Lightroom CC- Mobile: Localized Adjustments
Lesson 25 from: Lightroom CC: Organizing Your Digital Photo LifeJared Platt

Lightroom CC- Mobile: Localized Adjustments
Lesson 25 from: Lightroom CC: Organizing Your Digital Photo LifeJared Platt
Lesson Info
25. Lightroom CC- Mobile: Localized Adjustments
Class Introduction
02:25 2Creative Cloud Construct
31:15 3Lightroom Classic vs. Lightroom CC
11:16 4Importing and Organization
10:06 5Folder and Album Creation
03:08 6Image Selection
25:17 7Connectivity and Data
14:29 8Finding Images in Lightroom CC
12:05Basic Editing in Lightroom CC: Light
17:17 10Basic Editing in Lightroom CC: Color
09:34 11Basic Editing in Lightroom CC: Effects
03:25 12Basic Editing in Lightroom CC: Optics
03:46 13Basic Editing in Lightroom CC: Crop and Straighten
03:32 14Basic Editing in Lightroom CC: Clone and Healing Brush
11:21 15Basic Editing in Lightroom CC: Gradient Tool
07:03 16Basic Editing in Lightroom CC: Radial Filter and Brush Tool
17:38 17Working With Presets
13:17 18Basic Editing in Lightroom CC: Geometry
09:44 19Going Beyond Lightroom CC Into Photoshop
06:37 20Basic Editing in Lightroom CC: Dehaze Tool
12:37 21Photoshop Connection
07:07 22Lightroom CC Mobile
14:46 23Lightroom CC - Mobile: Settings
11:11 24Lightroom CC- Mobile: Basic Editing
08:04 25Lightroom CC- Mobile: Localized Adjustments
12:03 26Lightroom CC- Mobile: Curves
04:04 27Lightroom CC - Mobile: Cropping and Gradients
05:00 28Lightroom CC - Geometry
07:38 29Lightroom CC : Keywords and Tracking Images
13:48 30Using Lightroom Mobile Camera
14:05 31Lightroom Mobile: Importing Images
20:34 32Lightroom CC - Mobile: Color and Brightness
31:17 33Sharing Images on CC / Web / Mobile
07:31 34Sharing Images Using Adobe Spark
07:08 35How to Use Adobe Spark Post
06:23 36Sharing Albums in Lightroom CC
06:00 37Editing in Lightroom Classic
14:45 38Sharing Images From Lightroom Classic
21:40 39Differences Between Lightroom Classic and Lightroom CC
11:14 40Lightroom Classic and Lightroom CC Q&A
19:33Lesson Info
Lightroom CC- Mobile: Localized Adjustments
Now we're gonna go into our into our localized adjustments, so that's that little button that looks like a circle with dots around it. So that one, if we hit the plus button over here on the left hand corner. So I click on that. I have either brush, I have a radial filter, or I have a... gradient. So I'm gonna choose the gradient right now because what I've got going on down here in the sand is that it's a little bit too bright in the sand, I want it to be a lot darker so that you're pushed further out into the ocean so that you can see those two structures. And I know that this doesn't seem really bright to you but to me it seems a little too bright. I'm looking at too much of this sand stuff and I don't wanna see it. So I can do two things. I can either choose how its gonna look and then do the burn, or I can do the burn and then choose how the burn's gonna look. So I can go either way. So I'll show you the first way. If I got to light, I can take the exposure down and say "okay, I'm...
not looking at the rest of the photo, I'm just looking at the sand". So I'm gonna look at that sand and I'm gonna let go right about there. Because it is black sand, so this sand is black. So I want it to be dark. So I can choose how dark I want that to be but notice when I let go it goes back to normal even though the exposure is down minus a half a stop. So what happens now is that now my gradient is loaded with that effect. So then I just simply grab on the bottom here and I drag my gradient up like this, and wherever that red is that's what I'm gonna get that exposure on. So I'm gonna go all the way up to about here. I'm gonna drag this down so that it's a little bit of a slower gradient. And then if you grab the edges you can twist that gradient a bit so we'll twist it just a bit. And then I can grab the middle of it and I can move it up and down like this. I'm gonna move it up a little bit and still turn it just a slight bit. Okay so now you can see that that gradient is now in force and I can still go in a readjust it. So I can go in and grab it and now I can go back and forth and see exactly what that's gonna look like, like that. Now remember, I also have the ability to erase out of that. So I can click on this eraser tool right here and once I'm on the eraser I can choose how big that eraser is gonna be. So I click on this top one and it tells me how big. So I want it to be about that small. And I can also tell what my feathering is gonna be. So I want feathering about like that. And then I can also tell how strong it's gonna be by moving this up and down. So I click on this and I go up or down with it. And we're gonna do it like that. Okay so my eraser now is a brush that's working on this same gradient pin. So I'm gonna click right here and I'm just gonna erase out here because I don't want that gradient to go anywhere near the shore. So I'm just making sure that my gradient did not hit the shore. So now if I hold on to that, you can tell it to auto show the overlay or you can tell it to never show the overlay. So I want it to actually show... there. So when I click on it I'm showing the overlay and you can see, I still wanna erase a little bit more out of that, so I wanna erase right there. If I hold it, it's almost like you're right clicking. So I hold it and I can say auto show or I can never show the red overlay. So if I do that then I'm gonna make a new one because this time I wanna use a brush. So I'm gonna use a brush, click on here, And I'm gonna choose the size of my brush, about that... big. And it needs to feather quite a bit and we're gonna just do kind of a low opacity. So now what I'm gonna so is I'm gonna actually brush in where I wanna go first and then I'll start working. So I wanna work with that, this area right here. I'm working with this area because I want that light kind of frothy look in the ocean, I want to play with that. So I brushed in and now I'm gonna go in. And I actually need to erase a little bit. So I'm gonna click on that so I can see it. See I need to erase it off of the sand. So I just did a basic brush and now I'm going in and erasing off of the sand, so it's not gonna affect the sand. And I don't need it to affect up here in the sky. So I've got a pretty good selection now of just that frothiness in the water. And if I want I can also go back into the brush, and I can grab this and do even a smaller brush and actually increase the opacity so I get more stuff laid down. I'm gonna go way low on that size, like that. And then I can come in right here and brush a little bit more. Sorry about that red dot, that red dot makes it hard for you to see exactly, but it shows you where I'm touching. I wish I could make that red dot smaller. Okay so now I'm gonna go up here and grab my exposure, because I haven't done anything yet, all I've done is brushed in where I want it to affect. And I'm gonna take the exposure up. See how I can play with that frothiness? So I'm just gonna bring the frothiness up a little bit, right about like that. That's probably too much, a little bit less. There. And then I'm also gonna go into my effects panel and I'm gonna take my clarity down. So when I take my clarity down it's gonna remove contrast. So its gonna make it a little more soft and so I'm gonna grab the clarity and I'm gonna pull it down. Do you see if I go up, see how it's sharp? And if I got down it's kind of softer. So I'm just gonna make it a little bit more, feels like it's a little bit more like it's churning and there's moisture around it. So now I've got that little line of frothiness. So I like the photo, once I'm done with all my burning and dodging. And the last thing that I wanna do is click on that plus and I'm gonna create a radial. So a radial gradient is just instead of a line it starts in the center and moves out, or it starts out here and moves in. And you can choose that after you create your radial. So I got my radial selected here and I'm gonna right here where the sun is and I'm gonna make a radial about the size of the sun. So you see how I've selected it and I'm following that eminence that's coming out. So as it emanates out I wanna follow that and then I'm going to choose whether it's going to be outside or inside of this gradient. So you see how the gradient right now is inside the circle. If I click on this little button right over here, if I click on it, it's outside. So I'm gonna do inside because I wanna actually wanna negate that sun a little bit so I don't want it to be quite as bright as it is. So I click on there and then I'm gonna go over to the light and I'm gonna take the highlights down just a little bit. See how I can play with that? And I'm just changing how bright my sun is actually gonna be. And I just want it to be a little bit, there. So I'm just pulling it down just a little bit so that it doesn't seem quite so bright. So now I think that I've got my image exactly the way I want it, so I'm gonna hit done. So down here at the very bottom, right down here, you can see that there's a done button, a cancel button, and an undo button. If I click that undo, it undoes the whole thing. That means my radial, my brush, and my gradient all go away. So I need to hit done in order for that to lock itself in to all of that. So don't hit cancel cause you'll lose all three, not just one. If for some reason you wanted to go into there and click on, say that one, and you wanted to get rid of one pin, you just simply come in and delete it. So you use that little pin right over there. Alright. And I think I might have, no. I was afraid I might have painted something over there. Okay, so if you wanna get rid of this frothiness here, you could delete it or you could come back in once it's blue then it's active and you're working on it. So you could come in here and say "I want to increase the brightness here and not use the exposure, I wanna use the highlights and just bring up the highlights a little bit". So however you wanna do that, then hit done and that locks in those changes. So I like it the way it is, I don't necessarily need all of that space in the bottom so I could unlock the crop so that it's not following a specific aspect ratio and then I can bring it up like say, there, I think that's a better crop for it. And then I'm gonna hit done, and then I've got my final image. Okay, so, I like that image. So now, once we're done with that image, I'm gonna go back out like this and if I go away from that image, so I'm no longer on that image, now it synchronizes all of those changes. But notice that it already is saying that it's done. So it happens so fast. So now, I can come back over here to this image here, you see that synchronizing right now? So I'm in my computer, it's synchronizing, and as soon as that finishes synchronizing then that image is going to pop down and it's going to be cropped and it's gonna be adjusted the way, there we go I think it's doing it right about now. So if I click on here, there it is. So now all of those changes that I made have been made into the file on my computer as well. And it's both the original file so I can then share or work on that, here as well. So it's a pretty impressive tool. Okay so now let's go to another image because I wanna show you the idea of moving back and forth between these two. Obviously we just moved over here to see it and to work with it and play with it. But now we're gonna go onto this file here. We're going to edit Gustav's castle and I'm gonna come in and the first thing I'm gonna do always is to work on the exposure and all of that. So I just want it to be a little bit brighter. So all I'm thinking about, whatever you're working on the basic exposures you're always thinking about the main subject. If that was a person, look at the person. Think about the main subject, edit for that. So I'm gonna start by thinking about the main subject, that's the castle. So I'm looking at the castle and I'm bringing up the exposure so that it's a really nice bright whitish look. And then I'm gonna take the black back down so that that roof gets back where it should be.
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Ratings and Reviews
This class blew my mind! As a full-time professional photographer, with a very complicated workflow (that is next to impossible to explain to my assistant) I cannot express how essential this class is to overhauling and simplifying my workflow. I am so excited to finally be able to split my workflow between multiple laptops and work stations WITHOUT having to build a server at my studio. I love that I now have a framework to start building a new organizational and backup system that I can easily train others on, and mobilize quickly. With all of the changes and improvements that Adobe is bringing to Lightroom CC & Classic, this class is integral to understanding and utilizing the program to its fullest potential! Jared Platt is a wonderful teacher and this class especially is perfect for novices and seasoned professionals alike!
a Creativelive Student
I was lucky enough to participate in-studio for this class. Jared is a great presenter and broke down the complicated Lightroom CC vs. Lightroom Classic changes. His conversational style of presenting kept things interesting and participants involved. This course was much more than just learning what the programs do. Jared walked through sample workflows to show when and why you would use the multitude of sliders and editing tools within the program. The course is worth every penny! Topics will remain pertinent well after newer versions of Lightroom CC and Classic are released.
I won't be able to watch all of this, but I purchased it anyway. Jared's ability to address the technical as well as the artistic aspects of Lightroom is unparalleled. He is one of my preferred presenters, especially for Lightroom. I especially appreciate how he has clarified the differences among the versions of Lightroom that are available. Thank you Jared!