trick is where you click so in the first case up here I clicked once here I click enough times in case I kind of triple clicked tto make everything selected now if I press option or all and the right arrow you'll see it's spreading it out and I say somewhere around there and now it nicely matches up with those edges if I decide later on that that just isn't working for me I can press optional on the left roky and tighten up the tracking and then in a case like that I might just take this and just line it up with the right hand edge something like that now let's undo that a little bit the other option will be what if I did decide I just want the this type to be big enough that it lined up well one of the ways you could do that that I would suggest going to help you a lot is if you show the rulers now that's under the view menu you can also just press commander control are for rulers there it is so I usually just press that commander control are and once you have rulers you have access to things called guides which are non printing guidelines that I can pull off my rulers and lineups instead of me eyeballing to say does that look good now I can take visitorsbureau and I'm going to use free transformed now let me pause before I do this and point out on interesting little scenario here with that commander control t keyboard shortcut if you do not have the type selected and you press commanded control t it gives you traditional free transform as you saw earlier when you transform the text the size of it gets bigger if I had selected the text with my textile and then press commanding control t it would jump to the character panel where I could edit the settings so the same keyboard shortcut actually does two different things depending on the scenario so if you're ever intending to free transform and then you suddenly go why am I in the character panel you must have your text will actually clicked inside of the texture must have selected some of the text and that's one of those things that once you know it it's actually a very useful shortcut to do both things in this case I've got my move tool selected so I know the text is not active so now if I go in here and I pressed commander control t I get the transformation handles I'm gonna hold down the shift key because I want to be in proportion I'm also gonna hold down option or all because I want to scale from the center out words that way as I drag out I could get right to about there now using those guys I know it lines up now visually it looks a little off to me just because when there's a letter oh but I know it is technically correct in terms of lining up so once you've done that if you want to see what it looks like without that you can either clear the guides or just hide them temporarily so you can see what it looks like I think I would still nudge this up upset with the wrong one to click on visitorsbureau nudge it up just a little bit so it matches up a little better my personal preference frankly in a case like this I don't know I just my eyes find that bod so I would probably not stretch it out the phage is when that when it has a curved bottom like this I would probably take this type unless someone specifically said you need to have this lined up then then I would but in this case I would probably do something like this could change the alignment to align right now as I change the tax maybe we'll look kind of more interesting if the text was kind of lined up between the t and the a and this is not intended to be a full blown how to use typography but that's the kind of decision you can make as you're going through now once you have ended things like tracking and turning you can still go in and adjust the overall font size but then you may have to go back in and tweet the settings on those other things including especially letting and some of those other settings like turning because it will be affected by the amount of type that you have in there all right let's continue along here don't you think it's it's great when you're watching a photo shop classic structure goes oops and you wonder what happened there in that case I just picked the wrong thing so my main goal is to show you ways where we can keep the edit ability of text as much as we possibly can and one of things that's kind of interesting is an option that's available to us where it while it kind of preserves the ability not quite to the same amount that we really want to and you'll see what I mean more here so this is a type player this is a a fond I found called tall paul which has this really crazy handwriting I thought as a logo for some kids organization or kids club it kind of looks cool but I want to play with these letters even more like really like to do it should be able to click on the letter d and move it up and clicked on this and right now I can't do that if I were to rast arise the text then it would be pixels and I could select them but it still wouldn't be that easy so one of things I discovered completely by accident I love accidents like this is if you convert to a smart object there is an option in photo shop called puppet warp it's oddly named command but what it allows me to do is to move things around using various warping motions and much to my pleasant surprise when I have a text smart object and choose puppet warp at first nothing appears to have happened but I'll just show you what's actually happens there's this thing called a mesh but I'm gonna turn that off what it means is now I click to add these little things called pins and normally you add pins because you want to add more than one of them to distort something but I discovered just by adding one pin you can actually click on the individual letters and move them around so if I decide I want the daughter of the eye to be over here and I want this case I will add two so I can kind of tilted a little bit maybe this way stretch it up and that's come over to this one this case I'll put a pin on each part of this letter and now I can start to really manipulate it now once I'm doing this I'm gonna lose it still type technically because if I hit enter first of all you see there's puppet warp so I can turn it on or off which is kind of cool and this is a smart objects of I double click on it in theory I can still edit the type and it'll work but you'll see there is a slight problem with this theory so let's pick some other unusual one and all to scale it down to fit so that's amore standards has got a bit of a curve to it but here's what happens when I close and save this the puppet warp stays the same kind of goes I'm not sure what you're trying to do here because you used poor puppet war by clicking pins on these specific locations now although you edit the type I don't know what to do anymore so what I'd have to do is double click and go back you go that's why because there's the's pins or all over the place and so it's just not gonna work very well so as much as this creates the illusion because of smart object that I can edit it it's not the same kind of editing that we'd really like to be able to do so I'm going to suggest that on ly do this function if you're pretty darn shirt that's the typeface you want but having said that the fact that I even have the option of taking letters and kind of going on a twist this one and pulled this one as a final step that's pretty darn cool to me that the fact that that option exists is pretty darn amazing let's undo right back to the point before I made a smart object and just as a reminder even though I know we've talked about this I just want to stress one more time that if you're working with text and you think oh I should just apply a filter to this of some kind whatever it might be maybe I wanna add some noise to my type it's going to give you that warning saying it must be rest arrives before proceeding his tax where no one will be edible rasa rise a type no thank you so any time you see that my suggestion will be here when I click okay and you say instead let me convert to a smart object now I conduce you filters to my heart's content can go crazy with not that that looks very good but we'll just do it anyway oh there that's even better and now I can go in and adjust it or I can change the blend mode come on place to try again not quite clicking for enough over apparently there we go james the blend mod or this or the a pass ity knowing that that can be headed down this case because it's this kind of type I could go in and do for example things like turning in here or take just the letter s and make it a little smaller and then get a little tighter in here it's almost touching commit the type save it and that's gonna update so that kind of thing could do puppet war is a a rare exception where just because the nature of the war if you try to enter the type you can kind of get yourself into a bit of a problem there but still pretty cool that you khun move those letters around but this is more every day traditional working with text is to do a this concept of the smart filter with text in it that's what is trying to say sorry uh now it did mention in a previous little bonus movie about a thing called a clipping mask let's look at that again to see how I might do this let's say I'm gonna just change my mind here and go for big text not that thought though I want to use something else this and see this in case I just a little bit you know I've been deliberately every time I've been adding type of now because we haven't talked about it I've been trying to ignore this but secretly almost every time I play with the type who'll have gone well I just want a current that but I've avoided that until now so from now on just so you know any time I had type don't be surprised if you see the letter swing because that's me looking to something going I just want to tweak that a little bit okay so in this case I've got a type player I want to do so something play around that try something interesting so here's a couple of options if I add a new layer above that and let's just fill that layer of with solid gray and I just use the keyboard shortcut to do that right now we've got a layer totally covering up our word now let's go and do some filter will just do add noise and again of course this could be a smart filter now I really only want that effect to show up inside my letters so this is where we make a clipping mask either by optional clicking here for by going to our letterman doing the same thing but by doing this this gives us some interesting options for example now we could say let's just take this photograph and we're gonna drag this over here and let's position this roughly around there and put this in that clipping mask and now I can have a photograph inside type if it's too big or too small like a free transform like rotate I can move it around basically what's happening again is if you look closely the type player the fact this underlying tells me okay this is what's doing the clipping this is what's being clipped and right now I have two options I can't see the noise layer because this one is currently covering it up but just to make a point in here these layers even though they're part of this clipping mass concept are still regular layers so if I change the blend mode to something now I'm changing that one didn't work so well let's go back to something like killer burn or maybe darken and now I'll take this one so maybe I don't want you passing that quite so much lower back but throughout this whole thing I'm just creating a display that says these two layers inside this clipping mask if I want experiment further and say what happens if I put it better if I put the noise later on up in this one underneath but remember underlying this whole thing this is still a type player the fact that we see the big letter t means I can go in and edited and say I would like some different font instead different typeface whatever it is edited and then re adjust accordingly and in the early days this has actually been around for a long time that a lot of people got caught up in the excitement of layer mass and would try to use a layer master do this well the problem with doing that is if you make a mask based on the shape of your type if you edit the type the mass doesn't update so that's why a clipping mask in this sort of instance actually works a lot better does it give you more options already let's look at it in effect here that we can do that that's kind of interesting because of the options that we can do thanks to the way layers work so I'm gonna take my type to initially I'm just going toe type the word sunset and let's pick some other taipei is now I have a lot of typefaces here if I know that the one I'm picturing starts with the letter m I could just click up here and type m and it goes up at least to the m portion and I think it's m e something that's closer now at least I'm in the right a place that was the one I was looking for and then I can adjust accordingly let's make it medium and I want to make this so it kind of goes from say here toe over here so this is another case where if I align left because I'm basically saying I want the left hand edge to stay right there but I wanted to go all the way over to this other side this is where you can start thinking about well if I changed the alignment will that help me so I'm gonna put it there and commit that now what I want to do is a couple that wanted to blend mohr into the photograph now just as an aside one other thing you could do is when you hit free transform you can transform type in any way that you want other words you don't have to just scale it proportionately if you want to see what happens if I stretch a taller or stretch it wider you can certainly do that I think I would like to see what this looks like if the letters were just taller so now I'm moving it away from the original fond but I'm still getting the look that I want a nudge it down just a bit as I wanted to be almost as if it's gonna disappear underneath the edge of the horizon here so let's do that first let's look at this same well how would I make this type start to look like it's behind everything well let's see if we can't just do it with starting with a regular old selection tool like this so here's a technique that I use all the time when I'm trying to see how my doing am I getting close to the effect I'll make a selection then turn the type player back on and say okay I need a bit more there otherwise it looks pretty good so I can go to command like transform selection just make sure this is wide enough I'm gonna make a little tolerance but I want to make sure in place in case I changed my mind but at this point if I added layer master my type really the only thing would change would be the bottom but it still wouldn't look like it's behind this rock and this rock over here that mountain so what I need to do is change my selection so let's get just a little hair closer here this will also let me tweak this because I want to make sure that edge kind of matches up there we go that's better now we go to our quick selection tool maker a little smaller option our old I'm going to say now here's a good example of moving a little too fast and I would like to say I did that on purpose to make a point but I actually didn't even though I heart to you over and over again about that whole checklist idea I forgot to check so as I was trying to use the quick selection tool even though I hid the type player it was still my active layer so it tried to make a selection from my time so I don't want that so I need to make sure I click on the background layer now when I use this tool it's saying oh I see you're trying to adjust the selection based on this layer so I move over to the same thing officer ault and I'm just trying to get rid of that little part there and if I really wanted to I don't know if it'll get it or not but I could try to get that little boats in here I really want to do that little stress over that but I could let should pretend they did now we go back to the sunset and I say let's make that into a selection and sometimes my butt ability to click that button just doesn't do it I don't know why that happens but interesting let's just see if I can say reveal selection there we go that's what I'm sure why that didn't work exactly now let's zoom out a little bit so that's more what I had in mind now if I want to move the title but I think I want to maybe stretch it a bit this way remember our little talk about layers and their mass I wantto unlinked them because I want this mass to stay put but I won't be able to take the type and maybe stretch it this way just a hair so it sneaks behind that edge of that amount so I can still see it's a letter s but I want to be able to get the result that I want all right at this point I like the way everything looks here and I want to move on and try some other things so first of all let's just pick a different color it's not going to become important in a moment but I want some in a little more reddish orangey color that just pronounced why can see what I'm doing and this is where once I'm happy at this point I want to be able to move on and try some other things and for what I have in mind I'm thinking probably the best plan for me would be to preserve this look of this fought with that layer masked by turning it into a smart object so controlled or right click and shoes convert to smart object and there's a number of reasons for doing that but the main reason I want two is I want to try something in terms of maybe creating a little reflected effect on here something like that and by creating this is smart object if I decide to make a reflection and it works and I'm happy with it and then I decide I don't like the color I don't like the font or anything else it will update both of them because they're copies of the same one so let's take this one and I'm gonna duplicate the layer and then hit free transform right or control click and choose flip vertical and then we'll just shift drag this straight down so what kind of matches up now we need to just try and make it look more like a reflection so we could try this in various ways including lowering the opacity and or a blend mode that actually looks pretty good there but if I chose multiply lower capacity I think I like overlay a little better about soft light too much and this is I'm deliberately I didn't plan this out and say it didn't have notes and said make sure you pick this blend mode I'm trying to be part of this my approach of teaching of these things it's trying to show this is exactly my thought process what I'm thinking what I'm saying what would happen if I did this so you can kind of see that this is the way we often figure out how to do things and photo shop is by trying say what is this bland modou what is this bloody well do what if I lowered the opacity and change the blood so that's kind of the process I'm going through here uh it's a little too nice and even because it's supposed to be reflected in the water so that's it's already a smart object that I flipped so what if we did some kind of filter a smart filter like ripple hammer toe find where it is there it is and maybe large that's a little too much now normally when I'm applying a filter like this I would rather do a little too much at first and then pull it back then do something or I can't even see it unfortunately it doesn't preview here you have to click okay and now we can see we've got our little ripple effect happening I think it might be a little much so maybe pull back just a bit and the other thing I could do is say well maybe I want the ripples to be more noticeable down here not so much up there don't get a little closer this is our filter mask and this is the one that's causing that where the ripple is so if I said I don't want it to ripple is much that I want to reveal more here then I have to think about painting on the mask and any time you want a gradual change like this should be less ripple that should be more ripple that suggests take the grady in tool excuse me grady into him and we're going to switch this up and we're going to make agree that goes from black to transparent when I use that on the mask that means going to start out doing this black so it will hide everything and then gradually become more obvious so let's just drive down a little bit you see now closer to the letters it's less rippled now I did forget to check one thing I wanna roll here of not checking because I'm having so much fun experiment that's a little better now that's a little too much to me so I think what I probably should do do that is lower the opacity so instead of it being completely black is going to start off gray and disappear so it'll be a little less obvious in this case that's a little better I think I also need to take this and nudge it down just a bit because I feel like it's overlapping completely that's kind of a neat effect that we're getting towards kind of like the way that's looking but what if I wanted to just experiment further and this is the beauty of doing things with multiple layers and working with text is aiken say alright I kind of like that but I'm not one hundred percent sold on this typeface so let's and you notice the mass came with that because that's what I specifically did um let's try what if I just made it a lighter version of the same one hit enter updated it and then I see they both a babe on the fly and still looks pretty good nice or what else could idea what if we take off the reflection and instead talk think about doing some interesting options with layer styles let's do try a devil on boss layer style and first you're gonna make it pretty subtle what I want to do is see what that looks like if it's what we offer for you is a clear in boss means don't show me the phil color only show me the layers down the way we do that is remember yeah not changing the opacity if I did that is going to change both the phil and the layer style I want to on ly lower the film if I put it all the way to zero now I've got this nice clear and boss where it's still showing up and but I'm seeing the photograph through underneath generally if I'm going to do that at first I just picked any numbers at all I didn't really care I want to get a devil but I think I'm not completely happy with the way that look so I would go back here and say maybe I want the impasse ity of the highlight side to be a little lower and the multiply side also just a little lower now just a little point to make about this we didn't I didn't talk about this too much when I talked about layer styles in an earlier lesson but remember one of the first things I talked about right in the beginning whether it is day one I think may be your day to was that whole permission to experiment thing this is a great example I see a lot of people who open up a command and let's say layers that like devil in boss and they spend all their time looking at this top area right here to say okay I want to change the depth and the direction and the size but then come down here and this just looks complicated so they're like wow that's really complex I don't think I want to do that so they ignore that well because we have that whole cancel preview thing going on there's absolutely nothing wrong with going what happens if I pick a different color for my boss terry okay that didn't work let's cancel that what if I put this much higher I don't like that so remember everything we're doing in here is just experimental until we click okay and if we do click okay it's still a layer styles you could just double click on it and try something different so I think in this particular case I like the way it looked better when it was just like this with my little reflection although I might take this one I just lower the capacity or maybe even tried this one with a bland mode so it's picking up some of the colors underneath like that better I think so I showed you that I just picked this photograph I thought it was neat start experiment again to kind of show you that my train of thought as to why I'm doing something in the approach that I'm taking one of the nicer things that we can do with type in particular and I want to remind you this because we touched on that earlier but I want to make sure we I remember because it really is a very powerful function I was going to take this document and just fill the whole thing with black now I'm gonna take my type tool let's just add some type on here but black text on a black background doesn't work so well so let's pick some other cars we can see it and align throwing a line center and let's use something mohr like has some shape too and maybe something like this lower the size down I'm gonna press option or alternate left arabs they wanna pull all the letters closer together but that one doesn't look so good so let's get that one out and I pull these two together with my colonel bits it was kind of nicely fits into that little gap in the letter tell all right so now we have text that says gold but it's actually read and let's look at a really nice little technique where I want to make this text look like kind of polished metallic gold really quickly and easily and in a way that I could reuse it in other projects and it's all based on layer styles so we go to our layer stiles in the first one want to use the called color overlay I don't have to eat this order but if I'm trying to make it look like gold having read type doesn't work the reason I did it this way by the way is I want to create a style that I can apply regardless of the initial color my type but I was it doesn't have to start out being gold ish color I can make it that way by using this layer stuff so I'm gonna try and pick a gold ish style that I think might work I can always change it on the fly as I go then we go to bevel on boss and I want to choose chisel hard and change the size so it looks the way I want that looks pretty cool right there right about in the middle really nice I could leave it just like that but here's a good example I was just referring to of experimenting with other things one time I was trying this and I thought I'm going to take my life in my hands and see what this thing called gloss contour does because I've always just left it on this one why wouldn't you auntie a leasing okay well so I clipped on this and saw this little collection of little graphics and at first I was in tempted just go never mind and move on but then I remembered cancel preview so I started clicking on these went down that's kind of interesting and as I started going through I suddenly found that I was creating getting some really if you look at that polished gold oh even better so all I'm doing here is clicking on a off a bunch of built in pre sets I don't know which one I think I like that one don't know they're gonna go with this one I could still adjust these other settings but in this case I feel like I don't have to quite a cz much because I liked the way it looks just lighten this down just a hair but I like you know what that's really cool and all I did it's just two styles colored over late and devlin in boston wants me to take type that looks like this and turn into that instead of trying to remember how on earth did I do that this is where I would very quickly sprint over to the styles panel and I've got a whole bunch in there let me just reset this back to the normal way it normally looks and then I would come over and say I love this combination let's hit this new button and call it gold baby or whatever you wanna call it and now remember styles are built into foolish up not just this document so let us pretend at this moment that is now a month in the future and I think oh I need to create something so I make a new document I take my type tool and I call it something type something I should say and let's pick a different looking type face uh don't know should use I really do have too many that I don't even use anymore so I remember what they are let's use this one that might look nice scale it up to a bigger size and as you know I'm gonna always do now just fix this up a little bit of space this and I don't have to necessarily do this right now so for example I think I wantto make the curving like that but before I go any farther let's see what it looks like in goal all I do is go to stiles click on this button bang it's done now what happens if I'm not entirely pleased with the way it looks maybe I'm using a different style of type or different size where it looks a little off that's okay because remember when you click on that layer style button it's adding the styles down here in our layers panel so I could go on and say I think I want to readjust this setting or maybe try a different one of these contours maybe in this particular case I think I might like something different like this I actually don't but let's pretend I do so I'm still building off of a style but I am creating it the way I want and most importantly are as importantly perhaps I did not have to rast arise or change the type this is just a style that I'm applying so there's a lot of times where we use ken you styles in photo shop for me using styles with text is probably one of the prime times now the one thing that you might run into is let's imagine I did all this and then I went to free transfer former decided my type needed to be that big and now when I do all of a sudden the layer style doesn't look quite as nice anymore what I may have to do is go back into the style and decide ok I need to lower these numbers now because I lowered the size of the type so when you scale type the style might have to be adjusted because the numbers are not a lot but again that's still a nice problem to have is just say it already looks pretty darn good let me just adjust it according now a reminder that later on when we do talk about presets we'll talk about how you make sure you preserve all these presets so you can have them back again so for today's kind of little assignment is to find yourself a photograph that would look good with some texts on it and just try putting two or three lines of text maybe put some text inside a shape at this point I'm not as much concerned about creating the most aesthetically beautiful thing as you getting a feel for what it's like to work with type players and different types type in a box type in a shape type on the path kerney tracking all those good things and tomorrow we're going to do something else again I forgot to check my notes so I'll find out tomorrow what it is we'll see you then
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Melinda Wong
Very good teaching. I really liked how clear Dave was with everything, the order he taught the material, and I thought the stories were very helpful. I REALLY wanted to understand photoshop and extremely thankful for his wisdom and knowledge. Thank you so much! This is what was holding me back from getting my photography started! :) It just seemed so intimidating and now I have a greater understanding.
a Creativelive Student
Lots of information! Initially I thought I'd just watch the free version as I already have several Creativelive videos on Photoshop but I really like how the classes are broken into subjects and shorter, 1 hour sessions-it will make reviewing much easier! I love Dave's teaching style-he covers everything very well. (Plus the fact that he's Canadian, eh?) :D Thanks for offering such a great course! I'd would love to see Dave do a similar one on Illustrator.
a Creativelive Student
I'm a beginner and have found that the information Dave gives is great, although a little to fast at times. I'd like to buy the course but am curious. If I purchase can I watch it and pause it and rewind it? That would be extremely important to me. Thanks for a great service CreativeLive...
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